格式要规范 唐诗宋词元曲都有固定的格式,主要是因为其格式规范,易于评选出优秀作品。学术论文也有固定的格式。便于验证和交流。3.2 何为规范的格式? 科技论文不能写成三维,要遵循国际学术期刊的要求,以本领域著名的学习期刊文章为模板。其“八股”格式如下: 标题——摘要——引言——正文——结论——致谢——文献——附录3.3 标题title 标题要能概况全文要旨。同时要吸引人,抓眼球,引人注目。 标题的撰写注意一下几点:一是不宜过长、过短。合适的长度大约是中文10-15个字,英文12-18个词;二是切记啰嗦荣成,抽象空泛,要一语中的;三是尽量不用缩写词,少用专业特殊符号。扩展:参见科学网相关博客,如 摘要abstract概述方法与结果:100-150词,需要注意一下几点:一是不要写的太短;二是不要在这里大段叙述工作的意义;三是要突出工作进展和贡献;四是尽量不要引用文献、引述公式、方程。3.5 引言introduction一要论述工作的缘起和意义。逐一说明论文的研究目的、意义、方法、所得结果的创新之处。切记重复摘要中的叙述,同样的内容选用不同的表达方式。不要过于简短,篇幅约占权威的1/5。二要阐述前人的思路和成果。不要忽略前人的进展,尤其关注该问题的代表性研究。三要提及本人的发展。切记忽略本人工作的继承性和创造性。3.6 正文Main Body正文是成果的全面铺叙。包括实验、观测的设施,过程;建模的假定、表述;研究方法;演绎过程和结果分析。注意以下几点:一是切记忽略工作的前提条件;二是切记过于细腻、拖沓;三是切记混淆本人和前人的工作;四是切记单纯公式或图表陈述,忽视分析、深化,要从中归纳出结论性的东西;五是在指出前人工作不足时,要尽量客气。3.7 结论Conclusion&Limitation 结论是综述本文成果并展望未来工作。需要注意以下几点: 一是切记简单地重复摘要和引言中的语言; 二是切记武断、草率、目空一切。”填补空白”之类的语言千万不要写在文中; 三是在展望中保护自己的知识产权。不要将自己的下一步计划全盘托出; 四是要说明研究的局限性。3.8 致谢Acknowledgment 致谢是感谢资助单位和帮助过你的主要人员。需要注意以下问题: 一是标准资助项目的编号。这个有老师来做,将资助项目的表述完全统一,如Thiswork was supported by the grants from the NSFC (71332001、71201062、7161160505) and the Specialized Education (20120142110042). Thiswork was also supported by the Modern Information Management Research Centre atHUST、National 985 Project of Non-traditional Securityat HUST and TD-SCDMA Joint Innovation Lab, Hubei Mobile Co., China MobileGroup. 二是感谢帮助过你的人; 三是感谢匿名评审人和AE。3.9 参考文献Reference引用足够数目的文献(一般论文:20-40篇),且必须在文章中提及; 注意参考文献的代表性、经典性,新颖性(最好是近三年的文献); 学会用Endnote等编辑工具,做好EndnoteLibrary。3.10 附录Appendix 附录主要是研究的调查量表,文中重要的、须陈述的演绎过程和公式推演、重要程序。4 投稿与改稿 4.1期刊的评估 对期刊进行摸底,了解本专业的国际国内的相关期刊。 文章内容与刊物的“口味”相匹配; 要选择你引用的那些论文所出现的刊物; 了解刊物的出版周期、数量、是否检索(SCI,SSCI); 了解主编、副主编、编委所从事的研究工作。4.2 期刊的选择每篇文章都有自己的家。如果贡献高,则投高档刊物;若贡献小,投抵挡一点的刊物;按照UTD——FT45——领域排序。投给国际刊物,是参加“奥运会”;投给国内一级刊物,是参加“全运会”;投地方刊物,是参加“省运会”。4.3 如何投稿导师准备一封标准模板的投稿信,学术按照杂志仔细裁剪;学术投稿要有耐心。第一次投稿需要花几天的时间,要仔细阅读所投刊物的投稿指南,严格按照要求准备论文。4.4 改稿Revising让你修改已经是很好的结果,有50%-60%的希望。绝不要轻易放弃,一篇论文是你很长时间研究和思考的结晶,到了收获的时候,要非常仔细的准备论文,认真修改稿件。轻易地放弃,等于所有的前期投入化为乌有。要认真应对审稿人的意见,准备完整的论文修改报告,Point by point回答审稿人提出问题。修改尽可能在规定的时间内完成(一般为3个月)。敢于回驳不正确的审稿人意见。4.5 正确对待和处理退稿要有正常心态,好刊物都只有10%-20%的录用率,退稿指正常的,原因是多方面的(稿件贡献不够,质量太低,也可能是论文太超前,审稿人不识货)。退稿不要不加修改就改投其他刊物,否则旺旺再次遭受挫折,还会损害剩余(浪费审稿专家的时间,在同行里留下不好印象)。必须是仔细修改、扩充后,在等一段时间投出去。5 国际合作 5.1国际合作的必要性语言问题,需要合作。效率问题。我们花费大量的时间修改文字表达,不如一个地道的来外几天时间的修改。建立稳定的Research Networks。5.2 如何进行国际合作 如何选择合作对象?选择资深学者,往往选题和投稿由他来定,周期也比较长;选择年前助理教授,选题、投稿和署名都有自己来顶,周期也相对短很多。5.3注意事项建立互信,中途不要换人;杜绝抄袭,尤其注意国际期刊的版权意识很强,原文引用须格外注意。国际合作者的忠告:Do not copy someone else’s sentenceHow to cite referenceYou cannot start a sentence with anumberHow to abbreviate(缩写)When referring to a t
JISSR IJPEE他们家好像现在又有12个英文国际期刊可以知网检索了,只需要800块,一篇。一个月就能知网检索到了。快的很你可以上他们的网站上看看,直接百度搜索JISSR 或者IJPEE就行了
