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摘要:战略管理会计(SMA)是近年来兴起的一支新的会计学分支学科,是企业战略管理理念与管理会计理论相结合的产物。它将对财务信息的使用占主导地位的管理会计扩展到一个注重前瞻性、长期性和关注企业如何适应、协调、利用瞬息万变外部条件与内部条件的关系以取得整体上更优的战略效果,帮助企业确立长久不衰竞争优势。战略管理会计的理论与应用在国际上还处于摸索阶段,在我国更是如此。为推动战略管理会计在我国的发展,本文介绍了其产生背景与主要内容。 Abstract: Strategic management accounting (SMA) is a relatively new developed approach to management accounting that address issues and concerns which are strategic It places management accounting in a much broader context beyond the use of purely financial information to develop superior strategies, in order to derive a means of achieving sustainable completive Compare to conventional management accounting, strategic management accounting is future focused, long-term focused and consider the external business The theory and applications for SMA are not well developed at present internationally and that is especially the case as it is in our This article introduces and analysis the background of SMA and the main contents of it, in the aim of support the developing of SMA in our C 关键词:战略管理会计、战略成本管理、战略管理会计信息系统、战略绩效评价 Key words: Strategic management accounting (SMA), Strategic cost management, strategic management accounting information system, strategic performance measurement 随着现代科技的进步和生产力的迅猛发展,顾客消费水平提高,世界经济趋于一体化,全球竞争日益激烈,加上政治、经济、社会环境的巨大变化,许多企业对其经营方式做出重大调整与创新。尤其是现代企业在管理理念上从 “职能管理”向“战略管理”理念的转变,对传统管理会计的理论与方法体系造成全面冲击。事实上,长期以来,管理会计理论与实践脱节这一问题一直没有得到根本性的解决。为适应企业战略管理的需要,英国学者赛蒙斯(Simmonds,1981)于上世纪80年代初提出战略管理会计(Strategic Management Accounting简称SMA)的理念,强调管理会计应与企业战略相结合,尤其指出企业的管理信息系统应为企业提供其竞争对手的相关信息,以适应日益激烈的竞争。
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二、 战略管理会计的内涵 那么,什么是战略管理会计?由于战略管理会计属于一个新的研究领域,对于如何界定其概念以及如何进行操作等问题,均尚无统一定论。 “战略管理会计” 一词的首创者是被公认为战略管理会计之父的英国学者赛门斯(R R Simmonds)。在他1981年出版的《战略成本分析-从管理会计到战略会计的演进》一书中将战略管理会计定义为“对关于企业及其竞争者管理会计指标的准备和分析,用来建立和监督企业战略”。他对传统管理会计理论的挑战在于,他不再从企业内部效率的角度看待利润的增长,而是从企业在其市场的竞争地位这一视角,重新看待这个问题。布朗维奇 (Bromwich)等学者在其研究报告中着眼于最终商品市场,将战略管理会计定义为“对企业的产品市场和竞争者的成本和成本结构的财务信息进行的提供和分析,以及对企业及其竞争者一定期间内在这些市场上的战略所进行的监督”。Wilson在《战略管理会计》中则强调战略管理会计的外部指向(Outward looking)和前瞻性(Forward looking)。 我国在80年代就对管理会计的发展较为关注的余绪缨教授认为“战略管理会计”是为企业战略管理服务的会计,它从战略的高度,围绕企业、顾客和竞争对手组成的“战略三角”,即提供顾客和竞争对手具有战略相关性的外向型信息,也对本企业的内部信息进行战略审视,帮助企业决策层知己知彼地进行战略的制定和实施,借以最大限度地促进本企业“价值链”的改进与完善,保持并不断创造竞争优势,以促进企业长足、健康发展。 从不同视角研究战略管理会计的学者很多。关于战略管理会计的这些文献从不同的侧重点反映了人们对战略管理会计的多方面理解。有些观点主要着眼于美国学者迈克尔 波特(M E Porter)在1980年发表的《竞争战略》中所提出的五力战略分析模型与他在1985年发表的《竞争优势》中提出的成本优势、差异化与目标集聚三种基本竞争战略优势中的成本优势战略。有些学者如Wilson的观点则更侧重于产品寿命周期。即便如此,这些定义都有一个共同点,体现了战略管理会计的一些基本特征,即重视外部环境和市场,注重整体性和前瞻性,注重使企业长期发展,从而为企业的战略管理与决策提供信息。 三、现行的管理会计是否会被战略管理会计取代? 对于传统管理会计不适应现代企业的决策,到底应该从传统的基础上稳步推进管理会计的发展,还是进行全面创新,这在学术界一直争论不休。这一争论基本分为两大派别。一派是“传统管理会计学派”以美国斯坦福大学的霍恩格伦教授(Charles T Horngren)、哈佛大学的安东尼教授(RN Anthony)、英国曼彻斯特大学的思盖本斯教授(RW Scapens)等为代表,主张一切以成本为中心,将数量方法及其它先进的管理方法,如战略成本管理方法引入管理会计体现,在传统的基础上稳步推进管理会计的发展。另一派以哈佛大学的罗伯特卡普兰教授(Robert S Kaplan)、太平洋路德大学的托马斯约翰逊教授(H Thomas Johnson)为代表的“创新管理会计学派”,主张以全方位创新为目标,注重学科间的交叉发展态势,通过不断创新改进现代管理会计的控制系统,建立各种数学模型,有效地控制、评价企业的绩效。 但是,不管理争论是否激励,双方学者都不否认应该建立适合战略决策需要的管理会计信息系统,都主张管理会计向战略管理领域的延伸和渗透。战略管理会计是以传统管理会计的基础为适应当代企业保持和创造长期竞争优势的决策要求而做出的新的改良与探索。尽管战略管理会计是为了弥补传统管理会计的缺陷而产生的,但这并不意味着传统管理会计已失去其存在的必要性。我们坚持现代管理会计应由战略管理会计和战术管理会计组成。传统管理会计注重内部控制,从战术的角度提高企业的内部效率;而管理会计则追寻高屋建瓴式的决策理念,站在全球竞争的角度,思考企业与其外部宏观与微观商业环境的关系,同时使用财务信息与非财务信息,采取长期性、全面性、前瞻性、外向性的理念,采用新的绩效评价方法,运用如“客户盈利能力分析(Customer profitability analysis)“产品赢利动态分析(product profitability analysis)”、价值链分析方法(value chain analysis)、成本动因分析方法(activity based cost analysis)、产品生命周期成本法(life cycle costing),经验曲线(learning curve analysis)、成长与占有率矩阵(Boston consulting Group- growth and share matrix)等这些灵活多样的管理会计的新方法。因此,战略管理会计是管理会计从微观到宏观的扩展与补充,两者是相辅相成的。

