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首页 > 期刊论文 > 模拟调制系统毕业论文翻译

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The configuration simulation unifies the PLC control the boiler to add the medicine systemIntroduced drug for the boiler plus PLC control system, including system control theory, hardware and software design, use the touch screen as the user interface, parameter setting and monitoring, the system is simple and words: boilers and medicine programmable controller (PLC) Touch Screen

99 评论


analog modulation

analog读法英 [ˈænəlɒɡ]  美 [ˈænəlɔːɡ]

adj. [自] 模拟的;有长短针的

n. [自] 模拟;类似物


It provides excellent frequency and level control, and wide analog modulation capabilities.


pulse analog modulation 脉冲模拟调制

analog modulation signal 模拟调制信号

analog modulation system [计] 模拟调制系统

analog-intensity modulation 模拟强度调制

315 评论


Abstract In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements of the car ride comfort is also getting higher and higher. Car travelling on the ride and handling stability has gradually become in the modern market competition to win a very important advantage of the performance indicators. In this paper, through the establishment of the seven car suspension system as a whole model of freedom, the use of structural dynamics and vibration knowledge derived sine incentive system in the Lagrange equation, and to simplify the form of differential equations for the vibration through the optimization of procedures for the preparation of MATLAB , Calculated the value of complex features and specific parameters in response to changes in the graphic. Then, briefly Hyundai Motor suspension system of control, simulation system in a different stiffness and damping of the graphics output response, through a comparative analysis of semi-active suspension system for the shock absorber damping, and elastic element Under the control of the stiffness. Finally, come to this conclusion. That is, vehicle suspension and control the dynamic response analysis and stiffness and damping of the close link between changes. Key words: automotive suspension; response; control of

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