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大学英语四级考试(CET-4)是衡量大学生英语水平的重要指标,同时与学位证书挂钩,受到师生的广泛关注。下面是我带来的英语四级 文章 原文及翻译,欢迎阅读!英语四级文章原文及翻译篇一 Talent Show Nowadays, talent shows have occupied a good proportion of screen time. Participants compete in various fields, such as singing, acting and cat walking, etc. The winners not only get grand prix but also gain promising career prospects in the entertainment industry. People hold diversified opinion about talent shows. According to a survey conducted in X city, 59% of the interviewees believed that they did more good than harm, whereas 41% opposed it. 现在,选秀节目占据了电视播出时间的很大一部分。参与者在各个领域竞争,比如 唱歌 、表演、走猫步等等。获胜者不仅能得到大奖,而且能在娱乐界获得很有前途的职业前景。人们对选秀有各种各样的看法。根据在X市所做的调查,59%的受访者相信选秀是利大于弊,然而有41%的人表示反对。 The people in favor of the shows believe that they have given participants an equal chance to bring forth their talents. Talent shows in general provide a platform for people who want to stand in the spotlight. Besides, such programs are usually interactive with audience who vote out the winners. Despite the economic gains, many people dislike such contests, holding that the vulgar competition encourages an unhealthy thinking among the young people of becoming famous ovemight. 支持选秀的人认为它们给参赛者一个平等的展示天分的机会。选秀节目通常为那些想站在聚光灯下的人提供一个平台。此外,这种节目一般会与观众互动,由观众投票选出获胜者。尽管经济在增长,有许多人不喜欢这种比赛,他们认为低俗的比赛助长了年轻人中想一夜成名的不健康想法。 In my opinion, talent shows are no doubt a commercial success and an entertainment feast. And it is all too easy to label them as "vulgar" or "biased". Though I do have some reservation towards them, I believe that the programs themselves are not harmful, as long as run properly and viewed with a light heart of enjoyment. (206 words) 我认为,选秀节目无疑是个商业上的成功和娱乐盛宴。而且给它们贴上“低俗”或“有偏见”的标签太草率了。虽然我确实对它们有一些异议,但我相信只要合理操作并且用欣赏的轻松心态来看待,节目本身没有害处。 英语四级文章原文及翻译篇二 A Letter of Apology 15th , March Dear Mr. Wang, I am writing to apologize for my late homework. The paper which you have assigned to us last Monday was due this Friday, but to my regret, I haven't even started it yet. I feel really sorry for not handing in the paper on time and for the inconvenience itwould bring to you. 尊敬的王老师: 为我迟交的作业,特写信致歉。您上周一布置给我们的论文是截止到这周五,但是我非常抱歉,我甚至还没开始写。没有及时上交论文,以及为此可能带给你的不便,我真的感到很抱歉。 I have caught a serious cold last week and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for a week since I was very weak and the weather was very cold these days. Therefore, I couldn't go to the library to get the necessary referential information which was needed for my paper. As a result of this, I have not started writing the paper yet and could not hand it in on time. 上周我得了重感冒,因为身体虚弱、天气寒冷,医生要求我卧床一周。因此,我不能去图书馆查找写论文必要的参考信息。结果是,我还没开始写论文,也就不能按时交了。 Fortunately I have finally fully recovered. I will finish the paper as soon as I can and try my best to hand in homework on time in the future. 幸运的是,我终于完全康复了。我会尽我所能尽快完成论文,并且今后尽力按时交作业。 英语四级文章原文及翻译篇三 Lost and Found On the evening of September 9th, 2011 , I lost a Samsung digital camera in the English reading-room on the 4th floor of the new library in the west district of our uruversity. 本人于2011年9月9日晚,在学校西区新图书馆四层的英语阅览室丢失三星数码相机一部。 The digital camera can be generally described as follows. It is brand new and silver gray in color with a black leather coat. What's more, the camera is as big as a piece of cake and as light as a regular mobile phone. 对数码相机的大体描述如下:全新,银灰色,带黑色皮革相机套。还有,相机大小如一块 蛋糕 ,重量和常见的手机一样。 This camera is a birthday present from my best friend, so losing it upsets me a lot. The one who found it please contact me at from 19:00 to 22:00 in the evening or email me at at any time. Thank you very much! 这部相机是我最好的朋友送的生日礼物,丢了让我很难过。找到相机的人,请于晚上七点到十点之间拨打手机联系我,或随时将邮件发送到 。非常感谢!





















一: 详略得当







分解对应四分法(快速阅读的解题核心):快速将问题分解成4个部分(主A 谓B宾C+其他D),与原文进行对比。






(1) 题目中的信息与原文内容相反

(2) 题目将原文的意思张冠李戴

(3) 将原文中的不确定因素转化为确定因素

(4) 改变原文中的条件、范围等



八: 主宾判定



(1) 题目中的表述无中生有

(2) 原文中作者的目的、意图、愿望等内容在题目中作为客观事实陈述

(3) 将原文中的特殊情况推广为普遍现象

(4) 将原文的内容具体化

(5) 随意比较原文中的两个事物





To be a Chinese, we should learn how to love our country and protect her.

China is our mother,we can't injure her,we are her pride. we can't make her feel disappointed and sad.

We are flowers of our country,we should work hard, in order to devote ourselves to China.

So let's work hard together to make our country's futuremuch better!





No one is perfect. No matter how excellent a person is, he will have disadvantages. And sometimes people will point out your so called disadvantages in their view. For example, an honest person may be thought of not easy to be outstanding in the competitive society. He should not listen to other’s opinion to change his good virtue. Take another example, someone tells you that the way you walk is not elegant. Will you change it? Do not change yourself easily. You are unique that you don’t need to change yourself easily, except some real disadvantages.


I’m Tom. I’m a student in Grade 7. My school life is interesting. I like it very much. I have 5 classes in the morning and 3 classes in the afternoon. I study English, Chinese, math and some other subjects. I like English best because it’s easy and interesting. I don’t like math because I always meet difficulties in studing math. I try hard but it doesn't work at all. After class, I often play basketball with my classmates. I go to the school library for some reading twice a week. I like my school life. What about yours? Can you tell me something about it?