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cost much more because of the theoretical concept of Cooper Kaplan in 1987, in an article entitled "Cost Accounting System to distort what Qu product costs, "the article which first proposed the" cost drivers "(cost driving factor cost) theory that, in essence, is a function of or interaction with the various independent factors (variables) to drive So what factors are driving a cost, or what the motive force for the cost? Traditionally, businesses (eg, yield) as the sole cost driver (variables) At least that distribution plays a decisive role in restraining its cost, and other factors (motivation), both According to this thinking fluctuation, the full costs into variable costs and fixed two Based on this understanding, as a fundamental analysis and dependent on the volume of production costs in the budget management flexibility in the specific This can be regarded as an effective cost management However, the volume of business is not the only factor driving According to Cooper Kaplan's "successful action by the theory of" cost drivers can be grouped into five categories : number of factors which installment cause, products cause, motivation processing factories From this point of view, we should on the basis of analysis of the various cost drivers, open up and find new ways to control For example, According to activity-based costing (ABC --Activity Based Costing) Cost Driver analysis of the cost of doing business can be divided grounds driven by short-term changes in business motivation costs (such as direct materials, direct wages, and so on) and the motivation driven by the volume of long-term changes in operating costs (mainly indirect costs) Based on this understanding, management may consider in the cost of doing business through the appropriate scale of operation to effectively control costs, usually more conducive to large-scale small scale units to reduce product If procurement costs are not simply constrained by the volume of procurement, and the frequency of purchased large quantities of lower unit cost of procurement; Marketing costs to be incurred by sales volume are not simply restricted, The installment sales with a large number of domestic unit sales to reduce the burden of marketing In such cases, if the analysis of the motivation (variables) and the costs (variable), the relationship between The specific function of cost model can be further used mathematical methods to determine the optimal size of the Management accounting policy described in the optimal order quantity model is a concrete example of Through further analysis can be found, in addition to the objective factors driving Cost will be artificially driven by subjective factors, that is, cost function can be expressed as : cost = f (objective subjective motivation) It is precisely because people have the greatest motivation, man subjective motivation driving the cost of doing business is also an important For example, workers cost management, quality, collective consciousness and awareness of business ownership, work and responsibility, among workers and between workers and the leadership of interpersonal relationships, the level of subjective factors are affecting the cost of doing and thus may be considered as the driving cost From the point of view of cost control, people's subjective motivation has tremendous Practice shows that the responsibility for cost accounting center, controllable cost, the cost of research and analysis actively work to improve cost management in a practical In short, enterprise cost management, it should establish a motive theory based on more than the cost of management Based on the analysis of the establishment of such a fluctuation in the cost of management and often can be induced to produce new ideas and effective cost management

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    会逃跑的桃子 4人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 管理会计国外文献梳理

    一、会计职业道德面临市场经济的挑战 市场经济是法制经济,是诚信经济,但市场经济带来的利益之争也时时在拷问每个人的道德操守,特别是处在财经一线的会计工作人员,

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  • 会计学外文文献翻译

    外文文献可以用你们图书馆的外文数据库检索, 如, 自己去找吧 学校里面可以下载到的!英文关键词可以利用网站翻译~

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  • 管理会计外文参考文献

    1]李玉环论市场经济体制下会计运行机构的重构[J]会计研究,2004(2)   [2]孟凡利等管理会计应用:现状、问题与应有的改进[J]会计研究,2005(4

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  • 外文文献和翻译


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