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力,推力或者拉力.力的作用是使物体的形态,位置发生改变,或者是阻止其他的力使其发生类似的改变.每个力均会在其作用部位产生应力.力可以由个体的肌肉运动产生,也可以由机器的机械运动产生 力是由物理变化,化学变化,重力,物体位移产生的.当一种力发生作用,并且倾向于使物体拉伸,我们称这种力为拉力.承受拉力的部分称之为拉伸附载,当力发生作用,并且倾向于使物体缩短或者承受挤压,该力称之为压力另外一种力称之为扭转力,因为它倾向于使物体扭曲.还有一种使物体表层或者分子在其他物体上面滑动或者滑移的力,称之为剪切力每一种力都可以分别或者于其他的力联合发生作用.例如,一个作用于垂直钢梁的向下的力会对钢梁产生压力,如果我们把钢梁水平放置,力作用于中间部位,,那么钢梁的底端就会受力而拉伸,处于拉伸附载状态,与此同时,钢梁的顶端,在压力的作用下,向其中心部位聚集.如果压力与拉力的合力大到能够使其中一段的表层沿另外一段滑移,那么剪切力就产生了

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用谷歌翻译的,悬赏能快些给我吗?算我祈求,我有急用!!谢谢,真的有急用,我现在都要哭了!!车削机床机床工具被广泛用于工业,以生产各类机械零件。有些是一般用途的机器,和其他人用来执行高度专业化的操作。使用最广泛的机床是普通车床,它提供了一个旋转轴的主要原则的议案,同时适当传授饲料动议的工具。的工件,必须牢牢掌握,经常在一个夹头。酒吧也可举行collets ,其中包含一个分裂套管推或拉对锥面。工件形状的尴尬往往是由螺栓的面板。 包含的启闭机制的驱动器,通常将改变齿轮和变速驱动器。长期工件支持他们最后提出了中心举行尾座。这个工具本身是一个工具举行后,允许设置工具的角度(横向和纵向) 。该工具后是安装在一个马车,而这反过来又获得支持的方式加工的床,确保刚性和免受震动。悬垂部分,停机坪的运输,可从事与饲料棒给予连续进给运动,或与丝杠切割的线程。很长工件的担保反对过度偏转的两个手指中心稳步休息休息或螺栓的车床床;后续其余贴近马车。 有时工具后坐在休息复合工具结合幻灯片,可以设置在任何角度,因此,圆锥表面可以通过手喂养工具。参观双向工具后可旋转约竖井,并允许快速变化的工具,在预设的立场,从而加快连续行动。示踪剂或重复车床的设计制造形状不规则零件自动。基本操作这一车床如下。模板的任何一个单位或三维形状是放置在一个时段。阿导或指针然后继续沿着这条形状和其运动控制的切削刀具。重复可能包括方形或锥形,肩膀,半径,沟槽,蜡烛,和轮廓,工作,如电机轴,主轴,价值茎,活塞,杆,汽车车轴,涡轮轴,以及各种其他的物体也可以打开使用这种类型的车床。转塔车床的生产车床是用来制造任何数量的相同件。 螺杆机类似的建设炮塔车床,但他们的头上旨在保持和饲料长期酒吧的股票。否则,没有什么区别。

