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Of different women's underwear products further development with popularization, in comfortableness and under being high to require a functional one women to underwear at home and abroad, women underwear side tie, bring first broad appreciation space to development of the underwear industry than different designs of the location than location. In the present high-speed era when develops of underwear industry, women underwear side tie as already widely more and more underwear manufacturing enterprises as importance that location design than location, designer, underwear edition type teacher and women consumer pay attention to the underwear. Women underwear side tie, combine closely woman's life than design of person than location, become and judge women's underwear comfortableness and functional important underwear side tie until core that location design how let consumer experience good comfortableness and to different correction function of size than location, enable consumers to meet it to rectify the positive demand while obtaining good comfortableness for the size. Or seek the equalization point and emphasis point among comfortableness and functionality, enable consumers to choose and buy to one's own consumption demand. Women underwear side tie, design as complicated underwear edition type design a part develop, than location than location, the ones that received surface fabric, adjuvants, functional requirement, comfortableness in different fields of requiring etc. in its design were restricted. Because different surface fabric, physical property of the adjuvants are different, the same surface fabric, adjuvants will produce totally different results under the application of different edition of typeses. And women's requirements for comfortableness and functionality of different sizes are also different, must follow different surface fabric, the adjuvants and one edition of types to make in the design up, match, at the same time to go on, analyze, prove with result produced to collocate, reach, meet women requirement for comfortableness, functionality wear the the common cup type of women's underwear and adapt to the crowd as a basis in the article, confirm women in the underwear side than the location and tie designing more than one edition of types of the location, and adapt to crowd's necessary edition of types to analyze to different cups type differently. And tie than necessary different kinds of surface fabric, adjuvants in the location design and make the craft to analyze than the location with women underwear side, explain to designing surface fabric, adjuvants, choice and application which make the craft adopted in the course of developing. Materials that bone type gentle chests adopts are researched and analysed to having no glue, and employ the result to carry on research to different materials. It is gentle lieutenant general to women underwear side and not tie than principle, material, craft, structure, apparatus where location design than in location,etc. go on research and analyse, and carry on research as studying samples with the listing products of graceful girl's fragrant knit goods Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen. Carry on the investigation for the respondent with women consumers at the same time. To investigating the data produced are analyzed. Confirm different consumers to the side in different products than the location and tie the demand designed more than the location. Confirm different different demands for women's underwear of consuming groups finally, in order to and tie and design the theoretical foundation developed more than the location than the location as women underwear side.


Abstract At home and abroad, a variety of lingerie products to further develop and promote women's underwear to wear comfortable and functional requirements of the higher, the female side than underwear and a bundle of different design than the bit to the underwear industry with a broader value-added space. Underwear industry in the current era of rapid development, women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the importance of design has been more and more widely of the underwear manufacturer, designer lingerie, underwear-type version of the division and the importance of female consumers. Women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the design life of more and more and women are closely linked and become a judge lingerie comfort and functionality of the important criteria. Women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the core of design is how to allow consumers to experience better comfort and the correct size for different functions, so that consumers can get a good comfort for the body at the same time meet their demand for correction . Or in the comfort and to strike a balance between functionality and focus to enable consumers to conduct their own consumer demand for choice with the purchase. Women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the design as a complex version of underwear-type part of the design and development, it is designed by the fabric, accessories, functional requirements, comfort request and other constraints. As different fabrics, different physical properties of materials, the same fabric, accessories in different types of applications under version will have a completely different effect. Women of different size and comfort and functional requirements is not the same as in the design must be based on different fabrics, accessories and combination-type version, with, at the same time with a different analysis of the results of feasibility studies, so as to achieve to meet the women wearing underwear on comfort, functionality requirements. The article of female underwear common cup and adapt to the crowd as the basis to determine the side of women's underwear and a bundle of more than than the digital version of the design of different cup and different versions to adapt to population-based analysis of requirements. Than in women's underwear and a tie side design than that required in different types of fabrics, sewing accessories and process analysis, design and development process used in fabrics, accessories, sewing process of selection and application. Of non-gel bra by-bone analysis of the use of materials and application of different materials for research. In this paper, underwear for women and a bundle over the side than the principles of design, materials, technology, structure, equipment, research and analysis, etc., and Knitting Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Mannefen listed as a sample for research. At the same time for a survey of female consumers to conduct an investigation. Generated by the survey data for analysis. Determine the different products for different consumer than the spaces and bundles side than the demand for digital design. Ultimately determine the different consumer groups for the different needs of women's underwear, lingerie as a side than the spaces and places to tie than the theoretical basis for design and development. Keywords female underwear, than the side, and tied more than spaces, functional



能给截个图吗有图的话 我能告诉你


Karolina Kurkova

Karolina Kurkova














捷克超级名模Karolina Kurkova打败了风情万种的安吉丽娜·茱莉和斯嘉丽·约翰逊,近日被美国最大娱乐频道E!票选为全球最性感的女性。

没有肚脐的捷克名模Karolina Kurkova是《福布斯》杂志评出的报酬最高的模特之一。E!娱乐频道形容她"有着神秘的肚脐"。 该榜单的第二名依然花落超模——以色列人芭·拉菲莉。她是影星莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥交往的女友。这次性感女性榜,身材比例完美的名模占尽优势,刚刚生下双胞胎的茱莉、2个月前闪电结婚的斯佳丽·约翰逊是进入前5强的两大女星。 而E!在声明中称:"我们的榜单绝不是以美国为中心的,在这里,你可以看到来自六大洲的佳丽名字。"


