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319 评论


题目翻译如下Retail development of banking business in terms of the commercial bank。内容翻译如下The commercial bank retail business is commercial bank important business field and the invisible income source. In developed country commercial bank invisible income, the retail business occupies decisive position at present. But, the commercial bank of our country retail business still is in the junior stage , develops relative lagging , there exists a lot of problem. The finance job opens our country in 2006 to the outside world completely , the competition coming from a foreign bank gradually fierce , how to accelerates the important problem developing the commercial bank retail business becoming our country commercial bank existing and developing. Therefore, study commercial bank retail business present situation and have the problem, discuss the have reality and far-reaching countermeasure general plan significance that the retail business develops. Have problem has started off in the main body of a book being developed mainly from our country commercial bank present situation sum , has answered our country commercial bank developing retail business important strategy significance, measure waits for a series of problem as well as every commercial bank competing for middle , our country in gradually fierce bank ought to adopt.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

237 评论


On the commercial banks in the development of retail banking Commercial banks commercial banks in the retail business is an important business areas and a source of income. At present, commercial banks in developed countries, income, retail business occupies a decisive position. China's commercial banks and retail business is still in its infancy, development is lagging behind, there are many problems. China's financial industry in 2006 to completely open up, from foreign banks increasingly competitive, how to speed up the development of commercial banks in the retail business to become China's commercial banks to survive and development. Therefore, the study of commercial banks in the retail business development status and problems to explore the response of retail business development strategy with realistic and far-reaching significance. In this paper, mainly from the development of China's commercial banks in the status quo and development problems, the answer to the development of China's commercial banks retail business major strategic significance, as well as banks in the increasingly fierce competition, China's commercial banks should adopt a series of measures programs,

257 评论


Since ChinaUniversityEnrollment began inthe latenineteen ninties,college students employment difficult problemarose,in recent years,decreasedinitial employmentrate of university graduates,supply and demand ratiois increased,the employment situation is not optimistic,receivedwidespread attention from all sectors of society,college studentsemploymentproblem has become one ofthe most last outbreak of the financialcrisis sweeping the globe,so that morecollege students employmentdifficult,this paper analyzesthe employment situation of university studentsfrom many aspects,in order tolet the studentsunderstand the currentsocial situation,the employment problemand thus a better solution补充:The characteristics ofthe largestemployment of college students isthe totalincrease ingraduates,high,andemployment situation ofwhole andnot improved the status quois contradictory,the difficult employment of college studentshasbecome an indisputable fact,investigate its reason,mainly is thedislocation oftalent supply andmarket demand,and thegraduates'Comprehensive toimprove the quality of personnel training,is the key tosolvethe difficult problem ofemployment of university students.

285 评论


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