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你自己不能写吗 I have already set up household in the new wave BLOG, your"often come over and see" is welcome, everyone much and much We can become the common mind home to here together and be like a similar and warm I will record some fresh and interesting things down a cake of share with you, also hope that you can remember my BLOG address, be like old friend similar usually come over to do a guest-you can add"she" to you of collect to clip medium, can also make duplicate "she" down to tell you of Specially hope to pass you, let me know more good If still don't understand of, follow the Bo guest that I see to own all knowledge and maintenance technique together a help a station
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China's rural grass-roots democracy-building socialism with Chinese characteristics is an important part of political Promoting rural grass-roots democracy-building, is not only related to China's rural reform and development of significant practical problems and is also building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the key to The building of rural grassroots democracy includes democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision these four Democratic elections which is the construction of rural grass-roots democracy, "the source", only doing a good job in democratic elections, the other three will it be possible to do a good job, or even - the gestation of the prospects for democracy For elections in the rural areas, such as bribery, manipulation of elections and other issues, how to further standardize the rural elections, legal and orderly this regard, has been a considerable amount of research, there are more representative of the Sun Jufang, Feng Ruilin " The village election law and countermeasures, "Li Jiqing the" village committee elections in the analysis of the problem and its " However, fresh from the country's political point of the relations of the This article on how the existing relations between the state and society under the framework, through the rule of law to clearly defined powers of organization and coordination of village-level elections, so that the effectiveness of village-level elections is not simply limited to the valid vote and the election, more importantly, Is election-related activities more efficient, more conducive to democratic

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