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美国《洛杉矶时报》2010年7月13号文章:中国担忧忘掉汉字——越来越多中国人发现自己常常忘记如何正确书写某个汉字 在手机和电脑上打字替代了汉字的书写笔画。许多中国人需要匆忙记录几个词时,才意识到完全不记得该怎么写。 马斯朗(音)高中毕业后去伦敦读了三年摄影,之后买了第一台电脑,从此他就开始逐渐忘记汉字书写了。 现如今这位30岁的时尚摄影师用母语书写就有困难,有天他要写个购物清单,突然发觉自己忘了该如何用汉字写“香波”。 他正在北京的苹果电脑店送修电脑,从自己的iPhone手机上抬头看了一眼说,“不可避免的我们会忘掉汉字,除非每周花几个小时练习写字,可谁又有这些时间呢?” 这是新形式的文盲,或者更确切的说:书写困难症,而且是中国独有的。病源就是类似苹果电脑店的地方,就是为中国的电脑科技迷而建。 典型受害人就是马斯朗这样的人,穿条纹T恤衫、短裤和人字拖,看起来就像著名服装品牌拉夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)广告里的男主角,年轻富裕又受过良好教育。 人们拥有的科技产品越多,比如手机、智能手机和电脑,手写汉字机会就越少。不管是在电脑或手机上,大部分中国人都使用汉语拼音输入,这是种常用的中文罗马拼写法,加上presto手机软件,人们就可以输入汉字了。不用手忙脚乱,也不用钢笔铅笔,更不用毛笔研墨。 “除了姓名地址,人们再也不用手书写任何汉字,”马斯朗承认这一点。 几乎你遇到的任何中国人都坦诚自己记忆力衰退,就像患老年痴呆的某个状态。握紧笔的手在纸上要写字时,突然出现了尴尬的停顿,而这些字在孩提时代不知道学习、重复默写过多少次。 《中国青年报》今年4月一项投票结果显示,2072名投票人中有83%承认有书写困难问题,这种现象很寻常以至于产生了专有名词:提笔忘字。 “有天我要写个便条,写‘再见’两字时,有点反应迟钝,因为我不确定我写那个‘再’字对不对,”18岁的大一新生程京(音)说。 某种程度上,类似的问题在世界任何地方都存在,人们越来越依赖科技而不是记忆,类似将大脑功能外包,许多论文都提出这个问题:计算机和互联网是否毁了人类的智力。 中国的情况则上升到了文化危机的高度,因为汉字比其它更能代表几千年传统生活的缩影。 汉字是世界上最古老的书写系统,持续使用至今;今天使用的汉字可追溯到公元前1200年前刻在龟甲上的象形文字。 尽管毛泽东1950年代指示将许多汉字简化,便于提高识字率,中国的儿童还是花大量时间记忆重复汉字写法。学生15岁之前每天都会有4到5小时时间练字,9年里至少要会写3000个汉字。 不过在中国文化中,书写不仅仅是为了交流,还是一种艺术和精神锻炼,许多人相信书法能够帮助集中精神,延年益寿,甚至提高武术技巧。 “这些汉字存在于每个中国人的灵魂深处,”38岁的书法老师王健学(音)说,来自哈尔滨的他正在琉璃厂街的书店翻阅书架上的书籍。琉璃厂里有许多商店卖毛笔、砚台、拓片、卷轴和古玩。“中国必须靠文字来维持自身的独特性。文字是我们的文化遗产。计算机只是个工具。” 店外一名男子身着白衣,正在马路上用水写字,他用来写字的东西看起来更像海绵拖把而不是毛笔。“这是我的爱好,” 41岁的王加中(音)说,他写了“春和怡荡”,然后看着字迹在烈日下蒸发消失。 “中国人现在只关心物质生活。甚至日本和韩国练习书法的人都比中国的多。这事儿怎么会发生在汉字的发源地?”他抱怨说。“政府得做点事儿。没有政府介入,人们不会关注。” 实际上中国政府已开始关注此事。2008年教育部咨询了3000名老师,发现有60%的老师抱怨学生书写能力持续下降。因此,教育部去年开展了一项书法竞赛,有1000万参与者,该试点项目旨在让更多学生练字。 “不是为了写漂亮的书法,”负责该项目的教育部官员于虹说。“我们就是想帮助学生重新开始写字。” 手写汉字的减少可能和手机更相关,而不是计算机的使用。中国人比世界其他国家的人更爱发短信,或许因为这种交流方式不那么昂贵,因为中文能用更少的字表达更多信息。 手机配备了手写笔和触摸屏后,你就可以写出你想要发送的内容,许多上年纪的中国人更偏爱这种方法。不过年轻人更熟悉字母,会用拼音或者缩写发送消息。 针对该问题,去年教育界人士召开了首个全国性会议。讨论补救措施时,有人要求大学生论文要手写,这或许能取得额外收益,假如学生们剽窃论文,从互联网剪贴粘贴内容时更困难。 “我跟我的学生说,我觉得看他们的手写体很愉快,不过我许多同事坦白说不愿意这么麻烦,”广西大学教授陆灵霄(音)说,他参加了在南宁召开的会议。“要是我的同事和政府都不能认真对待,我担心人们的识字水平会遭殃。” 许多年轻人对此事足够关切,自己要去学习书法。 “要保留中国文化需要付出巨大努力。和保护这些胡同一样。”北京24岁的大学毕业生朱林飞(音)说,她提到了古老的北京胡同,现在正快速消失在拆迁的铁锤下。 朱和她同学在逛琉璃厂这些老书店,要买些书法方面的书籍,她估计自己高中时认识的汉字已经忘了20%。 “不过这也不是什么大问题,”她说。“要是哪个字我不认识,拿手机查下就行了。”自己选一段吧!

