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i have a bottle of milk,and he was so sweet and fragrant,i really like

201 评论




dairy cattle

milch cow

奶牛场 cattle farm ; dairy ; dairy cattle field ; Dairy cattle farm

奶牛畜栏 dairy corral

奶牛礼品盒 Dairy gift box ; Cow Gift Box

奶牛农民 Dairy Cattle Farmer

奶牛舍 dairy barn ; dairy cow house ; dairy cattle feedlot ; dairy-cow house

奶牛胚胎 cows embryo ; cows ' embryo ; dairy embryo ; bovine embryos

1. A mature cow has horns.


2. Five cows graze serenely around a massive oak.


3. Suddenly the cow kicked up its hind legs.


4. The cows' rumps were marked with a number.


5. The cow says "moo-moo".


6. cows taken for slaughter


7. We have no milk to sell; the cows have dried up.

奶牛没奶了; 我们没有牛奶可卖.

8. The cow is milking heavily.


9. We watched the cow suckling her calves.


10. Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk.

人们 饲养 奶牛来为我们提供牛奶.

11. Each family possesses at least three milk cows.


12. Cows supply us with milk.


13. All passengers should be eliminated from dairy herds.


14. His herd of 170 dairy cattle and 200 young stock are kept on the land.


15. A driver was killed in a freak accident when a cow fell from a bridge.



1. 奶牛基础知识

2. 有关奶牛的谜语

3. “抗生素”英语怎么说

4. 牛的英文是什么

5. 跨栏用英语怎么说

157 评论


问题一:奶牛英语单词怎么写? cow 问题二:奶牛的英语单词? Cow 奶牛.............. 问题三:奶牛英语怎么说 问题四:白领女性的职场生活是怎么样的? 楼上的,那是传说中! 其实还有黑眼圈亚健康过劳死啥的。各地的不一样吧。 问题五:奶牛的英文是什么 cow 问题六:奶牛英语单词怎么写? cow 问题七:奶牛的英语单词? Cow 奶牛.............. 问题八:白领女性的职场生活是怎么样的? 楼上的,那是传说中! 其实还有黑眼圈亚健康过劳死啥的。各地的不一样吧。 问题九:奶牛的英文? milk 问题十:牛的英文单词 Bovine 牛的;牛科动物 Bull 公牛 Ox 牛;公牛 Cow 母牛 Calf 犊牛 Feeder cattle 架子牛;育肥母牛 Yak 牦牛 Dairy cattle 奶牛American-brown bovine 美国褐牛 Ayrshire cattle 爱尔夏牛 Chinese Holstein cattle 中国黑白花奶牛 Guernsey 更赛牛;(格恩西奶牛) Holstein-Friesian 菏斯坦黑白花奶牛 Jersey cattle 娟姗牛 Red-White Dairy Cattle 红白花奶牛 Switzerland brown cattle 瑞士褐牛 Beef cattle 肉牛 Angus cattle安格斯牛 Charolais cattle 夏洛来牛 Droughtermaster 抗旱王肉牛 Hereford cattle 海福特牛 Limousin cattle 利穆赞牛 Dual-purpose cattle 乳肉兼用牛 Chinese red steppe 中国草原红牛 Danish red cattle 丹麦红牛 Sanhe cattle 三河牛 Simmental 西门塔尔牛 Buffalo 水牛 Dechang buffalo 德昌水牛 Murrah buffalo 摩拉水牛 Niliravi buffalo 尼里拉菲水牛 Chinese cattle 中国牛 Bohai black cattle 渤海黑牛 Jinnan cattle 晋南牛 Luxi cattle 鲁西牛 Mongolian cattle 蒙古牛 Nanyang cattle 南阳牛 Qinchuan cattle 秦川牛 Yanbian yellow cattle 延边黄牛

332 评论


This morning, I looked at a table arrayed with a glass of milk, then the situation which was not thought through the cow, if the cleaning is the greatest human beings, then the cow is the greatest animal kingdom animal, and it Always with his selfless dedication to their most precious asset is the only dedicated human, cow milk can provide. Can help farmers make money, can provide beef. Also can produce milk, but it ignored its own, perhaps they would think that as long as human happiness, they will be very happy, I like them lovely expression, and small but clear pupil of the eye, but I was more concerned about their selfless spirit of !今天早上,我望着桌子上摆着的一杯牛奶,便情不自经的想到了奶牛,如果说清洁工是人类中最伟大的,那么奶牛便是动物界中最伟大的动物了,它总是无私的奉献着自己,把自己最宝贵的,也是仅有的财富献给了人类,奶牛可以提供牛奶。可以帮奶农赚钱,可以提供牛肉。还可以生产奶粉,但却忽视了自己,也许它们会认为只要人类快乐,它们便会很开心,我挺喜欢它们那可爱的表情,和小而清澈的眸子, 但我却更在意它们的无私精神!

256 评论


The cows looked very strong and frightening. They had two big horns and two ears on their heads, and two big nostrils on their nose. The spots on their backs were black and white, as if they were wearing a pretty dress.中文意思是:奶牛看起来十分强壮,让人畏惧,它们的头上有两个大角和两只耳朵,鼻子上有两个大大的鼻孔,牛背上的花斑黑白相间,像穿上了一件漂亮的花衣。你可以参考一下

182 评论


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