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"Standard English" is the core of the concept of people-oriented. Emphasized for all students at the same time, each student individual attention, respect for individual differences. In rural junior high school levels of students learning English in secondary schools in teaching English teachers are faced with the difficulties of teaching the practice of teaching the use of stratification to some extent to resolve the issue of teaching is beneficial from all aspects of improving the quality of teaching in rural the use of progressive teaching junior high school grade-separated better idea of the embodiment of this teaching. Stratified progressive teaching is that teachers of students according to existing knowledge, ability and potential students tend to be divided into several groups with similar levels of their respective groups and differential treatment, these groups in appropriate hierarchical teacher interaction strategies and best development and improvement. The implementation of tiered progressive teaching, can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and effectively the teaching focus from "teaching" to "learning" the transfer will not only enable students to "learn", and allow students to "learn" so that teachers really students into productive learning activities. Stratified progressive teaching, but also to create a harmonious and advance incentives.

269 评论


你好,很高兴为你解答。保证正确率~!【翻译】:The first analysis of the smoking prevalence among college students at ChongQing Higher Education Mega Center and its influencing factors.重庆大学城在校大学生吸烟现状及影响因素的初探Abstract ( 摘要):The survey is intended to discuss the influencing factors of undergraduates smoking and the recognition of how much tobaccos affect human bodies , which offers important information for college students at ChongQing Higher Education Mega Center about creating a new way to prevent and control smoking .目的探讨影响在校大学生吸烟的因素及对烟草与健康危害程度的认知情况,为重庆大学城的学生们预防和控制吸烟研发出创新的方法和制定措施提供重要的信息。The survey adopts the way of stratified random sampling . About 228 college students of two universities at ChongQing Higher Education Mega Center are asked to fill in the questionnaires , and there are 222 valid ones.方法采取分层随机抽样方法,对重庆市大学城2所大学228名大学生进行自填问卷调查,有效问卷为222份。As a result , the total smoking rate is . The medical professional college students cover , and scientific technology ones ( cover) . Besides, of them are boys , and are girls . The smoking rate of boys is significantly higher than that of girls (chi-square = , P < ). It has become a major psychological factor of college students' smoking that the parents , relatives and friends ' smoking and attitudes as wellas their sadness or depression.结果总吸烟率。其中医学类专业大学生吸烟率,理工类吸烟率。男生吸烟率,女生吸烟率。男生显著高于女生(χ 2= < )。父母亲友吸烟、对吸烟的态度、感到伤心、心情抑郁等是影响大学生吸烟的主要社会心理因素。So it is concluded that college students' smoking rate gets higher and the differences between the genders exist . Factors that affect college students' smoking behaviors include personal, psychological, behavioral and environmental factors, etc. According to the main factors affecting college students' smoking , we should deal with the problem from multiple perspectives, actively pay attention to the education of mental health , and specially strengthen the prevention and control of smoking behaviors.结论大学生吸烟率较高,不同性别吸烟率存在差异。影响大学生吸烟行为的因素包括个人、心理、行为及环境因素等。根据影响大学生吸烟行为的主要因素,应从多方面着手,积极开展心理健康教育,针对性加强其吸烟行为的预防和控制。Key words : smoking , influencing factors , college students , the harm caused by tobaccos.关键词:吸烟;影响因素;大学生;烟草危害支持原创,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~望采纳,祝开心~!!!

83 评论


The application of stratifiedand progressive teaching in the junior high school English teaching in rural areas.

134 评论



333 评论


题目:In 105m2cm fuel crushing system improvement and Steel ironmaking plant of 105 square meters of fuel crushing system through the implementation of technological transformation and improvement of operation method, improve the working efficiency of four roll crusher, satisfy the 3 x 105 square meters of sintering machine demand for fuel, reducing solid fuel consumption in the sintering process, and effectively prolongs the using period of the four roll skin.

89 评论


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