一篇转自今天chinadaily的文章:Stocks nosedive after record high close China stocks took a roller coaster ride in the first two sessions after the Spring Festival, suffering a record daily tumble Tuesday after reaching an all-time high the previous day. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index, which tracks the bigger of China's stock exchanges, fell 268.81 points, or 8.84 per cent, to 2,771.79, the biggest fall in points since the index was launched. The Shenzhen Composite Index, which tracks the smaller of China's bourses, plummeted 66.3 points, or 8.54 per cent to 709.81. The Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index of major companies in the two bourses, lost 250.18 points, or 9.24 per cent to 2,457.49. Led by big caps, more than 900 stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen fell the daily limit of 10 per cent. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the nation's biggest lender, tumbled 7.86 per cent to 4.69 yuan. China Life, the country's biggest insurer, lost 9.02 per cent to 33.89 yuan. Industrial Bank, which made an A-share debut this month, was down 10 per cent to 24.11 yuan. China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), Asia's biggest refiner, fell 10 per cent to 8.90 yuan. China Vanke Co., the nation's biggest property developer, went from 9.97 percent to 14.26. Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., China's biggest steelmaker, dropped 9.98 percent to 9.02. Citic Securities Co., the nation's biggest publicly traded brokerage, lost 9.70 per cent to 36.21 yuan. The decline came as some investors judged the Shanghai Composite Index's record closing high Monday to be excessive relative to earnings potential, according to Bloomberg News. "The market's very sensitive as it's been trading at record levels and some stocks are considered overvalued," Fan Dizhao, who helps manage about $1.8 billion with Guotai Asset Management Co. in Shanghai was quoted as saying. "Investors are nervous about recent rapid gains and aren't convinced further share-price increases can be sustained." Speculation about possible measures against illegal capital also dragged on the stocks, hexun.com reported. The government is to introduce a series of measures to push the illegal capital out of the equity market during the annual session of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's top advisory body, the China Banking Regulatory Commission revealed Tuesday morning, according to speculations. Some analysts deemed the dive another round of natural correction as profit-taking pressure increased after the Shanghai index topped the psychologically important level of 3,000.


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SCI论文,就是被SCI索引收录的期刊所刊登的论文。SCI(Scientific Citation Index)是美国科学信息研究所(ISI)编辑出版的引文索引类刊物,创刊于1964年。

SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI(工程索引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引 ) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要。

《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, SCI)是由美国科学信息研究所( ISI)的尤金·加菲尔德(Eugene Garfield)于1957 年在美国费城创办的引文数据库,其覆盖生命科学、临床医学、物理化学、农业、生物、兽医学、工程技术等方面的综合性检索刊物,尤其能反映自然科学研究的学术水平,是目前国际上三大检索系统中最著名的一种,其中以生命科学及医学、化学、物理所占比例最大,收录范围是当年国际上的重要期刊,尤其是它的引文索引表现出独特的科学参考价值,在学术界占有重要地位。许多国家和地区均以被SCI收录及引证的论文情况来作为评价学术水平的一个重要指标。从SCI的严格的选刊原则及严格的专家评审制度来看,它具有一定的客观性,较真实地反映了论文的水平和质量。根据SCI收录及被引证情况,可以从一个侧面反映学术水平的发展情况。特别是每年一次的SCI论文排名成了判断一个学校科研水平的一个十分重要的标准。

