英国茶和咖啡文化有一件事,英国和中国文化共享是一个爱的好茶。今天,当我们认为西方的茶文化,我们通常会想到英国和中国美丽的茶杯。下午茶人们相信一个英语公爵夫人安娜,第七贝德福德公爵夫人(1788 - 1861)首先介绍了下午茶的想法。在18世纪和19世纪,英国只吃两个主餐每一天——早餐和沉重的晚餐,晚上持续数小时。因此,人们常常很饿在漫长的等待这些两餐之间。为了解决这个问题,公爵夫人的想法是好的,邀请一些朋友加入她的一个下午4点至5点之间饭点。这顿饭包括蛋糕和三明治,茶是用来冲洗食物。为了使这个下午餐重要,精致瓷器杯子和盘子,银茶壶,刀子,叉子和勺子被使用。很快,下午茶党成为受欢迎的社交场合。今天,下午茶党继续发挥重要作用的社会生活的富人在现代英国。你愿意来喝咖啡吗?咖啡也有一个重要的角色,英国文化。人们经常使用单词“将你来喝咖啡吗?“的意思是“你愿意来我家吃一个聊天吗?“通常情况下,几种不同的饮料,比如茶,热巧克力或软饮料像橙汁将服务以及咖啡,你会问什么你都会喜欢。然而,您通常将不会被提供葡萄酒在“咖啡”党。咖啡馆和伦敦证券交易所在17世纪的伦敦,咖啡馆都忙,嘈杂的地方。商人和银行家去咖啡馆去做他们的业务,以及喝咖啡。事实上,伦敦证交所被认为已经开始从这些咖啡馆。
浅析中国茶文化和法国咖啡文化之比较 [论文关键词]中国茶文化法国咖啡文化比较分析 [论文摘要]中国是茶文化的发源地,茶在... 热点论文 中日文化差异对商务谈判的影响及 论中国的昆虫文化 浅谈英汉习语中的文化差异 在当前中国网络文化...
English Tea And Coffee CultureOne thing that British and Chinese cultures share is a love for fine tea. Today, when we think of Western tea culture, we often think of the English and beautiful china tea TeaPeople believe that an English duchess, Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford (1788-1861) first introduced the idea of afternoon tea. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the English ate only two main meals each day - breakfast and heavy supper that would last several hours in the evening. As a result, people often got very hungry during the long wait between these two meals. To solve this problem, the Duchess came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five o'clock. This meal included cakes and sandwiches, and tea was served to wash down the food. In order to make this afternoon meal important, fine china cups and plates, and silver teapots, knives, forks and spoons were used. Soon, afternoon tea parties became popular social occasions. Today, afternoon tea parties continue to play an important part in the social life of wealthy people in modern you come for coffee?Coffee also has an important role in British culture. People often use the words "Will you come for coffee?" to mean "Would you like to come to my home for a chat?" Normally, several different drinks such as tea, hot chocolate or a soft drinks like orange juice will be served as well as coffee, and you will be asked what you would like. However, you will not normally be offered wine at a "coffee" and the London Stock ExchangeIn the 17th century London, coffeehouses were busy, noisy places. Merchants and bankers went to coffeehouses to do their business, as well as to drink coffee. In fact, the London Stock Exchange is believed to have started from these coffeehouses.自己找翻译网。。。
不一样的咖啡,不一样的味道;不一样的人生,不一样的品味. ——题记 周末的早晨,我冲了一小杯咖啡,放了几快冰糖和一点点的牛奶.渐渐的,香味开始溢出来,淡淡的