Today, when I walk on the street after school, I find the street is very clean, it is very different from usual days. I am so curious, so I ask the cleaner, she tells me that many students have behaved, they don’t throw away the rubbish anymore. I think about the education about the environment last week, it works. We should protect the environment.




In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan (孙山).


One year he went to take the imperial examination, and came bottom of the list of successfulcandidates.


Back in his hometown, one of his neighbor asked him whether the neighbor's son had also passed.


Sun Shan said, with a smile:"Sun Shan was the last on the list. Your son came after Sun Shan."


The people used this idiom to indicate failing in an examination or competition.



In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin besieged the capital of the State of Zhao.


Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the State of Chu personally wanted to select a capable man to go with him.


A man called Mao Sui volunteered.


When the negotiactions between the two states were stalled because the ruler of Chu hesitated to send troops, Mao Sui approached him, brandishing a sword. At that, the ruler of Chu agreed to help Zhao, against Qin.


This idiom means to recommend oneself.



A man from the state of Chu wanted to sell a precious pearl in the state of Zheng.


He made a casket for the pearl out of the wood from a magnolia tree, which he fumigated with spices. He studded the casket with pearls and jade, ornamented it with red gems and decorated it with kingfisher feathers.


A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl.


Too luxuriant decoration usually supersedes what really counts.


This man from Chu certainly knew how to sell a casket but he was no good at selling his pearl. And the man of Zheng didn't know which is really valuable.




You went to the butcher's for meat, the pharmacy for aspirin, and the grocery store for food. But when I spent the summer with my Grandmother in Warwick, ., she sent me down to the general store with a list. How could I hope to find anything on the packed, jumbled shelves around me?

I walked up to the counter. Behind it was a lady like no one I'd ever seen. Fake-jewel-encrusted glasses teetered on the tip of her nose, gray hair was piled on her head.

"Excuse me," I said. She looked up.

"You're that Clements kid," she said. "I'm Miss Bee. Come closer and let me get a look at you." She pushed her glasses up her nose. "I want to be able to describe you to the sheriff if something goes missing from the store."

"I'm not a thief!" I was shocked. I was seven year too young to be a thief!

"From what I can see you're not much of anything. But I can tell you've got potential." She went back to reading her newspaper.

"I need to get these." I said, holding up my list.

"So? Go get them." Miss Bee pointed to a sign on the screen door. "There's no one here except you and me and I'm not your servant, so I suggest you get yourself a basket from that pile over there and start filling. If you're lucky you'll be home by sundown."

Sundown was five hours away. I wasn't sure I would make it.

I scanned the nearest shelf for the first item on my list: pork and beans. It took me three wall-to-wall searches before I found a can nestled between boxes of cereal and bread. Next up was toilet paper, found under the daily newspaper. Band-Aids—where had I seen them? Oh, ye next to the face cream. The store was a puzzle, but it held some surprises too. I found a new Superman comic tucked behind the peanut butter.

I visited Miss Bee a couple of times a week that summer. Sometimes she short-changed me. Other times she overcharged. Or sold me an old newspaper instead of one that was current. Going to the store was more like going into battle. I left my Grandma's house armed with my list—memorized to the letter—and marched into Miss Bee's like General Patton marching into North Africa.

"That can of beans is only twenty-nine cents!" I corrected her one afternoon. I had watched the numbers change on the cash register closely, and Miss Bee had added 35 cents. She didn't seem embarrassed that I had caught her overcharging. She just looked at me over her glasses and fixed the price.

Not that she ever let me declare victory. All summer long she found ways to trip me up. No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda and memorized its location on the shelf, than Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made me hunt for it all over again. By summer's end the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes. The morning I was to return to Brooklyn, I stopped in to get a packet of gum.

"All right, Miss Potential," she said. "What did you learn this summer?" That you're a meany! I pressed my lips together. To my amazement, Miss Bee laughed. "I know what you think of me," she said. "Well, here's a news flash: I don't care! Each of us is put on this earth for a reason. I believe my job is to teach every child I meet ten life lessons to help them. Think what you will, Miss Potential, but when you get older you'll be glad our paths crossed!" Glad I met Miss Bee? Ha! The idea was absurd...

Until one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles.

"It's too hard," she said. "Could you finish my math problems for me?"

"If I do it for you how will you ever learn to do it yourself?" I said. Suddenly, I was back at that general store where I had learned the hard way to tally up my bill along with the cashier. Had I ever been overcharged since?

As my daughter went back to her homework, I wondered: Had Miss Bee really taught me something all those years ago? I took out some scrap paper and started writing.

Sure enough, I had learned ten life lessons:

1. Listen well.

2. Never assume—things aren't always the same as they were yesterday.

3. Life is full of surprises.

4. Speak up and ask questions.

5. Don't expect to be bailed out of a predicament.

6. Everyone isn't as honest as I try to be.

7. Don't be so quick to judge other people.

8. Try my best, even when the task seems beyond me.

9. Double-check everything.

10. The best teachers aren't only in school.

The significant inscription found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.

Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture---every department of human endeavor.

Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.

Labor vanquishes all---not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room‘s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end.

They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn‘t hear the band - he could see it in his mind‘s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold.

Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.

With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… "PAID IN FULL".

How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Sometimes we don't realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect "the packaging" to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.


