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可写 Introduction 或 Background 介绍写论文的目的 或 研究的目标
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China's social security system and pension accounting summary of the study : the history of the world on a long-term practice, The establishment of a sound social security system is all the government's social policy an important component of the it is directly related to the thousands of members of the community health, sickness, death, the disabled, community members basic rights umbrella, stable social "safety net" and economic operation of the high speed train "shock " Through the establishment of a sound social security system, will give the stability of society with the greatest support, which has in the international community reached a Through decades of continuous accumulation and reforms, China is gradually establish and perfect with Chinese characteristics, adapt to the socialist market economic development needs of the multi-level social security It includes six areas : social insurance, social assistance, social welfare, military security, health security, added security, as well as personal insurance business of the six interrelated and the entire social security system, social insurance has absolutely unshakable social insurance is the most important endowment insurance, which includes three levels, the first level of social pooling and individual accounts with the basic old-age The second level is the enterprise annuity (also known as enterprise annuity); The third level is the personal savings sexual endowment In March 2006, China promulgated the first standardized enterprise annuity fund accounting guidelines : "Enterprise Accounting Standards N 10 -- Enterprise Annuity F" Enact the "Corporate Accounting Standards N 9 -- pay workers" have the right accounting treatment of pensions with the new This paper tries to use foreign pension accounting of mature experience, My pension accounting for the number of issues discussed China in the hope of pension accounting for the smooth implementation and future development to provide some Keywords : social security system, pension funds, financial accounting, problem

214 评论


开题报告主要是以表格的形式呈现的,如下表就是一个例子:学院: 专业: 课题名称 姓名 学号 指导教师 职称学历 一、 开展本课题的意义及工作内容:二、 课题工作的总体安排及进度:三、 课题预期达到的效果:四、 指导教师意见:签名: 年 月 日

136 评论


内容要求毕业论文一般应包括以下九个主要组成部分(注意此次序即为装订次序): 封面 采用全校统一制作格式,填写的内容为:论文题目(包括英文和中文题目)、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名、毕业论文完成日期。 英文摘要 英文摘要应是毕业论文的中心内容,应具有独立性和自含性,即读者不需要阅读全文,就能获得必要的毕业论文信息。摘要内容涉及本项科研工作的目的和意义、研究方法、研究成果、结论。要注意突出毕业论文中具有创造性的成果和具有新见解的部分。 中文摘要 中文摘要应与英文摘要相对应。 目录 目录作为毕业论文的提纲,是其各组成部分的小标题,应简明扼要。 毕业论文正文 毕业论文正文是主体,一般由引言开始,以结论结束。毕业论文的内容可因研究课题的性质不同而变化,一般可包括文献综述,理论框架、研究方法、数据分析和讨论,以及本研究方法与已有研究方法的比较等。毕业论文正文应不少于6000英文词。 参考文献 参考文献是撰写毕业论文时引用的有关图书资料。应按作者姓氏的首字母顺序排列,英文文献在前,中文文献在后。 附录 研究中使用的问卷、重要的测试结果、图表、程序等可列在附录中。 致谢 对给予各类资助、指导和协助完成研究工作以及提供各种条件的单位和个人表示感谢。致谢应实事求是,切忌滥用浮夸庸俗之词。 任务书 开题报告 综合评定意见表

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