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观赏海棠花粉特性及花果香气研究:View and admire pollen characteristic of the Chinese flowering crabapple and flowers and fruits fragrance to study 花果香气:Fragrance of the flowers and fruits

227 评论


英语毕业论文参考题目 英语本科学位论文选题

223 评论


以洛阳市常见的绿化树种杨树(Pterocarya stenoptera)、泡桐(Paulownia Sieb. et Zucc.)、枇杷(Eriobotrya- japonica)、广玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora)、青铜(Firmiana platanifolia)为研究对象,探讨5种树种的叶面积在不同方位上的大小情况,为制定栽培模式、整形修剪方法及施肥方案等提供依据。结果表明:东、西、南、北四个方位的叶面积,杨树东部较大,南部较小,四个方位的叶面积无显著性差异。泡桐南部较大,东部较小,四个方位的叶面积无显著性差异。枇杷东部较大,西部较小,四个方位的叶面积有显著性差异。广玉兰西部较大,南部较小,四个方位的叶面积有显著性差异。青桐东部较大,西部较小,四个方位的叶面积有极显著性差异。上、中、下三个树冠高度,杨树中部较大,下部较小,3个部位的叶面积有显著性差异。泡桐下部较大,中部较小,3个部位的叶面积无显著性差异。枇杷中部较大,下部较小,3个部位的叶面积无显著性差异。广玉兰中部较大,上部较小,3个部位的叶面积无显著性差异。青桐下部较大,中部较小,3个部位的叶面积无显著性差异。不同叶位叶面积,杨树下叶位较大,中叶位较小,3个叶位的叶面积无显著性差异。泡桐中叶位较大,下叶位较小,3个叶位的叶面积无显著性差异。枇杷下叶位较大,上叶位较小,3个叶位的叶面积无显著性差异。广玉兰中叶位较大,下叶位较小,3个叶位的叶面积无显著性差异。青桐下叶位较大,上叶位较小,3个叶位的叶面积无显著性差异。分析不同部位的叶面积变异规律,对研究植物的生物学特性和指导生产具有重要意义。Common greening tree species in luoyang Pterocarya stenoptera, Paulownia Sieb. Et Zucc., Eriobotrya japonica, demand grandiflora, Firmiana platanifolia as the research object, discusses five kinds of tree species of leaf area in different directions on the size of the case, for the development of the cultivation mode, trimming method and fertilization scheme, etc. The results show that the east, west, south and north four directions of leaf area, east of poplar is larger, the south is small, four directions of leaf area there was no significant difference. Southern paulownia is bigger, smaller east, four directions of leaf area there was no significant difference. Western eastern loquat is larger, smaller, four directions of leaf area have significant difference. Southern magnolia west is larger, smaller, four directions of leaf area have significant difference. Western eastern qing is larger, smaller, four directions of leaf area was extremely significant difference. , in the next three crown height, central poplar is larger, lower smaller, three parts of the leaf area have significant difference. Central lower part of paulownia is larger, smaller, but the three parts of the leaf area there was no significant difference. Loquat central larger, lower part is lesser, three parts of the leaf area there was no significant difference. Magnolia middle is larger, the upper is lesser, three parts of the leaf area there was no significant difference. Central lower part of qing is larger, smaller, but the three parts of the leaf area there was no significant difference. Under the different leaves, leaf area, poplar leaves a larger, in the middle of a small, three leaves a leaf area there was no significant difference. Paulownia in the middle of a larger, lower lobe smaller, three leaves a leaf area there was no significant difference. Loquat leaf under a large leaf on a smaller, three leaves a leaf area there was no significant difference. Magnolia in the middle of a larger, lower lobe smaller, three leaves a leaf area there was no significant difference. Qing, lower lobe larger, leaves on a small, three leaves a leaf area there was no significant difference. Analysis of different parts of the leaf area variation law, to study the biological characteristics of plants and is of great significance to guide production.

340 评论


有浙大的章就是浙江大学(zju)而城院是浙江大学城市学院(zucc)其中“浙江大学”四个字是一样的 但城院下面会有“城市学院”四个(貌似)宋体的字注明的

291 评论


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