SCI以《期刊目次》(Current Content)作为数据源,目前自然科学数据库有五千多种期刊,其中生命科学辑收录1350种;工程与计算机技术辑收录 1030种;临床医学辑收990种;农业、生物环境科学辑收录950种;物理、化学和地球科学辑收录900种期刊。各种版本收录范围不尽相同。





sci(Scientific Citation Index,)收录的期刊所刊登的文章,sci文章可以算是国际学术界的顶尖文章级别,sci文章可以代表本专业在全球的最先技术以及发展趋势,所以sci文章在学术界的认可度很高。因此SCI文章对于很多作者来说是对自身学术水平的最高认可,国内的越来越多的科研单位和博士生都是非常重视SCI文章的发表的,但即便是这些人员对SCI文章发表也是存在一定畏惧心理的,更别说大多数普通作者了。2、sci是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961 年创办出版的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引)、EI(工程索引)、ISTP(科技会议录索引)是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以 SCI 最为重要。










review article的意思是评论文章,即我们常见的评论性文章。research article的意思是论文, 是学术型作品。


review article常见于各大报刊媒体中,使用广泛,偏口语;research article仅限于学术场合,使用较少。


Our law review article on nontraditional law enforcement.


How to evaluation a surgical research article with skimming.




1、review article

英文发音:[rɪˈvjuː ˈɑːrtɪkl]



Other review article, it is of the topics on the progress of certain diseases and medical elaboration.


2、research article

英文发音:[ˈriːsɜːrtʃ ˈɑːrtɪkl]



A Contrastive Analysis on Generic Structure of Chinese and English Research Article Abstracts.














Preserving Natural Resources Thrdugh the changes'in the ways Of making a living in a family over several gen,erations, man has been warned against waste of natural resources and emphasizing the urgent need to preserve these resources. Ever since man appeared on the earth, man's survival has been heavily relied on nature. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes fromm'notate, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is tm'ned into furniture.With the development of technology and population growth, the amount and range of materials used has increased at an alarming rate.However, natural resources are not inexhaustible. Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them. The widespread water shortage is an example in point. If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the later generations would be in danger. It is up to us to take effective measures before the situation gets out of hand.

People make friends with nature

Once upon a time , people didn’t kown the nature is important for us. We thought plants and animals is less important than people . But this answer is wrong . We did many wrong things for the other living things .For example , in 1850 ,millions of Pesserger Pigeon live in the USA. Every year, When the Pigeon flew north to spend the summer in Canada ,peopleKilled them quckily . At the end ,The Pigeon were nearly none left . The last Pesserger Pigeon in the world died in a zoo in 1914. Why did Pigeons die in this nature ?Because people killed them , people thought the animals died that they had meat to eat and skins to make a closeth .If the Pigeon live in nature ,I think people can make some medicine ,send a letter of the Pigeons. So all living things in this nature have their’s advantages .Befor we do anythings , we must think ice .

Today , We learn more about other living things . We know the plant and animal is useful for us.Such as the plants ,it has many advantages. Some plants for us can help me do somethings .We use wood and bamboo to build houses , We use other plants for food ,others to make clothes and others for medicine . If all the green plants die , Earth will bae a very different place .The air will change and neither animals nor people will be able to live in that air .People must look after green plants ,we can do little things ,we can put garbage in the midden .we don’t paly in the grass,we don’t make the air dirty .Although we are little child , we are able to make the city clean . Because Guangzhou is my home ,clean is our duty.

Most of people like keeping pets . We know some pets is people’s helper Like dog ,it can tell to people what things will happen . On 26th ,December,2004, the India ocean had a big sea ,many peole had dead in that trageby . But one child very lucky. He had one clever dog , when the trageby began , the dog help the boy to climb the mountain ,the dog ate the boy’s clothes ,ran quckily to the tall place .At last ,the boy maked friends with his dog , the boy very happy . Ha said to people : anilmals is people ‘s good friends .We don't kill them, Because it’s one of the important living things in the world .

People think , when we make friends whit animals , we will have a good time ,animal is a very kind things in the world .We don’t killed them , If we kill them , that is bad for ourselves .So today we must think ,how to make friends with other living things . This answer is very eary . I think if eveyone do a liitle things for the living things , do anythings thinks ice ,hand in hand to make a beautiful world.

Secondly, the earthquake, if we respect the nature, we can get the harmonious surroundings, If we donot respect the nature, like the typhoon. Firstly, we live on the condition that we can not leave the nature, the tsunami and so on. Fainlly. We can reduce the unecessary natural calamities.Sum up, I think that people and environment should be in harmony as an anic whole.会不会不太符合初一, it will revenge our people by the natural calamities.In my opinion, we should love and repect the nature like our families and home. There is no other place can contain us except the nature in the Earth, the water, the oxygen and the landPeople and natureMore and more people want to separate the people from the nature, they think that we can live without the nature. So they destory the nature, including the forest and the river. They built so many buildings in the surface of the Earth. Don't respect the ecological banlance











