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重庆火锅是咱们当今中国一种非常特色的美食,也是重庆的一种比较传统的饮食。起源于明代,很多人到重庆都必须吃到的一种美食。但是很多人都不太了解关于重庆的火锅文化。大家对于重庆火锅文化的了解有多少呢? 接下来,就让我们一起从 饮食文化 的角度一起来寻找答案吧!重庆火锅的文化特色 1、它表现了中国烹饪的包容性。“火锅”一词既是炊具、盛具的名称,还是技法、“吃”法与炊具、盛具的统一。 2、表现了中国饮食之道蕴含的和谐性。从原料、汤料的采用到烹调技法的配合,同中求异,异中求和,使荤与素、生与熟、麻辣与鲜甜、嫩脆与绵烂、清香与浓醇等美妙地结合在一起。特别在民俗风情上,重庆火锅呈现出一派和谐与淋漓酣畅相溶之场景和心理感受,营造出一种“同心、同聚、同享、同乐”的文化氛围。 3、有较大的普及性。在重庆,上到官员,下到百姓,无一不偏爱重庆火锅,几乎家家都会做。 重庆火锅的影响力 由于重庆火锅的影响,四川地区的火锅逐渐兴盛起来,内容更加充实。四川地区的大部分火锅以重庆火锅为主流,各地火锅为支流一起汇合成一条美食之河。随着岁月的推移,重庆火锅逐渐风靡全国名扬四方,出现了“德庄”、“小天鹅”、“秦妈”、“孔亮”、“苏大姐”、“奇火锅”等火锅大型品牌企业。其中,获得中国驰名商标和着名商标的火锅企业有10家,年营业额超亿元的火锅企业有17家,先后进入全国餐饮百强企业14家。在2005年度全国餐饮百强的20强火锅企业中,重庆占到了11家。 重庆火锅不仅香飘国内大中城市、边陲小镇,而且作为巴渝文化的一部分远渡重洋,在日本和南洋落户。在港台,重庆火锅十分走红,在国外,如日本、美国、俄罗斯等,重庆火锅也有一定影响。中国专门派深圳华夏小吃培训重庆火锅特级厨师陈大顺到日本去献艺,日本朋友十分推崇,并且赞不绝口,认为重庆火锅是“中国美食第一”,可见重庆火锅的诱人魅力和影响。 重庆火锅申遗 2014年,重庆火锅正式申请国家级非物质文化遗产保护。目前,在我国国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录中,与饮食相关的项目并不少见,但是在世界级非物质文化遗产保护名录中,中国饮食却是一个空白。重庆市火锅协会相关人士表示,重庆火锅申国遗,主要是申请对传统炒料工艺、技艺及火锅器具、吃火锅的饮食方式等进行保护,同时希望重庆火锅的传统技艺及火锅文化能在大工业生产中传承下来。

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In the 1920s, it developed and expanded in Jiangbei City, Chongqing. Generally, the peddler buys the buffalo tripe, cleans and cooks it, and then cuts the liver and stomach into small pieces.


A clay stove was placed on the shoulder, and a large iron basin was placed on the stove. In the basin, there was a kind of spicy and salty sauce, so the laborers at the bridge end of the river were surrounded by the burden.


Every one of them decided that it was not only economical, but also caloric to eat a certain amount of hot food. It was not until the 23rd year of the Republic of China.


Only a small restaurant in Chongqing city has upgraded it. It has been moved from the shoulder to the table. The clay stove is still there. It has only replaced the divided iron basin with a small red copper pot, and the stew and dip are also changed to be coordinated by the customers themselves, so as to be clean and suitable for the taste of Chongqing people.


112 评论


Play on several occasions to Chongqing, a taste of the mountain city of Chongqing charming style and forthright character, but the most memorable is that I Chongqing hot hot pot with spicy known, are renowned for their large pan behalf pot, red soup bowl is rolling, floating on Ma pepper noodles, pepper, and some I could not utter the name of condiments. Red pot looks like giving the feeling of hot and spicy, often make us foreign tourists daunting. The face of "spicy very tough battle, hemp was badly" Chongqing hot pot, do you dare to try? ——Red beans

322 评论


Chongqing Hot Pot: Hot pot - is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing. Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty, which is noted for its peppery and hot taste, scalding yet fresh and tender. People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal, electric or gas filled with flavorful and nutritious soup base. You have a choice of spicy, pure and combo for the soup base. Thin sliced raw variety meat, fish, various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base. You then dip them in a little bowl of special sauce. Be careful since the spicy soup base is burning hot. First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan. Now is a very popular local flavor and can be found at every corner of the city. There are a great variety of hotpots, including Yueyang Hotpot, Four Tastes Hotpot, Yashan Hotpot and Fish Head Hotpot. If you are adventurous enough, you can basically cook anything with hot pot, ., pig's brain and duck's kidney. Chongqing people love their hotpot, especially when the weather is steamy. The fire dances under the pot, the heavily oiled and spiced soup boils with hazy steam, and the people are bathed in sweat. Although hotpot can be found wherever there are street vendors or small restaurants, chongqing Hot pot has the greatest variety and is known for its delicious soup base and dipping sauce. Chongqing Malatang: The other famous local food is hot and spicy Mala Tang. Literally, "ma" means numbness in the mouth, "la" is chili hot and "tang" means piping hot. Mala Tang, with various raw ingredients cooked in a communal pot of steaming stock blended with spices, originated in Sichuan's largest city, Chongqing. The double-sided soup pot, placed on a central table burner, is the focal point of the meal. Powerfully hot Mala Tang soup and fresh tasting chicken broth, side by side, are popular. Ingredients include fresh sliced abalone, sea cucumber, hog tendon, Beijing cabbage and beef dumpling, prawns, carp fish fillet, bean curd, chicken fillet and vegetables. The excellent dipping mixture of sesame oil, chili sauce, peanut sauce, chopped chilies and garlic combine to make magic. Savory tidbits are appetizingly tasty - egg coated glutinous square, crispy spring roll, fried buns, eight treasure black rice and water chestnut jelly.如有词汇不懂就说在字典上找的

115 评论


Chongqing hot potHot pot, everywhere, but the most authentic, taste the best number is also the Chongqing hot pot, so students in Chongqing people like to characteristics of Chongqing hot pot is hot, hot, hemp, because these three points that Chongqing hot pot is well-known in the world. One is Ma:when we eat hot pot, the first thing he saw was the prickly ash. The pot ofpepper if you eat the last, standard to ensure that you don't stop eating when your dish to be careful not to let it slip into your dish. Two is the hotspicy: few city than we Chongqing also spicy, began to eat hot pot, saw thepot of oil, it must be "hot" to. If you take a bite, you must be hot to keep drinking water. But when you drink, not stop, will involuntarily began to it's not dull as ditch water. The hot, hot satisfy a craving, spicy comfortable. Speak with Chongqing accent, is hot "just"! The three is hot,looked at the pot, you don't have to worry about disinfection not. This problem at the pot was out of the bubble, that temperature is high, if youpick up food immediately eat, must put your tongue out hot several bubble,only in the bowl to cool for a while, you can addition Chongqing hot pot and a lot of eat, mainly washing and : coming folder, in the pot boiled. The key is to distinguish between a variety of materials not all materials can be boiled food. Generally speaking,tender texture, crisp materials suitable for the rinse water. Cook: namely thematerials into soup cooked. Such as tendons, mushroom, starch, chickensuitable for cooking. These materials texture is dense, must pass through the long time to cook to pot as our food on behalf of Chongqing, its spicy, the taste of it as weChongqing passionate character, unforgettable!不知可以吗?

133 评论


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