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Steel logistics management has become a modern steel enterprise management an integral part of, particularly the third, 4PL, and the rise of large-scale iron and steel enterprises logistics sector status rising, steel logistics management has become a modern iron and steel enterprises indispensable part Logistics has become the iron and steel enterprises, "the third source of profits," This paper discusses the distribution of iron and steel enterprises in the form of logistics and development
224 评论


292 评论


核心竞争力 Core competition企业文化 Corporate Culture 国有大型石油化工企业 state-owned large petrolchemical enterprise-/2004/04/13/0001193125-04-060970/Sa-English/HR/About/HR_US_What_a_we_offer/corporate_culture/-PA376&lpg=RA1-PA376&dq=Corporate+Culture+,+petrolchemical+&source=web&ots=GrhOQxomKp&sig=r3irSU8KD8D1VxLjyhNHbLgd7Y0&hl=en Culture We are:"Taking on the world's toughest energy "ExxonMobil is the world's leading petroleum and petrochemical company - global, entrepreneurial and We explore for and produce oil and natural gas on 6 of the 7 We operate refineries and chemical plants in every And we market lubricants, fuels, petrochemicals and other products across the IntegrityWhile operational excellence is certainly one of our goals, we don't strive to achieve it at the expense of reliable, safe and ecologically sound business That's why, when it comes to the environment, our position is simple: let's do the right It's an undeniable fact that energy is vital to improved living Right now, 60% of the world's energy needs are met by oil and natural Our goal is to help meet those needs in ways that do no harm to people or the Wherever you work or whatever you do at ExxonMobil, you can share in our commitment to a cleaner, healthier, safer LeadershipExxonMobil is the industry leader in each of our core businesses: Upstream Exploration and ProductionWe lead the industry with a 70 billion oil equivalent barrel inventory of discovered oil and gas resources We are the world's largest non-government gas marketer and a partner of choice for host governments due to our financial strength, technology, world-class employee base and project management expertise DownstreamWe are the largest refiner and marketer of petroleum products, marketed under the Exxon, Esso and Mobil brands We are the leading supplier of finished lubricants ChemicalWe are the largest producer of olefins, the basic petrochemical building block, and maintain a diverse portfolio of specialty chemicals businesses We increased our manufacturing capacity in four high volume product lines by 75% during the late 1990s and expect this growth to continue Technological InnovationThe joining of Exxon and Mobil brought together two companies with more than a century of commitment to advancing This commitment helped shape the industry with highlights that include: development of the world's first petrochemical the world's first laboratory for testing fuels and lubricants \ pioneering breakthroughs in geoscience leading to modern oil-finding techniques engineering achievements that led to deepwater oil and gas production ExxonMobil recruits the brightest minds from a variety of disciplines and charges them to use their talents to push the boundaries of science and CommunityOne of the ways we measure success is how well we contribute to the quality of life in the places where we live and With both money and muscle, ExxonMobil supports programs that improve education, public policy, the environment and health We fund museums and the We support community service groups, particularly those that work with underprivileged or under represented At ExxonMobil, we care about the things that are important to all of us -- and we're making a real -------------------------------Corporate CultureOur people are very versatile and form a meeting point of cultures - where technical specialists from different countries use their skills and knowledge to achieve common Human beings are our Company’s most valuable If we wanted to describe the people working for MOL Group in short, it would be sufficient to say that they come from different countries and cultures, but effectively complement each other’s different qualities and VersatilityVersatility is reflected in our daily work: we explore oil and gas fields, and find their hidden treasures; we transport and refine crude oil, and market the resulting fuels, lubricants and petrochemical products; we are also involved in retail filling station development and maintenance; and last, but not least, we focus on developing our human We are at least as versatile geographically as we are in our daily It should come as no surprise since we live and work in many different places throughout the World: while most of us are located in Hungary and the Central and Eastern European region, we are also present in the area surrounded by the Baltic and Adriatic seas, in Russia, the Middle East and PWhile this international environment offers unique opportunities for career development and promotion, it also presents major Our best performers effectively combine professionalism with openness, and are sufficiently flexible to accommodate many different cultures and approaches, and communicate successfully with their Career Development and self-developmentWe all know that outstanding performance is achieved by professionals who combine excellent skills with a drive to continuously Consequently, our Company offers a large selection of employee training and educational programmes to support skills Moreover, there are some very tangible results of this approach: colleagues and teams delivering outstanding performance may receive the MOL Group Chairman's Quality Award, the Chairman's HSE Award or the 'Career' PCommunity and team buildingNot only work, however, makes us an effective and outstanding team of individuals – we believe in group celebrations and the importance of personal ties! For example, every year we organise events that reflect our core values, such as Family Day, the MOLympics that invigorates both body and soul, and our Christmas Party which promotes traditional In addition to broad-scale events, we also organise corporate celebrations: for instance, we celebrate together with the winner of a photo contest or of our crude oil price guessing We also measure our performance on an international scale: some of our colleagues represent the Company at the World Corporate G In the world of sports, we also achieve excellence as demonstrated by the outstanding results of the sports men and women sponsored by MOL G

165 评论


Steel logistics management has become an internal part of the modern steel enterprise Especially the growing up of the 3PL and 4PL and the improvement of the logistics department in the steel enterprises, both of them make the steel logistics management an indispensable part in the modern steel Logistics has become “the third source of profit” in steel This paper mainly discusses the form and development of the distribution logistics in steel Value-added Distribution Logistics Integration Core Resource/ Capability人工翻译

106 评论


核心资源(Core Human Resources)是指为公司价值创造和竞争优势形成起到关键性作用的人员。具有以下特征:创造、发展企业的核心技术;建立和推动企业的技术和管理升级;扩大企业的市场占有和提高企业的经营绩效;务实、忠诚、积极和有牺牲精神。一般包括具有专业诀窍,或者具有广泛外部关系以及具有创新精神和人格魅力的人员。

227 评论


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