1. in this paper和in this study两类误用
并列连词:主要有七个,记为FAN BOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So),以及and so, and yet。他们可以用于连接同等地位的句子和短语;一般置于句中,若放在句首大写,必须要有上下文联系。
基本连词衍生词:both/and, whether/or, either/or, neither/nor, not/but, not only/but also, as well as, rather than ;注意里面的主谓一致和倒装现象。
副词连词:if, because, though, unless, while, once, in that, as, whereas等;用于连接从句;任何一个副词连词引导的状语从句不可单独存在,依附于主句存在;若放在主句之后可不加逗号,若主句之前则从句后常置逗号;注意避免双重连接
连接性副词:however, nevertheless, therefore, thus, moreover/furthermore, in addition, besides;注意这些词本质是副词,意思有连词的意味,不可单独作连词用;常放句首,前加分号或句号与前面句子隔开
3. respectively用法
5. such as和etc.
such as本身就是举例的意思,后面举例说明也是不完整的列表,所以such as和etc.不可同时出现;若是完整列出,可用冒号。
有些单词单数和复数的形式一致,并不需要加s来强调复数。如literature, equipment, staff, faculty等。
9. How to开头
由于大家发表的都是国际论文,若用at home, abroad, here, our country等表达,读者可能会产生疑惑,因此需要准确地表达地点,如in China。
12.滥用namely, that is to say等词二次解释
我给大家整理一些关于论文写作误区的介绍: 1、不加整理,原文照抄。这个表现又分为两种,有的同学对于自己选定的话题方向进行各种资料查找,但是偶然发现在这一领域或是这一方向已经有前人做好综述总结了,学生喜上眉梢,直接把别人总结的东西直接照抄过来;或者英文的,或者是国内的,学生将国内大家的名著英文翻译就。另一种表现就是对于自己搜集的资料素材进行简单地罗列,没有经过自己的整理,有的甚至没有归类,一条一条的素材很是没有条理,彼此之间没有关联,更没有提出自己的见解。2、文献过多,引用不当。学生搜集的东西确实都看过,但并不代表每一篇都是很有价值的,有的学生列出的实在太多,分不清主次以及内部之间的逻辑连贯。一般情况下要选择最主要和最新近的文献,比如综述论文的论点和论据来自的文献、为分析讨论提供有力依据的文献、知名度高的文献、新近的文献代替旧的文献等等。3、文体不对,误成讲座。不注重文体,将综述写成讲座性质的文章是学生很容易犯的一个错误,最显著的特征是文章当中带有大量的基础知识的内容,有的还把课程书上的一些图标搬过来,文章冗长而深度不足,针对这一点,就是很多留学生往往最容易跨区的误区。 书写文献综述的主要作用就是针对学术知识进行总体的总结,以表达的方式阐述发展的情况,从而进行研究下一个论点,总而言之,常见的写作误区小编已经介绍的很详细了,希望同学们避开误区,写出靓丽的文章。
本文摘录自 《The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written by Graduate Chinese Engineering Students》 ,主要是为了自己方便查阅。学习英语多年,模仿过CNS的文章,写过不少英语论文,但还是水平有限。这篇文章明确地指出了中国学者在写作英语论文时候所容易犯的错误,一对照,发现自己中了一半。现在将该文章简单摘录如下。
The single most common habit is the omission of articles a, an, and the. This occurs because Mandarin has no direct equivalent of articles and the rules for using them are somewhat complicated for a non-native speakers.
Articles signal that a noun will follow and that any modifiers between the article and the noun refer to that noun (a big blue bicycle / the first award). A and an are indefinite articles; the is a definite article. Every time a singular noncount noun, a common noun that names one countable item, is used the noun requires some kind of determiner.
Mistake: The, a, and an are
Very long sentences are especially common in Chinese-English writing because the writers often translate directly from Chinese to English. Although, in Chinese writing it is acceptable to put several supporting ideas in on sentence to show their relationship, in English,the main idea and each supporting idea is typically written in separate sentences.
