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Abstract: With the increasing development of social psychology and research topics are also increasingly enriched and expanded. From the early community to promote research and development to the study of social lazy; obedience from the research, development and obedience to the anti-independence of the study, from violations of the research and development to the spirit of altruism; attracted from the research and development to love The study from the human perception of the research, development attributed to the study, and so on. Shows that the social psychology of vision is increasingly broad and in-depth. In the system through the introduction of social psychology of self-concept and self-efficacy and the acquisition of self-control and to help to deepen our understanding of the social psychology of self-concept of self - Understanding and knowledge of people and events in the community, understand their own, have been understanding of "I" the true meaning of the words:) self-concept of self-efficacy of self-control Learned Helplessness

180 评论


A Dream's Worth, Lesson on Psychology of DreamsA picture is worth a thousand words. You've heard it so many times that it sounds trite. But a picture really IS worth a thousand words. And if a dream is a very special kind of picture, how much is IT worth? Maybe more? What about very simple pictures and very simple dreams? No doubt they're worth a little bit less than complex, elaborate ones. Or are they? In my psychotherapy course one day, I presented my undergraduate students with these questions. "Here's a very simple dream from a psychotherapy client I worked with years ago. I won't tell you anything about the client. I'll just tell you his dream, and then lets see what we can discover about him by exploring it...... Here's the dream:" "I was wearing a white shirt and a purple tie." The students just stare at me, expecting more to come. "No," I explain, "that's it. That's the dream. Now let's start to explore it." I then lead them through a group process of free associating to the dream (much like I describe on the Working and Playing with Dreams Page). "Just let your imagination go. Take every element of the dream and just let your mind wander on it. Whatever comes to mind. Don't censor anything, that's important. There is no right or wrong. It can be a fun, playful exercise - although the results sometimes may be serious and powerful. Freud thought that free association bypasses the defenses of rational, logical thinking and unlocks deeper links within the unconscious. It opens one up to fantasy, symbolism, and emotion - the very place from which dreams spring." Here is a list of some of the associations the students come up with. For the purpose of this article I've organized them somewhat, whereas during the actual exercise the ideas surface in a much more freewheeling stream of consciousness: PURPLE .... royalty, bruises, choking, holding one's breath, grief, a combination of blue and pink, goes well with black, The Color of Purple TIE .... formal attire, going to work, phallic symbol, tied up, being tied to something, chokes the neck, confining PURPLE TIE .... unconventional, stands out, rebellious, showing off WHITE .... clean, pure, unstained, "good," light SHIRT .... the top part, covered up, tucked in, stuffed shirt, where are the pants? WHITE SHIRT.... conventional, boring, going to work, going to church, corporate America WHITE SHIRT AND PURPLE TIE.... unusual combination, contradictory combination, very unconventional, tie really stands out DEPLETION?.... there's nobody else in the dream, it's so static, there's nothing happening, where are the feelings? After we finish this free associating, I then describe the client to the class. At the time Dan had the dream, he was 23 years old. I would describe him as a quiet, held-back person who was very confined (the tie) in how he talked, behaved, and felt towards others. Put bluntly, people found him rather boring to be with (white shirt). His emotional and interpersonal life were choked (the tie). He had almost no friends and felt little connection to his family (the tie again). Other than going to his tedious job (white shirt) as a low level technician for a computer company, essentially nothing was happening in his static, uneventful life (depletion). Dan was also very limited in understanding anything but the most surface, top-level (shirt) characteristics of his personality. Although outwardly conventional in how he dressed and acted at his job (white shirt), secretly he felt rebellious against authority (purple tie on white shirt) and generally superior (purple) to most people. He liked to think of himself as a political activist who firmly believed in the rights of abused (purple) people and felt more tied to them than anyone else. Comparing outside to inside, he was a bit of a contradiction (white shirt on purple tie). But none of these issues is what consciously drove him to therapy. What he most desperately needed to discuss and resolve was the fact that he was homosexual (purple tie). Yet he didn't know whether he wanted to come out of the closet or not (the tie). Part of him wanted to let everyone know, to even show off and parade the fact that he was gay (purple tie on white shirt), to escape the feeling that his identity was being restrained and choked (more tie). His rebellious, unconventional side liked that idea. He sometimes did indeed bravely experiment with revealing his gay identity by wearing a purple triangle, which to him symbolized being homosexual (a combination of pink and blue). But another side of him (purple tie versus white shirt) was afraid to come out. He sometimes felt dirty, tainted, sick, for being gay. That part of him wanted to be somehow cleansed and redeemed (white shirt). Part of the problem was that sex in general was a very unpleasant issue for him. When he was young he had had surgery on his genitals. He still felt insecure and "bruised" (purple) down there. He was so conflicted about sex that I sometimes wondered if he had been sexually abused as a child (purple tie?, suffocating tie?). A dream, even a simple one, is worth at least a thousand words. Freud thought that there was no limit to how much you could analyze a dream. You can always go further and further into the symbols, the links of associations, the memories that generate a dream. At some deep unconscious level, any dream fans out into the infinite horizon of emotion and thought that constitute the individual psyche... that even transcends the individual psyche and constitutes us all. 920字左右,觉得不够你还可以再在开头或者结尾加一小段。本片小论文短小精悍,包括了理论与案例分析。觉得还能用的话希望能尽快加分:)

