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THE following is the English translation of a speech by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to students at Beijing University A conversation with China’s youth on the future I begin by congratulating Beijing University which this year celebrates its 110th anniversary – making this university three years older than the Commonwealth of A Beijing University is the most famous in C And it has played an important part in modern Chinese In the early 20th century, when China was going through a period of rapid transformation, it was Beijing University that led movements for a new era in Chinese educational, cultural and political Beijing University was at the centre of the May 4th M The May 4th era - for I realise that it was a transformative decade from 1917 to 1927 - was one of crucial and lasting importance in the emergence of a modern C Many famous figures in this period were active at your One thinks, for example, of Cai Yuanpei , Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi, Li Dazhao and Lu X This year, 2008, is the 90th anniversary of some key events of the May Fourth era: through his essays for the major magazine New Youth the writer and educator Hu Shi successfully advocated the use of modern vernacular Chinese in education and the This helped bring about a major change in the way that the young people of China expressed themselves to their Also the writer Lu Xun published the first, and justifiably famous, story in modern Chinese, Diary of a M I would also note that Lu Xun’s design for the school crest of Beijing University is still in Indeed, you, the students of Beijing University today, are heirs to a great tradition of intellectual engagement with your Studying China This is not the first time I have visited Beijing U But it is the first time I have given a speech It is a great honour for And it is a great honour for me to address the students of this university because you are an important part of China’s I first started studying China and the Chinese language in It was a different China back Zhou Enlai had just Mao Zedong was still And the Cultural Revolution had not concluded -indeed our Chinese language textbooks were still full of class Some have asked me why I decided to study C I had grown up on a farm in rural Queensland where China seemed very I remember as a teenager following closely the visit of Australia’s Prime Minister Gough Whitlam to China on television in 1973 after the Australia Labor Government recognised China in I remember watching the footage of him meeting Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping escorting his party on a tour to the Great W That visit inspired my interest in this extraordinary When I went to university I knew that I wanted to study C I went to the Australian National University in C And for the next four years I studied Chinese language, Chinese history and Chinese literature together with Japanese and Korean history as

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刚刚看完超级演说家 这是我认为这两季里最后的稿子了 希望更多然看到《年轻人能为世界做什么》 刘媛媛 我是一名法学院的学生,我的每一门课的教授都曾经在他的课堂上讲过这么一句话,他们常常“说法律是这么规定的,但是现实生活中„„”现实生活是一种很神奇的生活,在现实生活中那些尊重规则的老实人往往一辈子都默默无闻,反倒是那些弄虚作假的人到最后会名利双收,于是乎像我这样的年轻人就经常有那些看着很有经验的前辈过来拍拍你的肩膀跟你说“年轻人你还不懂。”我想问的是我们年轻人你能为这个世界做什么,总有一天银行行长会是九零后,企业家会是九零后,甚至国家主席都会是九零后,当全社会都被九零后占领的时候,我想问你们九零后们,大家想把这个社会变成什么样。 我知道不是每一个人他都能够成为那种站在风口浪尖上去把握国家命运的人物,你我都是再普通不过的升斗小民,是这个庞大的社会机器上一颗小小的螺丝钉,读书的时候每天都被父母耳提面命说你干啥你都不要给我耽误学习;毕业的时候到处投简历,凄凄惶惶的等一家企业收留自己;逢年过节被逼婚,结婚买了房子要花自己年轻的时候的最好的二十年来偿还贷款,让每一个年轻人都忙着生存,而没有梦想,没有时间关心政治,没有时间关心环境,没有时间关心国家的命运,还哪有什么精力去为这社会做什么,但是后来我发现还是有一件事情你跟我都可以做到,这件事情就是我们这一代人在我们老去的路上,一定一定不要变坏,不要变成你年轻的时候最痛恨、最厌恶的那种成年人。如果将来你去路边摆摊,你就不要卖地沟油小吃,你不要缺斤短两;你将来开了工厂当了老板,你不要偷工减料,生产一些次品。每一个普通人他在自己普通的岗位上做一个好人是有非常非常严重的意义的,因为我们每一个人生下来都注定会改变世界。 我是一个学法律的,如果我将来是一个公正严明的法官,那么这个社会就因为多了一个好法官而变好了一点点,我希望大家都记住即使给了你十万个理由让你去作恶,你都要保持自己的操守跟底线,仅仅就因为一个理由,这个理由就是你不是一个禽兽,你是一个人。我更希望我们所有的九零后们,你们都能成为那种难能可贵的年轻人,一辈子都嫉恶如仇,绝不随波逐流,你绝不摧眉折腰,你绝不摧眉折腰,你绝不放弃自己的原则,你绝不绝不绝不失望于人性。所以我亲爱的九零后们,如果将来再是有那些人跟你说“年轻人你不要看不惯,你要适应这个社会。”这时候你就应该像一个真正的勇士一样直面他,你告诉他“我跟你不一样,我不是来适应社会的,我是来改变社会的。”

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