One can usually recognize a very long sentence by its length – sixty words or more . However, sentences of smaller lengths can also be too long if they contain multiple statements that confuse the main idea . Long sentences can be avoided by limiting each sentence to one or two topics. Semicolons should be used where the writer really wants to emphasize the relationship between ideas. 句子太长,特别是那些超过60个单词的。还有一些就是一直逗号。真想将多个内容放到一个句子中,可以适当利用分号。特别有时候主句已经够长,后面还用which引导的从句,就显得更长。
example: This paper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on the characteristics of fan-coil air-conditioning systems and heat transfer theories, and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling called Cooling Metering on the Air-side ,which . The new method can monitor...
Chinese writers often preface the main topic of a sentence by first stating the purpose, location, reason, examples and conditions as introductory elements. However, this has the effect of demoting the importance of the main idea and making the reader think the author is indirect. Bring the main idea to the beginning of the sentence stating any locations, reasons, etc., afterwards. 其实就是说中国学者喜欢开场白,把目的,地点,原因什么的东西摆在想表达的内容前面作为铺垫。但这样在英语中是不可取的,降低了论点的重要性,以及让人感到你不够直接。 example 1: For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing. 这个原因提前了,应该改成: This paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for application in automobile interiors. example 2: Based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model, the extended STL format is described in this section. 基于xxx放在句首,这个句式我经常用,还自以为很精彩,实际应该改成: The extended STL format is described in this section based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model.
尽量将时间从句放在后面 example: When U is taken as the control parameter, the BDs for ∆=0.01 is shown in Fig. 8. 应改成: Figure 8 shows the BDs for ∆=0.01 when U is taken as the control parameter.
Two very common errors are those concerning the presentation of Arabic numerals, and equations. Chinese writers usually write Arabic numerals instead of spelling out the word. The use of Arabic numerals, itself, is not an error however; they should never be used at the beginning of sentences. 英语句子开头如果是数字,要用英语,不能用阿拉伯数字 example: 12 Twelve parameters were selected for the experiment.
Arabic numerals are overused. Arabic numerals should be used to give data in technical papers, however they should not be used to give general information. 阿拉伯数字主要用于给出数据,而一些普通的信息则不用 example: *All 3 three studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30°C.
