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Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.仅供参考,请自借鉴。希望对您有帮助。

文学院的毕业论文,如果想要稳,就是拿个差不多的分,一般还是写比较的论文,就是几个有一定联系的作者或者作品或者意识流派等等的比较分析。这样的文章必定稳,至少过线是可以保证的,至于分数有多高就要看个人的角度还有文采了,这个可以向你导师好好请教。如果是想要出彩的话,还是专门研究一种事物的好,不过这个比较难。因为一般的专业领域都有人在研究,大学四年很难把某个领域的东西吃透,别的不说,就是这个作者的相关作品还有关于他的各种研究观点,你就很难完全领会掌握,更不要说在自己的论文中灵活运用了。所以这种题目一般来说做起来会很费功夫,然后还出不了彩,因为基本上你的观点都是别人研究过的了。不过呢,这种题目还可以走一种偏一点的路子,就是把另一学科的知识或另一种流派的观点拿来分析你定下来的那个作者或作品,就是剑走偏锋啦,这样的文章一般容易出彩,但是也容易出问题,就看你个人的驾驭了。下面以过来人的经验谈谈答辩哈,希望对你有用啊。一定要注意和指导老师保持良好的联系,指导老师一般只要你表现出认真诚恳,乖乖听话,就没问题的。如果答辩的时候遇到自己的指导老师那真是几辈子修的福分啊,因为即使有其他答辩老师故意刁难,你的指导老师都会帮你解围的,谁也不想自己指导的学生在别人面前丢人对吧,而且最后的分数还会超常的高噢。就算答辩时没遇到指导老师,也会出现答辩老师看在你指导老师的面子上放你一马的现象,所以那些分配到在院系位置威望高的指导老师的同学有福了。在写论文的过程中如果可以向你们指导老师求救的话最好,就是你感觉这个是和作弊等火线没有关系的,就像他求救。越是严格的导师一般越是喜欢一个劲请教自己的学生。如果在答辩前,你的导师都不熟悉你,叫不出你的名字,你就惨了。告诉你,你的导师和你的关系简单来说就是同伙。他是你老大,你跟着他走,事事顺她的心,那么关键时刻你老大也不会丢下你不管的 。还有,你的东西做好以后,要仔细询问她,哪些地方是答辩老师会询问的,老师们询问的角度会是什么。他带过那么多届学生,如果你想答辩有一个不错的分数的话就好好向她请教吧。 我们那时写论文,在动笔之前,我们就每一个都是拼命问该怎么做,几乎把每一段的段落分布都问出来了,然后再一稿二稿三稿的让导师过。所以最后我们写的东西都完全是按照老师的思路来的哈哈哈……答辩就是这么回事╮(╯▽╰)╭

欧内斯特·海明威是美国20世纪最杰出的作家之一。他一生充满传奇色彩,最后以自己枪击头部结束了生命。他的一生共创作了17部作品,获得过多项文学大奖。他的作品成为上世纪20年代迷惘一代作品的代表作,对后人产生了深远的影响。 自他的作品问世之日起学术界对他作品的研究就从来没有间断过。美国学界普遍认为海明威的《太阳照常升起》是美国现代小说史上的经典之作。从1926 年小说问世至今,批评者对该小说的研究不断深化。他的创作在欧美文坛产生巨大影响,甚至在美国引起一场文学革命。 在国外的研究中,对《太阳照常升起》的最初评论和研究,受当时的资料限制,以及一战后美国特定的历史文化语境影响,人们多集中在小说与“迷惘的一代”的关系这一话题范围内,将该小说与一战后自我流放到巴黎去的青年人及海明威本人的生活经验联系在一起,称作者是“迷惘的一代”的代言人。20 世纪30 年代,受经济大萧条的影响,人们对《太阳照常升起》的关注较少。20 世纪40 年代,受第二次世界大战的影响,评论界对《太阳照常升起》的评论出现了两种截然不同的观点。艾德蒙·威尔逊认为在《太阳照常升起》中,杰克是惟一一个在痛苦中坚守个人操行准则的人。与威尔逊意见相左的是亨利·赛德尔·肯拜。他将该小说与19 世纪的英美文学传统进行了比较研究后得出结论,认为19 世纪小说中的主人公不管最终是成功还是失败,都具有良好的意志品格,但是“, 在《太阳照常升起》中,所有的人物既缺乏良好的意志品格,也不具备任何形式的意志力。”“他们没有道德责任感,这是一部关于失败主义者的小说。普林斯顿大学的文学教授卡洛斯·贝克的著作《作为艺术家的作家———海明威》是学界第一本专论海明威的著作。贝克首次对《太阳照常升起》中的小说人物进行了细致的心理分析。马克·斯毕尔卡在《< 太阳照常升起> 中的爱情的死亡》一文中则认为,海明威在小说中集中揭示了20世纪20 年代由一战的创伤所带来的爱情死亡这一具有普遍性的主题。海明威的作品紧紧契合着时代的流动脉搏,以深刻的洞察力和感受力,表现了人类在一个特定时代的生存状态以及精神饱受磨励的艰辛历程。 国内对海明威《太阳照常升起》的研究也从未间断。2003年由顾玲发表的他们何以成了飘零的灵魂———《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘的一代”透视。她的论文具体的描述了《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘一代人”的特点。2002年的十堰职业技术Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. In 2002 the vocational and technical Shiyan

