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商业中的“定位(Positioning)”概念,1972年,艾•里斯与杰克•特劳特提出了定位理论,开创了一种新的营销思维和理念,被评为“有史以来对美国营销影响最大的观念”。1991年,中文版《定位》出版,定位理论传入中国。经过二十年的理论移植与实践,定位思想正在中国开花结果:定位、营销战、聚焦、品类等思想深入了更多营销人的心智,也出现了长城汽车、真功夫、王老吉等实践定位理论的经典案例。1963年,艾·里斯先生在纽约成立了AL RIES公司。后来,由于Cappiello Colwell的加入,公司改名为Ries Cappiello Colwell,里斯先生时任公司主席,也是公司最大的股东。1967年,聘请特劳特出任公司的客户主管。 定位理论的前身就是里斯先生及其合伙人发展出的工作方法体系,其核心为“每个品牌都需要一句话来表述它与竞争对手之间的区隔。”它不仅是一个想法,还是一个可以迅速进入潜在顾客心智的想法或概念,也就是无可置疑的“rock”(意为如同岩石般坚硬有力的出击点)因此,当时称之为“the rock”。在杰克•特劳特加入公司之后,1968年的一天,特劳特先生写了一个备忘录给里斯先生及他的伙伴:“Gentleman, I present your thoughts positioning…(先生们,我想到了用“定位”来概括你们的理论……)。”里斯先生认为这个建议不错,就同意采用这个词。因为position这个词可以作为名词,positioning可以作为动词,而rocking作为动词没有意义。当然,“定位”这个名字只是整个理论中的一个部分。2001年,定位理论压倒菲利普•科特勒、迈克尔•波特,被美国营销协会评为“有史以来对美国营销影响最大的观念”。所谓定位,在对本产品和竞争产品进行深入分析,对消费者的需求进行准确判断的基础上,确定产品与众不同的优势及与此相联系的在消费者心中的独特地位,并将它们传达给目标消费者的动态过程。---《定位》艾·里斯和杰克·特劳特代表人物:艾·里斯定位理论创始人、里斯伙伴(全球)营销公司主席,作为第一作者,与杰克•特劳特合著《定位》、《商战》、《营销革命》、《22条商规》、《人生定位》等享誉世界的营销经典,贡献了这些著作中的核心思想并撰写了主要内容。上个世纪九十年代以来,艾•里斯与女儿劳拉•里斯先后出版了《聚焦》、《品牌的起源》、《董事会里的战争》等著作,把定位理论带上新的颠峰。2008年,作为营销战略领域的唯一入选者,艾•里斯与管理学之父彼得•德鲁克、GE前CEO杰克•韦尔奇一起并列美国《广告时代》评选的“全球十大顶尖商业大师”,目前,艾•里斯专门辅导全球500强企业如微软、宝洁、GE等营销战略。杰克·特劳特杰克·特劳特先生被誉为“定位之父”。他于1969年以《定位:同质化时代的竞争之道》论文为该理论体系明明,1972年以《定位时代》论文开创了定位理论,1981年,作为第二作者出版学术专著《定位》。1996年,他推出了定位论落定之作《新定位》。2009年,《定位》被美国影响力最大的营销杂志《广告时代》评选为“十大专业读物之首”。邓德隆邓德隆先生是特劳特(中国)战略定位咨询公司总经理,“定位之父”杰克·特劳特先生全球合伙人。师从杰克·特劳特先生十余年,一直致力于在中国倡导并实践特劳特的定位理论,被誉为“中国定位第一人”。其著作《2小时品牌素养》因连续畅销多年,被当当网授予终身五星图书奖,另著有《中国企业如何定战略》。邓德隆先生深研定位理论近20年,具有极其丰富的实践经验,曾协助多家企业确立定位,并制订品牌战略,如加多宝集团、东阿阿胶、劲霸男装、香飘飘奶茶、西贝餐饮、乌江涪陵榨菜、大长江集团(豪爵摩托)、方太厨电、张一元茉莉花茶等业内领先企业。