Equations should be introduced as much as possible, not inserted in place of words. Most journals, like the International Journal of Production Research, discourage the use of even short expressions within the text. 公式要表达清楚,不要直接用符号 example: If the power battery SOC > is greater than SOClo and the driving torque belongs to the middle load ,…(不直接用">",而是用英文表述)
Paragraphs are separated to indicate the end of one idea or thought and the beginning of another. All English paragraphs start on a new line with an indent of about one inch or with an extra line between the two paragraphs. The latter is more typical for business writing.
The antecedent (noun or pronoun) to which which refers is not specific, causing confusion. 就是用这个从句有时候指意不明 example: ‘The Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jacking force, which is built at 1978(10680t).’ ‘Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jacking force which is built at 1978(10680t).’
Two errors occur when these phrases are used. The first is overuse. In some papers written by Chinese, these phrases can occur as much as twice per page. In papers written by native English writers these phrases are reserved for primarily two uses
Therefore, if either phrase occurs more than three times in a paper, its use is questionable. Actually, the reader is aware that the work presented is by the author (unless the author states otherwise) so there is no reason to repeat these phrases. The second error is more subtle. The two phrases are interchanged. example: In this paper, IDEAS was used to …. 改成: In this study, IDEAS was used to….
The ‘study’ is the work the author/s did. The paper is the mode to present this work and is what the reader is holding/ reading. Keep in mind the writer can also use other phrases such as ‘in this research’, and ‘this paper present’.
Such as and etc. are commonly misused by Chinese-English writers. Such as means ‘for example’ and implies that an incomplete list will follow; etc. means ‘and so on’ and is used at the end of a list to show it is not complete. Therefore, using such as and etc. together is redundant. Such as means that an incomplete list will be given and should not be used when a complete list is given. example: Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanufacturing mainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors, printers , and etc .
《中国英语教学>外语教学与研究出版社 外研社现代英语研究《英语研究》外语教学与研究《21世纪英语教学周刊》《实用专业英语考试研究》
相信很多人会遇到这样一个类似的问题,那就是在英文论文写好之后,却苦于找不到国内经常使用的论文发表期刊有哪些。下面是根据多年的经验总结出来的其中比较受欢迎的期刊,希望对您有一定帮助。至于查重可以了解一下paperfree。谢谢!zAcademic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(English Edition)Acta Geologica SinicaActa Mathematica ScientiaActa Oceanologica SinicaActa Pharmacologica SinicaActa Seismologica SinicaADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESApplied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese UniversitiesBiomedical and Environmental SciencesCell ResearchChemical Research in Chinese UniversitiesChina WeldingChinese Annals of Mathematics,Series BChinese Chemical LettersChinese Geographical ScienceChinese Journal of AeronauticsChinese Journal of Astronomy and AstrophysicsChinese Journal of Cancer ResearchChinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringChinese Journal of GeochemistryChinese Journal of Integrative MedicineChinese Journal of LasersChinese Journal of Mechanical EngineeringChinese Journal of Oceanology and LimnologyChinese Journal of Polar ScienceChinese Journal of Reactive PolymersChinese Journal of Sexually Tuansmitted InfectionsChinese Journal of Traumatology (English Edition)Chinese Medical JournalChinese Medical Sciences JournalChinese Quarterly Journal of MathematicsChinese Rice Research NewsletterChinese Science BulletinCommunications In Theoretical PhysicsEarthquake Engineering and Engineering VibrationElectricityForestry Studies in ChinaGeo-spatial Information ScienceHigh Technology LettersHunan Agricultural Science & Technology NewsletterInternational Journal of Plant Engineering and ManagementJournal of Beijing Institute of TechnologyJournal of Central South University of Technology(English Edition)Journal of China University of GeosciencesJournal of China University of Mining and TechnologyJournal of Chongqing University(English Edition)Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyJournal of Electronics(China)Journal of Environmental SciencesJournal of Forestry ResearchJournal of Geographical SciencesJournal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)Journal of HydrodynamicsJournal of Iron and Steel Research,InternationalJournal of Materials Science & TechnologyJournal of Nanjing Medical University(English Edition)Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)Journal of Rare EarthsJOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITYJournal of Shanghai Second Medical UniversityJournal of Shanghai University(English