Ernest Hemingway is the 20th century, one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, and finally shot to the head end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became confused during the last century generation of 20 representative works of the later generations have had a profound impact. Since the advent of his works from the date of the academic study of his works on has never been interruption. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" is the history of modern American fiction classic. From the novel come out so far in 1926, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and America have a great impact, even in the United States lead to a literary revolution. Study abroad, for "The Sun Also Rises" The initial comments and research, by the time the information restrictions, and a post-war American history and culture-specific context of the impact, it is more concentrated in the novel and the "Lost Generation" of the relationship between the scope of the topic of the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to young people and Hemingway's own life experiences linked, saying the author is the "Lost Generation" spokesmen. 30 era of the 20th century, by the economic impact of the Great Depression, people of "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. 40 era of the 20th century by the impact of the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", the Jack is the only one in pain adhere to the norms of personal conduct of people. Wilson disagreed with the Milken亨利赛德al. His novels of the 19th century with the Anglo-American literary tradition, after a comparative study concluded that the 19th century hero of the novel regardless of the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, but "in" The Sun Also Rises "All of the figures is the lack of good moral character will not have any form of willpower." "They have no moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University professor of literature Carlos Baker's book "as an artist --- writer Ernest Hemingway" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker, the first of "The Sun Also Rises" characters in a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi turka in the " Love's death" a text that focus on Hemingway's novels reveal the age of 20 from the 20th century, the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of this universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to profound insight and sensitivity, showing the humanity in a given era, as well as the survival of the state of the spirit of the hardships suffered mill Patrick course. Domestic Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" Research has never stopped. 