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Psychopath thinks wide, retarded child is in the joy?This doesn't make sense挺好的。。更文艺的 It's 这个没doesn't make sense 带感啊
277 评论


307 评论


我给你修改了一下,毛病在于综艺一字一句的去翻译,但是你的语法没有什么大问题,你自己再看看吧As one of a few diaster-stricken countries in the world, China has severely suffered a variety of catastrophes and emergencies which cause nearly 3 million deaths and a direct economic loss of 1/4 to 1/6 of the state revenue each Moreover, with the rapid economic development and increasing human's reconstructions, the loss has been growing faster than The first decade in the 21st century witenessed such a great loss of hundreds of billion yuan that it turned out to be a huge obstable for our country’s sustainable development and killed lots of Unfortunately, due to imperfect the national emergency rescue system technological gap between our rescueequipment and foreign counterparts, the rescue aids are sometimes costly but ineffective and As a result, some problems were left unsolved that led to and social The government had to shoulder the responsibility of taking the blames and queries from the victims and their families and bearing pressure from western

152 评论


unscientificun-preciseillogicalseemingly right but actually wrongincausal

283 评论


China, one of the most disaster- and accident-prone nations in the world, sees natural disasters and accidents claim some 130,000 (不是 3 million) lives and cause losses equivalent to between one sixth and a quarter of its fiscal revenue each 中文原文写得有点儿过于松散: 1/6 - 1/4 这个数字很有问题:每年损失“上千亿元” x 4 或 6 = 中国每年财政收入才区区 4000 - 6000 亿 = 人均直接、间接缴税不到500元/年?? 日子太好过了吧? “乐观”点的估计,算它每年损失 1500 亿,那中国的财政收入也才 6000 - 9000 亿?公款吃喝 + 买、养公车恐怕都不止这个数字。Our emergency management system is less than perfect and our emergency response means and equipment by and large are below average in the global All these factors combine to render some of our rescue efforts untimely, unscientific, costly and Their negative impact undermines the social stability and often forces the government to "unscientific" 这个词其实感觉不太合适,需要仔细推敲。但原文如此,姑且放在这里。建议:注意时态统一。

298 评论


  • unscientific翻译

    Psychopath thinks wide, retarded child is in the joy?This doesn't make sense挺好的

    聪聪老头 4人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • Unscientific

    逆天 shock the God;violate the law of nature;counter the law of natureunscientific

    少年卡米 5人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • unscientific什么意思


    雨神的女儿 5人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 翻译狗论文翻译


    四十一度灰 8人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 论文降重翻译翻译

    1、用同义词代替,比如:损坏=破坏;渠道=途径;原理=基本思路;不可见=隐藏;优点尤其突出=优势尽显无疑  2、改变句子的主动被动语态,比如:数字水印为多媒体数

    火山红虎 7人参与回答 2023-12-09