103 评论


Educational Psychology is the study of education and the process of teaching, education and psychological activities of the educated, and changes in the law and its branch of psychology. It is one between science and education between the edge of psychological science disciplines. Educational Psychology in the late 19th century to become an independent discipline, but the history of the many educators have been able to consciously practice in education and in accordance with the psychological state of people in a targeted manner of teaching. Ancient Chinese educator Confucius on the proposed "no outcry not Kai, Fei is not a" heuristic teaching methods. The Socrates in ancient Greece also made "I do not give people the knowledge, but to bring their knowledge of the midwives" This kind of ideological and educational psychology. Modern Western ideas of education tend to education theory in psychology on the basis of research results, which is to promote educational psychology as an independent subject of preconditions. German psychologist Herbart book "general education", "psychology textbooks" and other books on the psychology of education to establish a pioneering role. Although not yet the use of "educational psychology" of the name, but in fact has become a combination of education and psychology an integral entity. Herbart in teaching theory, the teaching is divided into education and non-teaching education teaching two, the former refers to ethics, morality, will, character training, the latter refers to imparting knowledge, skills, the intellect, both of which are Must be based on the theory of psychology. In discussing the issue of education and teaching, he attached particular importance to "the interest aroused," and interest into the experience of interest, speculative interest, aesthetic interest, compassion interest, social interest and the interest in religion, such as six. These psychological state, can guide the orientation of children's attention and caused psychological thrill, promote ideological and lively and vigorous spirit. The interest of education and psychology to become a link to an important connection point. Herbart before the Pestalozzi practice in education and education ideologically inspired later on the importance of education theorist psychology in education also played a role in a certain impact. Experimental Psychology is the selection of educational psychology as an independent subject of another important condition, which led to the emergence of experimental pedagogy. Experimental Education is a pioneer in educational psychology and experimental psychology and pedagogy is the product of combining. Germany's Levin and Mo Yiman regarded experimental psychology and the theory of extensive education and teaching theories other. Levin book "On the experimental teaching," a book that is actually educational psychology for the content of the book, for educational psychology as an independent subject of psychology laid a theoretical foundation. Test of Educational Psychology in the formation of the development process played an important catalytic role, it encourages the combination of education and psychology, educational psychology provide the birth of the theory and method. Education is often referred to因材施教principle, because there are individual differences among students. How to adapt to individual differences and因材施教, education and psychology is the common task. Intelligence tests and educational testing system is implemented by teaching classes must master the psychological state of the two students to understand and effectiveness of teaching tools. School enrolment and attendance after measuring the academic performance of students and students of case studies, to test various applications. Educational psychology as an independent scientific experiments should be attributed to the Thorndike grams. In 1903 he published "Educational Psychology," a book to the school context detailed account of the concept of learning, this is the true modern educational psychology beginning. 1913, which works for the expansion of the three volumes, including human nature, learning psychology, individual differences and the reasons for the three most. He put the three major study law (legal effect and in preparation for law and practice law) and individual differences in theory, be 20 years before and after the educational psychology of the important issues covered. As Thorndike grams of the educational psychology research study focused on the psychological aspects, leading to the Educational Psychology of the Chinese community as a long-term psychological study of the educational psychology research main target. Before and after the 1920s, acts of Psychology, Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis, and other school of thought came to China, modern China to have a certain impact on education. Gestalt introduced to China after school, educational psychology began to "epiphany" in learning the position, no longer limited to trying to errors, and stimulate the response of the association, psychology by the issue of Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology To expand the scope of the study Thorndike three grams of learning outside the law "epiphany", will also Gestalt school of "the overall concept," "transfer", "precision law", "completed in principle." Principle, the principle applied to the education of. The theory of the 1930s prompted the Chinese education community attaches importance to the psychology of research, attention to environment on the psychological impact. Freud's analysis of school so that the spirit of renewed focus on awareness of