2003 published by the Gu Ling How can they become a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises" in the "Lost Generation" Perspective. Her description of the specific thesis of "The Sun Also Rises" in the "Lost generation" characteristics. Shiyan 2002 Vocational and Technical College, the LU Wei and孙媛published "How can they become a wandering soul - An Analysis of" The Sun Also Rises "in several major figure in the spiritual world" of the novel in several the main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the characters of" The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" from his novel of the four main character's image to reveal the theme of the novel. Journal of Xuchang Teachers College in 1996 on Cui Wansheng, Zhang Hui thick. Published "prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "On their analysis from the four angles of" The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University newspaper published Bamboo Health "confused the two sides of life - On" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed the status of a loss of life. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few people three-dimensional, from the multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises" theme. In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, on the performance of his existential philosophy of life: In the absurd world, in the emptiness of the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and the creation of the significance of the order of the United



Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.仅供参考,请自借鉴。希望对您有帮助。









以下内容仅供参考:Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.


欧内斯特·海明威是美国20世纪最杰出的作家之一。他一生充满传奇色彩,最后以自己枪击头部结束了生命。他的一生共创作了17部作品,获得过多项文学大奖。他的作品成为上世纪20年代迷惘一代作品的代表作,对后人产生了深远的影响。 自他的作品问世之日起学术界对他作品的研究就从来没有间断过。美国学界普遍认为海明威的《太阳照常升起》是美国现代小说史上的经典之作。从1926 年小说问世至今,批评者对该小说的研究不断深化。他的创作在欧美文坛产生巨大影响,甚至在美国引起一场文学革命。 在国外的研究中,对《太阳照常升起》的最初评论和研究,受当时的资料限制,以及一战后美国特定的历史文化语境影响,人们多集中在小说与“迷惘的一代”的关系这一话题范围内,将该小说与一战后自我流放到巴黎去的青年人及海明威本人的生活经验联系在一起,称作者是“迷惘的一代”的代言人。20 世纪30 年代,受经济大萧条的影响,人们对《太阳照常升起》的关注较少。20 世纪40 年代,受第二次世界大战的影响,评论界对《太阳照常升起》的评论出现了两种截然不同的观点。艾德蒙·威尔逊认为在《太阳照常升起》中,杰克是惟一一个在痛苦中坚守个人操行准则的人。与威尔逊意见相左的是亨利·赛德尔·肯拜。他将该小说与19 世纪的英美文学传统进行了比较研究后得出结论,认为19 世纪小说中的主人公不管最终是成功还是失败,都具有良好的意志品格,但是“, 在《太阳照常升起》中,所有的人物既缺乏良好的意志品格,也不具备任何形式的意志力。”“他们没有道德责任感,这是一部关于失败主义者的小说。普林斯顿大学的文学教授卡洛斯·贝克的著作《作为艺术家的作家———海明威》是学界第一本专论海明威的著作。