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A force is a push or pull. The effect of a force either changes the shape or motion of a body or prevents other forces from making such changes. Every force produces a stress in the part on which it is applied. Forces may be produced by an individual using muscular (action) or by machines with mechanical motion. 力可以是推力或是拉力。力量可以改变一个物体的形状或运动,或者阻止其他力量造成这种改变。每种力量在其使用的部位都会产生应力;力量可以由人通过肌肉的活动或者是机器的机械运动所产生。 Forces are produced by physical or (chemical) change, gravity, or changes in motion. When a force is applied which tends to stretch an object, it is called a tensile force. A part experiencing a tensile force is said to be in tension. A force can also be applied which tends to shorten or squeeze the object. Such a force is a compressive force. 物理或化学变化,引力或运动中的变化都可产生力量。当力量的使用趋向于伸展某个物体时,这被称作拉伸力,而受拉伸力的部位称为受拉或张力。力量也能缩短或压榨物体,这种力量称为压缩力。 A third force is known as a (torsion) force, or a torque since it tends to twist an object. Still another kind of force, which seems to make the layers or molecules of a material slide or slip on one another, is a shearing force. 第三种力量称为扭力或转矩,因为它趋向于扭曲物体。还有一种力量称为剪力,它似乎能使材料的内层间或分子相互滑行或滑落。 Each of these forces may act independently or in combination. For example, a downward force applied on a vertical steel beam tends to compress the beam,. If this beam is placed in a (horizontal) position and a load is applied in the middle, the bottom of the beam tends to stretch and is in tension. At the same time, the top area is being pushed together in compression. If the compressive and tensile forces are great enough to make the layers of the material slide upon each other, a shearing force results. 这些力量可以单独或组合产生作用。例如:在垂直的钢梁上向下着力,这趋向于压缩钢梁;如果钢梁是处于水平位置,并在其中间部位施加压力,钢梁底部趋向伸展,呈受拉状态。同时,梁的上面部位受压缩被推挤在一起。如果压缩力和拉伸力足够强大,促使材料内层间相互滑行,这就形成剪力。 【注:原文有几个用刮弧标出的错字已被纠正。】

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一支部队是推动或pull.The效果forceeither改变形状或运动的一个机构或阻止其他势力武力等changes.Every产生应力的部分它applied.Forces可producedby个人用肌肉acion或机器与机械运动。 部队是由物理或化学变化,重力,或改变的力量motion.When适用往往伸展的对象,这是所谓的拉伸force.A的一部分经历了张力据说是在tension.A武力还可以应用於往往缩短或挤压object.Such的力量是一种压缩生效。 第三种力量被称为扭武力,或扭矩,因为它往往会扭曲一个object.Still另一种力量,这似乎使层或分子的物质幻灯片或支路相互,是一个剪切力。 所有这些部队可以独立行事或combination.For例如, adownward武力适用於纵向钢梁往往压缩梁。如果这束放置在横向位置和负载的应用中,底部的梁往往延伸,并正在tension.At与此同时,顶端领域正在推动共同compression.If压缩和拉伸力量更大不够

