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PickWaterfront landscape is the richest of spiritual landscape design. Waterfront landscape design, is a door in the water and land border region geography both surface treatment, coordinators and natural environment, and the relationship between human and social activities, and to comply with the aim of sustainable development, these are integrated design, space, and the ecological aesthetics. In the waterfront landscape design using hardware, scale, scale and PeiJing environment different, thus derived form the landscape more. These forms are running water, water purification, plunge, springs, fountain, water have rivers, streams, flow, etc, are static water lakes, ponds, plunge ShuiLian waterfalls, have fall down, silk, various forms of waterscape, these different people brings different forms of sensory effects.Western waterfront landscape development history and evolution of modern waterfront landscape design practice and summarizes the trends. The design of waterfront villa on the discussion and research content, summarizes the waterfront landscape design principles, namely environmental priority, waterfront environment design, air, water conservancy waterfront planning, deepen the hydrophilic, local history and culture. Finally add oneself waterfront villa garden design scheme for further explanation. With vivid designs, can realize the infection of waterfront landscape garden villa's value.Yard villa's waterfront landscape design concept should be people-oriented, provide comfortable for the residents living environment. Therefore, villas and landscape integration has become an inevitable trend, under this background, the landscape design of villa garden makes some thinking and analysis.Keywords: waterfront, Villa, Landscape, Rational planning

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Waterfront Landscape Design Landscape

Waterfront landscape design landscape is the richest part of spirituality. Waterfront landscape design, is a water, land and geographic patterns of two interface areas for the processing, coordination of human and natural environment, human relations between the type of social activity, and consistent with the purpose of the comprehensive sustainable development Design, these are, and ecology, space and aesthetics are closely related. In the waterfront landscape design approach used in hardware, scale, size and distribution of different landscape environment, which derived more landscape form. The form of water, water, or water, springs, fountains and other five, there is river water, river, river, stream and other forms, there is still water lakes, ponds, a waterfall or water, water curtain, drop, drop wire, etc. forms, these different forms bring people of different water features sensory effects.

Western Waterfront heritage and landscape evolution history of modern waterfront landscape design practice direction makes a conclusion. The design of waterfront villas on the content of the exploration and study, summed up the waterfront landscape design principles, namely, environmental priorities, environmental design waterfront air, water waterfront reform, improve and perfect planning, hydrophilic, local historical and cultural continuity. Finally waterfront villa with its own garden design to further this explanation. People infected with the vivid design, garden landscape can be achieved on the value of waterfront villas.

Waterfront villa courtyard landscape design should be people-oriented, providing a comfortable and pleasant for the residents living environment. Therefore, the villa and landscape integration has become an inevitable trend, in that context, on the villa's garden landscape design made some thinking and analysis.

Keywords: Waterfront; villas; landscape; rational planning

226 评论


滨水景观设计是为了什么滨水景观的主要类型1生态保护型规划对于这种城市滨水景观的规划理念不应是高密度城市建筑或人工景观的大量堆砌,而是朝着建筑量小的“非建筑化”“非城市化”的方向发展,体现生态优先的原则。2生态修复型规划生态修复既有利于减少人力、财力、物力的投资,又能避免过多的人为干预给生态系统造成过大的负面影响。生态修复是现代滨水景观规划的一个重要研究方向,如何在生态系统遭到严重破坏的滨水区规划出具有生态修复功能的滨水景观已成为各国景观规划师共同关注的热点问题。3旅游游憩型规划随着科技的进步,经济的发展,人类社会发展的节奏越来越快,在高度信息化的现代社会,居住在城市中的人们普遍感到生活压力不断增加,放松身心,缓解各种压力是现代城市居民的共同愿望。城市滨水地带以其得天独厚的自然条件,特色鲜明的自然景观,比其他地区拥有更为有利的娱乐游憩环境。滨水景观设计要点ps:我们总不是不喜欢看太理论的东西,说实话,拾光君也是。但是,理论是基础,没有基础谈何生长。专业的景观设计师和不专业的景观设计师区别就在于:专业的设计师用专业的知识评判景观,不专业的设计师用感觉评判景观。1.滨水空间特征滨水空间是城市中尤为重要和独特的组成部分,主要为人们提供一个舒适、安全、怡人的亲水环境,增进市民之间的人际交流。1)水体造就的自然资源特征生态多样性:滨水空间是典型的生态交错带,是人们观赏、考察的特殊区域。滨水小气候:当水体达到一定数量、占据较大空间时,水域附近常常呈现出宜人的小气候。2)滨水区独特的人文特征水乃生命之源 ,人类观水、近水、亲水、傍水而居的趋水天性是历来已久的。在古代人们就有水上游览、曲水流觞、钓鱼等亲水活动; 在当代,有划船、漂流 、游泳、水边冥想 、瑜伽等活动。3)滨水空间固有的景观特征河道景观属于典型的带状空间,带状空间因其水流的作用,形成蜿蜒河道、缓坡岸堤等特殊空间形态; 具有较强的导向性和内聚力,其空间秩序较强,有利于沿岸形成序列的空间节点。2.人的行为特征人们的活动是城市滨水开放空间的最重要和最基本的因素,它构成了滨水开放空间的人文特征和价值基础。正如C·M·迪西所说,规划和设计的目的不是创造一个有形的工艺品,而是创造一个满足人类行为的环境。在景观设计的过程中应该考虑到空间属性与人的关系,从而使人与环境达到最佳的互适状态。在个人的空间环境中,人需要能够占有和控制一定的空间领域。1)个人空间1959年霍尔把人际交往的距离划分为4种:亲昵距离(0m~0.5m),如爱人之间的距离;个人距离(0.5m~1.2m),如朋友之间的距离;社会距离(1.2m~2m),如开会时人们之间的距离;公众距离(4.5m~7.5m),如表演者和观众的距离。人际交往的距离直接决定了不同对象需要的空间规模。

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