贝克首次对《太阳照常升起》中的小说人物进行了细致的心理分析。马克·斯毕尔卡在《< 太阳照常升起> 中的爱情的死亡》一文中则认为,海明威在小说中集中揭示了20世纪20 年代由一战的创伤所带来的爱情死亡这一具有普遍性的主题。海明威的作品紧紧契合着时代的流动脉搏,以深刻的洞察力和感受力,表现了人类在一个特定时代的生存状态以及精神饱受磨励的艰辛历程。 国内对海明威《太阳照常升起》的研究也从未间断。2003年由顾玲发表的他们何以成了飘零的灵魂———《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘的一代”透视。她的论文具体的描述了《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘一代人”的特点。2002年的十堰职业技术Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. In 2002 the vocational and technical Shiyan

文学院的毕业论文,如果想要稳,就是拿个差不多的分,一般还是写比较的论文,就是几个有一定联系的作者或者作品或者意识流派等等的比较分析。这样的文章必定稳,至少过线是可以保证的,至于分数有多高就要看个人的角度还有文采了,这个可以向你导师好好请教。如果是想要出彩的话,还是专门研究一种事物的好,不过这个比较难。因为一般的专业领域都有人在研究,大学四年很难把某个领域的东西吃透,别的不说,就是这个作者的相关作品还有关于他的各种研究观点,你就很难完全领会掌握,更不要说在自己的论文中灵活运用了。所以这种题目一般来说做起来会很费功夫,然后还出不了彩,因为基本上你的观点都是别人研究过的了。不过呢,这种题目还可以走一种偏一点的路子,就是把另一学科的知识或另一种流派的观点拿来分析你定下来的那个作者或作品,就是剑走偏锋啦,这样的文章一般容易出彩,但是也容易出问题,就看你个人的驾驭了。下面以过来人的经验谈谈答辩哈,希望对你有用啊。一定要注意和指导老师保持良好的联系,指导老师一般只要你表现出认真诚恳,乖乖听话,就没问题的。如果答辩的时候遇到自己的指导老师那真是几辈子修的福分啊,因为即使有其他答辩老师故意刁难,你的指导老师都会帮你解围的,谁也不想自己指导的学生在别人面前丢人对吧,而且最后的分数还会超常的高噢。就算答辩时没遇到指导老师,也会出现答辩老师看在你指导老师的面子上放你一马的现象,所以那些分配到在院系位置威望高的指导老师的同学有福了。在写论文的过程中如果可以向你们指导老师求救的话最好,就是你感觉这个是和作弊等火线没有关系的,就像他求救。越是严格的导师一般越是喜欢一个劲请教自己的学生。如果在答辩前,你的导师都不熟悉你,叫不出你的名字,你就惨了。告诉你,你的导师和你的关系简单来说就是同伙。他是你老大,你跟着他走,事事顺她的心,那么关键时刻你老大也不会丢下你不管的 。还有,你的东西做好以后,要仔细询问她,哪些地方是答辩老师会询问的,老师们询问的角度会是什么。他带过那么多届学生,如果你想答辩有一个不错的分数的话就好好向她请教吧。 我们那时写论文,在动笔之前,我们就每一个都是拼命问该怎么做,几乎把每一段的段落分布都问出来了,然后再一稿二稿三稿的让导师过。所以最后我们写的东西都完全是按照老师的思路来的哈哈哈……答辩就是这么回事╮(╯▽╰)╭

以下内容仅供参考:Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.

呵呵,写毕业论文吧,我的给你参考下课题名称 从《太阳照常升起》浅谈美国迷惘一代一、研究的目的和意义《太阳照常升起》向人们展示了一幅战后荒原的画卷,生活在其中的荒原人不仅身体千疮百孔,精神也失去了家园。他们迷惘的,痛苦的,如行尸走肉般的生活着。研究《太阳照常升起》的目的是为了分析美国迷惘一代对于战争和生活的态度:他们之所以对生活失去信念是由于战争的创伤,但他们并未因此失去对人性的渴望。在当今世界,和平和发展成为两大主题的背景下,研究迷惘一代的悲剧生活,意义在于揭示战争的残酷性,发扬中华民族以和为贵精神,指导我们的生活。二、国内外研究现状和发展趋势美国青年巴恩斯在第一次世界大战中脊椎受伤,失去性能力,战后在巴黎任记者时与英国人阿施利夫人相爱,夫人一味追求享乐,而他只能借酒浇愁。两人和一帮男 女朋友去西班牙潘普洛纳参加斗牛节,追求精神刺激。夫人拒绝了犹太青年科恩的苦苦追求,却迷上了年仅十九岁的斗牛士罗梅罗。然而,在相处了一段日子以后, 由于双方年龄实在悬殊,而阿施利夫人又不忍心毁掉纯洁青年的前程,这段恋情黯然告终。夫人最终回到了巴恩斯身边,尽管双方都清楚,彼此永远也不能真正地结 合在一起。这是海明威的第一部长篇小说,作者藉此成为“迷惘的一代”的代言人,并以此书开创海明威式的独特文风。三、研究的主要内容及预期目标研究迷惘的一代”作家的共同点。第一次世界大战爆发时,他们大多是20岁左右的年轻人。他们在美国政府“拯救世界民主”口号的蛊惑下,怀着民主的理想,奔赴欧洲战场。他们目睹人类空前的大屠杀,发现战争远不是他们原来设想的那种英雄的事业都是人的东西。他们在战争中经历了种种苦难,了解到普通兵士中间的反战情绪。这在他们心灵中留下了无法医治。研究迷惘的一代人的共同点:他们目睹了那场人类空前的大屠杀,生活经历种种苦难,深受“民主”、“光荣”、“牺牲”口号的欺,对社会、人生大感失望。结合现状谈谈研究迷惘一代对现实意义。四、研究的基本方法和基本思路根据作者海明威创作《太阳照常升起》时期的经历,结合当时的政治、经济、文化背景,理解作者的创作意图和创作思想,对美国迷惘一代形成,发展,表现进行全面分析。五、任务完成的阶段内容及进度安排论文初稿阶段,为期 40 天,阅读相关文学最新研究成果,进行理论分析、论证,收集整理相关资料,确定论文提纲,开始撰写论文;论文二稿阶段,为期 60 天,根据导师对初稿的修改意见进行修改、补充和完善,注意论述层次,调整文章结构。论文终稿阶段,为期 30 天,根据导师对二稿的修改意见进行修改,注意语言表达,规范论文格式。七、完成论文所具备的条件收集了有关《太阳照常升起》的资料及相关学术论文,本科阶段学习了英美文学课程,基本掌握文学作品分析批评的基本理论和方法;同时,从选题开题到初稿阶段学生在校,能当面指导文献检索和科研方法,解答理论理解和运用方面的问题;能够方便使用图书馆、阅览室和校园网。


