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On the Cultural Construction of university campus footballAbstract: The construction of the university campus sports culture, has been an important part of the construction of campus culture, Shenyang Normal, discusses the current problems in cultural construction of college campus football and made a number of rationalization proposals, and hope as the construction of the campus football culture to provide some thoughts.Keywords: Campus football cultureIs a special group of mostly students, the construction of the sports culture has been an important part of campus culture construction, moral, intellectual, physical, and the United States, labor-round development of quality education advocate. Of sun movement, is to implement the program of physical exercise have facilities, the construction of the campus sports culture to the campus sports to carry out. Soccer is the most representative projects of college sports, campus football culture related to the football game, football cheerleaders, football spread, football courses on all aspects of football culture can be good to promote the development of sports culture in schools.(1) the development of the campus football culture significanceChinese football is at a critical moment of the anti-corruption, anti-crime, many scholars of Chinese football is pinning its hopes up in the campus football. World power in the world of campus sports as a reserve base of competitive sports, such as the NAB pick of the United States, South Korean football K-League, are from the university, high school draft pick of the campus development of football can promote students' exercise, health promotion, and so involved in the contest to promote football game, game organization, game art, game performance can contribute to the construction of the campus sports culture, to enrich the campus culture, to attract more people to enjoy the football game, so that more into football, the excellent Football Talents for our culture.Campus football Cultural AnalysisShenyang Normal University teachers and students for research and investigation from the aspects of the football programs, football matches, football culture, football promotion, the results are not optimistic that the current campus football there are many problems with the construction of the football culture.2.1 Soccer Elective unreasonableCollege Physical Education is the main form of student sports, football lesson is the major elective courses of Physical Education in Colleges, loved by students, but in actual course selection process, but there are some problems. Most colleges and universities in football lesson elective set not by gender to be elective, but students where the faculty's time to set up, the consequences like football lesson, students choose classes, selected classes of students do not like football class, what is more a teaching classes more than 40 people, 38 were girls, this sex ratio is not conducive to the teaching of soccer lesson. College football elective settings has become a major obstacle to the development of college football.2.2 football facilities lackShenyang Normal University, the existing two football pitches for the class, the students, an artificial site, a natural grass, artificial site of most of the time for the sport of professional students use public sports students only in sports majors no class use, even if you can use two or three classes with class, more than 100 people shared a football field, soccer teaching quality can be imagined. Public sports football lesson most of the time in the natural grassland than the school, while the natural lawn grounds maintenance costs higher, usually the lack of maintenance, resulting in site quality is relatively poor, it is difficult to a football match. Greatly reduce the football interest of the students is not conducive to the universal development of the campus football.2.3-campus football game to a lack of continuityShenyang Normal University Campus Football League is a lack of continuity, sometimes held once a year, sometimes once every two years. For students' personal safety reasons, the school is willing to organize a large football game. This affected the football enthusiasm of the students, the students have a great yearning for the school organize regular football game, game to show their Many colleges have to organize football league, to meet the aspirations of the football game, this form of the league there are certain security risks. Campus football game, is an important part of the campus sports culture, appreciation of the game, the input of the game, the game's fans to participate in campus sports culture can contribute to the development of a regular game and talk about the construction of the football culture.2.4 lack of high-level football teamThe construction of high-level sports team can promote the development of the campus football culture, such as the Beijing Institute of Technology football team is a student military organization of the football team, perennial war in the China Football Super League B, and achieved a proud record by the school