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《巴黎圣母院》最集中最典型地反映了雨果的浪漫主义文艺观。其鲜明的浪漫主义特色表现:1.离奇的情节 这部小说情节曲折离奇,富有戏剧性,充满了现实生活中不可能有的巧合,夸张和怪诞。如:"奇迹王朝"对诗人奇特的审判;加西莫多的劫法场,抵御千军万马的进攻;母女重逢;加西莫多的尸骨一被分开就化为灰尘等。 这些曲折多变,但在本质上又是真实的情节,大大加强了小说的戏剧性,从而增强了小说的感染力。 2.非凡的人物 小说的人物是浪漫主义的典型人物:爱斯梅哈尔达的美貌和人格力量是非凡的:加西莫多的非凡则表现在他可怕的外貌,奇特的举动,巨人般的体力,以及对爱斯梅哈尔达高尚而充满自我牺牲的爱情及表达方式;克罗德的禁欲和纵欲的矛盾等。这些人物的特点,表现了雨果独具的浪漫主义特征,即追求夸张,想象而不求细节的真实,不求酷似现实。 3.强烈的对比 作为一种美学理想,对比原则是雨果浪漫主义最重要的特征,贯穿着小说的始终。 首先是巴黎城市和圣母院和谐美丽的自然环境与人民阴暗不幸的生活构成鲜明对比,这样更突出暴露了封建暴政的黑暗。 其次是草菅人命,任意诬陷的封建王朝与尊重人权,公正廉明的"奇迹王朝"的对比; 最主要的是人物形象的对比: 正面与反面人物的对比--爱斯梅哈尔达和加西莫多是善良,真诚和美好的人性的代表,克罗德、法比则是自私、冷酷和丑恶的人性的代表、善与恶十分鲜明地分别体现在这两组人物身上,产生强烈的对照。 还有正面与正面,反面与反面人物之间的对比以及人物自身对比,如加西莫多外貌与心灵的对比等。对比原则的运用 使得小说的情节和人物显得更奇特,主题更鲜明,突出。 此外,作者以浓烈的色彩描绘了中世纪特征鲜明而绚丽的城市图景,给读者展现了一个充满绚烂和奇特声响的世界。 这些描写都极强地增加了小说的浪漫主义色彩。 《高老头》是巴尔扎克最著名的作品之一,主要是现实主义为主。 首先,《高老头》着重揭露批判的是资本主义世界中人与人之间赤裸裸的金钱关系。高老头一生的经历就体现了这点,自从妻子死后,他对两个女儿疼爱有佳,然而他的两个女儿却因为他的财产开始明争暗斗。最终把他榨干,在自己租来的简陋公寓里悲惨死去。高老头之死是这幕家庭丑剧的高潮。高老头临死前想见女儿一面,尽管他哭天喊地,可是谁也没来,死前的高老头才悟出了资本主义社会的残酷真理:“钱可以买到一切,买到女儿。”当拉斯蒂涅为筹款治丧在“纽沁根夫妇与雷斯多夫妇两处奔走”时,他们以“父亲死了,都悲痛得了不得”而拒绝会客。在送葬的行列里,出现的是这两家“有爵徽的空车”。巴尔扎克的揭露与批判真可谓入木三分,力透纸背。 其次,《高老头》对封建贵族权势的得而复失,盛而复衰的历史趋势,作了细致而深入的描写。王政复辟时期,爵位重新成为地位的标志,鲍赛昂夫人是“贵族社会的一个领袖”,其府邸是贵族住区“最有意思的地方”,能在这“金碧辉煌的客厅里露面,就等于一纸阀阅世家的证书”,拉斯蒂涅初到巴黎就凭着“鲍赛昂太太表弟”这一称呼在社交界通行无阻。圣日尔曼的沙龙是暴发的资产阶级梦寐以求的“圣地”,为了能够踏进“这个比任何社会都门禁森严的场所”,“一个银行家的太太作什么牺牲都肯”。资产阶级拼命想挤进贵族行列,但贵族社会却十分鄙薄满身铜臭的资产者,已经得到封爵的许多新贵族仍旧被拒于他们的大门之外。 但是贵族社会的表面繁华后面却潜藏着危机,隐伏着灾难。傲慢的贵族领袖最终却惨败在她所鄙夷不屑的资产阶级小姐面前。鲍赛昂夫人的情夫“葡萄牙一个最有名最有钱的贵族”竟为了20万法郎利息的陪嫁,抛弃了她而娶了资产阶级小姐洛希斐特。这沉重的打击,迫使鲍赛昂夫人流着眼泪,焚毁情书,退出社交界,隐居乡下。在告别舞会上,鲍赛昂夫人的强颜欢笑掩饰不住内心的悲怆,而先前被她奚落的但斐那却得意非凡。