Lan and Fred Lan and Fred were boys. They were both twelve years old, and they were in the same class in their school. Last Friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher and begin writing their names. Then Fred began crying. The teacher looked at him and said,” Why are you crying, Fred?” “Because his name’s Lan May, and mine’s Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said. 易恩和富雷得 易恩和富雷得都是男孩,他们都十二岁了。他们在学校里是同班同学。上周五下午他们在学校里打了一架。为此老师很生气。老师对他们说:“下午下课后留在着把你们的名字写一千遍。” 最后一节课下课,所有的学生都回家了。只有易恩和富雷得被他们的老师留在教师里抄写他们的名字。 接着富雷得哭了起来。 老师看了看他问:“富雷得,你为什么要哭呢?” “因为他的名字是Lan May, 而我的名字确是Frederick Hollingsworth,”富雷得回答道。 Ann’s Diary Today was Sunday. Today was September 30th, 2004. It was a boring day. It was hot. I was not a work. I watched TV all morning. The shows were boring. Then I called my friend, Nancy. She wasn’t at home. I didn’t know where she was. At twelve I was hungry. There was not any food in the fridge. I was lazy. I was tired. Then I ate lunch outside. At one o’clock. I was in bed. In the afternoon I was at the movies. The film was boring. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. I can go to school and see my friends. 安的日记 今天是星期天,2004年9月30日。这是令人厌烦的一天。今天天气很热,我呆在家里,不用去上学。 我看了一上午的电视。电视节目和无聊。于是我给好朋友南西打电话,可她不在家。我不知道她去哪里了。 十二点我饿了,可是冰箱里什么食物都没有。我很懒惰,也很劳累,于是我出去吃了午饭。一点我上床睡觉。下午我去了电影院。电影很无聊。很高兴明天就是星期一了,我有可以返回学校见到我的好朋友了。 MY BIRTHDAY 我的生日 Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another. 昨天是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼。母亲给我准备一个茶会。我邀请他们都前来参加。茶会下午六点半开始。有冷饮和点心。我们又吃又谈又笑。我们觉得是世界上最快乐的人。时间过得很快。转瞬间,墙上的钟敲九点了。我们不得不互道再见。 MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’ I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学。 放学后,我就回家了。我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完. MY NATIVE TOWN 我的故乡 My native town is X. We have settled down here since my grandfather was a child. In other words, my family has lived here for more than one hundred years. It is a small village. there are about one thousand inhabitants. Most of them are farmers. The mode of their living is very simple. However, they have already possessed television sets and refrigerators. They made up their minds to live a modern life. 我的故乡是X。我们自从祖父是小孩时,就定居在此地。换句话说,我们家人在此地已经住了一百余年了。 这个小村庄。居民大约有一千人。他们大部分是农夫。他们的生活方式很简单。然而,他们已拥有电视和冰箱。他们下定决心要过一个现代的生活。


八年级下册英语作文带翻译篇一 The Peoples Square The People's Square is located in the center of Shanghai. In the north-east of the square stands the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. The Shanghai Grand Theatre is in the north-west of the square. Between two buildings stands the City the south lies the Shanghai Museum, covering 58,000 square meters. In the middle, there's a large lawn. Many pigeons can be seen flying here and there. The People's Square is one of the tourist attractions in Shanghai. 人民广场位于上海的中心。在东北部的广场是上海城市规划展示馆。上海大剧院在广场的西北。两个建筑物之间的市政厅。南方的上海博物馆,占地58000平方米。在中间,有一个大草坪。可以看到许多鸽子飞行。人民广场是上海的旅游景点之一。 八年级下册英语作文带翻译篇二 My Admirable Person 我最崇拜的人 When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major impressed me a lot was his could see him always got angry only when we were too noisy in class,he often played soccer with used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao" . 我在高中的时候,有一位老师教我比课堂上多。他是一个非常善良的男孩,比我们大4或5年,教我们地理。我们都喜欢他的课,虽然我们的专业课程不是地理学。给我印象最深的是他的优雅。你可以看到他总是面带微笑。他生气的时候,只会是当我们在教室太吵了。下课后,他经常和我们一起踢 足球 。他曾经是一个非常可信的后卫不拖累我们任何人。我们都喜欢叫他“苗老师”,他就像一个朋友,而不是老师。他的人格激励我要对每个我认识的人都要友好。那是我的心爱的“苗老师”。 八年级下册英语作文带翻译篇三 乐观的心态 Positive Attitude Once, I read a story in a book, it told about an old man was on the train, he lost one of his shoes on the window, to everyone’s surprise, he dropped his another shoe out of window quickly. People asked why he was doing that, he said that if the person picked up one of his shoes, it was useless, but a pair of shoes could be valuable. The old man is so general and he has the positive attitude towards life. The positive attitude is very important, when we meet difficulties, we will get over them. If we feel frustrated all the time, then we will not be happy. We can’t change bad things, but we can change our attitude. 曾经,我在一本书上读到一个 故事 ,讲述了在火车上一位老人,他在窗口弄丢了一只鞋子,令大家感到吃惊的是,他立刻把另外一只鞋子也扔出窗外。人们问他为什么这样做,他说如果有人捡到他的一只鞋子,是没有用处的,但是一双鞋子就有价值。老人家是慷慨的,他对生活有着乐观的态度。乐观的态度是很重要的,当我们遇到困难了,就能克服。如果我们总是觉得沮丧,就不会开心。我们无法改变坏事情,但是可以改变我们的态度。 八年级下册英语作文带翻译篇四 我喜欢的小动物 My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake(假) sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink. I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp favourite animal is tortoise. 我最喜欢的动物是乌龟。乌龟走路快。但我喜欢乌龟。为什么?因为乌龟是一种可爱的动物。它有短尾巴和四个短脚。它有一个小脑袋和一个硬壳。45小和可爱的乌龟在我家。他们喜欢在水里玩。当他们害怕一些事情。他们跑得快。他们喜欢吃鱼。我经常买一些小鱼给他们吃。他们可以很快的抓到鱼。首先,他们假的睡眠(假)。当鱼游在他们的嘴。他们很快的抓到鱼,鱼的头。所以,鱼类死亡。他们可以吃鱼。在冬天。他们喜欢睡在沙滩上。当他们睡觉,不吃任何食物。因为他们冬眠。但是,当他们渴了。他们的沙子。所以,我们必须把水给他们喝。 我喜欢乌龟。我讨厌鹰。因为,鹰经常吃乌龟用它锋利的嘴。我最喜欢的动物是乌龟。 八年级下册英语作文带翻译相关 文章 : 1. 八年级英语作文带翻译的 2. 八年级下册英语作文优秀范文 3. 初二英语作文80词带翻译 4. 2017八年级英语作文带翻译 5. 初二英语作文100词带翻译