I sometimes stare at the sky and wonder why we have made such a mess of things. I wonder how we can tear up the seas and use up the trees all in the name of progress. It is such a tragedy that we are damaging things so fast and they will soon be way beyond repair.It is very sad to think future generations will not have the natural things to enjoy as we have had, and that they will be paupers when it es to the offerings of the natural world.But, preserving nature is one thing ... appreciating it is quite another. There is so very much beauty all around us to see, touch, and hear. Nature is so miraculous because it is always changing. No matter how many times you look at something, it is always different.Nature can set a sky aflame at sunset or magically transform a familiar landscape into a snow-white wonderland. It can paint a rainbow in the sky, paint beautiful autumn colors on trees, or paint a clump of daffodils in the grass with glow of soft sunlight.Nature can bring a lot of beauty into our lives. Nature has a way of affecting our moods and it can force us to change our plans. Nature is responsible for the sun, clouds, rain, and snow. When it is sunny and bright outside, we feel cheerful inside. When it is cloudy and rainy, we often feel gloomy. When there is a beautiful and starry night, the moonlight makes us feel romantic.When we see the leaves budding on a tree or when a timid flower pushes through the frozen ground, or when we *** ell the freshness of spring, new hope will always e to us. Nature is truly an intrinsic part of our lives.When we wake and see a sunrise, when we walk and feel a breeze, when we gaze at the mountains and the splendor of the seas, when we see the earth renew its beauty at each season of the year, and when the stars shine at night, we should be so very thankful to the Lord for giving us all these wonderful and miraculous things. Learning to bee more aware of nature can truly have a good effect on our lives in the way we look at things and in the way we feel about ourselves.It is with much love that I dedicate these pages to a very special and wonderful person, Ginny Ellis. If it hadn't been for her, these pages would not be possible. I truly appreciate every beautiful poem that she has ever written. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Ginny, for bringing so much beauty into the world.I would now like to share with you some of Ginny's and other poets verses and other things that capture Nature's moods and majesty. They may evoke some memories and dreams I do hope you will find something that you will enjoy.Some of the authors are unknown but if you know the correct source of items listed, I will appreciate hearing from you so corrections can be made and proper credit given.够了吧,好像有点长

his is a nature park. it's beautiful. the sky is blue and the air is fresh. look! the elephants are drinking water near the river. there are many animals in it. the kangaroos are leaping over the river. wow! the monkey is swinging. there are o birds in the tree. they are singing. i see o pretty bears. one is snoring on the stone. it has a sweet dream. the other is playing on the grass.how happy they are! his is a nature park. it's beautiful. There are woods around it.There are also many kinds of flowers, some are red, some are yellow and others are blue...

stantly caused by the destruction of the environment.First of all, the human huge unbridled deforestation and forest to decrease, which causes a lot of natural problems, such as soil erosion, desertification, dust storms... Human beings should protect the forest environment, thus preventing many natural disasters.Second, with thedevelopment of industry, to a large number of harmful gas emissions, lead to air quality drop, global warming, the atmosphere loophole, even causes acid rain. Human beings should be to prevent the harmful gas disorderly emissions, protection of air.In natural disasters, beforehuman always appears to be very *** all. So I think that human beings should protect the natural environment, so as to reduce the occurrence of natural disasters. At the same time also to improve human natur

Everyone can do something for our environment.Nowadays,our school students prepare to hold an english show about protecting the environment.But do you know how can we protect the environment?First,we can use less electric.For example,we can turn off all the lights when there are none in the classroom.Using less electricis a good wayto prevent the pollution.Second,we also can protect the forest.The forest can bring more free air.Then we can have fresh air and healthy body.Also, we can use both sides of paper.Wasting is a bad thing,we should remember.And we can use fewer paper cups and disposable chopsticks.They are not only hit the trees,but also hit persons.Now,let us save the environment!We can do!

1. 做研究之前,必须想清楚:结果能不能发表?发表在哪里? 2. 先把文章大框写好,空出数据,等做完实验填完空就可以发了;正所谓心中有沟壑! 3. 在未搞清“写什么、发哪里、自己研究与同类研究有何出色之处”之前,就不要动手做! 4. 继续去看文献,去想;想不清楚就做还不如不做! 5. 要想这样做,就得先看文献!要知道如何把文章架起来、要知道别人是如何讨论的、要知道自己的数据是不是说明了与别人不同的东东或别人没有做过……这个过程就是阅读文献及思考的过程,这些搞清楚了,写就简单了! 6. 要是先做事,做完发现别人做过,或无法用理论来解释,岂不是冤大头?






这个杂志的基本特点是它有一个非常强的编委Editorial Board。








另一个系列是Nature衍生出来的,这些杂志的特点是没有一个编委,但有一个评审专家库, 也就是说谁来评审,不是乱选的。




Science杂志的编辑权利相对小些,因为他们还有一个编委会editorial board,有相当大的权利。







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