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编译 | 冯维维

Nature , 31 March 2022, Volume 603 Issue 7903

《自然》 2022年3月31日,第603卷,7903期

物理学 Physics

A highly magnified star at redshift


作者:Brian Welch, Dan Coe, Tom Broadhurst , etc.




作者报告了一颗更遥远、更持久的放大恒星在大爆炸后红移 亿年后的观测结果。这颗恒星被前景星系团透镜WHL0137-08(红移)放大了数千倍,这是由四个独立的透镜模型估计的。

他们将描述的这一天体称为埃兰迪尔(Earendel),来自一个意为“晨星”或“升起之光”的古英语词。引力透镜揭示出它可能是一个单星或双星系统。埃兰迪尔估计质量超过太阳的50倍。红移意为光在行进中的“拉伸”程度,可用于推断天体距离;数字越大,天体就越远(或在宇宙 历史 中越早)。过去观测到放大单星的红移较小,约为。



Galaxy clusters magnify background objects through strong gravitational lensing. Typical magnifications for lensed galaxies are factors of a few but can also be as high as tens or hundreds, stretching galaxies into giant arcs. Inpidual stars can attain even higher magnifications given fortuitous alignment with the lensing cluster. Recently, several inpidual stars at redshifts between approximately 1 and have been discovered, magnified by factors of thousands, temporarily boosted by microlensing. Here we report observations of a more distant and persistent magnified star at a redshift of    , 900 million years after the Big Bang. This star is magnified by a factor of thousands by the foreground galaxy cluster lens WHL0137–08 (redshift ), as estimated by four independent lens models. Unlike previous lensed stars, the magnification and observed brightness (AB magnitude, ) have remained roughly constant over  years of imaging and follow-up. The delensed absolute UV magnitude, 10   2, is consistent with a star of mass greater than 50 times the mass of the Sun. Confirmation and spectral classification are forthcoming from approved observations with the James Webb Space Telescope.

Orbital-resolved visualization of single-molecule photocurrent channels


作者:Miyabi Imai-Imada, Hiroshi Imada, Kuniyuki Miwa, Yusuke Tanaka, Kensuke Kimura, Inhae Zoh, Rafael B. Jaculbia, Hiroko Yoshino, Atsuya Muranaka, Masanobu Uchiyama & Yousoo Kim







Given its central role in utilizing light energy, photoinduced electron transfer (PET) from an excited molecule has been widely studied. However, even though microscopic photocurrent measurement methods have made it possible to correlate the efficiency of the process with local features, spatial resolution has been insufficient to resolve it at the molecular level. Recent work has, however, shown that single molecules can be efficiently excited and probed when combining a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) with localized plasmon fields driven by a tunable laser. Here we use that approach to directly visualize with atomic-scale resolution the photocurrent channels through the molecular orbitals of a single free-base phthalocyanine (FBPc) molecule, by detecting electrons from its first excited state tunnelling through the STM tip. We find that the direction and the spatial distribution of the photocurrent depend sensitively on the bias voltage, and detect counter-flowing photocurrent channels even at a voltage where the averaged photocurrent is near zero. These observations suggest that specific photocurrent channels can be promoted or suppressed by tuning the coupling to excited-state molecular orbitals, and thus provide new perspectives for improving energy-conversion efficiencies by atomic-scale electronic and geometric engineering of molecular interfaces.

化学 Chemistry

Catalogue of flat-band stoichiometric materials


作者:Nicolas Regnault, Yuanfeng Xu, Ming-Rui Li, Da-Shuai Ma, Milena Jovanovic, Ali Yazdani, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Claudia Felser, Leslie M. Schoop, N. Phuan Ong, Robert J. Cava, Luis Elcoro, Zhi-Da Song & B. Andrei Bernevig





他们创建了Materials Flatband数据库网站,为未来的理论和实验研究提供了一个强大的搜索引擎,并利用数据库提取了2379种高质量平带材料的列表,从中确定了345种有希望的候选材料,这些材料可能拥有平面带,但电荷中心并不强烈地定位在原子位置上。