educational psychology research, in particular the subconscious and unconscious issues. Emotional attention to educational psychology in education and the role of the teaching process, the introduction of mental health education and knowledge in the teaching process, are also subject to the impact of this school. Bafuluofu doctrine came to China after the 1950s not only affected the psychology of the basic theory, also affected the educational psychology. Two of his theory of the signal system, to provide educational psychology according to a new theory, but also to find the educational psychology and natural sciences linked to the tie. The second signal system theory that children with speech problems thinking of the educational psychology research into the main target. With the development of education and social development, to meet the needs of the development of education, educational psychology of the increasing tasks, the study of the Luenダ┏ Yuan Mu = defectors � specify г Sheng ⒄ hook tarsal Chan � Into the � target Mu-miao Kang � from hard-core Austrian silly milk to � ⑶ Jia Ye Huosu � apricot Shi confidence � hand-han Chennai paternity Suan K Shuang retting defectors � absorbed said �-di-na-na ⒄ ditch dedicated to find Mo Ying Cong � book Tuo chewing Street dedicated Yong Luanhe � ⒌ Lai-Lai worry about it Fortunately Last Zhu wolf Last armed Na allopurinol �? Nbsp; Modern scientific development, especially in modern biology, anthropology, sociology, medicine and psychiatry on the development of educational psychology have an impact, to keep it updated to meet the requirements of social development. After the Second World War, the Western educational psychologists have the task of educational psychology and targets put forward specific proposals. 1947, the United States will set up a psychology of educational psychology research planning committee that the educational psychology should include the following five aspects, namely, human growth and development, including genetic and environmental, and general growth and development, social and emotional development, The basic theory of motivation, intelligence, aptitude and interest, and individual differences in learning, including learning the nature of the factors affecting learning, learning motivation, skills, reasoning and problem-solving, attitude and special subjects of study, training and the transfer of ; Personality and adaptation, including emotions, students and teachers of mental health, special children, integrity and social activities; measurement and evaluation, including measurement of the basic principles, intelligence and aptitude of measurement, measuring learning to adapt to the measurement and Measuring the results of the application of methods of educational psychology and technology, including the issue of education research, statistical techniques, as well as for teachers provided by the research methods. . "Psychology Yearbook" integrated all the more consistent view that the educational psychology research tasks and targets should include eight items: education assessment and evaluation of measurement; development of the characteristics of children; special children and their education; about learning psychology Education; special subjects of study; learning counselling and psychological health of teachers and staff contributed to the study of teachers; educational psychology approach. Observation is the most basic educational psychology research methods. Observation of the implementation of collective activities in class or in the individual conversation, the external activities and performance of observation, but also the psychological reaction of pupils to observe the students or the written material for analysis. The general investigation and survey sample survey. The former is for all classes or school-wide investigation, which in turn at random, stratified sample cluster sampling, such as the proportion of sampling. Survey questionnaires can be divided into the way law and the interview method. The questionnaire method is through the preparation of all kinds of different tests to investigate a variety of teaching effectiveness, surveying the various intelligence, aptitude and character than the questionnaire method can be educated more in-depth understanding of education in the psychological characteristics of Changes. Various tests of the establishment and use of various scales, should ensure its validity and reliability. Comparative study in general is strictly controlled conditions of the experiment carried out. The subjects were divided into various conditions (intelligence, Xueli, age, mental quality, etc.) basically the same as the two groups, a group called the experimental group, another group called the control group, in the experimental group of students before a new stimulus, For example, new materials, while the control group will be kept frequent use of teaching materials. After a teaching time, and then measuring the two groups of academic performance, learning speed, understanding of the two groups compare the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. The different teaching methods and various other teaching and learning problems, can make different designs, different experiment. Natural experiment in the day-to-day learning environment for the conduct experiments, which can be removed in the laboratory experiments were caused by unnecessary pressure, the trial was the normal psychological state, but the relevant variables difficult to strictly control. Today, China regards the development of education at an important position, educational psychology research has a very broad prospects.

