For days, China has ranked in the top three most popularly searched terms on the site.Last weekend, four of the newspaper’s top ten most emailed articles were about China: the ongoing controversy over extreme Chinese parenting; a U.S. solar company’s decision to shut down its main operations in Massachusetts; an op-ed about the strength of Chinese education and the importance of Confucianism; and the opportunities for American architects to design and build, unfettered, in China.
(China) is taking away our means of living through unfair trade practices and stealing our industrial secrets by 'hacking' into our industrial computer
If I were the Chinese people, I wouldn't want superpower status. Along with that status comes a responsibility, that acted upon, in the end leaves the rest of the world end's up hating and despising you.
Whenever I think of China I think of the classic line; who needs enemies when you've got friends like the Chinese. There is very little that the Chinese and American people share in common outside of the zest to improve one's quality of life.
Until our students are saying they want to go to China to get their education rather than vice versa, I'm not seeing an issue. China uses a majority of the world’s oil to make petroleum based products i.e. our kids toys and our picnics forks and spoons. They are just now becoming an industrialized nation. Look up when the U.S. became industrialized. Research what it is we make. We don't need to make cheap plastic crap because our economy
Once the majority of the Chinese population becomes morbidly obese and start calling themselves "consumers," then we'll talk.
If one believes that China isn't a Super Power they are lacking up stairs.
12% of 1.3 Billion = 150 Million Chinese who feel like they are a superpower.
(1) China is definitely NOT a super power..certainly not at this time. There military capabilities are meager compared to the USA. (2) Their economy is based on export (primarily to the USA) so in a one on one show down they would be severely limited for the simple reason they would be at war with their #1 customer. (3) Have no doubt; their education system is effective..with outstanding results but because it is so controlled it lacks the ability to instill a sense of freedom and individualism that is imperative to long term successful personal growth. Sustained economic & social growth can only be achieved through a free and open society.
饶有兴趣地看完了关于“超级大国”讨论。我在中国待过几个月,房东是个大好人。我非常喜欢去过的那些地方,我的印象是:⑴ 中国绝不是一个超级大国,至少现在不是。军事能力无法和美国相提并论。⑵ 中国的经济是出口带动型(主要出口到美国),所以一对一摊牌时,仅受限于这个原因,中国就不会和自己最大的客户开战。⑶ 毫无疑问,中国的教育制度卓有成效。但这套体制管理苛刻,缺乏能力去培养学生自由理念和个人主义思维,这对成功的个人长期发展不可或缺。经济和社会的持续发展只有在自由和开发的社会中才会实现。
我国大学毕业论文查重源于2009年,但并不源于任何一个单一的人,而是源于对当时大学内抄袭风气的重视。 当时大学生数量急剧增长,而其中抄袭者也相应增多,蔚然
中华美德,人人皆知,“孔融让梨”等 典故 无不体现了中华民族五千年以来至高无上的美德,更说明了中华民族是一个 文化 之都,下面给大家分享一些关于高三
正文翻译: For days, China has ranked in the top three most popularly searched terms