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194 评论



Emei Mountain in Jin Yong's works is a women's mountain, gentle and beautiful, but fierce and arrogant. No matter whether there was Zhou Zhiruo or extinct nun here, this slender mountain like Emei is always yearning.


Located in the southwest of Sichuan Basin, Mount Emei has become a world natural and cultural heritage with its "majestic, beautiful, divine, strange and spiritual" and profound Buddhist culture.


Emei Mountain has rich natural heritage, known as "plant kingdom", "Animal Park" and "Geological Museum", and has the praise of "Emei is the world show".


Emei Mountain has a profound cultural heritage, is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, and is famous for worshiping the universal sages and Bodhisattvas. In the long history, with the tolerance of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, the origin of Taoism, the beginning of Buddhism and the realm of Confucianism have been formed, and they have been passed on to the present.


At present, with Buddhist culture as the core, there are nearly 30 temples, including Baoguo temple, Fuhu temple, Wannian temple, Qingyin Pavilion, Huazang temple, etc.

At present, with Buddhist culture as the core, there are nearly 30 temples, including Baoguo temple, Fuhu temple, Wannian temple, Qingyin Pavilion, Huazang temple, etc.

260 评论


翻译成英文应该是这样:Mount Emei is famous for its beautiful scenery.你们这些学生真的是,每次来提个问又没有一个要采纳的意思,白白降低我们的采纳率,以后拒绝回答学生的提问。

146 评论


是的,这是后置定语的句子结构。其中,“Mount Emei”表示峨眉山,“is”为“是”的意思,连接峨眉山和下一部分“one of the ten famous mountains”。这一部分是一个后置定语,指出峨眉山是“十大名山”中的一座。后置定语由形容词、分词、不定式、介词短语等构成,通常紧跟在中心语后面,从而对中心语进行进一步说明,增强语句的表达力。在这个句子中,后置定语更加全面、准确地描述了峨眉山的特点,使得句子更具备丰富的信息量和表现力。

161 评论


是的,这句话是后置定语结构,其中“Mount Emei”(峨眉山)是状语,而“one of the ten famous mountains”(十大名山之一)则作为峨眉山的后置定语,用于进一步说明并限定峨眉山的身份和地位。整个句子可以理解为“峨眉山是十大名山之一”。后置定语常用来进一步描述、修饰前面的名词,是英文语法中常用的句型之一。

