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我把各大城市关于SEO职位工资待遇的情况汇总下,希望对你有帮助。SEO(杭州) 6,416元SEO(北京) 5,087元seo(天津) 3,578元seo(宁波) 3,500元seo(佛山) 3,500元seo(武汉) 3,471元SEO(深圳) 3,197元seo(福州) 3,150元SEO(上海) 3,165元seo(广州) 2,569元seo(昆明) 2,566元seo(大连) 2,275元seo(济南) 2,100元seo(南京) 2,100元SEO(厦门) 1,890元seo(石家庄) 1,866元seo(哈尔滨) ¥1,633元seo(洛阳) ¥1,575元seo(重庆) ¥1,400元seo(南昌) ¥2,100元看到这里,大家是不是觉得SEO这个工作不值得去做,其实这个工资只是普通普通最普通的从业者的工资,也就是说,新手的工资!认识的一些SEO新手,基本上都在2000-3500之内的月薪,甚至在北京刚入门的seoer工资只有1000的。是不是这就说明这个工作没前途呢?当然不是!前途取决于个人!平均薪水那是平均,每个人的能力能平均吗?月薪过万的SEO高手不少,为什么别人能过万?不要强调别人入行早,收入这个东西呢,是和这个人创造的利润直接挂勾的,想做SEO这行,就得不断的完善自己,如果想走用SEO技术去得到一个高薪职位,就从SEO像SEM转变,单纯的SEO不好,技术容易学,理念思维可是难以学到的。seoer除了为企业做事外,更多seoer选择私干或者组队,做SEO赢利,比较多的是这两个模式:销售产品和做流量、投放广告。北京一个从seo入门到借助销售虚拟空间的朋友两年就在北京买到一套房子了,北京各行业seoer月薪6000大有人在,广州seoer一朋友在外贸公司负责网站月底薪8000,深圳有个招聘seo主管要求硕士学历月薪15000,学历本科月薪120000,还有在广州某seo公司开出12000的工资。在广州seoer招聘所标记薪水的平均水平:3000-4499。对于中等水平的SEOer月薪应该在6-8K,一个真正能为企业做好SEO的人才,所能创造的销售额,决不止一年40万。按照0底薪业务员的提成模式,20-30%%的提成来说,SEOer拿6-8K的薪水,绝不算多。当然,如果一个SEO人才,一年都没有为企业带来40万的订单,那说明不是这个SEOer太差,就是这个公司的产品本身缺乏竞争力。热心网友 | 2012-03-1950

为什么一定要在上海找呢?你要做什么词?其实有时候找个人的话效果会更好。主要是价钱相对低点。因为SEO公司化运作需要的资金比较多,所以不盈利是不行的。但是你要找个人或者团队的话就要好的多 建议你再考虑一下。如果需要可以百度“祝点点”找我。乐意为您解答或者介绍优化的高手!








True Happiness "Life, liberty and the pursuit of " The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth William James, the first American psychologist, echoed this emphasis on happiness: "If we were to ask the question: 'What is human life's chief concern? One of the answers we should receive would be: 'It is '" Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues! Today, scientists have joined the dialogue to seek answers about what contributes to happiness or, as they call it, "subjective well-being" If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest – Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never As captured by Eric Hoffer, a misguided search we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of



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