1毕业论文属于学术论文。2只要不是抄的,你写出全世界最差的一篇论文就 可以。3比着葫芦画瓢,找一篇去年毕业 同学的范文,格式样式,照着写就行了。4毕业论文的实 质是读后感,选一本书,花一个星期读一遍。边读 边做笔记。把笔记整理一下,按范文格式条理一下,就是很好的论文了。5问题的关键是:你必须花一周的时间。许多同学不愿花费这个时间,那就没辙了。别的也别谈了。 完了。6有的同学找朋友帮忙,自已不写,让朋友替自己写一篇。 这当然好,但现在的朋友大都靠不住。你让他写一篇给你,他满口答应,没过两天就送给你一篇。你千恩万谢。可是拿给老师一看,原来是从网上粘下来的,乱码都 还没改。更可气者,一稿多用,他还把这篇“论文”送给好几个人,赚了好几顿饭,造成“雷同抄袭”、频烦吃饭。7结论:只能自己写,花一周时 间。8那位问了:“我写得不好怎么 办?”答:“这是伪问题。别管好坏,先写出来就行。老师还怕都写好呢:没法分优良中差了!总之,你写出一篇全球最差的论文就行,只要不是抄的!”9只要硬着头皮写,傻瓜都能写一篇。第一章 选题一、选题的原则(一)有价值(有品位,内行)(二)有可行性(或操作性,大小适中,难易恰当)(三)有浓厚兴趣(兴趣是动力,必须是自己喜欢的。)《论语·雍也篇》:“子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”如果你什么都不喜欢,那就更好办:让辅导老师给你一个题目就行。(四)专业对口(专业专长)二、 选题的 方法(一)亟待解决的课题(二)填补空白的课题(三)有争议的课题(四)有矛盾的课题(五)可综述的课题第二章 搜集资料学术研究往往是在前人已有成果的基础上,有所突破。因此,搜集相关文献信息,非常重要。要求能快 速、准确地搜集到所需的资料信息。一、直接材料的搜集第 一手材料二、间接材料的搜集从文献及网络查取的材料(二手材料一定要注意核对。)图书、期刊,纸本索引及网络检索GOOGL、百度网等,关键词检索。三、材料的分析让材料自然分类,类聚法。第三章 写提纲提纲尽可能详尽,条理清晰,条块分明。(镶玻璃法: 把内容分成几块,一块块往上填内容就行了。)一般分为序论、本论、结论三部分。提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。论证的形式,纵深式(递进式),平列式,综合式。第四章 写论文一、格式及要求:前置部分及主体部分前置部分:标题、署名、指导教师、目录、摘要、关键词(一)标题:对论文重点的直接呈现。准确得体,通俗易懂,简短精练(不能 简短,可加副标题),符合规范。(二)署名,在题下。(三)指导教师:xxx(四)摘要(可复制文中关键句子,稍作修 饰、连缀即可)(五)关键 词,一般3—5个即可,以重要程度为序。(六)目录主体部分:前言、正文、结论、参考文献、致谢(一)前言(引言,序论,导言,绪言)(二)正文(本论,主体)(三)结论(四)注释(五)参考文献(文献名,作者,出版社,版次)二、具体方法与规 范(一)写作的顺序1按照提纲自首至尾2先写思考成熟的部分,最后焊接起来。(若不知从何写起,就这样写)写此不管彼,只求一意法。(二)引用材料的方法1直接引用法引证。推论,尊重,显示自己并非标新立异,不乏同道。(拉赞助)2先斩后奏法先概述观点,然后指出某人某文已详言之(加注参见)3映带法崇山峻岭,又有清流急湍映带左右。研究韩愈,不妨提及东坡;研究明清诗,也可上溯到汉魏。4戒剽窃。学会运用,而不是照抄。(三)论文的整体要求准确,概括、简练,严谨客观,平实,文采。不可以孤立的看问题,要注意上下影响。(四)段落、标点规范(五)语体的要求要简约典雅。第五章 修改、定稿文不厌改,要改得死去活来。一、自己反复阅读, (1)改正错误的字、词、句(笔下误)。(2)逻辑错误(3)修正完善观点(4)论据错误(5)调整结构布局(完美,圆满,面团原理,增删 材料)(6)修饰词句。面团原理:你如果原打算写五个部分,最后只写成三个部分;那你就说你本来就打算写三个部分,现在如期完成了,很“圆满”。因为没有人知道你的原计划,也 没有人想知道,所以没必要告诉他人。二、他人审校(吸收他人意见;自己的错误往往看不出)。互相审阅,互相挑毛病。第六章 答辩虚心点就行。自己写的,也不用心虚。

征信市场的研究论文篇三 《我国征信市场的培育与发展》 摘要:自20世纪90年代以来,我国信用市场经过十几年的风风雨雨,已逐步走向成熟,征信体系初见成效,且市场化运作模式基本形成。但由于传统的信用观念影响,政府、银行、企业、个人对征信市场的标准化发展在认识上重视不一,操作上“摸石头过河”,因此,我国的征信供给市场不规范,征信需求市场不成熟,征信体系还不够完善。为推动征信体系快速健康发展,必须对征信供需两大市场进行基础性的培育和规范。 关键词:信用;征信市场;征信体系 我国征信业经过十余年的发展,从无到有,逐渐壮大,虽已形成了一定的规模,但信用中介机构仍然处于步履艰难的窘境。究其根源在于全社会缺乏信用观念与政府缺乏信用法制而伴生的整个市场的征信产品供给与有效需求严重不足。如企业使用信用产品的意识普遍淡薄、社会其他主体大多缺乏利用信用产品来保护经济交往中利益的意识。