division favorite of students, rich sports culture of the Beijing Institute of Technology, along with the Northern Polytechnic very naturally think of the North University football team, which is the advocacy role of the high level of soccer. Shenyang Normal University football, table tennis, baseball, school team regularly participates in the province, and national contests, and achieved good results, access to wide acclaim, won the honor for the school, but also the promotion of school sports and culture developments. Shenyang Normal University do not have a fixed school football team, are rarely involved in the football game between the universities, which also affects the construction of the campus football culture, reducing the school's football atmosphere.College campus football culture construction strategy3.1 on the existing public sports football class reformReform of public sports football class settings, choice of classes, set up a class the proportion of male and female students by gender, boys and girls can also be placement of teaching, which avoids the student election was not in class, but also to enable teachers to teaching, set the reform of public sports football class, more like football, soccer classes, students choose a better development of the campus football.3.2 increase in the football facilities put intoFootball venues and facilities is a prerequisite to carry out by the football schools should make use of the community can use the power of the construction of football pitches, increase investment in football facilities for soccer enthusiasts to provide a good sport, the better to carry out the football. Also the implementation of specific measures of sun sports, responded to the call to carry out the campus football.3.3 specification Football LeagueCampus Football League is to promote football, the best way to build sports culture, schools should regulate the Football League, Football League has a sustainable development, the establishment of a college characteristics Football League. Can also attract some corporate sponsorship of campus football game, the establishment of a school football team on behalf of the school play, and strive for the Chinese football training out of football talent, but also can provide some help for Football Culture Communication.4 SummarySoccer is the universities which are more representative of sports, the construction of the campus football culture plays an important role in the construction of the campus sports culture, the development of college football and football culture there are still many problems, only fully awareness and take reasonable solution, and will promote the development of the campus football culture. 我再打中文参照进去,就发生错误了,如果你需要,把你邮箱发来,我把中文给你发过去,楼主,请你采纳吧,谢谢 楼主我已经发送过去了,标题是coolcoolhe发送校园足球论文,楼主麻烦采纳啊

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字号:大中小 题目:青少年足球运动员选材 一:选题的目的及意义: 随着国际竞争的日益加剧,综合国力的强与弱就左右着国家在世界范围内的话语权和国际地位。综合国力除了经济,基础产业,资源,文化之外,也包括文娱以及体育的建设。作为体育的主要竞技项目之一的足球,自当成为了衡量国家体育发展水平的重要依据。这其中,足球运动员的青少年培养更是重中之重。 在邓小平发表关于“足球从娃娃抓起”的讲话之后,中国的青少年足球运动员选材才正式的起步,但长期以来,世界上先进的足球强国,在上世纪初就十分重视青少年的科学选材和系统的训练了,尽早发现有潜质的好运动员,经过数年的专业训练,为成为高水平的运动员打下坚实的基础。而具有优越天赋条件的运动员只有靠优秀的教练员在早期的选材中去发现和挖掘的,因此我认为“选好有天赋的好苗子,就意味着一名球星的诞生” 本论文就是希望通过对国内,外青少年足球运动员的培养及选拔状况进行简单的分析和对比,力争从中找到更适合中国足球环境,更适合中国青少年的一套选材方案。同时本论文还可以在研究中进一步发现中,外足球在青少年运动员的选拔以及培养方面的差距,从而对现今的国内选材机制做比较客观的分析。 二:国内外青少年足球运动员的现状 1 我国青少年运动员的现状 。 我国在世界强队发展已过百年的历史现状的情况下,中国足球才在1994年实行职业化,这样,在起步就已经比国外晚了近百年,当然从各个环节都比较落后,然而这就更需要我们对青少年的选材进行更为深入细致的研究,并且找出一套符合国情的青少年选材,训练,管理的一整套系统的方法我国从八十年代就开始进行科学选材的研究,并集合国内数名体育科学的专家制定了一整套的足球运动员身体形态,心理素质,身体机能,心理等方面的选材评定标准。之后,随着职业化的产生,足球在人们心中的地位逐渐增高,国家对足球项目的重视,国内的一些好的青少年运动员也被派往国外进行训练,可以看出青少年足球的早期科学选材和训练已倍受重视,其研究工作也更加深入更加实际,更加专业化。 2 国外青少年足球运动员的现状 。 国际上的足球发达国家往往都有着一百多年的成熟职业化系统不仅指联赛,也包括足球的培养工作。首先是政府的投入,在西方甚至日,韩等国,国家对青少年足球的投入毫不逊与本国的职业球员,这就充分保证了青少年足球训练,比赛,生活等方面有良好的硬件和软件设施,其次是系统的比赛竞争体制。在足球发达国家,职业比赛的成熟及完善不仅体现在国家成人的顶级联赛上,预备队,青年队的联赛系统也相当科学和完善,任何有天赋,有能力的青少年足球运动员都可能得到展示自己才能的机会,足球运动员培养的大体制和竞争密切相关。国家队的建设上考虑常备军的设置U---13. U---15 U---17等常备军根据不同的年龄可以接受不同的系统训练,从而达到了源源不断的为国家输送人才。 3 中外足球运动员的选材差距。 青少年足球运动员选材的问题,在足球发达国家往往注重球员的技术,意识培养,但更为重要的是一名球员的潜力和上升的空间,而身体则不是重要的标准。在中国教练狠抓训练同时,国外则把眼光放在了青少年运动员思想及头脑的培养上面,他们认为,不压抑球员的个性,最大限制的释放球员的激情,激活他们的头脑才是最重要的。 三:研究的主要内容: 青少年足球运动员中选材,我们的目的非常明确,就是选出有培养前途,经过专业,系统训练后能达到预期结果的好运动员。 1:是选择他们对足球的兴趣,对足球运动的认识程度,有强烈的集体荣誉感,责任心,训练中的吃苦耐劳,自觉的遵守纪律,服从团对的需要,听从教练的安排,比赛中长时间的高度注意力,进取心等等。 2:是竞技能力,主要是指运动员的技术能力,战术,身体素质,智力心理等综合体现,也是青少年足球运动员不可缺少的重要因素,单从身体素质可以从,速度,力量,爆发力,耐力,敏感程度,柔韧等方面开始研究。 3:意识的培养:在少儿足球训练中为什么要加强意识培养这个问题,首先我们应当知道什么意识。根据心理学的基本观点,人的意识是“客观现实在人脑中的反映,是心理活动的高级形式,是自觉的心理活动。”那么我们足球训练中的意识即可理解为:“根据足球比赛的需要而采取的各种技术、战术手段在运动员头脑中的反映,是运动员在进行技术、战术活动时自觉的心理活动。”因此,可以说意识是一个运动员的灵魂。意识的强弱是衡量一个运动员、一个运动队水平高低的重要标志。则队员在赛场上的意识表现有:(1)、接球的意识; (2)、传球的意识; (3)、带球的意识; (4)、整体进攻配合的意识; (5)、防守的意识。 4:则是遗传因素,选每一个好的运动员,首先是他遗传了其父母的或多或少的运动基因,特别是在身高,身形,体质,性格,气质上都有直接或间接的影响。则专家认为“在运动能力的遗传中,具有卓越运动才能的亲代,其子代有50%的人具有优秀的运动才能,并且很有可能超越亲代个体。运动能力的遗传在亲代之间是连续的”因此遗传因素对青少年运动员成材的影响是很大的。 主要参考文献 [1] 邓达之 《足球训练》 [ M ] 武汉体育学院 1984.6 [2] 曲锦域 《实用运动医学》 [ M ] 人们教育出版社 1982.3 [3] 徐本力 《科学在训练》 [ J ] 上海体育科学学会 1986.4 [4] 王永胜 《现代运动训练》 [ M ] 北京体育大学 1994.7 [5] 茅鹏 《运动训练新思路》 [ M ] 人们教育出版社 1999.6

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