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机械 ----------------------- 华文版本 Mechanics is the branch of physics concerned with the behaviour of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effect of the bodies on their environment. The discipline has its roots in several ancient civilizations. During the early modern period, scientists such as Galileo, Kepler, and especially Newton, laid the foundation for what is now known as Classical mechanics. Significance Mechanics is the original discipline of physics, dealing with the macroscopic world that humans perceive. It is therefore a huge body of knowledge about the natural world. Mechanics encompasses the movement of all matter in the universe under the four fundamental interactions (or forces): gravity, the strong and weak interactions, and the electromagnetic interaction. Mechanics also constitutes a central part of technology, the application of physical knowledge for humanly defined purposes. In this connection, the discipline is often known as engineering or applied mechanics. In this sense, mechanics is used to design and analyze the behavior of structures, mechanisms, and machines. Important aspects of the fields of mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering, materials engineering, biomedical engineering and biomechanics were spawned from the study of mechanics. Classical versus quantum The major division of the mechanics discipline separates classical mechanics from quantum mechanics. Historically, classical mechanics came first, while quantum mechanics is a comparatively recent invention. Classical mechanics originated with Isaac Newton's Laws of motion in Principia Mathematica, while quantum mechanics didn't appear until 1900. Both are commonly held to constitute the most certain knowledge that exists about physical nature. Classical mechanics has especially often been viewed as a model for other so-called exact sciences. Essential in this respect is the relentless use of mathematics in theories, as well as the decisive role played by experiment in generating and testing them. Quantum mechanics is of a wider scope, as it encompasses classical mechanics as a sub-discipline which applies under certain restricted circumstances. According to the correspondence principle, there is no contradiction or conflict between the two subjects, each simply pertains to specific situations. Quantum mechanics has superseded classical mechanics at foundational level and is indispensable for the explanation and prediction of processes at molecular and (sub)atomic level. However, for macroscopical processes classical mechanics is able to solve problems which are unmanageably difficult in quantum mechanics and hence remains useful and well used. Einsteinian versus Newtonian Analogous to the quantum versus classical reformation, Einstein's general and special theories of relativity have expanded the scope of mechanics beyond the mechanics of Newton and Galileo, and made small corrections to them. Relativistic corrections were also needed for quantum mechanics, although relativity is categorized as a classical theory. There are no contradictions or conflicts between the two, so long as the specific circumstances are carefully kept in mind. Just as one could, in the loosest possible sense, characterize classical mechanics as dealing with "large" bodies (such as engine parts), and quantum mechanics with "small" ones (such as particles), it could be said that relativistic mechanics deals with "fast" bodies, and non-relativistic mechanics with "slow" ones. However, "fast" and "slow" are subjective concepts, depending on the state of motion of the observer. This means that all mechanics, whether classical or quantum, potentially needs to be described relativistically. On the other hand, as an observer, one may frequently arrange the situation in such a way that this is not really required. Types of mechanical bodies Thus the often-used term body needs to stand for a wide assortment of objects, including particles, projectiles, spacecraft, stars, parts of machinery, parts of solids, parts of fluids (gases and liquids), etc. Other distinctions between the various sub-disciplines of mechanics, concern the nature of the bodies being described. Particles are bodies with little (known) internal structure, treated as mathematical points in classical mechanics. Rigid bodies have size and shape, but retain a simplicity close to that of the particle, adding just a few so-called degrees of freedom, such as orientation in space. Otherwise, bodies may be semi-rigid, i.e. elastic, or non-rigid, i.e. fluid. These subjects have both classical and quantum divisions of study. For instance: The motion of a spacecraft, regarding its orbit and attitude (rotation), is described by the relativistic theory of classical mechanics. While analogous motions of an atomic nucleus are described by quantum mechanics. Sub-disciplines in mechanics The following are two lists of various subjects that are studied in mechanics. Note that there is also the "theory of fields" which constitutes a separate discipline in physics, formally treated as distinct from mechanics, whether classical fields or quantum fields. But in actual practice, subjects belonging to mechanics and fields are closely interwoven. Thus, for instance, forces that act on particles are frequently derived from fields (electromagnetic or gravitational), and particles generate fields by acting as sources. In fact, in quantum mechanics, particles themselves are fields, as described theoretically by the wave function. Classical mechanics The following are described as forming Classical mechanics: Newtonian mechanics, the original theory of motion (kinematics) and forces (dynamics) Lagrangian mechanics, a theoretical formalism Hamiltonian mechanics, another theoretical formalism Celestial mechanics, the motion of stars, galaxies, etc. Astrodynamics, spacecraft navigation, etc. Solid mechanics, elasticity, the properties of (semi-)rigid bodies Acoustics, sound in solids, fluids, etc. Statics, semi-rigid bodies in mechanical equilibrium Fluid mechanics, the motion of fluids Soil mechanics, mechanical behavior of soils Continuum mechanics, mechanics of continua (both solid and fluid) Hydraulics, fluids in equilibrium Applied / Engineering mechanics Biomechanics, solids, fluids, etc. in biology Statistical mechanics, large assemblies of particles Relativistic or Einsteinian mechanics, universal gravitation Quantum mechanics The following are categorized as being part of Quantum mechanics: Particle physics, the motion, structure, and reactions of particles Nuclear physics, the motion, structure, and reactions of nuclei Condensed matter physics, quantum gases, solids, liquids, etc. Quantum statistical mechanics, large assemblies of particles Professional organizations Applied Mechanics Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluid Dynamics Division, American Physical Society

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