Edition)Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Englis Edition)Journal of Systems Engineering and ElectronicsJournal of Systems Science and ComplexityJournal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJournal of Tropical MeteorologyJournal of University of Science and Technology BeijingJournal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition)Journal of Zhejiang University(Science)Nuclear Science and TechniquesNumerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities English SeriesPedospherePlasma Science and TechnologyProgress in Natural ScienceRare MetalsReproduction & ContraceptionScience In China (Chemistry)SCIENCE IN CHINA (Earth Sciences)Science In China (Information Sciences)Science In China (Life Sciences)Science In China (Mathematics Physics Astronomy)Science In China (Technological Sciences)Semiconductor Photonics and TechnologyThe Chinese-German Journal of Clinical OncologyThe Journal of China Universities of Posts and TelecommunicationsTransactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsTransactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of ChinaTransactions of Tianjin UniversityTsinghua Science and TechnologyWuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences
相信很多人会遇到这样一个类似的问题,那就是在英文论文写好之后,却苦于找不到国内经常使用的论文发表期刊有哪些。下面是根据多年的经验总结出来的其中比较受欢迎的期刊,希望对您有一定帮助。至于查重可以了解一下paperfree。谢谢!zAcademic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(English Edition)Acta Geologica SinicaActa Mathematica ScientiaActa Oceanologica SinicaActa Pharmacologica SinicaActa Seismologica SinicaADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESApplied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese UniversitiesBiomedical and Environmental SciencesCell ResearchChemical Research in Chinese UniversitiesChina WeldingChinese Annals of Mathematics,Series BChinese Chemical LettersChinese Geographical ScienceChinese Journal of AeronauticsChinese Journal of Astronomy and AstrophysicsChinese Journal of Cancer ResearchChinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringChinese Journal of GeochemistryChinese Journal of Integrative MedicineChinese Journal of LasersChinese Journal of Mechanical EngineeringChinese Journal of Oceanology and LimnologyChinese Journal of Polar ScienceChinese Journal of Reactive PolymersChinese Journal of Sexually Tuansmitted InfectionsChinese Journal of Traumatology (English Edition)Chinese Medical JournalChinese Medical Sciences JournalChinese Quarterly Journal of MathematicsChinese Rice Research NewsletterChinese Science BulletinCommunications In Theoretical PhysicsEarthquake Engineering and Engineering VibrationElectricityForestry Studies in ChinaGeo-spatial Information ScienceHigh Technology LettersHunan Agricultural Science & Technology NewsletterInternational Journal of Plant Engineering and ManagementJournal of Beijing Institute of TechnologyJournal of Central South University of Technology(English Edition)Journal of China University of GeosciencesJournal of China University of Mining and TechnologyJournal of Chongqing University(English Edition)Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyJournal of Electronics(China)Journal of Environmental SciencesJournal of Forestry ResearchJournal of Geographical SciencesJournal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)Journal of HydrodynamicsJournal of Iron and Steel Research,InternationalJournal of Materials Science & TechnologyJournal of Nanjing Medical University(English Edition)Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)Journal of Rare EarthsJOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITYJournal of Shanghai Second Medical UniversityJournal of Shanghai University(English Edition)Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Englis Edition)Journal of Systems Engineering and ElectronicsJournal of Systems Science and ComplexityJournal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJournal of Tropical MeteorologyJournal of University of Science and Technology BeijingJournal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition)Journal of Zhejiang University(Science)Nuclear Science and TechniquesNumerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities English SeriesPedospherePlasma Science and TechnologyProgress in Natural ScienceRare MetalsReproduction & ContraceptionScience In China (Chemistry)SCIENCE IN CHINA (Earth Sciences)Science In China (Information Sciences)Science In China (Life Sciences)Science In China (Mathematics Physics Astronomy)Science In China (Technological Sciences)Semiconductor Photonics and TechnologyThe Chinese-German Journal of Clinical OncologyThe Journal of China Universities of Posts and TelecommunicationsTransactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsTransactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of ChinaTransactions of Tianjin UniversityTsinghua Science and TechnologyWuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences