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最近我在玩一款手游,韩国游戏公司利用虚拟4开发的HIT。你可以下载来玩玩。然后利用Unity3d引擎模仿这款游戏做一个类似的,非常新颖,高大上。毕业课题就叫:基于Unity3d开发的交互性ARPG游戏设计研究。 其中重心是交互性,可以体现在怪物出现,死亡,攻击,击退,奔跑;人物攻击,击退,技能,奔跑,技能躲避机制;攻击音效,环境音效,受到攻击音效,死亡音效,胜利音效;属性面板:人物血量,怪物血量,时间,怪物攻击防御,人物攻击防御暴击,人物经验,特殊技能伤害,场景奖励金钱。类似这些功能,然后HIT还有很多装备道具宝石等都是直接改变属性的,你要编写的话比较复杂,那些也是鼓励玩家充值花钱的~所以那些没必要编写,只要实现上面几个交互性的功能就可以了。游戏用到的环境和人物动画资源可以上store上找找。当然毕竟是毕业设计嘛,只要导师看到你花功夫就行了。如果做的时候有不懂的地方,欢迎追问~

287 评论




One of the characteristics of the development of modern society is the rapid replacement of the old and new things, and the emergence of new things. As far as higher education is concerned, it also needs to constantly update and add new contents. College teaching content is also closely following the pulse of the times, is a microcosm of the development of modern knowledge, so it has a certain frontier of the times.


Teaching activities should be diversified and scientific research oriented. Teaching activities in Colleges and universities are for students' scientific research and employment preparation. Only by combining teaching with scientific research, changing the single teaching form of colleges and universities, making teaching activities have a certain scientific research nature, can the teaching quality be improved.


The teaching form should be more practical, emphasizing the combination of theory and practice. The teaching process is an open process. It is a process of mutual cooperation between inside and outside class, the unity of cognition and practice, and the mutual promotion of teaching and research. It is also a process of the integration of teaching, research and practice.


The teaching process of colleges and universities should not only impart systematic theoretical knowledge, skills and skills, but also cultivate students' awareness of transforming theoretical knowledge into practical application, carrying out practical activities and engaging in practical activities, so as to realize the socialization of college students.


159 评论


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