148 评论


Divorce, another injury to a childIn recent years, China's divorce rate was gradually rising trend, accounting for about marriage a few of 10%. Children of divorced parents on psychosomatic health can not be ignored negative impact. A related study shows that: 54% of divorced families of the children in emotional and emotional problems, manifested as depression little Huan, easily angered, and the tense relations between the same age children, and even heap, psychological and behavioral deviations. How to help children adapt to life after the divorce of their parents, will not affect the healthy development of their personality, psychologists recommended: Grasping her own feelings: divorce, the vast majority of couples are not a happy thing. Abandoning the child as "punching bag" and venting their emotions, divorce is not the child's fault. We should continue to give their children a warm and caring can help children grow up. To live together with their children: some divorced couples to take their children to the custody of their elders or other relatives, their only map where he considers safe. This will have the children feel abandoned by their parents, have inferiority and resentment, pessimistic turn hostile society. His father or mother after the divorce party should assume the obligation to bring up children, create a harmonious family home atmosphere. Not that spouses坏话: Most of the children after their parents divorce, hope that they can reunion between, and is willing to maintain good relations with them. However, if the dependent child's party vandalism parent-child relationship, often in front of the children said that the former spouse坏话, not conducive to the cultivation of mental health, this will affect their future happiness of love and marriage. Communicate with your child: before and after the couple divorced in, we should talk more communication with their children, why should tell his parents divorce, the marriage to have a correct understanding of the objective, and not simply as which side is wrong. If the lack of communication, some children of divorced parents will be attributed to them, there can not悦纳themselves, the loss of self-confidence, and other psychological crisis, vulnerable emerging extreme acts. Do not deprive parents love: not by blood between husband and wife, although the divorce, but parents and children of the parent-child relationship will never change. Some people, after divorce, child custody prohibit their former spouses and relatives between the exchanges, forcing kids do not recognize this gate relatives, to express their grievances, all of which are undesirable. After the divorce both parents should not be lightly denied the integrity of the children's love, perfect for the child's personality can be more caring. The child is innocent, the divorced parents should love to give them a little care, do not let children have been hurt by divorce. Even when one of remarriage, should also regularly visit the children, sharing family happiness.有两处中文自己解决下吧。

100 评论




摘 要:社区心理学是西方应用心理学领域新兴的一个重要的分支学科。本文分析社区心理学的诞生与发展,介绍社区心理学的学科概况。

关键词:社区心理学 诞生与发展 学科概况

AbstractCommunity psychology is a new important branch of western applied article analyses the formulation and development of community psychology,and introduces the general viewpoint .