UNIT 1 3a:In ten years,I think I"ll be a "ll live inShanghai, 十年后,我想我会成为一名记者。我将住在上海。因为去年我去了上海,并爱上了这座城市。上海真的是座漂亮的城市。作为一名记者,我想我会遇到很多有趣的人。我想我会和自己最好的朋友住在一套公寓里,因为我不愿意独居。我会养宠物,但是我现在不能养,因为我妈妈讨厌宠物,况且公寓太小。所以十年后,我会拥有许多不同的宠物。我可能甚至养一只鹦鹉!我也许每天去溜冰和游泳。工作日里,我每天打扮精干或许会着一身西装。逢到周末,我穿得更休闲些。我想我会去香港度假,甚至有一天我会去澳大利亚游览。 UNIT 1 3a:Do you think you will have your own robot? 你认为你将会有属于自己的机器人么? 在一些科幻电影里,未来的人们都拥有自己的机器人。这些机器人就像人类一样。他们帮助人们做家务和大多数令人感到厌烦的工作。 一些科学家相信将来会有这样的机器人。然而,他们认为这需要花几百年的时间才能成为现实。科学家们正在试图研制看似人类且能和我们作相同工作的机器人。一些日本的公司已经制造出能走路和跳舞的机器人。这种机器人看起来非常有趣。 但是研究机器人的科学家詹姆斯怀特并不认同这类观点。他认为要让机器人和人类做一样的事情是非常困难的。比如说,对一个孩子来说要醒来并知道自己身处何处是很简单的。怀特认为机器人不能做到这一点。但是其他的科学家并不赞成。他们认为在未来的25到30年间,机器人就能和人类谈话。 研究机器人的科学家们不只是在试图让机器人外观接近人类。比如说,现在已经有能在工厂工作的机器人了。这些机器人看起来就像巨大的胳膊。他们能一遍又一遍重复简单的工作。人类不喜欢做这类工作而且容易对此感到厌烦。但机器人永远不会厌倦。 在未来,将到处都有更多的机器人,而人类要做的工作就更少了。新的机器人会有很多不同的形状。一些看起来像人类,有些可能像蛇。在发生地震后,一种蛇形机器人能够帮助寻找建筑下埋着的人。这在现在看来还不可实现,但在一百年之前,电脑,太空火箭甚至电动牙刷也被视作不可能的存在的。我们永远都不能了解未来会发生什么! 2. p14 UNIT 2 3a: Dear Mary, I have a problem, and I need your help. 亲爱的玛丽: 我有一个问题,我需要你的帮助。我以前经常以为我在学校里十分受欢迎。但是我才发现我的朋友们在为我的一位最要好的朋友准备生日派对,可是他们没有邀请我,除了我,我们班的其他人都受到了邀请。我不知道为什么。我并不知道我哪里做错了。我感到很沮丧却也不知道应该去做什么。你是怎么想的?你能帮我吗? 孤单的孩子 2. p16 UNIT 2 3a: Maybe you should learn to relax! 也许,你应该学会放松! Cathy Taylor三个孩子的生活十分繁忙。他们的学校生活就足够繁忙。尽管在放学后,Cathy把两个男孩从足球班带到篮球班。然后,她不得不把她的女儿带去学钢琴。疲倦的孩子直到下午七点才能回家。他们迅速的吃一顿晚餐,然后他们就开始做家庭作业。 Taylors像许多美国和英国的父母一样。他们把他们的孩子从一个活动带到另一个活动,并试图经可能的适应到他们的孩子的生活。医生说许多孩子有非常多的压力。而教师在教室中抱怨教学疲倦的孩子。 大多数孩子参加课外的辅导班。活动包括体育运动,语言学问,音乐,和数学类别。固执的家长没有什么新的东西,但是父母们现在似乎把他们的孩子推到更多的辅导班中去。父母看见其它做许多事情的孩子,而他们感到他们自己孩子应该做同样。 Linda Miller,在伦敦三的一名母亲,知道有关全部这样pressure."In一些家庭,当他们十分年轻时,从十分年轻age,"she says."Mothers的竞争星把他们的孩子派遣到各种课。同时,他们总把他们与其它孩子比较。它是疯狂的。人们不应该如此努力`推他们的孩子”。 绿色的博士Alice同意。她也说当他们是older."Parents时,这些孩子可能发现为了他们自己想是困难的试图为了他们计划他们的孩子的生活。当这些孩子是成年人时,他们可能发现计划事情是困难的因为themselves."Parents应该学习给把他们的孩子有一点更多时间他们自己。一方面,孩子需要组织活动。另一方面,他们也需要时间和自由放松,而他们需要时间靠自己做事情。 3. p20 UNIT3 3a:Dear Jack, i had a very unusual experience on Sunday. 亲爱的杰克: 我有一个非常不寻常的经历在周日.大约在上午10点,我正在街上走,一架UFO着陆在我的前面.你可以想象这是多么的奇怪!一个外星人走出来,然后沿着中心街走.我跟着它想看看它要去哪,我很惊奇当它走进一个礼品店.当它正在看礼品的时候,店里的售货员给警察打电话.在警察到之前,那个外星人已经离开商店去参观航天博物馆了.当那个外星人在博物馆的时候,我给电视台打了电话.那太令人惊奇了! 3. p22 UNIT3 3a: Linda loves her dog went to New York City last Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station,the dog got out of his box and ran station was crowded and Linda couldn't see Davy Linda shouted his name,some people looked at her but Davy didn't she called the police. 琳达很喜欢她的狗狗戴维。上周六她们一起去纽约。当琳达在火车站买报纸的时候,她的狗狗从盒子里跑开了。火车站很喧闹,琳达怎么找也找不到戴维。琳达大声叫着狗狗的名字,人们纷纷看着她,并帮他一起找,但狗狗并没有出现。琳达就报了警。 就在琳达打电话的时候,戴维在火车站外遇见了另一条狗。当警察来的时候,琳达还在找她的狗并大喊他的名字,最后一个小男孩问他,你有没去火车站外找找?我刚才进站的时候看到一条黑色的大狗。” 琳达终于见到了戴维,他正和另外那条狗追逐嬉戏。有一个警察局在他们旁边。警察对琳达说:“我想,是我的狗找到了您的狗。 3. p24 UNIT 3 3a: Do you remember what you were doing ? 你是否记得你当时在干什么呢? 人们总能够回忆起当一个在历史上一 重大影响事件发生时自己在干些什么。例如,在美国很多同时代的人能够清楚的回想起自己在1968年4月4日--一个在 美国现代历史上举足轻重的日子在做什么,在这个灰暗的日子里,马丁路德.金博士在孟菲斯市遇刺。也许人们会不记得谁杀了马丁博士,他们知道自己当时在干什么。 就是一些日常生活事件也会被显得很重要,罗伯特.阿伦先已年过40,当他听见这个噩耗的时候他还是个学生,“那是个一望无垠,阳光灿烂的日子”他回忆道:“铃响时我们正在操场嬉戏,我们老师要我们停止玩耍,他哽咽道,马丁博士10分钟前已经永远离开我们了,我们都不敢相信这是真的 ”放学后他 和其他同学一言不发的 一起回家。 马丁博士的死讯一晃30年已过,那个时候还有很多当代人尚未出生。但是,在更近的时候,大部分美国人清楚的知道他们当时在干什么当纽约世界贸易中心被恐怖分子摧毁的时候。甚至这个日期在许多美国人心中也占有重要的地位。 并不是所以的历史大事是糟糕的,许多美国人依然记得自己在人类第一次涉足月球的时刻做什么。远的不说,就看前几年。