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The western area talented person strategy mentality inquired into the western area talented person strategy faces the main question includes: The elementary education is weak, the brain drain and the talented person waste the phenomenon to be serious, the talented person short and the structure of talent serious unbalanced and lacks the enough talented person long-term region non-balanced development and old system closeness, own existence congenital natural inferiority and the economical potential difference, own economical long-term non-sustainable development and own potential excavation insufficiency, is the primary cause which these many questions enhancement elementary education construction, coordinated and the perfect structure of talent, the system innovates and strengthens own talented person attraction, is the smooth implementation the western area talented person strategy effective countermeasure and the discovers the main question which the western area talented person strategy faces, again analyzes the background and the reason which these questions produce, thus summarizes and obtains solves these question related countermeasure and the measure, this is the inquisition the western area talented person strategy concrete mentality. Western area; Talented person strategy; Mentality inquisition Affects our country economy development the traditional culture factor to inquire into our country traditional culture is broad and profound, is extremely precious spiritual basic spirit includes “the beauty to gather one” and “take and as expensive”, “humanist” and “take Germany as first” and so on; Its main characteristic has people this ideal and the despotic reality, the function of the household and the loyal filial piety idea and so traditional culture to our country economy development historical influence in, has the positive influence, also has the negative traditional culture to will instruct and promotes our country nowwith the future social economy development, will have the very strongpractical significance and the profound enlightenment. At present,treats our country the traditional culture, we most should do are,during reconsidering traditional culture negative effect, even morediligently excavates in the traditional culture the positiveingredient, the model experience, the reconsidering lesson, and theunion realistic national condition, will instruct and promotes ourcountry now with the future social economy development culture; Economical development; Historical influence;Practical significance; Profound enlightenment第二段Affects our country economy development the traditional culture factorto inquire into our country traditional culture is broad and profound,is extremely precious spiritual wealth. Its basic spirit includes "thebeauty to gather one" and "take and as is expensive", "humanist" and"take Germany as first" and so on; Its main characteristic has peoplethis ideal and the despotic reality, the function of the household andChunghsiao the idea and so on. The traditional culture to our countryeconomy development historical influence in, has the positiveinfluence, also has the negative effect. The traditional culture towill instruct and promotes our country now with the future socialeconomy development, will have the very strong practical significanceand the profound enlightenment. At present, treats our country thetraditional culture, we most should do are, during reconsideringtraditional culture negative effect, even more diligently excavates inthe traditional culture the positive ingredient, the model experience,the reconsidering lesson, and the union realistic national condition,will instruct and promotes our country now with the future socialeconomy development advancement. Traditional culture; Economicaldevelopment; Historical influence; Practical significance; Profoundenlightenment

196 评论


the Intangible cultural heritage is generations and the people of all ethnic groups as part of its cultural heritage of traditional culture forms, and traditional culture forms related physical objects and places. Intangible cultural heritage is an important part of traditional culture, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the people of all ethnic groups. Protection of the intangible cultural heritage is spread, carrying forward and handing down our country's long history and bright culture needs. The current intangible cultural heritage protection way traditional single, on intangible cultural heritage protection efforts is insufficient, the intangible cultural heritage protection is introducing high-tech means rich intangible cultural heritage protection means, improve the level of protection of intangible cultural heritage and inheriting the intangible cultural heritage essence request inevitably. In this paper, based on the study of before, in line with the existing high-tech means, for high-tech in the application of intangible cultural heritage were studied, and expounds the traditional television technology, digital multimedia technology, motion capture techniques, the three dimensional animation technology, 3D television technology, ball screen movies, virtual reality technology, modern processing technology and landscape renewable technology in intangible cultural heritage protection application prospect. Combined with practical for high-tech in wuyuan itineraries main non-material cultural heritage HuiJu, exorcism dance, SheYan and 3 carve protection application were discussed. Keywords: high-tech; Intangible cultural heritage; Protection; Application; wuyuan

296 评论



149 评论


汉语:摘要 非物质文化遗产是各民族人民世代相传并视为其文化遗产组成部分的各种传统文化表现形式,以及与传统文化表现形式相关的实物和场所。非物质文化遗产是传统文化的重要组成部分,是各民族人民智慧的结晶。保护非物质文化遗产是传播、弘扬和传承我国悠久的历史和灿烂文化的需要。目前的非物质文化遗产保护方式传统单一,对非物质文化遗产的保护力度不足,在非物质文化遗产的保护中引入高科技手段是丰富非物质文化遗产保护手段、提高非物质文化遗产保护水平、传承非物质文化遗产精华的必然要求。本文在前有研究的基础上,结合现有高科技手段,对高科技在非物质文化遗产中的应用进行了研究,重点阐述了传统影视技术、数字多媒体技术、动作捕捉技术、三维动画技术、3D影视技术、球幕电影、虚拟现实技术、现代加工技术和景观再生技术在非物质文化遗产保护中的应用前景。并结合婺源实际对高科技在婺源主要非物质文化遗产徽剧、傩舞、歙砚和三雕保护中的应用进行了探讨。关键词:高科技;非物质文化遗产;保护;应用;婺源英文:theIntangible cultural heritage is generations and the people of all ethnic groups as part of its cultural heritage of traditional culture forms, and traditional culture forms related physical objects and places. Intangible cultural heritage is an important part of traditional culture, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the people of all ethnic groups. Protection of the intangible cultural heritage is spread, carrying forward and handing down our country's long history and bright culture needs. The current intangible cultural heritage protection way traditional single, on intangible cultural heritage protection efforts is insufficient, the intangible cultural heritage protection is introducing high-tech means rich intangible cultural heritage protection means, improve the level of protection of intangible cultural heritage and inheriting the intangible cultural heritage essence request this paper, based on the study of before, in line with the existing high-tech means, for high-tech in the application of intangible cultural heritage were studied, and expounds the traditional television technology, digital multimedia technology, motion capture techniques, the three dimensional animation technology, 3D television technology, ball screen movies, virtual reality technology, modern processing technology and landscape renewable technology in intangible cultural heritage protection application prospect. Combined with practical for high-tech in wuyuan itineraries main non-material cultural heritage HuiJu, exorcism dance, SheYan and 3 carve protection application were : high-tech; Intangible cultural heritage; Protection; Application; wuyuan

177 评论


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