天下女人 时尚丽人 内衣 瑞丽这些内衣杂志上 都有

国内比好看,又知名的13杂志的话,首先肯定是时尚芭莎这些大家都比较的熟悉。还有就是Vogue,周末画报也很不错,性价比非常高还有GQ Style.新视线,我个人认为就这几个知名的时装杂志还好看一点。




《Diva》,《Linie Internation》,《Sous》,《Diva》这些都是国外比较知名的内衣杂志。

























品牌介绍:法国的体育用品品牌、全球最大的体育用品零售品牌之一。迪卡侬(DECATHLON)由Michel Leclerq于1976年创办,2003年进入中国,其商品包括运动服饰,运动装备,运动器材等。迪卡侬专注大众运动市场,集运动产品设计、研发、生产、品牌、物流及零售于一体。


品牌介绍:全球著名的性感内衣品牌,于1977年成立于美国。VICTORIA'S SECRET产品种类包括了女士内衣、美妆、配饰、香水等。品牌一直倡导“穿出你的线条,穿出你的魅力,穿出属于你的一道秘密的风景”。




品牌介绍:1961年Olle Larsson在瑞士创立的母婴品牌。medela为婴幼儿用品研发制造品牌,致力于推广母乳喂养,为妈妈和宝宝提供最好的支持和产品,其品牌一直不断突破创造了许多安全、有效的产品,所有产品始终100%不含双酚A,主要产品有吸乳器,乳房护理产品等。



主要是为了吸引男人.什么样的女性内裤吸引男人女孩子的内裤设计总是让人乍舌,任何你想得到想不到的裤型,都会有大胆勇敢的女孩子去尝试。 解开的冲动 什么样的女式内裤最能吸引男人的注意?最新一期《时尚》杂志透露, Cosmo对部分20至40岁的男性进行了问卷式调查,结果系带式三角内裤位居榜首,原因是它给人想去解开的冲动。 贴身“V”型 任何新推的裤型,其实都与女孩子的衣着紧密相关,黛安芬的V-BACK就是一例。在内裤后部剪裁出“V”形,使她在穿低腰裤时既不会出现“露馅”的尴尬,穿着起来又贴身舒适。 该品牌的另一个新款TANGA,也是同样的道理。用细边带把前后两幅连接起来,细细的侧带减少对身体的束缚,令她平添几分性感迷人的风姿,而前后两幅在细边带的紧密连接下,更有效地承托臀部。 360度全透视 将网纱运用在女孩子的内裤中,早已不是什么新鲜的事情。具有透视效果的网纱,质地轻盈,又最能带出女孩子柔媚性感的一面,可说深得众多女孩子的欢心。但是,将网纱肆无忌惮地运用在内裤中,让整条内裤具有360度全透视效果,则可谓领今季风气之先。 黛安芬、华歌尔今季都不约而同地推出了全网纱设计的内裤,或采用粉嫩欲滴的粉色系,或印上各色花朵,令你和她的浪漫感觉达到无以复加的地步。而一向走简约路线的CALVINKLEIN内衣,今季也忍不住凑了一番热闹,推出了低调的绿色、蓝色、米色等网纱内裤,令不少cK迷也过上一把完全透视的瘾。 PAT PAT也美容 这个夏天,各大品牌的护肤品铺天盖地地宣传维生素C的神奇功效,而这股维C旋风已经吹进了女性的隐私地带。华歌尔今季新推的维C系列,将维生素C作为面料的加工素材,令小小的一条裤子也具有美白肌肤的功效,心思巧妙。此系列内裤更带着5种不同的水果香味,柠檬、草莓、蓝莓、香橙及苹果,让她从内至外散发出清新挑逗的果香。 隐形平脚 除了让人眼红心跳的T-BACK、G-STRING和V-BACK外,今季大热的还有平脚款的内裤。不过,与以往平脚款不同的是,今季的平脚内裤走的都是隐形路线,让你的她在穿紧身裤或紧身裙的时候,可以达到完美无暇的效果。 黛安芬新推的平脚裤,让裤边稍高于裆位,避开了紧身裙的贴身处,从而达到“隐形”效果。而华歌尔的清爽型束裤,不仅采用特殊处理的裤边,令穿着外裤后平展光滑,更使用利于空气流通及热力挥发的设计,让她度过一个清爽凉快的炎炎夏日。 花花宇宙 一到夏天,就让人联想到漫山遍野盛开的花朵。所以,花朵元素总是这个季节不可缺少的灵感。黛安芬新系列的“FLOWERFUN浪漫花解语”,将今季最流行的花卉图案融入内裤的设计中,或蕾丝、或刺绣、或镂空,使她在这个夏天内外生辉。而安莉芳的“完美新娘”系列,则将绣花俏皮地呈现在内裤的后面,这个小小的惊喜也能勾起你的无限爱意。 心跳极限 当女人还来不及尝试一下“T-BACK”所带来的穿紧身衣的神奇效果时,黛安芬已经推出了更具有震撼性的“G-STRING”。比起T-BACK,G-STRING在股沟位置来了场更彻底的革命,收缩成仅为一厘米宽绳状设计,使她穿紧身衣时更无任何痕迹可寻,且绳状宽度恰到好处地使她自在又无任何束缚之感。 如果说T-BACK让你心跳加速,那G-STRING简直就是挑战你的心跳极限,属于迷死人不陪命的一类。

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