无数中国人记得他们当时在做什么当中国小伙杨利伟成为神州第一个宇航员。杨在升空,在绕地22个小时后返回。当他回到母亲的怀抱的时候,他已被人们视为 民族英雄,同时名扬全球!! 4. p30 UNIT 4 3a: 近来一切可好?但愿爷爷现在康复了。听到他上周感冒了我很遗憾。希望你们的身体都健健康康的。这儿一切都好。我上周参加期末考,今天已经拿到成绩报告单。 在邮箱里看到学校发过来的信件时,我总是觉得好紧张。幸好这次我干得还算不错。这学期的自然科学课程对我来说确实很难,所以,这一门课的老师给了我所有学科里最差的评价我一点也不吃惊。 自然科学的老师说我很懒,但这不是真的。我真的觉得自然科学很难学。另外,我的历史考得也不好。我的历史老师说我可以考得更好的。好消息来了,数学老师说我很勤奋,西班牙语老师说我的听力很好。 好了,这些就是我想告诉你们的所有消息。老爸老妈让我向你们问好。 4. p31 UNIT 4 3a: My best friend is Xiao Li, 我最好的朋友是小李,但是上周在学校我们大吵了一架,她不跟我说话。这都开始于她问我她是否可以抄我的作业。我问她为什么要这么做,她说因为她忘了做。我说我觉得她抄我的作业不是个好主意。她问我为什么我觉得这不是个好主意。我说这是一个坏习惯的开始,她应该自己做作业。她对我发火,说她不想再做最好的朋友。我说好,我确定她可以克服这个困难,并且她确实做到了。昨天她告诉我她对她发火表示抱歉。她说如果她自己做作业会好得多。 4. p32 UNIT 4 3a: She said helping others changed her life. 她说帮助别人改变了她的生活。 在甘肃省的一个贫穷的山村教中学生对你来说可能听上去没有什么乐趣。不过,它改变了来自北京的杨蕾的生活。北京大学毕业生首先作为在一个一年计划中的志愿者去那里。这项活动是由教育部和中国少先队发起的。每年他们派100位志愿者到中国的农村地区去任教。 山中的生活是杨蕾的一次新的经历。她的村庄海拔是2,000米,起初稀薄的空气使她觉得不舒服。食品非常简单——教师一天3次都是吃粥。幸好,杨蕾的母亲支持她。她说她和她的丈夫认为这是一种好的想法。“今天的年轻人有必要经历不同的事情。”她说。 大多数小学生住在学校宿舍里。他们学习很刻苦。他们早晨5点起床一直学到晚上11点。他们喜欢志愿教师到他们那里去。“你和他们之间没有差别,”杨蕾说,“他们说我们看起来就像他们的大哥哥大姐姐,并且他们感到很幸运。” 一些学生可能不能上高中或者大学。家庭贫穷,通常也没有钱来接受教育。“我对此无能为力,”杨蕾说,“但是我能让我的学生开扩眼界,并且给他们一个生活的好起点”,她说她喜欢给孩子们的一生留下好的影响。 杨蕾很享受她作为一位志愿者的日子。一年的志愿生活结束时,她说在完成她的研究之后,她将返回该地区。她现在是甘肃省平凉市某高中的一名数学教师。 5. p38 UNIT 5 3a:If I become an athlete, will I be happy? 如果成为了运动员,你会快乐吗? 对于许多年轻人来说,成为一个专业的运动员,你就可能创造一种能做自己喜欢的事情的生活。如果你变得有名,世界上的人们都可以认识你。许多运动员给学校和慈善机构捐款,并做着帮助他们的很多工作。这是一个许多人都没有的伟大机遇。 然而,专业运动员也会有许多问题。如果你出名了,人们会一直注意着你并跟从你到处走。这会让生活变麻烦(困难)! 如果你为了生存而运动,你的工作有时是非常危险的。许多专业运动员都受过伤。如果你变富有了,你会很难知道谁才是你真正的朋友。事实上,许多名人抱怨他们不开心。他们都说自己在出名和富有之前的生活更快乐! 6. p46 UNIT 6 3a: I am talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. 我在山顶马拉松滑雪学校跟你们讲话。在此,学生滑雪是为了为慈善事业筹款。他们每滑一小时,每位学生将为慈善事业捐款10元。现在,马拉松滑雪赛已进行了五个小时。几名选手还在继续滑雪。艾利森是第一个滑雪的,他已经滑了整整五个小时。下一个便是山姆,特已经滑了四个小时。刘宁也已经滑了两小时。李辰一个小时前才开始滑。 6. p48 UNIT 6 3a: Dear Jack: Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. 亲爱的杰克: 谢谢你给我寄来怪兽的雪球,我很喜欢。事实上我觉得它大概是我最喜欢的东西。我收集雪球已经有七年了,我现在有226个。我妈妈告诉我我必须停止,因为我们已经没地方存放它们了。它们遍布在我们寓所的外围,我甚至在我床下的盒子里存放它们。我最先得到的雪球是在我七岁生日那天得到的一个生日蛋糕雪球。我特别喜欢有动物的雪球。我有一个装着许多小熊的大雪球,另一个装着企鹅。如果你知道有谁也在收集雪球,请告诉我吧。我想成立一个雪球收集的俱乐部。顺便问一句:你的爱好是什么? 你的艾伦 6. p50 UNIT 6 : I’ve been studying history in China 我在中国学历史 我的名字叫里奥。我来自澳大利亚,在中国教书已经两年了。我在黑龙江的首府哈尔滨教书。这是一个很有趣,有着五彩历史的城市。这个城市受到一些欧洲国家的影响,在哈尔滨有的古建筑还是俄罗斯风格。自从我来到中国,我学习了很多关于我家的历史。尽管我是澳大利亚人,但我家人是犹太人。所以对我来说学习关于犹太人在哈尔滨是非常有意思的。实际上,第一个犹太人可能是在一千多年前来开封的,并受到宋朝的欢迎。 当我住在澳大利亚的时候,我在学校学习了历史,但我们一般都是学习澳大利亚史或者西方史。然而,当我听到我将要来中国工作的时候,我开始学习中国历史。到现在我已经学了两年了。我在澳大利亚的朋友告诉我说中国历史很难懂,但我不同意。我想如果你很努力的去学,你将学会任何一种文化。像我作为一个外国人,学了越多的中国历史,越觉得生活在中国史一种享受。 尽管我住的地方离北京有些远,但我还是一定会去看08年的奥运会的 7. p56 UNIT 7 3a: I can't stand it! 我不能忍受它 当售货员在接一个很长的电话时,我不喜欢排队等着。如果这种事情发生了,我经常会说,“你介意帮我一下嘛?我也不喜欢售货员跟着我到处转悠。然后我会说,"请你不要跟着我好吗?如果我需要你,我会叫你."通常,售货员会说他们感到很抱歉,但是有时候他们会很生气。如果这样事情发生,我就再也不会光顾那家店。 当我在阅读时有人和我说话,我会感到恼火。这在学校图书馆里一直发生在我头上。当这种事发生时,出于礼貌我往往会跟那个人说话。但因为我很礼貌,人们不知道我很恼火。所以他们会再次做同样的事。也许将来我该试着不表现得那么礼貌。 7. p58 UNIT 7 : Would you mind keeping your voice down? 说话声音小一点,好吗? 如果你在任何时候到说英语的国家,你可能听到这个词语“礼节”。它指的是正常礼貌的社交行为。起初,这似乎像个很难的词,但理解起来会很有用。 礼节在每一种文化或每一个场合并不总是一样的。例如,在一些亚洲国家与你正交谈的人近距离站着是很平常的。不过如果你在欧洲这样做,有一些人会感觉不舒服。甚至在中国,大家都知道在各种场合下礼节并不总是一样的。也许我们认为在自己家里大声说话很好,但在有些地方,大声交谈是不被人接受的。例如,大多数人同意在图书馆、博物馆或是影院大声交谈是不礼貌的。即使你和朋友在一起,在公共场所最好是压低声音。事实上,如果可能,我们应当注意不要在公共场所大声咳嗽和打喷嚏。 