特别是在结束计划经济体制之后,我们还是习惯于操作政府信用需求,不自觉地导致政府信用需求挤出企业特别是个人的信用需求。其表现就是企业离不开银行贷款、银行个人储蓄居高不下。因此,如何淡化政府信用需求,稳定企业信用需求,启动个人信用需求,从而推动征信机构、征信产品、征信从业人员快速健康发展,就成为建设社会征信体系的一个重要问题。本课题分析了征信供需市场的培育与完善和两大市场的协调与管理问题,以期对我国征信市场的发展与完善提供有限的参考。 一、征信供给市场的培育与完善 (一)我国征信供给市场现状分析 1.征信机构的发展状况。 我国的征信机构包括中国人民银行征信中心和一些私营征信机构。中国人民银行组织商业银行已建成的全国统一的企业和个人信用信息基础数据库,成为我国企业和个人征信体系建设的标志性工程,同时,也是我国征信体系的重要基础设施。它在全国范围内为每一个有经济活动的企业和个人建立了一套全面的、综合的信用档案,连接了所有的商业银行、非银行金融机构和有条件的农村信用社,截至2006年12月,已为460多万户贷款企业和近5亿自然人建立了信用档案。其中4800多万自然人拥有信贷记录,收录的企业和个人贷款余额占全国相应贷款余额的90%左右。 私营征信机构主要是指经征信监督管理部门批准的、专门从事征信业务活动的企业法人,即狭义上的征信机构。目前我国私营征信类公司的总体规模普遍较小,几家规模比较大的征信公司,如新华信商业风险管理有限责任公司、华夏国际企业信用咨询有限公司等,其年营业收入也仅有几千万元的水平。目前我国征信机构的主要特征表现为:信用征集和调查公司正处于探索阶段;资信评估机构发育缓慢;信用担保机构存在较大的风险;资产评估机构公信力度较低。 2.征信产品的供给状况。 从供给的角度来看,资本征信产品、企业征信产品、个人征信产品品种较少、普及率低。 首先,各金融机构之间还没有建立一套统一的信用评级体系,对于同一企业各金融机构内部评级结果差距很大,同一企业在不同金融机构常常具有不同的信用等级,这种评级结果在金融机构之间互不认可,不具有可比性,使得企业的真实信用状况难以准确判断。对相同事物的不同描述造成了征信体系建设中各系统间互联互通困难,对数据加载整合造成了很大障碍,降低了征信系统的数据质量,影响了信用信息的准确性和完整性,使信用报告无法全面和客观反映被征信主体的信用状况,在一定程度上制约了征信产品供给市场的健康快速发展。 其次,人民银行信用信息基础数据库的数据采集普遍单薄。2006年11月人民银行渭南市中心支行对渭南市县级金融征信系统的一份调查显示,目前渭南市信用信息基础数据库的数据只能反映客户在信贷方面的内容,数据的采集也只是与金融部门有信贷业务关系的客户群,因而很难独立成为征信产品。 同时,信用信息基础数据库的数据更新也比较慢,信息的真实性难以核实。在调查中中国人民银行延安市宜川县支行和定西市安定区支行都承认,一些县人民银行仅仅通过年审完成数据库的信息更新,企业提供的信息是否真实、准确无法核实。渭南中心支行的工作人员认为,目前信用信息基础数据库信息质量难以保证,部分信息更新与企业变化脱节,不能及时反映企业财务、资产等情况。如渭南市信用信息基础数据库中企业财务状况的数据一般是在办理贷款卡、发生信贷业务以及每年4至6月贷款卡集中年审时进行登记的,大多数企业每次相隔的年审时间为一年,而企业财务的变化却是频繁的,这使得银行信贷登记咨询系统中的财务数据与企业真实财务状况有较大偏差。 再次,商业性的私营征信机构采集信息在很大程度上受到限制。由于信息公开涉及社会各方面的利益,而目前我国尚没有统一的信息公开的相关法规,征信机构采集信息难度大、成本高,严重阻碍了征信机构业务的开展和产品的普及,国家还没有相关的法规,强制性规定掌握征信数据的各机构和企业必须向社会公开有关征信数据,并严格控制信息公开的种类、传播范围和准确性,以保护消费者的利益。 3.从业人员的管理状况。 征信人员是征信事业的关键,征信报告初级资料的搜集、报告的撰写、公司印象的产生及公司利润的来源均依赖于征信员的认真工作。因此征信机构从业人员素质的优劣自然也会影响征信品质的好坏。 征信工作的本质是以现有的数据探求事物真相,预测未来趋势。技术范围颇为广泛,涵盖会计、统计、经济、货银、企管、国贸、税务、市场、行销、商事法及各行各业的专业知识。征信工作已形成一种专业工作,不仅初入门者需要训练培养,而且随着社会的变迁,科技日益发达,征信技能不断更新,征信从业人员须不断接受新信息,高效完成工作。而我国征信机构从业人员较少,人数最多的公司也仅有几百人,通常为几十人,有的征信公司仅有几个人,而且这些从业人员素质参差不齐,具有本科以上学历的比重不高,具有专业知识的人更少。这严重影响了我国征信业的进一步发展。 (二)我国征信供给市场的发展与完善 1.征信机构的专业化。 我国的征信机构应该以国际性征信机构为标准进行完善。如,益百利(Experian)和艾可飞(Equifax),这两个跨国公司都采用先进的计算机和 网络技术 ,对数据进行集中处理,建立了一个庞大的数据中心并异地备份,数据每月进行更新。两个公司对于信息数据的处理在技术上是自动完成的,以防止人工干预出现错误,防止违法使用个人客户信息。两大公司通过对收集数据的加工处理,为金融机构和零售商有偿提供信用产品及服务,主要是提供信用报告。 同时,利用对数据的深加工,帮助金融机构和零售商更深入地了解客户和开发有利润潜力的客户,进行目标营销;利用其先进的信用评分技术,帮助金融机构和零售商快速处理客户申请、准确决策;利用其人才、技术和管理优势,提供特定服务,向外进行技术扩张。再如,美国的信用局,专门从事个人信用资料的收集、加工整理、量化分析、制作和售后服务,形成了个人信用产品的一条龙服务。我国的征信机构也应该就信用信息的收集、信用产品的开发和管理形成一套科学的体系,即:建立起信用资料的收集和登记、信用数据的加工处理和信用评估、信用产品销售使用的系统工程。 