357 评论


问题一:峨眉山的英文介绍 【峨眉山的英文介绍】 【General Introduction】 Mount Emei is a mountain in Sichuan Province, China, and is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. Mt. Emei sits at the western rim of the Sichuan Basin. The mountains west of it are known as Daxiangling. A large surrounding area of countryside is geologically known as the Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province, a large igneous province generated by the Emeishan Traps volcanic eruptions during the Permian Period. At 3,099 metres (10,167 ft), Mt. Emei is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China.[2] Administratively, Mt. Emei is located near the county-level city of the same name (Emeishan City), which is in turn part of the prefecture-level city of Leshan. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. 【As a sacred mountain】 Mount Emei is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China, and is traditionally regarded as the bodhima??a, or place of enlightenment, of the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. Samantabhadra is known in Mandarin as Pǔxián Púsà (普贤菩萨). 16th and 17th century sources allude to the practice of martial arts in the monasteries of Mount Emei[4] made the earliest extant reference to the Shaolin Monastery as Chinese boxing's place of origin. 【Sunrise and clouds sea】 Great spectacles of Mount Emei include the sunrise and Clouds Sea seen from the Golden Summit of the mountain. The sunrise is very varied, but optimally begins with the ground and sky being in the same dark purpl......>> 问题二:峨眉山之用英文旅怎么说 The trip to Emei mountain 问题三:四川省峨眉山市景区路1号如何翻译成英语 Sichuan Province Mount Emei City Scenic Road No. 1 问题四:峨眉山十景用英语怎么说? 10分 evening toll of Shengji Temple sunny clouds of Mount Luo emerald coverd mysterious blocks couple bridges with ringing sounds fall wind of Baishui Temple light rain of Hongchun snowfield of Daping in sun mansion of the nine celestials moon night of xiang pool auspic揣ous light of gold mountaintop 问题五:黄山,峨眉山,英语怎么说 Mount Huang,Mount Emei. 问题六:介绍峨眉山的英语作文 Mount Emei is located in China's Sichuan Emeishan City in scenic area of ??154 square kilometers, 3099 meters above sea level the highest peak Wanfo Ding. Steep terrain, beautiful scenery, the show best reputation. Diverse climate, abundant vegetation, a total of 3000 kinds of plants, including the world's rare species. Along the way there are more monkeys mountain, visitors often end team to beg for food, win a major feature for the Emei. It is one of China's four famous Buddhist mountains, there are about 26 temples, there are eight major temples, Buddhist frequently. December 6, 1996, Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha natural dual heritage as a cultural UNESCO World Heritage List. 问题七:谁能用英语翻译青城山和峨眉山的一部分资料? The Qingcheng is away from the Chengdu urban district 63 kilometers,because of scenic area green hill link row, forest luxuriant, is allyear long lonesome and quiet cool, always is the western Sichuanfamous tour and the summer vacation paradise. Here also is 1.thChinese Taoi *** place of origin Qingcheng's essential feature is: Tothe metropolis recent, the natural scenery is quiet and beautiful andthe Taoi *** culture well-established scenery scenic spot Mt. Emei is located within the boundaries of the Sichuan Mt. Emei cityProminent peak Wan Fuding elevation 3079.3 meters. On the Mt. Emei mountain altogether has in *** all Buddhist templedozens of locations, in the temple the collection has many fineBuddhi *** cultural relic. Jin Ding and Wan Fuding neighboring, theelevation 3077.96 meters, here mountain stratus cloud, the scenery isgrand, the tourist may in steep absorb nearby the body crag toappreciate the sunrise, the cloud sea, the Buddha light, the saintlamp four big marvelous sights. Mt. Emei by its Buddhi *** culture andthe original enchanting scenery, is attracting the square tourist,leads the people that male Xiu imaginary certainly marvelous boundary. 问题八:关于峨眉山的英语作文80-50词加翻译 Mount Emei is located in China's Sichuan Emeishan City in scenic area of 154 square kilometers, 3099 meters above sea level the highest peak Wanfo Ding. Steep terrain, beautiful scenery, the show best reputation. Diverse climate, abundant vegetation, a total of 3000 kinds of plants, including the world's rare species. Along the way there are more monkeys mountain, visitors often end team to beg for food, win a major feature for the Emei. It is one of China's four famous Buddhist mountains, there are about 26 temples, there are eight major temples 问题九:峨眉山中英文简介 峨嵋山 O-mei, Mount 亦作Mount Emei。 峨眉山与山西五台山、浙江普陀山、安徽九华山并称为中国佛教四大名山,是举世闻名的普贤菩萨道场。 峨眉简介 峨眉山金顶雪景中国佛教四大名山之一。位于四川盆地西南缘。有山峰相对如蛾眉,故名。包括大峨眉、二峨眉、三峨眉、四峨眉。主峰3079.3米,高出成都平原2,500??2,600公尺。为褶皱断块山地,断裂处河谷深切。一线天、舍身崖等绝壁高达700??850公尺。山势雄伟,隘谷深幽,飞瀑如帘,云海翻涌,林木葱茏,有「峨眉天下秀」之称。山上多佛教寺庙,向为著名游览地。 峨眉山位于四川省乐山市境内,在四川盆地西南部,地处长江上游,屹立于大渡河与青衣江之间,在峨眉山市西南7公里,东距乐山市37公里,是著名的佛教名山和旅游胜地,有“峨眉天下秀”之称,是一个集佛教文化与自然风光为一体的国家级山岳型风景名胜区。 峨眉山主峰万佛顶海拔3079.3米。全山形势巍峨雄壮,草木植被浓郁葱茏,故有“雄秀”美称。因为高度可观、面积庞大,登山路线几近百里,对普通攀登者形成有力挑战。近年来建成了登山索道,游人已可轻松登临,去极顶俯瞰万里云海,在金顶可欣赏“日出”、“云海”、“佛光”和“圣灯”四大绝景。佛光是峨眉山最壮美的奇观。峨眉山上共有佛寺数十处,寺内珍藏有许多精美的佛教瑰宝。许多笃信佛教的老人不辞艰苦,一步一歇,历经十数日始上山顶。无数慕名猎奇的游客远涉重洋,几经周折,始满数载愿惬意离山。峨眉山优美的自然景观、良好的生态环境使它成为人们探奇揽胜、求仙修道的理想处所。 1982年,峨眉山以峨眉山风景名胜区的名义,被国务院批准列入第一批国家级风景名胜区名单。1996年,峨眉山与乐山大佛共同被列入《世界自然与文化遗产名录》,成为全人类自然和文化双重遗产。2007年,峨眉山景区被国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游风景区。Emeishan O-mei, Mount Also been made to Mount Emei. Mount Emei and the Wutai Mountain in Shanxi, Zhejiang, Putuo Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain, and known as China's four major Buddhist mountains, is a world famous temples Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. About Emei Mount Emei Golden Summit Snow mountains of Chinese Buddhi *** , one of the four. Is located in the southwest edge of Sichuan Basin. There are peaks relative, such as Crescent, hence the name. Including large Emei, Emei two, three Emei, Emei 4. Peak 3079.3 meters, 2,500 ~ 2,600 meters higher than the Chengdu Plain. To fold block mountain, breaks in deep valleys. Thin strip of sky, cliffs, etc. She Shenya as high as 700 ~ 850 m......>>

239 评论


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