如果我们看见有人违反了礼节的规定,我们可以礼貌的提醒一下他们。也许最礼貌的方法之一是去问某人,你介意做这件事吗或您介意不做那件事吧。例如,如果有人在你前面插队,你可以问他们,对不起,请您排队好吗?如果有人在公共汽车上吸烟,我们可以问,对不起,请您把烟掐灭好吗?人们通常不喜欢被批评,因此我们得注意我们应该怎么做。 尽管礼节的规则市场会不同,但有些规则几乎全世界都一样!例如,乱扔垃圾是不允许的。如果你看见有人这样做,甚至在外国,你可以问他们把垃圾捡起来好吗? 8. p64 UNIT 8 3a: The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. 时下最流行的宠物是大肚猪。伦敦北部的David Smith 有一只名叫Connie的大肚猪。“大肚猪是最好的宠物,”David说:“她每晚都在沙发上和我一起看电视。她是我最好的朋友。”无论如何,和猪在一起的生活并不总是完美的。“我刚把她抱回来时,她很小,”David说:“但她吃得很多。现在她大得不能在屋里睡了,所以我给她做了个特制的猪窝。猪也需要许多爱。有时我没有足够的时间陪她。” 8. p65 UNIT 8 : Everyone likes little kids think they don't get enough gifts. 每个人都喜欢礼物。有些孩子觉得他们没得到足够的礼物。一些老人觉得他们收到的礼物太多了。不同的人喜欢不同种类的礼物。有些礼物永远不嫌小。一个小孩可能会给妈妈一片树上的叶子。这足够令妈妈高兴了。 在不同国家,送礼方式是不同的。人们有时会送特殊的礼物,但是未拆封的。之后,这礼物可能会被送给其他人。很多人有足够的东西而且自己不想收太多的礼物。在加拿大,许多人不会把贵重礼品送给别人。他们会买下一把公园的长椅或一棵树来纪念某个人。在美国,一些人叫他们的家人和朋友给慈善机构捐款而不是买礼物给他们。在瑞典,为某人做一件事是最好的礼物。人们不需要花很多钱。作为替代,请吃一顿饭就够了。 8. p66 UNIT 8 READ:WHY DON'T YOU LEARN TO SING ENGLISH SONGS的全文翻译 中国将主办2008年奥运会,所有中国人想通过各种途径提高英语水平。例如,24位青年歌手从中国各地汇集到一起进行英文流行歌曲演唱赛,一些歌手能够唱得和英语母语歌手一样好。 歌手真的来自中国不同年龄不同地方。男声组冠军是一位40岁的西安人,女声组冠军是一位19岁的大连姑娘。两人都很谦虚,认为他们并不比其他人好多少。女声组冠军江梅说学习英语帮她获得了奖金。6个月前,她觉得她的英语不太好,因此她必须努力学习。英语演唱赛使得她对于学习英语更有兴趣了。 这样的比赛鼓励中国人学习英语。”中国人应该试着更多的说英语,我们应该在奥林匹克到来前得到提高“ 奥委会的一位发言人这样说道。他认为以娱乐的方式学习英语是一个好主意。 你听过“北京说英语”节目吗?如果没有,为什么不去看看呢?这个节目使北京人学英语更有兴趣。除了唱英语歌曲,还有很多其他有趣的方式学习英语,看看英语电影,读读英文书籍,也许你甚至能交到一个母语是英语的朋友。如果你足够努力,你将找到一条更好的学习英语的方法。 9. p70 UNIT 9 3a: Have you ever been to Disneyland?课文翻译 你去过迪士尼公园么? 我们中的大多数人可能都听说过米老鼠,唐老鸭和其他一些有名的迪士尼人物。我们甚至可以在电影中看到他们。但是你去过迪士尼乐园吗?事实上,现在世界上已有几座不同的迪士尼主题公园了。 迪士尼乐园是个娱乐的公园,但我们也可以叫它“主题公园”。它拥有你在其他公园可以找到的所有的娱乐设施,但是它有一个主题。当然,这个主题就是迪士尼电影和迪士尼人物。比如说,在其他一些公园你可以看到到摩天轮,但是在迪士尼乐园,摩天轮就有了“迪士尼人物”的主题。这意味着你可以在摩天轮的任何地方看到迪士尼人物。同样,你也可以看有关迪士尼的电影,在迪士尼餐厅就餐,买迪士尼礼物。你还随时可以看到迪士尼乐园里来回走动的迪士尼人物! 你听说过“迪士尼航行”吗?那是同样有迪士尼主题的巨大的船。你可以在船上航行几天,还可以在甲板上吃东西睡觉。和迪士尼乐园一样,甲板上也有许多吸引人的地方。你可以购物,参加迪士尼的聚会,和米老鼠一起吃晚餐。这些船有几条不同的航线,但最终都会抵达同样的地方。那就是属于迪士尼乐园的小岛。 在迪士尼乐园的乐趣简直太多了! 9. p72 UNIT 9 3a: Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life. 来到Hilltop语言学校,改变你的人生! 第一篇:这里是两名同学讲述关于我校的事情 当我还是个小女孩,我就梦想着去旅行,因而我选择了个最佳的方式—从事空中乘务员.我做这个行业已有两年了,它的确是份有趣的工作,我能游遍世界各地,但也我发现说好英语对我来说是件多么重要的事,正因如此早在当空乘之前我就在Hilltop语言学校学习五年了,我以一口流利的口语赢得了这份工作,谢谢, Hilltop语言学校! Mei Shan 第二篇: 我渴望当一名导游,事实上,这是我一直都很想要从事的事业.我渴望旅行,特别是英语国家,像是美国,澳大利亚.不论如何我知道我必须提高我的英语能力,于是我来到Hilltop语言学校进行口语学习, Hilltop语言学校对我的学习有很大的帮助,我已经在这里学满一年了,非常热爱这个地方.或许当我要离开这个学校的时候,我开始想做一名英语教师的热情会大过于想做一名导游! David Feng 9. p74 UNIT 9 3a: Have you ever been to Singapore?翻译! 你去过新加坡吗? 对于很多中国旅游者来说,这个位于东南亚的小岛是个度假的好去处。一方面,超过四分之三的人是中国人,你在大多数时间可以说普通话。另一方面,新加坡是个讲英语的国家,所以那里是你练习英语的好地方。 你曾经在中国以外的地方吃过中国菜吗?可能你会担心在国外你不能找到任何吃的。在新加坡,你能找到很多来自中国的食物;你不难找到米饭、面条或是饺子。然而,如果你够大胆,新加坡是个尝试新食物的好地方。无论你喜欢印度菜还是日本菜,你都可以在新加坡找到。 许多城市都有动物园,但是你在夜里去过动物园吗?新加坡有个夜间动物园叫做"Night Safari"(夜间野生动物园)。在夜晚去可能看起来很奇怪。但你只要白天去过你就可能理解这个动物园的奇特之处。大部分动物只在夜间醒来,所以那时是观看它们的最好时间。如果你在白天去看狮子、老虎或是狐狸,它们可能在睡觉!在夜间野生动物园,你可以在比普通动物园更自然的环境下观看这些动物。 在新加坡,很棒的是一年到头温度都大致相同。这时因为这个岛很靠近赤道。所以你可以选择任何你喜欢的时间去——春夏秋或冬!另外,它离中国并不远! 10. p80 UNIT 10 3a: 1.亲爱的Kim 作为一名新生有时在学校真的很难,但是周六的晚上我渡过了一段美妙的时光。非常感谢你能邀请我参加。有一些女孩子我并不认识,但是她们对我都很友善。还有你放的那段影片真的是太有意思了。现在我感觉我就是你们其中的一员了。 Maria 2.亲爱的Tony 谢谢你上周带我去看学校。在你陪我去那之前我一直找得很辛苦。我很高兴能见到Carlos。他的数学太棒了,不是吗?他对我说他将会帮助我学习数学。朋友们都像你一样使得我更容易的融入到新环境中。 Bill 3.亲爱的Allen 谢谢你下周球赛的门票。很遗憾你和你的父亲不能去,但我真的好高兴能拥有球赛门票。我准备邀请我的堂弟Tommy和我一起去。当黑袜子赢得了比赛我会想起你的。(我希望!) John


