你好!乐意回答你的问题。下面简要介绍 Family Medicine and Primary Care 杂志的出版商、杂志简介、影响因子等。Journal of Family Medicineand Primary Care (JFMPC)Publisher: MedknowPublications Journal descriptionJournal of FamilyMedicine and Primary Care seeks to foster academic communication andinterdisciplinary research among primary care providers engaged in variousforms. The journal covers broad spectrum of clinical topical catering to theacademic needs of family physicians, urban GPs, rural physicians, NRHM doctors,community surgeons, community health workers, providers of communityobstetrical & pediatric care, emergency physicians, occupational physiciansand public health specialists. The journal publishes original article onclinical studies, theories and policies related the academic discipline offamily medicine and primary care.RG Journal Impact: 0.67 **This value iscalculated using ResearchGate data and is based on average citation counts fromwork published in this journal. The data used in the calculation may not beexhaustive.
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