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[4] 《管理会计》第三版(《management accounting》,third edition),Anthony A Atkinson, Rajiv Dbanker, Robert SKaplan, SMark Young,清华大学出版社2001 [16] IASB, Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial statements [6]FASB,FAS N144,Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Livde Assets(Issued 8/01) [7]FASB,FAS N142,Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets(Issued6/01)。 [1] FEE Risk Management and Internal Control in the EU 2005, [2] George H Bodnar, William S Hopwood, Accounting Information System, Printice-Hall International, Inc, 1995, [3] COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework 1992, [4] F Management’sreportoninternalcontroloverfinancialreportingandcertificationofdisclosureinexchangeactperiodicreports 2003, [5] Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission(COSO) Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework[R] 2004, [6] Chopra, Sunil ,and Meindl Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Prentice-Hal/, Inc, 2001, [7] Financial Reporting C Internal Control-Revised Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code 2005,10, [8] Paul Danus ,A E Auditor Review of Financial Forecasts:An Analysis of Factors Affecting Reasonableness Judgements 1982, [9] PCAOB An Audit of Internal control over Financial Statements 3, [10] Richard L Ratliff,Wanda AW International Auditing-Pinciples and Techniques The Institute of Internal Auditors, 1996, [1] The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission Internal Control Integrated Framework (the COSO report) [2] Rock,ML,Rock,RH a rid,S ikora,M them ergers
83 评论


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  • 管理会计英文参考文献

    1]李玉环论市场经济体制下会计运行机构的重构[J]会计研究,2004(2)   [2]孟凡利等管理会计应用:现状、问题与应有的改进[J]会计研究,2005(4

    yidiandian100 2人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 关于会计的英语论文


    Johnhockson 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 关于管理会计的文献综述怎么学

    1]李玉环论市场经济体制下会计运行机构的重构[J]会计研究,2004(2)   [2]孟凡利等管理会计应用:现状、问题与应有的改进[J]会计研究,2005(4

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  • 关于会计的英文论文

    CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP s

    难得明白 4人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 关于管理会计的文献

    1]李玉环论市场经济体制下会计运行机构的重构[J]会计研究,2004(2)   [2]孟凡利等管理会计应用:现状、问题与应有的改进[J]会计研究,2005(4

    道生一,三代二 3人参与回答 2023-12-06