Key Wordscommunity psychology;formulation and development;general viewpoint







一般认为,社区心理学诞生的标志是1965年5月在Massachusetts的Swampscott市举行的社区心理学会议。在斯维姆斯哥特会议上,产生了创建一个新的研究领域--社区心理学的呼声。社区心理学关注“在复杂的交互做作用过程中,连接个体行为和社会系统的心理学过程” [5]。第二年美国心理学会成立了社区心理学分会(第27分会)。20世纪70年代早期,美国开始出版《美国社区心理学报》和《社区心理学报》,各种教科书也相继问世[6]。



目前,社区心理学作为一个在社区公共生活与民主决策中具有重要渗透力的应用学科,对美国的社会生活正在发挥着越来越深刻的影响。欧洲社区心理学的出现比北美晚10年,英国于1976年和1986年相继出版了Bender M.的《社区心理学》和Koch H.的《社区临床心理学》,1991年创办了《社区和应用社会心理学报》[8]。在拉丁美洲,1975年波多黎各大学心理学系最早开设了名为社区心理学的课程,80年代之后拉丁美洲许多国家的社区心理学不断得到发展[9]。




人与环境相互作用观是社区心理学家十分认同的观点。社区心理学者十分认同Lewin的行为公式B=f(P,E),即为人的行为是个人、环境及其相互作用的函数。西方心理学普遍存在着重视P成分而轻视E 成分的现象[12]。社区心理学主张把人的心理和行为与他们所处的社会背景以及社会系统联系起来,认同人与环境的相互作用,从而力图消除个人主义的偏差[13]。社区心理学认为人们与他们所处的环境之间的关系多数是带有回报性的,人们与所处的环境之间构成了一种整体的、不可分割的、双向的影响。







1 车文博,主编.当代西方心理学新词典[M].长春:吉林人民出版社,2001.

2 3、16 刘盛敏,陈永胜.西方社区心理学若干理论问题探讨[J].宁波大学学报(教育科学版),2007,29(5):16-22.

4 冯增俊.美国社区心理学概述[J].心理学动态,1989,2:45-55.

5 Bennett S.,et Psychology: A report of the Boston Conference on the Education of Psychologists for Community Mental : Boston University Press,1966.

6 Duffy .社区心理学[M].世界图书出版公司,2007.

7 Dalton psychology: Linking individuals and community[M].Belmont:Wadsworth /Thomson Learning,2001.

8 佐斌.西方社区心理学的发展及述评[J].心理学动态,2001,9(1):71-76.

9 Montero Lives:Community Psychology in Latin America and the United States[J].American Journal of Community Psychology,1996,24(5):589-605.

10 Orford Psychology:Theory and Practice[J].Chichester:Wiley,1992.

11 Glenwick Psychology Perspectives on Delinquency[J].Criminal Justice and Behavior,1988,15(3):276-285.

12 Tuner J.,Oakes significance of the social identity concept for social psychology with reference to individualism,interactionism and social influence[J].British Journal of Social Psychology,1986,25:237-25.

13 Heller Return to Community[J].American Journal of Community Psychology,1989,(17):1-16.

14 Kenneth Psychology at the Crossroads:Prospects for Interdisciplinary Research[J].Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9-21.

15 王广新.西方现代社区心理学述评[J].吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版),2008,3:90-93.


126 评论


This article selects the first year, second year and third year students from three senior high schools in Qing Yuan City, a total of 315 students were chosen for the test, which uses the translated Chinese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), together with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), to investigate the correlation between senior high schools' sleep quality and condition of anxiety. The results show that:1. Senior high school students' condition of anxiety does not subject to the influence of gender,grade in school and type of school, but their trait anxiety level is generally higher than their state anxiety level; 2. Third year senior school students have the highest level of anxiety,among whom, students from the Qing Cheng High School have the highest level of anxiety of the three high schools, and the lowest level of sleep quality;3. of senior high school students have sleeping impediment issues, there are significant differences among high school students, of different genders and school grades, in their sleep quality, first year students require the longest time to fall asleep, and second year students have the lowest sleep efficiency;4. The most important factor that influences sleep quality is anxiety sentiment, as for the senior school students, the higher their anxiety level is, the lower their sleep quality would be.

346 评论


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