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首页 > 论文问答 > 文献中的signature是什么意思

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依据学术方向进行选题。论文写作的价值,关键在于能够解决特定行业的特定问题,特别是在学术方面的论文更是如此。因此,论文选择和提炼标题的技巧之一,就是依据学术价值进行选择提炼。  技巧二:依据兴趣爱好进行选题。论文选择和提炼标题的技巧之二,就是从作者的爱好和兴趣出发,只有选题符合作者兴趣和爱好,作者平日所积累的资料才能得以发挥效用,语言应用等方面也才能熟能生巧。  技巧三:依据掌握的文献资料进行选题。文献资料是支撑、充实论文的基础,同时更能体现论文所研究的方向和观点,因而,作者从现有文献资料出发,进行选题和提炼标题,即成为第三大技巧。
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迹象;符号;记号;手势 签署;签名 签署;示意sign up 签约雇用,签约参加 sign on 开始广播;签约雇用 sign for 签收 sign in 签到;注册;登记;签收 sign up for 注册,选课;报名参加 sign language 手语;符号语言 sign a contract 签订合同;签合同;签署合同 signs and wonders 神迹奇事 traffic sign 交通标志 shop sign 店铺招牌;牌号 warning sign 警告标志;警报信号 stop sign 停车标志;停止信号/标志 star sign 星座 sign off 停止活动;停止广播 road sign 路标,道路标志 zodiac sign 星座;生肖;黄道十二宫 positive sign 正号 sign of the zodiac 星座老虎机;[天]黄道十二宫 sign out 签名登记离开;用签名记录离开的时间 equal sign 等号 更多收起词组短语 迹象;符号;记号;手势symbol, breath, evidence, mark, 签署;签名签署;示意ink, endorsesign [sain] 记号;符号【语音学】语言符号(指首字母缩写词、一个字母表示一个概念等) 牌,标牌,指示牌;招牌,广告 标记,标志;表示 (手、身体等的)示意动作;手势;手势语 形迹,痕迹;足迹,踪迹,臭迹 证据,预兆,征兆;迹象 【医学】征,体征;症状 【宗教】(《圣经》中表示神的意志或力量的)神迹 【天文学】宫 签上(名字),署上(姓名):to sign one's name签上名字 在…上署名,签字于:to sign a letter在信后署名 [sign oneself] 在署名中把(自己)称作:She signed herself “A Peace M”她在署名中把自己称作“和平使者”。 写下,记下:to sign a capital T here在这儿写一个大写T字母 用手势(或身体姿势)表示;示意:He singed me not to 他示意我别说。 预示;表示:It signs that he will lose his 这表明他快发火了。 (以签订合同)雇用:to sign a few more white collars再雇几名白领雇员 对…划十字(祝福或祈求等) 签字,署名:to sign on the attendance book在签到薄上签字 签约受雇;签字承担义务;签合同(with):to sign with someone与某人签订合同sign [sain] a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)he showed signs of strain they welcomed the signs of spring a public display of a (usually written) messagehe posted signs in all the shop windows any communication that encodes a messagesignals from the boat suddenly stopped structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be postedthe highway was lined with signboards (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is (medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or diseasethere were no signs of asphyxiation having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges)charges of opposite sign an event that is experienced as indicating important things to comeit was a sign from God a gesture that is part of a sign a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signifiedThe bond between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary a character indicating a relation between quantitiesdon't forget the minus sign mark with one's signature; write one's name (on)She signed the letter and sent it off Please sign here approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligationHave you signed your contract yet? be engaged by a written agreementHe signed to play the casino on D 18 The soprano signed to sing the new opera engage by written agreementThey signed two new pitchers for the next season communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signsHe signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu place signs, as along a roadsign an intersection This road has been signed communicate in sign languageI don't know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; used of the language of the deaf以上来源于sign》将以韩国国立科学搜查研究所为舞台,述说在国立科学搜查研究所所发生的法医们的苦痛和生活,还有围绕在他们当中的疑问事件的医学搜查物,破解各种疑案的过程,案件背后隐藏的真相以及组织内部的明争暗斗的故事。男主角尹志勋(朴新阳饰)是韩国最佳法医学者,虽然有著理智的外貌并获得世界肯定的实力者,但却是有著奇特个性的国立科学搜查研究所法医是个有著多样个性的人物该角色原本兼具知性和理智,却因贪欲而陷

353 评论


签名的意思 有一款澳洲的酒,酒标就是 the signature,翻译成 御兰堡

195 评论


  • 文献中的r是什么意思

    M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——研究报告 S——标准 P——专利 A——专著、论文集中的

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    (1)期刊文章(文献类型标识:J) [序号] 主要责任者。题名[J]。刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码(任选)。 (2)专著(文献类型标识:M)

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