Topological electronic flattened bands near or at the Fermi level are a promising route towards unconventional superconductivity and correlated insulating states. However, the related experiments are mostly limited to engineered materials, such as moiré systems. Here we present a catalogue of the naturally occuring three-dimensional stoichiometric materials with flat bands around the Fermi level. We consider 55,206 materials from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database catalogued using the Topological Quantum Chemistry website, which provides their structural parameters, space group, band structure, density of states and topological characterization. We combine several direct signatures and properties of band flatness with a high-throughput analysis of all crystal structures. In particular, we identify materials hosting line-graph or bipartite sublattices—in either two or three dimensions—that probably lead to flat bands. From this trove of information, we create the Materials Flatband Database website, a powerful search engine for future theoretical and experimental studies. We use the database to extract a curated list of 2,379 high-quality flat-band materials, from which we identify 345 promising candidates that potentially host flat bands with charge centres that are not strongly localized on the atomic sites. We showcase five representative materials and provide a theoretical explanation for the origin of their flat bands close to the Fermi energy using the S-matrix method introduced in a parallel work.

Observing polymerization in 2D dynamic covalent polymers


作者:Gaolei Zhan, Zhen-Feng Cai, Karol Strutyński, Lihua Yu, Niklas Herrmann, Marta Martínez-Abadía, Manuel Melle-Franco, Aurelio Mateo-Alonso & Steven De Feyter







The quality of crystalline two-dimensional (2D) polymers is intimately related to the elusive polymerization and crystallization processes. Understanding the mechanism of such processes at the (sub)molecular level is crucial to improve predictive synthesis and to tailor material properties for applications in catalysis and (opto)electronics, among others. We characterize a model boroxine 2D dynamic covalent polymer, by using in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy, to unveil both qualitative and quantitative details of the nucleation–elongation processes in real time and under ambient conditions. Sequential data analysis enables observation of the amorphous-to-crystalline transition, the time-dependent evolution of nuclei, the existence of ‘non-classical’ crystallization pathways and, importantly, the experimental determination of essential crystallization parameters with excellent accuracy, including critical nucleus size, nucleation rate and growth rate.

生物和地球物理学 Biophysics & Geophysics

The colloidal nature of complex fluids enhances bacterial motility


作者:Shashank Kamdar, Seunghwan Shin, Premkumar Leishangthem, Lorraine F. Francis, Xinliang Xu & Xiang Cheng







The natural habitats of microorganisms in the human microbiome, ocean and soil ecosystems are full of colloids and macromolecules. Such environments exhibit non-Newtonian flow properties, drastically affecting the locomotion of microorganisms. Here we show that flagellated bacteria in dilute colloidal suspensions display quantitatively similar motile behaviours to those in dilute polymer solutions, in particular a universal particle-size-dependent motility enhancement up to 80% accompanied by a strong suppression of bacterial wobbling. By virtue of the hard-sphere nature of colloids, whose size and volume fraction we vary across experiments, our results shed light on the long-standing controversy over bacterial motility enhancement in complex fluids and suggest that polymer dynamics may not be essential for capturing the phenomenon.

Assembly of the basal mantle structure beneath Africa


作者:Nicolas Flament, Ömer F. Bodur, Simon E. Williams & Andrew S. Merdith





作者重建了10亿年前到现在的地幔流动,以表明火山活动的 历史 在统计上与固定的基底地幔结构一致。在重建过程中,寒冷的岩石圈在740年到5亿年前深入非洲半球,从4亿年前开始,在冈瓦纳前后板块的推动下,非洲下面的结构逐渐组装起来,直到6000万年前才成为一个连贯的结构。



Plate tectonics shapes Earth’s surface, and is linked to motions within its deep interior. Cold oceanic lithosphere sinks into the mantle, and hot mantle plumes rise from the deep Earth, leading to volcanism. Volcanic eruptions over the past 320 million years have been linked to two large structures at the base of the mantle presently under Africa and the Pacific Ocean. This has led to the hypothesis that these basal mantle structures have been stationary over geological time, in contrast to observations and models suggesting that tectonic plates, subduction zones and mantle plume have been mobile, and that basal mantle structures are presently deforming. Here we reconstruct mantle flow from one billion years ago to the present day to show that the history of volcanism is statistically as consistent with mobile basal mantle structures as with fixed ones. In our reconstructions, cold lithosphere sank deep into the African hemisphere between 740 and 500 million years ago, and from 400 million years ago the structure beneath Africa progressively assembled, pushed by peri-Gondwana slabs, to become a coherent structure as recently as 60 million years ago. Our mantle flow models suggest that basal mantle structures are mobile, and aggregate and disperse over time, similarly to continents at Earth’s surface. Our models also predict the presence of continental material in the mantle beneath Africa, consistent with geochemical data

111 评论


美国科普记者伯罕农 (John Bohannon) 于 2008 年起,在《科学》(Science) 期刊与美国科学促进会 (American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS) 的赞助下发起「博士,跳起来 (Dance your )」活动,请来诸多科学家与艺术家当评审,根据科学性、艺术性与创意性,在物理、化学、生物与社会科学领域中分别选出冠军,并在这之中选出一组总冠军,而这些「舞林盟主」们也将获得 500~2000 美元不等的奖金。

虽说 2019 新冠病毒疾病 (COVID-19) 持续延烧,但主办单位并没有就此罢休,今 (2021) 年甚至新增 COVID-19 组,鼓励各项领域的科学舞蹈家 (?) 尝试为相关议题发声。现在,就让我们来一起回顾今年的得奖作品吧!

奥地利卡尔.弗朗岑斯格拉茨大学 (University of Graz) 所展示的研究主题,为比较在小学中使用不同的教学技巧,如何影响小学生的学习。

如果有一天,小学老师授课的方式,变成各路门派的带动跳,你觉得孩子会学得怎么样?仿佛表演艺术课的展演式教学 (performative teaching),比起传统的教学方法,能让学生学得更好吗?


影片中,表情夸张又爱演的师生三人,先以动作为各位示范学习新事物的三步骤,即命名 (naming)、定位 (locating) 与形容 (characterizing)。换句话说,我们要能叙述一个物件的名称、它所在的位置,以及这个物件看起来像什么东西,才算是有学到东西。


在传统教学的片段中,老师与学生只以口语表达作为交换知识的媒介,而老师也会给予回馈和反思,大概就是平常我们的上课方式。而在展演式教学中,孩子需要透过各种动作来「描述」一件事或一个东西,包含默剧 (pantomime)、模仿图片里的东西等,过程中老师不会有任何回馈。

究竟展演式教学拥有什么样的魔力?除了好玩,它真的能强化学生的描述能力吗?赶快跟着影片里比手画脚的师生们一起动.起.来 (?)

能歌善舞的芬兰赫尔辛基大学 (University of Helsinki) 团队介绍「大气中的分子簇如何聚集、组合与稳定」,不仅夺得总冠军,影片里的气势跟歌曲的洗脑程度,根本可以出道了吧。

大气中的分子簇会影响云的生成以及降雨。序幕中,空气中一片乱飞到 ㄎㄧㄤ 掉的舞者,象征著大气层中蠢蠢欲动的各式气体分子,其中,氨、DNA、高氧化合物 (HOM)、硫酸和水等气态前体 (gaseous precursor) 会形成衍生性气溶胶 (secondary aerosol),它们经过碰撞、聚集后会变成分子簇 (molecular clusters),最终成为可让水分子附着其上的云凝结核 (cloud condensation nuclei),并发展成一个个云滴 (cloud droplet)。


因此,研究团队利用化学、物理与电脑的知识与技术,试图在组态空间 (configurational space) 中模拟出稳定且不易蒸发掉的分子簇结构。

除此之外,他们以各种不同的方式排列分子,并设计程式对它们加以探索,把蒐集到的资料放到更进阶的模型里分析,再以大气团动态编码 (atmosphere cluster dynamic code, ACDC) 预测簇团的生成率 (formation rate),借此分析适合分子簇发展的大气条件。


再来是舞风独特的化学奖,由麻省理工学院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) 博士,现为软体工程师的米奈尔 (Mikael Minier) 夺得,而他的主题是利用仿生配体 (biomimetic ligands) 复制甲烷单氧化酶 (Methane monooxygenase),并深入研究分子在溶液里的反应与状态。

由于存在强大的 C-H 键结,将甲烷 (methane) 氧化成甲醇 (methanol) 的过程相当艰难。不过,我们可以透过甲烷单加氧酶与氧气的反应,将其内含的二价铁(Fe2+)高度氧化,形成极强的氧化剂 (oxidant),如此一来就能顺利地把甲烷给「掰弯」啦!(误)

为了解析甲烷单氧化酶氧化甲烷的过程,米奈尔将仿生配体与铁形成二铁 (diiron) 错合物晶体,并还原 Fe2+ 活性位点的结构,然后着手研究化学反应中是否存在其它不稳定的中间产物。先不论米奈尔的实验最后是否有成功,但无论是身着红蓝上衣跳着机械舞的铁原子先生,还是跳着大风车的核自旋,每个角色都超有戏,让我们也能从原子的视角理解化学变化。

法国勒芒大学 (Le Mans Université) 生理学博士朱利安 (Fanon Julienne) 等人,则以类似歌舞剧的方式为大家介绍「塑胶材料的光分解作用」。


为了展示塑胶在各种环境条件下的老化过程,舞者们分别扮演太阳、水分子,以及排列阵势不同的塑胶──聚乙烯 (polyethylene, PE) 和聚丙烯 (polypropylene, PP) 分子链 (molecular chain),并跳着热情的舞蹈,还原塑胶与环境的互动状态。

像是暴露在紫外线底下的塑胶,其分子链会产生链切断 (chain scissions) 并与空气中的氧产生氧化反应,造成塑胶表面硬化、收缩;而水则会减少塑胶在水里的刚度 (rigidity),使塑胶更容易产生裂解。此外,不同的晶体型态,也会产生不同的老化与裂解结果和裂纹方向。



美国俄勒冈州立大学 (Oregon State University) 推出的影片,则是介绍病毒的核壳蛋白 (nucleocapsid protein) 研究,期待能借此找到阻断病毒 RNA 复制的方法。

影片一开始,一位身着黑衣的女子在海边优雅地旋转飞舞,她就是病毒体里的核壳蛋白。在病毒体 (virion) 里,病毒的遗传物质 RNA 与核壳蛋白接在一起,若要厘清病毒体的结构与复制方式,就必须多了解核壳蛋白。

在舞蹈的布局上,创作者相当用心,以硬派的舞风跟柔软的身段,分别诠释结构较顽强且被固定在特定位置上的蛋白,以及结构较具弹性的无序蛋白 (disordered proteins)。

而导致 2019 新冠病毒疾病 (COVID-19) 的病毒体 SARS-CoV-2,其核壳蛋白也含有部分无序蛋白。在 NMR 里无线电射频脉冲的帮助下,这群跳到快要失心疯的蛋白们便开始自旋排列 (spin arrangement),好让研究者了解蛋白的结构与运动方式。

在这之后,利用突变或转译后修饰 (post-translational modifications, PTM) 技术对蛋白加以调整,就可以知道这些外来物如何影响蛋白与它的功能,并在熟悉 RNA 的链结方式后开发药物,阻止蛋白与 RNA 链结,限制病毒的能力与复制力。


139 评论


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    编译 | 冯维维 Nature , 31 March 2022, Volume 603 Issue 7903 《自然》 2022年3月31日,第603卷,790

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