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一般来说,不管什么面试,面试官想要知道的信息,不外乎以下三条: Tell me about yourself as a 你是怎样的职场人? What do you think is important for the job? 你认为工作中什么东西是重要的 How are you going to fit in with the company and provide value? 你会如何融入公司、为公司创造价值?因此,在面试中,你需要做的,就是用自然但聪明的方式,有的放矢地推销自己。那么,一分钟自我介绍,需要遵循哪些步骤呢?01Greet the interviewers和面试官打招呼简单来说,面试就是一种社交互动。所以,如果连基本的礼仪都不具备,那么面试肯定是要阴沟里翻船的。所以,面试一开始,一定要和面试官打招呼,介绍下你的基本信息,建立良好的互动。 For a start, the candidate requires to smile and greet all the interviewers sitting on the panel and say “Hello”, “Good Morning” or any Moreover, the place doesn’t include a whole Therefore, acandidate should keep their starting stage clean and 用“你好”、“早上好”或其他问候语和面试官打招呼。但介绍地址时应只介绍省份和地区,不必过于详细。整个开场越简练精确,越好。02Describe educational qualification介绍教育背景一般来说,简单介绍过个人背景之后,就是谈谈你的教育情况了。对于应届毕业生来说,因为没有工作经验,可以多讲一些教育背景。主要集中在本科或者研究生教育,可以谈谈你所学专业、研究方向、学校成绩。 谈教育背景同样需要简洁明了,不要总是喋喋不休地介绍学术成就。 Explanation about educational qualification requires a precise and crisp There should be a certain way of talking regarding educational qualification because the candidate can’t go on and on about their achievements in 如果是非应届毕业生,那么教育背景不必过分阐释,一笔带过即可。重点放在下面的工作介绍中,突出社会经验。03Mention about previous project介绍以往的工作项目过往工作介绍,可以说是重头戏了。一般到了这时,HR才会真正竖着耳朵听你讲故事。HR会根据你过往的行事风格、成就来判断你是否能胜任,或者与公司文化和理念相符。而说到工作介绍,这里就不得不提STAR策略。所谓STAR,它其实是Situation, Task, Action, Result的缩写。 Situation:Describe the context within which you performed a job or faced a challenge 情境:描述你做某件工作或迎接某项挑战时所发生的背景情境。 For example, perhaps you were working on a group project, or youhad a conflict with a This situation can be from a work experience, avolunteer position, or any other relevant Be as specific as 例如,也许你正在开展一个小组项目,或与同事发生冲突。背景情况可能出自某种工作经历,也可能是某段志愿经历。总之要尽可能具体。 Task:Next, describe yourresponsibility in that 任务:描述你在这个情境中所承担的责任。 Perhaps you had to help your group complete a project under atight deadline, resolve a conflict with a coworker, or hit a 比如,你需要在时间很紧的情况下,完成一个项目。或者解决和同事之间的纠纷,或者完成某项销售业绩。 Action:You then describehow you completed the task or endeavored to meet the 行动:描述你采取了什么行动,来完成任务或搞定挑战的。 Focus on whatyou did, rather than what your team, boss, or coworker (Tip: Instead ofsaying "We did xyx," say "I ") 注意,千万要突出你做了什么,而不是你们团队做了什么。 Result:Finally, explainthe outcomes or results generated by the action 结果:描述行动所取得的效果。 You might emphasize whatyou accomplished, or what you 侧重描述你的成绩,或者学到了什么。上面的解释有点抽象,下面来看下,如何将STAR策略运用到面试中。问题1“Describe a situation when you had to deliver excellentcustomer service following a complaint”讲讲接到客户投诉后,你是如何做客服工作的?示范回答: •Situation: “A customer rang up complaining thatthey’d waited more than two weeks for a reply from our sales team regarding aproduct ” • Task: “I needed to address the client’s immediatequery and find out what went wrong in the normal ” • Action: “I apologized, got the details and passedthem to our head salesperson, who contacted the client within the Iinvestigated why the query hadn’t been I discovered that it was acombination of a wrong mobile number and a generic email address that wasn’tbeing I let the client know and we offered a goodwill discount on hernext ” • Result: “The client not only continued to order fromus but posted a positive customer service ”问题 2: Tell me about a time you had to complete a task under a tight Describe the situation, and explain howyou handled 谈谈你曾经在很短时间内必须完成的一项任务。描述下相关情况,并解释你是如何处理它的。
326 评论


268 评论


我认为回答简单点好Hello my name is ××,I am 15 happy My hobby is *****, wo get through a good holiday。thanks

117 评论


我也补过上面有人讲的ABC夫下在线 算是老牌子了!

234 评论


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    It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can mak

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    good morning ! it is my great pleasure to have this opportunity for an intervie

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