2.征信产品的标准化。 征信标准化建设是征信业高效率发展的平台。征信标准化的目的是促进信用信息跨部门、跨行业共享,规范征信业务活动,推动社会信用体系建设。因此,涉及信用信息采集、使用以及从事征信业务的机构。如涉及企业身份登记及个人身份认证、信贷、企业信用、产品质量、社会保障、公积金、纳税、法院执行、通信缴费、学历等信息的机构以及信用调查、信用评级等征信机构。 2006年11月21日,人民银行发布了包括征信数据元标准在内的5个标准,其中征信数据元标准为系列标准,包括《征信数据元数据元设计与管理》、《征信数据元个人征信数据元》及《征信数据元企业征信数据元》,人民银行2006年11月21日发布的是该系列标准其中的两项。《征信数据元数据元设计与管理》是指导性标准,结合征信业务特点,对征信数据元的基本概念和结构、征信数据元的表示规范以及特定属性的设计规则和方法进行规定,明确了征信数据元的动态维护管理机制,为指导征信机构或其他相关信用信息报送或使用机构编制征信数据元目录提供了统一的方法和指南。《征信数据元个人征信数据元》按照《征信数据元数据元设计与管理》的基本原则和方法,对个人征信市场所涉及的基础性、通用性数据元的定义、计量单位、表示等18个属性进行了统一规定。并且,为发挥征信业标准化建设促进社会信用体系健康发展的作用,人民银行优先开展了信贷市场和银行间债券市场信用评级规范的制定工作。 为进一步实现征信业的国际化、标准化,《征信数据元企业征信数据元》等国际性标准应逐步出台。主要涉及:数据元及代码标准、数据包格式标准、信用数据交换统一接口标准、分布式自治数据库统一检索技术指导标准、分布式应用服务访问指导规范、征信数据交换质量过程管理规范、征信数据安全过程管理指导规范等。另外,鉴于国内可能出现较多地方性征信系统的实际情况,应制定征信系统建设指导白皮书,指导各征信系统的建设,从而保证各系统可以有效地与其他征信系统衔接。 3.从业人员的现代化。 社会各界委托征信机构提供征信资料,主要是希望透过征信机构有经验的专业人才,以其专业知识及作业方法,对企业及个人往来客户经调查分析后,提出评鉴意见,作为信用管理的依据。且专业征信机构因处于第三者立场,对委托征信及被征信公司均无任何利害关系,所搜集到的资料能客观公正地分析,使企业交易更有保障。而信用的探讨、分析与评估判断,则依赖征信工作人员求真、求专之精神、敏锐的警觉性及观察能力,缜密的分析与熟练技术的应用与丰富经验之配合。至于如何巧妙运用,与征信工作人员的素养关系重大。因此,征信工作人员必须接受专业培训且应具有良好的道德修养。 征信人员应该通过职业培训分为初级征信人员与中、高级征信人员。初级征信人员必须达到高级商业学校程度,或大专程度(曾修习会计、商业、工商管理等有关课程者)。目前的征信工作人员必须进行训练,训练的方式,应该除了由征信事业或企业内部的主管对员工集体教育及个别辅导、工作会议研讨、举办企业内部演讲会等的内部训练以外,外部训练也十分必要,包括国内、外院校进修及其他外部训练机构,或选派优秀人员赴先进国家同业考察、研习业务等。 针对初级征信人员,应由专门负责单位编列年度训练计划,适度为员工建立一套完整的职业前程发展计划,定期有系统地培育员工,提高其实务处理能力,以提高人力资源的品质。相对地,针对中、高级征信人员的训练,则以不定期训练为主,可视业务需要随时调整、训练或派赴训练机构训练,增强其对社会关系错综变化的应变能力,提升其经营理念层次。 二、征信需求市场的培育与发展 (一)企业征信需求市场的培育与发展 1.企业征信需求存在的问题。 长期以来,我国政府对推动企业广泛使用信用产品没有足够的引导,更加上经济发展水平对企业征信需求拉动不够,因此,我国企业信用仅在大城市大企业有所发展,相当部分的中小城市及中小企业信用能力还不强,广大农村地区更是无从谈起。根据国外的经验,经济发达程度与征信成熟程度呈正相关关系。即,经济越发达对征信的依赖程度就越大,而征信又反过来促进经济的发展。从国际上看,当人均GDP超过3000美元时,企业信用的巨大潜力才会被发掘出来。2005年我国GDP刚刚超过18亿元,人均1400美元,远远低于该标准线。 另外,企业对征信的作用认知程度较低也是企业征信需求市场得不到较好发展的重要原因。长期以来,我国间接融资几乎垄断了企业的资金融通市场。而四大国有商业银行的风险承担主体是国家,企业贷款靠关系、走后门、凭计划,企业的信用意识缺失。中小企业在银行的贷款比例极低,更是缺乏信用意识。亚洲金融危机以后,银行风险的暴露,金融监管的加强,银行体制的改革,使得企业的信用意识有所加强,但被信用机构征集信用的正确理念并没有树立起来。对征信机构缺乏了解,对征信公司的调查报告将成为企业开拓新客户、提供信用额度的重要衡量指标认识不够。相反,由于一些企业信用程度低,即会把征信报告当作“黑名单”,对征信持消极态度。这也是各国征信业发展的历史足迹。如,上世纪初日本的征信业,企业对于早期的信用调查普遍持警惕、排斥、拒绝态度,其中不乏将调查员拒之门外、侮辱谩骂等行为,表现出社会整体的不信任感。这一局面一直持续到上个世纪七八十年代。而在今天,经过无数次市场洗礼,企业已普遍认同其在经济生活中的作用,将其作为参与经济活动的游戏规则。态度转为谨慎警惕、理解和配合。一些企业甚至希望接受信用调查,以便通过征信公司的信用调查网络,向客户、金融机构展现自身良好的资信状况,开拓潜在客户,获得优惠贷款。而国内企业对自身的信用信息缺乏足够的重视和规范的管理机制。 2.企业征信需求市场的培育。 我国实行市场经济体制以来,各类企业都在大力倡导正确的信用理念,但信用信息规范的管理机制却没有建立起来。企业自身的信用信息规范的管理机制既是企业发展的必要条件,也是建设和完善社会征信体系不可或缺的前提。