250 评论


经典英文小说赏析:天堂还是地狱 After a person died, he went to a beautiful place. The person at the gate looked at his ID card and thenbrought him to a very beautiful villa with lakes, flowers and everything surrounding it, a big garden,birds singing, dogs barking, ducks quacking. Everything was perfect. After a while, someone else took him to another place so that he could have more enjoyment with delicacies like cakes, candies, blessed food, and all the beautiful international cooking for him to sample. After that, they took him out to maybe a night club, so that he could see the dancing or dance himself. After a while, they took him to another place for just enjoyment -- listening to music, watching theater,and things like that. Many days went by and on and on like this -- always eating, sleeping, making merry, and nothing else. So the man began to feel a little bit "itchy". He said, "Well, can you give me some work to do? I'd like to do something." The attendant was very sad and said, "I am sorry. We have no work for you here. With this I cannot help you." So the man said, "My God! If I have nothing to do, this could be like in hell." So the attendant said. "Where do you think you are now?" 有个人死后,去到一个很漂亮的地方,然后有人在大门口看看他的证件,带他到一间很漂亮的别墅,有湖泊环绕,花团锦簇,还有个大花园,鸟儿啾啾叫,小狗汪汪叫,鸭子嘎嘎叫,一切都很完美。 过一会儿,又有人带他到另一个地方,让他饱享美食佳肴像糕点、糖果、等等,所有各国好吃的菜肴都让他品尝。 然后又带他到另一个地方,也许是夜总会,他可以看人跳舞或自己跳舞。 过一会儿,又带他去另一个地方做别的事,光是享乐而已,听音乐或看电影之类。许多日子都像这样的消磨度过,总是吃、睡、玩乐而已。 所以,那个人开始觉得有点「痒痒」的,他说:“可以给我一些工作做吗?我想做点事。” 然而随从却很抱歉地说:“抱歉!我们这里没工作给你,这个我帮不上忙。”那个人说:“老天,没事做,那不是像在地狱一样吗?” 侍者说:“不然你以为在哪儿啊!?” 更多信息请访问:考试大外语站点 考试大外语论坛 转贴于:经典译文考试_考试大【责编:lq 纠错】The Impressive Features of Forrest GumpForrest Gump is one of the most charming films of recent times. Though it is a comedy, it isn’t only for fun. Its humour and symbols are quite complicated. From the film audiences can see Gump’s life philosophies, American social problems and national characteristics. The use of symbols and motifs in this film are very excellent. My favourite symbol is the feather, which had drifted for a long time finally it landed beside Gump’s feet, and he picked it up. The motif of the feather represents Gump’s willingness to be blown around by the winds of fate and history. And I think the box of chocolates that Gump intends to give Jenney is known by everybody who loves films. Gump says that his mother always told him, “Life is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you are going to get.” The chocolates just represent life. Since the chocolates remind Gump of his mother and they are a gift for Jenny, they also represent his love of these two women. Maybe because of the meaning of the chocolates many film fans would like to choose the words said by Gump’s mother as their motto. Through the contrast of Gump and Jenny we can see two different kinds of life styles. These are the two kinds of Americans life styles. Like many Americans, Gump is the optimistic side but he gets his fortune without know his harm to others. Like the other Americans, Jenny’s life is a mess she lives with drugs abuse and caught AIDS. Through Gump’s experiences audiences can learn about some social problems in America, such as segregation, Vietnam. Gump always can be the center of many great events of recent American history. Gump has a charming character. Though he affected by mental disability he is a credible person. His innocent made him loved by audiences. When Lieutenant Dan loses his legs and said “I was Lieutenant Dan.” Gump said “You still Lieutenant Dan.” He always has powers and passions to face every new day. To Bubba and Lieutenant Dan, he gives them his real friendship. For Jenny, he pays his deep Groom give us a good story, Robert Zemeckis give us a good film. I love this film, because of its humour and its deep meaning. Forrest Gump is a memorable comedy, it is far more complicated than I have analyzed. Since it is complicated the critics are divided. This film has produced a series of culture about “Gump”, such as “Gumpish” “Gumpnized”. The writer and the editor can be teachers to the audiences to a degree. This film can let people think more about the life styles of themselves. It made me treasure love and the beauties in my life. After all it is a great film for me to appreciate.

