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首页 > 期刊论文 > 坦克大战论文研究背景及意义

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In the modern information society, with cell phones and other wireless devices more and more ordinary people into the work and life, cell phone games, JAVA applications the mobile value-added services is becoming the new favorite of the industry, demonstrating a broad market prospect. Therefore, this paper use J2ME technology, the development of a commercial mobile phone can Games - Tankedazhan. Eclipse platform for the system to prepare and use JAVA language, UML UML and other related technologies, and its introduced. At the same time on the phone's software and hardware features, J2ME technology, and other relevant content. In the course of the use of object-oriented analysis, the use of UML use case diagram, map object, the order plans and activities such as map of the system carried out a detailed analysis. System modules include layers of management, external read documents, RMS database system, the map set, tanks of artificial intelligence control, the common tanks, ammunition and control the operation. Papers on the enemy's tanks and bullets functional attributes of the operation and control of two sub-module for a more detailed explanation, drawing on the tank, obstacle detection, tanks and movement of objects collision detection, bullets and other objects and map the collision, Explosive bullets, bullets and direction of the movement, and other functions. The game has a long history of simple played operation, a unique confrontational, varied scenes and rich props爱不释手audience for many. The system can support JAVA technology-enabled mobile phones and other wireless devices and mobile phones running on simulators.

346 评论


In the modern information society, more and more many enters common people's work along with the handset and other radio equipment reps and the life, the handset increment service which JAVA application procedures and so on handset game produce is becoming the field the new favorite, demonstrates the broad market prospect.Therefore, the present paper utilizes the J2ME technology, develops one section to be possible the commercial handset game procedure - tank war.The system take Eclipse as the platform compilation, utilizes the JAVA language, correlation technologies and so on unification modelling language UML, and has carried on the introduction to it.Simultaneously introduced the handset software and hardware characteristic, the J2ME technology and so on the related content. Has used the object-oriented analysis method in the analysis process, has utilized UML with the illustration, the object chart, the smooth chart and the active chart and so on has carried on the detailed analysis to the system. The system sub-module mainly includes the chart level management, exterior document read, the RMS database system, the map hypothesis, the tank artificial intelligence control, the tank common behavior, the bullet movement and the control and so on. The paper and controlled two sub-modules to the enemy side tank function attribute and the bullet movement to carry on a more detailed explanation, elaborated the tank plan, the obstacle examination, the tank and the mobile collision examined, the bullet and the map as well as other object collision, the bullet explodes, functions and so on bullet movement and direction. This game has the glorious history, the simple game operates, the unique antagonism, the change diverse scene and the rich stage prop, lets very play the family to be unable to put down.This system may in support the JAVA technology the handset and so on the radio equipment rep and on the handset simulator moves.

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第一次世界大战期间,英军第一次使用坦克作战,在1916年的索姆河战役中。是世界军事史上第一次真正意义上的坦克大战索姆河战役第一次世界大战期间,英军第一次使用坦克作战,是在1916年的索姆河战役中。1916年6月,英法联军在法国索玛河地区对德军发起进攻。英法联军兵分两路,英军沿北岸攻向巴波姆,法军则直接进攻培隆。然而,由于德军工事火力完备,进攻屡屡受挫。数日的激战交战各方死伤严重,英军损失42万人,法军损失20万人,德军损失60万人。就在英法联军的进攻遭到德军一次次的抗击时,英军的首批49辆坦克经过长时间的运转,抵达索姆河战场,除17辆因途中机件出现故障留下待修外,其余的32辆悄悄地驶进攻击地域。 9月15日凌晨,大雾笼罩索玛河畔,此时,德军士兵正在酣睡之中。然而,睡梦中的德军士兵突然被“轰轰隆隆”的巨大响声惊醒。原来,英军的32辆Ⅰ型坦克趁着茫茫大雾,轰隆隆地开进德军所在阵地。沉睡中的德军被坦克的开进声惊醒后,即刻被眼前的庞然大物惊呆了。只见它们横冲直撞,壕沟、铁丝网对这些怪物毫不起作用。慌乱中的德军士兵抓起枪来猛烈扫射,只听见子弹“嗖嗖”地响,但是,这些钢铁怪物却刀枪不入,反而更加凶猛地向前开进。见此情景,德军士兵顿时乱作一团,有的丢下枪就跑,有的边跑边开枪射击,逃跑不及的被铁怪物碾成肉饼,没来得及跑开的,成了怪物履带下的一堆肉泥。转眼间,德军便溃不成军,横尸遍野,坚守几天的战线全部崩溃。这是坦克诞生后,首次使用于战场的情景,也是世界上第一支坦克部队首次取得的胜利。 首次使用坦克的英军在索姆河交战中尝到了甜头以后,便加快了坦克的批量生产,也使英国成为第一次世界大战中第一个使用坦克的国家,并以使用坦克数量多、战场使用最广而为以后的坦克发展和使用提供了十分有益的经验

132 评论


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