其中编辑给了大家一些建议: Read the Aims and Scope page Does the journal publish on the topic? • Look at the papers that you cite • Do a literature search The right journal will have editors who: -know the field and the important questions being asked -know reviewers -can guide the process and resolve disputes Title: keep it short Abstract:write it for the readers Manuscript structure: the chronology of the experiments is not important. Keep the logic of the experiments and the story front and center. Don’t repeat the abstract, but convey your excitement in a personal manner Summarize how your work builds upon what’s been done before and how it advances work in the field Be precise. Be honest. Let us know what the work does not do. Note competition and controversies. Make reviewer suggestions and exclusions. Simplicity is often a virtue • Keep focus on the main points - with too many sick stones, the major points can get lost • Ask yourself for each piece of data whether it is absolutely necessary to support the main story. Do the same thing for each phrase in the paper Help the reader understand your work with as little effort as possible. ---Use paragraph headings that describe concrete findings. And use similar language in figure tides. — Put information where readers expect it. Make use of color/shapes/etc in figures to highlight parts that you want readers to pay attention to. Guide readers to specific pens of figures in the text. • Recruit colleagues outside of your area to read it • Is the flow of logic clear? • Is all the jargon defined? • Do the experiments support the conclusions? • If English is your second language ask a native speaker to check for grammar and clarity. • Pre-submission inquiries. • Feedback is a gift • Focus on the scientific issues. • Ask the editor for clarification. • If you think we’ve missed something— tell us! • If you think the reviewer is wrong about something, then try to see it as an honest mistake and address the issue as a misunderstanding. • Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would the tone and content of the rebuttal make you want to change your mind? 最后祝大家早日发Cell!!
cell杂志投稿一般三天到一周就会回复你了。如果你通过了,他会回复你通过了。如果没通过,他也会通知你 所以不用担心