D - 'folklore/tradition',父母传递只是其中一种D - 整篇就是在说传统文化知识的重要性B - 书本不是唯一的知识来源C - 向工人学习知识,但是也要学会定夺(“what to accept and what to reject”)B - 如何得到知识(书本之外的知识)

THE GREAT STONE FACEThe Author s IntrusionRereading Hazlitt... Herodotus... Chaucer... Shakespeare... Bos-well... Montaigne... and certain other emitters of luminosity neverpalls. Now and then I have dipped- only dipped- into my-self with pleasure... but pursuit of that pleasure is certain tosharpen awareness of words not precise or harmonious... of doggedphrases... of sentences to be remodeled... of transpositions thatwould strengthen grace... of subject matter by hunks that hadbetter be excised... and of interesting... delightful... winged thingsin my head that belong to the written composition. I am sogrounded in respect for the English language as used by noblewriters for more than five hundred years that I have neverbeen contemporaneous with more than four or five writerswhom I admire. My contemporaries have lacked amplitude...wit... Johnsonian horse sense... play of mind... and other virtuescommon to predecessors still waiting to be enjoyed. Most mod-ern American writing in the \"best seller\" lists is so loosely --often sloppily... ignorantly... hideously--composed that it has no appeal for a craftsman disciplined to lucidity and the logic of grammar... bred to a style \"familiar but by no means vul- gar...\" and harmonized from infancy with the rhythms of DescriptionA selection of Poe's poetry and sixteen of his best-known tales, including "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Black Cat," and "The Pit and the Pendulum.".About AuthorIn his short, troubled life Edgar Allan Poe originated the mystery story, brought new psychological depth to the tale of horror, and made inimitable contributions to Romantic poetry and literary criticism. Born in Boston in 1809 to itinerant actors, Poe was orphaned as an infant and sent to live wit

