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首页 > 论文问答 > 投稿英语作文格式与梦想有关

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In primary school, I dream to grow up quickly, so that he could Because grow up not only by the parents constraint, but also can be free to While in high school, I have a new dream, that is to go to a good high school, be able to live a happy These may not be alone in my dream, but it can push me to complete my dream, I will strive for the
208 评论


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With the development of science and technology, our side have many media such as ,computer,call phone and soon on I am especially interested in computers, because when I was small, I saw computers can do many things,so as I grew up, my interest in computer I think why don’t I use my computer to help my dream come true,because my dream is become a radio presenter So I use the computer to search some interesting Then I start travel to dream come true Let us fight for a dream!!!!

181 评论


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