243 评论



Rip Van Winkle is a short story by Washington Irving published in 1819, as well as the name of the story's fictional protagonist. It was part of a collection of stories entitled The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon.


The story has become a part of cultural mythology: even for those who have never read the original story, "Rip Van Winkle" means either a person who sleeps for a long period of time, or one who is inexplicably (perhaps even blissfully) unaware of current events.

这个故事已经成为文化神话的一部分:即使对那些从未读过原著的人来说,“Rip Van Winkle”也意味着要么是一个睡了很长时间的人,要么是一个莫名其妙(甚至可能是幸福地)不知道时事的人。

The story, written while Irving was staying with his sister Sarah and her husband Henry van Wart in Birmingham, England, is set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War. A villager of Dutch descent escapes his nagging wife by wandering up Kaaterskill Clove near his home town of Palenville, New York in the Catskill Mountains.


169 评论


《巴黎圣母院》The Hunchback of Notre DameThe Hunchback of Notre Dame (French: Notre-Dame de Paris) is an 1831 French novel written by Victor Hugo. It is set in 1482 in Paris, in and around the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. The book tells the story of a poor barefoot Gypsy girl (La Esmeralda) and a misshapen bell-ringer (Quasimodo) who was raised by the archdeacon (Claude Frollo). The book was written as a statement to preserve the Notre Dame cathedral and not to 'modernize' it, as Hugo was thoroughly against finished the book just as he was running out of ink. This tempted him to title the work What There Is in a Bottle of Ink.[1] He eventually decided against it and called the book Notre-Dame de Paris. English translations of the book are often titled The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which have led some to believe that Quasimodo is the main character. Hugo never liked this title, preferring the original Notre-Dame de Paris. He gave this title because he considered the cathedral itself to be the main "character" of the story. The story takes place around and inside the church, and Hugo spent much time describing the building as well as decrying its abandonment after the abuse it suffered during the French Revolution; during the Revolution, the church had been viewed as a symbol of the old regime and was pillaged and vandalized by angry stated by many critics and scholars, the Cathedral of Notre Dame appears to be the main setting, which is almost elevated to the status of a character. Indeed, the original French title of the book, Notre-Dame de Paris (the formal title of the Cathedral) shows that the cathedral (and not Quasimodo) is the subject of the story. The book portrays the Gothic era as one of extremes of architecture, passion, and religion. Like many of his other works, Hugo is also very concerned with social justice, and his descriptions of religious fanaticism are also examined. Another unique element of the book is the way in which Hugo changes the roles of protagonist and antagonist, hero and villain, between characters throughout the enormous popularity of the book in France spurred the nascent historical preservation movement in that country and strongly encouraged Gothic revival architecture. Ultimately it led to major renovations at Notre-Dame in the 19th century led by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. Much of the cathedral's present appearance is a result of this The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Victor Hugo makes frequent reference to the architecture of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in also mentions the invention of the printing press, when the bookmaker near the beginning of the work speaks of "the German pest."Victor Hugo lived a few homes away from Victor of Aveyron, the first well-documented feral child,[2] although the inspiration for Quasimodo's character is not directly linked to him.

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