spirit of the craftsman/craftsman's spirit/craftsmanship spirit:工匠精神



Probably,I have been driven crazy by this long lost craftsman's spirit.


You can find the spirit of craftsman in villas nowhere but in tiny area.


Work Concepts:Carry forward craftsman sprit Enjoy work,Enjoy life!


It is necessary to carry forward the craftsman spirit of excellence in the whole society,and encourage the majority of young people to take the road of becoming talents with skills and serving the country with skills.


Build an army of knowledge-based,skilled and innovative workers,carry forward the spirit of model workers and craftsmen,and create a glorious social fashion of labor and a professional atmosphere of excellence.


阅读是 学习英语 的基础,对于 英语学习 者来说培养自己的阅读能力十分重要,下面我为大家带来 英语阅读 短文摘抄,欢迎大家阅读!

In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel. This platform would serve as a port and a railway station. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level. In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low. He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed. The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel. It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent.


Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and if very popular at parties. Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour -- everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't. Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!

杰瑞米汉普登有一大群朋友如果很受欢迎的人。人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感--人人,就是说,除他6岁的女儿珍妮。最近,杰瑞米的一个最亲密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。这是杰瑞米所喜欢的那种事。他认真准备了讲稿,带着珍妮去婚礼。他包含了很多有趣的 故事 ,并在讲话,当然,这是一个巨大的成功。他刚一讲完,珍妮就告诉他说她想回家。杰瑞米因此感到有点扫兴,但他还是按照女儿的要求做了。在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢演讲。使他吃惊的是,她说她不喜欢。杰瑞米问她为什么不,她告诉他,她不愿意看到那么多的人嘲笑他!

Firemen had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well. When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes. The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain. By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.


英语阅读短文摘抄相关 文章 :

1. 精美双语散文摘抄阅读

2. 100字英语美文摘抄

3. 英语美文摘抄阅读

4. 经典英语美文阅读摘抄

5. 晨读英语美文精选摘抄

阅读虽然不是一种直接的交际,但在本质上也是一种语言交际活动。下面就是我给大家整理的短篇 英语阅读 文章 ,希望大家喜欢。短篇英语阅读文章:You are special A well-know speaker started on his seminar(研讨会) by holding up a $20 bill in the room of 200. He asked,who would like this $20 bill. Hands started going up. He said, "I'm going to give this $20 to one of you, but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple(弄皱) the $20 note up. He then asked, "who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "what if I do this?" He dropped it on the ground, and started to ground into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now, crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson no matter what I did to the money, you still want it. Because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20." Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make, and circumstances that come away. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what happened, or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finally creased, you are still priceless to those who love you. The worst of your lives comes not in what we do, or who we know, but by who we are. You are special. Don't ever forget it. 短篇英语阅读文章:Love your mother Let us take a moment of the time just to pay tribute and show appreciation to the person called MOM though some may not say it openly to their mother. There's no substitute for her. Cherish every single moment. Though at times she may not be the best of friends, she may not agree to our thoughts, she is still your mother! Your mother will be there for you, to listen to your woes your brags your frustrations, etc. Ask yourself "Have you put aside enough time for her, to listen to her 'blues' of working in the kitchen, her tiredness?" Be tactful, loving and still show her due respect, though you may have a different view from hers. Once gone, only fond memories of the past and also regrets will be left. Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart. Love her more than you love yourself. Life is meaningless without her. 短篇英语阅读文章:Mum and growing days Those Teenage Years When you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the different movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a row. When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked her by waiting until she left the house. When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming. You thanked her by telling her she had no taste. When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter. When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked. When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by taking it every chance you could. When you were 17, she was expecting an important call. You thanked her by being on the phone all night. When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation. You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn. When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus, carried your bags. You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends. When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone. You thanked her by saying, "It's none of your business."


The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o'clock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop.

The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler's. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.



Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle!


Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.

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