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Nationwide, Vocational education has become China's higher education "half of the country." Vocational College enrollment continues to expand the scale expansion in the number of schools has risen sharply. In recent years, and the higher vocational education have also been booming development. But with the rapid development of higher vocational education, increasing the size of the school, some of the problems are gradually exposed: the role of the Government and the absence of offside coexist, and unfair treatment of financial support, students taking system lags behind, survival and development environment difficult; overall social evaluation is not high, students, parents, serious prejudice, some higher vocational institutions sponsoring their own direction unknown, redundant construction, and no personality characteristics, the subject of poor quality graduates employment difficulties, the problem is confusion Wu Duo, but if boils, Root of the Matter究end, and ultimately we can set our sights on one point: the positioning of higher vocational education. Vocational education is the lack of reasonable and accurate positioning, how to properly define its role, and have set up a suitable regional situation, and to protect Vocational Education sustained, healthy and steady development of the positioning system, we need to solve the problems. Some scholars began to higher vocational education should pay close attention to the development of higher vocational some constructive advice. But generally speaking, the academic community for the positioning of Higher Vocational Education Research relatively small, no systematic study on the formation theory. Therefore, this article is intended to higher vocational institutions as the main study, research and comparative literature through the study of a certain amount of investigation and research on the positioning of higher vocational education and the reasons for the problems were analyzed, and foreign successful positioning of the Higher Vocational Education experience, which is based on the correct positioning of Vocational Strategies. Papers in five major part of the study: Introduction to the first part: First, on the positioning of higher vocational education on the origin and significance of this study, and our country is already on the positioning of the Vocational study done a brief introduction. The second part of the positioning of higher vocational education concepts and theories related Overview: Vocational Education is the key position of the related concepts - higher vocational education, positioning, positioning of higher vocational education should be straightened out to define, but also the positioning of the Higher Vocational Education The theory - Colleges and Universities stratification (classification) and location theory, system theory, the personnel structure model theory, the theory of lifelong education, to provide a theoretical basis of this study. The third part of higher vocational education position and the reasons for the deviation Analysis: The major part of the Vocational Education Research positioning errors and attribution analysis, from a macro point of view is that the Government and social awareness of Higher Vocational Education positioning unclear, policies and regulations , the lack of funding support from the micro perspective of the Vocational College is positioning itself not understand the objective of fostering understanding narrow. Positioning the reasons for the deviation caused both traditional understanding of the impact of inertia are the drawbacks of the system. Part IV abroad successful positioning of higher vocational education experience and insight: foreign positioning of higher vocational education to the successful experience of the Enlightenment, "the objective of various high technology-based skills and the training of personnel; level position in the multi-level, open, ; position in the concept of lifelong education, and attach importance to the legislative work of vocational education with vocational education in the legal guarantee of the status of higher education. " Part V accurate positioning of higher vocational education Countermeasures: Higher Vocational Education positioning the problems and causes of higher vocational education abroad positioning the successful experience from the market mechanism and macro-control two aspects of the accurate positioning of Higher Vocational Education strategy.

336 评论


定位是一个汉语词汇,读音dìng wèi,意思是指确定方位,确定或指出的地方,确定场所或界限(如通过勘察)给这个地产的界限定位。出自《韩非子·扬权》。[1]中文名定位外文名locate拼音dìng wèi释义确定方位出处《韩非子·扬权》快速导航拼音 基本解释 词汇出处与详解 信息技术名词 科技名词 定位的实现词目定位拼音dìng wèi基本解释(1) [orient]∶确定方位决定爬上小屋的屋顶定位(2) [locate]∶确定或指出的地方;确定场所或界限(如通过勘察)给这个地产的界限定位(3) [intersect]∶用三角测量方法确定位置试图给这二十几个山顶定位[2]词汇出处与详解1.确定事物的名位。①《韩非子·扬权》:“审名以定位,明分以辩类。”②南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·原道》:“仰观吐曜,俯察含章,高卑定位,故两仪既生矣。”③宋 曾巩《请令长贰自举属官札子》:“陛下隆至道,开大明,配天地,立人极,循名定位,以董正治官,千载以来,盛德之事也。”④清·黄鷟来《题杨人庵总戎无著图》诗:“天地贵得一,清宁以定位。”2.一定的规矩或范围。①南朝 梁 刘勰《文心雕龙·明诗》:“《诗》有恒裁,思无定位,随性适分,鲜能通圆。”[3]②清 曾国藩《江宁府学记》:“先王之制礼也,人人纳於轨范之中,自其弱齿,已立制防,洒扫沃盥有常仪,羹食肴胾有定位,緌缨绅佩有恒度。”3.用仪器等对物体所在的位置进行测量。亦指经测量后确定的位置。4.确定座位次序。《东周列国志》第九十七回:“管席者传板报道:‘客齐!’范雎出堂相见,叙礼已毕,送盏定位;两庑下鼓乐交作,竟不呼召须贾。”[2]信息技术名词Word中的定位功能Word中的定位功能主要用于帮助用户快速定位到某个特定页,以Word2010软件为例介绍使用方法:第1步,打开Word2010长文档,在“开始”功能区的“编辑”分组中单击“查找”按钮右侧的下拉三角按钮,并单击“转到”命令。第2步,打开“查找和替换”对话框,在“定位”选项卡的“定位目标”列表中选择“页”选项,然后在“输入页号”编辑框中输入目标页码,并单击“定位”按钮即可。科技名词全球定位系统全球卫星定位系统(Globle Positioning System) 是一种结合卫星及通讯发展的技术,利用导航卫星进行测时和测距。全球卫星定位系统(简称GPS) 是美国从上世纪70 年代开始研制,历时20 余年,耗资200 亿美元,于1994 年全面建成。具有海陆空全方位实时三维导航与定位能力的新一代卫星导航与定位系统。经过近十年我国测绘等部门的使用表明,全球卫星定位系统以全天候、高精度、自动化、高效益等特点,成功地应用于大地测量、工程测量、航空摄影、运载工具导航和管制、地壳运动测量、工程变形测量、资源勘察、地球动力学等多种学科,取得了好的经济效益和社会效益。现有的卫星导航定位系统有美国的全球卫星定位系统(GPS) 和俄罗斯的全球卫星定位系统(Globle Navigation Satellite System),简称GLONASS,以及中国北斗星,欧洲伽利略。

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