从西方征信体系完善的国家来看,具有一定规模的企业一般都建立了独立的信用管理部门。企业内部征信制度既能服务于企业赊销业务的发展,也有利于企业信用信息的管理。从而可以充实与完善社会征信体系。这种制度一般要求企业建立相对独立的信用管理机构,制定信用政策,对每一笔赊销业务进行前期、中期、后期管理。 但是,建立企业内部征信制度,首先要有相应的法律支持。我国在有关征信法规制定中要考虑为企业内部征信发展提供法律环境。资料是企业内部征信关键环节。法律应当授予企业方便、快捷地获得赊销对象信用信息的权利,并划定较宽松的资料收集范围;应当允许企业从政府部门、专业征信机构获取其债务人的信息;应规定债务人承担提供虚假信息的责任。 另外,政府应采取积极措施,推动企业内部信用制度建立。针对社会信用意识差,传统观念强的状况,政府应采取试点、树立典型,介绍经验,开动宣传舆论机器,形成良好的社会氛围,促使企业,尤其是大中型企业加快建立起内部征信制度。 (二)个人征信需求市场的培育与发展 1.个人征信需求存在的问题。 第一,我国经济发展水平较低导致个人信用利用程度不高。个人信用消费仅在大中城市有所发展,相当部分的中小城市个人信用消费能力还不强,广大农村地区更是无从谈起。目前,除了东部沿海城市和中、西部部分省会城市经济较发达外,我国大多地区经济水平较落后,尚不具备大范围发展个人信用的经济条件。 第二,政府对个人信用征信的引导与规范不够导致个人征信的有效需求不足。1999-2000年,我国相继颁布了《关于开展个人消费信贷的指导意见》、《个人存款账户实名制的规定》等法规,但这些法规的权威性和可操作性都较差,更没有对较为关键的个人信息的使用和传播进行规范。此外,我国的个人破产制度,社会保障制度,个人财产申报制度,个人账户制度等相关 政策法规 尚未出台,影响了个人征信制度的建立。 第三,传统观念直接影响个人信用征信的有效需求。受传统观念影响,我国居民“量入为出”的消费习惯根深蒂固。尽管在一些大中城市,人们的消费观念正在发生变化,一部分人已突破了“零信用”记录,但大多数人仍然对个人贷款持谨慎态度,而储蓄率却高达39%。并且个人还持有相当数量的国库券、债券、股票等金融资产,这些都是重要的个人信用资源。理论上说,18万多亿元的个人信用资产足以产生巨大的个人信贷需求,促进消费信贷的增长,而当前的实际情况是,我国个人贷款占银行贷款总额的比例约为2%-3%,在个人信贷业务发展较好的上海也仅有10%,远远低于西方发达国家30%的比例。庞大的个人信用资源被长期闲置,很大程度上限制了个人信用征信制度的建设与发展。 第四,个人信用资料不全导致个人征信的有效需求不足。目前我国居民能够提供的个人信用文件主要有居民身份证、户籍证明、人事档案和个人财产证明(如存款凭证、实物财产和其他个人财产证明等)。前三种文件仅能说明个人的自然状况,第四种虽然与经济有关,但它仅提供了某一时点个人存款余额和实物资产情况,并不反映个人收入多少、来源及可靠性,也不反映个人债权、债务状况及守信状况。由于我国尚未建立起个人财产申报制度和个人基本账户制度,个人收支和债权债务没有完整系统的记录,个人信用评价的基础数据资料十分缺乏。另外,在我国,绝大部分地区没有专门的征信机构对个人信用记录进行系统的收集记载,普通居民普遍缺乏自己的个人信用记录。个人信用档案一片空白,个人征信成为“空中楼阁”。 第五,个人信用资料的分割封锁降低了个人征信的有效需求。目前,我国居民的个人信用信息“原材料”,要么掌握在公安、法院、人事、工商、税务、劳动保障等政府相关的部门中,要么掌握在银行、公用事业单位、通信、保险等非政府机构,处于极端分散的状态。同时,这些部门和机构的信用数据档案系统相互封闭,条块分割情况严重,制约了个人征信体系建设的步伐。 2.个人征信需求市场的培育。 首先,发挥政府部门作用,运用市场机制积极引导、推动个人信用信息的建设。当前,我国尚处于经济转型时期,市场经济发育状况和社会信用状况都不是很理想,单独依靠市场的力量来推动个人信用信息建设是行不通的,必须重视和依靠政府支持,发挥政府在制定政策、创造环境和监督管理方面的优势,推动个人信用信息建设的快速发展,提高其有效需求。 其次,营造个人信用信息的法律环境,提高对社会公众隐私权的保护。借鉴美国的《公平信用报告法》等,制定类似的法律,全面保护个人隐私权。该法律应包括以下内容: (1)保护被征信者的知情权,即征信必须取得被征信者同意; (2)合法性,即征信必须符合法定程序,以合法手段取得; (3)客观性和时效性,即信息的收集应以事实为基础,进行客观、公正的描述;被征信者有权消除错误的、过时的信息,保证信息的准确性和时效性; (4)保密性,即信息服务对象必须是根据法定的或约定的事由使用信息资料,不得随意向第三者泄密; (5)对征信中侵害个人隐私的行为进行追究和惩处。 再次,立足全民,培育良好的诚实守信社会风尚。个人信用征信工作是一项社会性的系统工程,需要全民的参与,要做好信用知识普及工作,加强全民道德教育,向社会大众宣传、普及信用知识,要注重个人信用的培育。良好的个人信用是一种经济资源,在欧美一些发达国家,信用已经成为一个人在生活中的“第二身份证”。个人信用的培育重在日积月累。日常生活中将不用的钱及时存入银行、使用银行卡刷卡消费、按时归还贷款、避免信用卡恶意透支、按时交纳各种税费等等,都有利于提高自己的信用评分,有利于个人信用的培育。 为使我国征信市场尽快与国际市场接轨,在大力培育征信供需市场的同时,必须努力解决征信的法律法规问题、征信市场监管问题、行业自律不足问题等,实现征信市场的快速协调发展。 猜你喜欢: 1. 金融诚信论文 2. 关于市场与金融的3000字论文 3. 关于市场经济诚信论文 4. 关于个人信用管理论文

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