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首页 > 期刊论文 > 数列求和毕业论文

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260 评论


你好啊,你的数列求和的方法探讨开题报告选题定了没?开题报告选题老师同意了吗?准备往哪个方向写?开题报告学校具体格式准备好了没?准备写多少字还有什么不懂不明白的可以问我,希望可以帮到你,祝开题报告选题顺利通过,毕业论文写作过程顺利。 先说下开题报告的内容1、课题的来源及选题的依据。主要是研究生对其研究方向的历史,现状和发展情况进行分析,着重说明所选课题的经过,该课题在国内外的研究动态,和对开展此课研究工作的设想,同时阐明所选课题的理论意义、实用价值和社会经济效益,以及准备在哪些方面有所进展或突破。2、对所确定的课题,在理论上和实际上的意义、价值及可能达到的水平,给予充分的阐述,同时要对自己的课题计划、确定的技术路线、实验方案、预期结果等做理论上和技术可行性的论证。3、课题研究过程,拟采用哪些方法和手段,目前仪器设备和其他各方面条件是否具备。4、阐述课题研究工作可能遇的困难和问题,以及解决的方法和措施。5、估算论文工作所需经费,说明经费来源。再谈下开题报告的要求1、开题时间:开题报告至迟应于第三学期末完成。凡未按时开题着,可酌情在论文成绩中减1至5分。2、研究生要进行系统的文献查阅和广泛的调查研究,写出详细的文献综述,并进行现场考察和初步的试验研究,然后写出5000字左右的书面开题报告,并制定出详细的论文工作计划,经导师审阅、修改后进行开题报告。开题前研究生应将有关的参考文献和已做过的作为开题依据的各种理论分析、试验数据,事先印发给参加会议的有关人员。3、开题报告必须在学院或教研室(研究室)中进行,组成3至5人的开题报告审查小组,并邀请本专业的教师、学生参加,听取多方面的意见。审查小组成员应事先审阅提交的开题报告及有关资料,为开会做好准备。会议应发扬学术民主,对研究生的开题报告进行严格审核和科学论证。对选题适当、论据充分、措施落实的,应批准论文开题;对尚有不足的,要限期修改补充,并重做开题报告。若再次开题不能通过。则取消研究生学籍,终止培养。4、开题通过后,应将开题报告与论文工作计划经导师、教研室主任和学院院长签字后交校学位办公室。研究生、导师、学院各存一份开题报告和论文工作计划的复印件,以便定期检查论文工作。5、开题通过后,一般不得改变研究课题。确有特殊情况需要更改课题者,由导师写出书面报告说明理由,经教研室主任、学院院长、研究生教育学院院长批准后,方可另做开题报告,改换研究课题,更改研究课题后仍不能进行下去的,则对研究生取消学籍,并取消指导教师指导研究生的资格。

96 评论


Thinking skills to use zoom out research summation

336 评论


The trouble you interpret this cough up!!!!!!!!!!! Don't online!Series summation is one of the basic contents of sequence, but also the main entrance. In recent years, the college entrance examination in the volume of the summation series, pay more attention to examine innovation ability, which requires us to the summation series for different questions master certain methods and techniques. But for these students of processing method commonly used is mathematical induction and general inequality halfway, often do without. The author inspired by sequence and form of the inequalities proved not only examines the summation methods flexibly, also examines the proof of the techniques in. Using a recursive formula for the general term of the general analysis to sequence and, this is the students have mastered the method, In general, reasonably as the summation series to prove, this paper attempts to explore the inequality is the problem. Based on the analysis of several examples are effective solution, make the students in this class problem solution, can communicate and flexible use of knowledge, clever sequence to the proper sequence of general purpose is that the "towards the" these "target", making it easy and rapid solutions in peace.

319 评论


Series summation problem is that the basic contents of series one of the hot spots and focus on college entrance examination. In recent years, the college entrance examination in volume, the sum of the test series of new, more emphasis on capacity, which requires us to address a number of different issues out to master a certain sum of methods and techniques. But the students to deal with such questions is a commonly used method of mathematical induction and the general inequality of the zoom is often done on the half-way up. Inspired by the author in order to form series and prove that the inequality is not only flexibility in the use of sum test methods, but also to examine the proof of the zoomSkills. The use of recursive formula for general term for the analysis to be passed out for a few and, it is the students have mastered the method; to be passed to a reasonable zoom, can be transformed into the form of summation series to prove that inequality is the author of this article attempts to explore problems. Analysis of this paper gives several examples of effective solutions, to enable students to permit such practice in the solution when communication and flexibility in the use of the school series knowledge, clever series will be passed zoom appropriate, purposeful, "Ben to "These" target ", the sum of its easy, fast solution of the problem was.就是这样了,累死

260 评论


兄弟 你QQ多少?我估计我今年的论文题和你的一样 我Q929946702 看到回一个啊

322 评论


Series summation problem is that the basic contents of series one of the hot spots and focus on college entrance examination. In recent years, the college entrance examination in volume, the sum of the test series of new, more emphasis on capacity, which requires us to address a number of different issues out to master a certain sum of methods and techniques. But the students to deal with such questions is a commonly used method of mathematical induction and the general inequality of the zoom is often done on the half-way up. Inspired by the author in order to form series and prove that the inequality is not only flexibility in the use of sum test methods, but also to examine the proof in zoom skills. The use of recursive formula for general term for the analysis to be passed out for a few and, it is the students have mastered the method; to be passed to a reasonable zoom, can be transformed into the form of summation series to prove that inequality is the author of this article attempts to explore problems. Analysis of this paper gives several examples of effective solutions, to enable students to permit such practice in the solution when communication and flexibility in the use of the school series knowledge, clever series will be passed zoom appropriate, purposeful, "Ben to "These" target ", the sum of its easy, fast solution of the problem was.

177 评论



305 评论


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