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友谊是关心,友谊是互助,友谊是春风,友谊是暖流,友谊是一个人进步的动力。我在与好朋友余凌霄的交往中,品味到了真诚的友谊。那是一次作文口头竞赛。初赛时,她作为班上的语文科代表。负责掌握时间——按秒表。我悄悄告诉她,让她手下留情多给我些时间,毕竟我的作文太长了。她没动声色,我以为她已默认。便自信稳拿第一。“开始!”她严肃地宣布。我滔滔不绝地说着,可是还没接近尾声,只听咚的一声,她竟然准时按下秒表。在所有人中,只有我,超时了!我好没面子!好伤心!对她的举动,我十分生气。什么好朋友,这点小忙都不帮,害得我在众目睽睽之下出丑、难堪,让我陷入万丈深渊。我毅然决定不和她作朋友了!在以后几天,我一直没理她。她已经察觉到了。她几次想给出我解释,我总是不懈一顾,不理不睬,扬长而去。因为我对她已经心灰意冷了,我们的友谊已不存在。可她总要我给她解释的机会。这天,我极不满意地停下来。“你知道吗?我其实也有难言之隐呀!友谊要讲诚信,讲原则,如果没有这些,友谊还有价值吗?”我说:“你不用如此,朋友请你帮忙。你却——我又不是没跟你说!你让我当众出丑,多难堪啊?”“对不起!我也……不想!形势所迫!要是你在我手里过了关,不再提高自己,决赛能独占鳌头吗?不如……我帮你!”我恍然大悟,原谅了她。接着的几天里,她天天陪我一起练习,又帮我修改稿子,给我指出不足,还给我出点子。每天她都坚持不懈地督促我,有时练得我满头大汗、力倦神疲。就这样,我终于把握住了时间。“皇天不负有心人!”在我俩的共同努力下,那次口头作文决赛,我获得了一等奖!真有说不尽开心,她也感到很欣慰!这事让我茅塞顿开:友谊应建立在同志中,巩固在真诚中,发展在批评中;不然,就会断送在奉承中。友谊是什么?你也许会奇怪我连友谊都不懂,不过,让我深有体会的,真正明白它的含意的却是在那件事之后。 那天中午,太阳还在吐着火舌,猛烈地照着大地,似乎要将大地烧焦。我和曹青、余佩也因为这躲在树荫下跳皮筋。我们边跳皮筋,还边讨论天气,曹青说:“天气预报还说今天要下雨呢,我看是说假话吧。”我也支持她的观点,余佩说:“这么好的天气哪像要下雨啊。” 可是到了下午第二节课下课,老天不作美,偏向了天气预报,不一会儿,天空就阴云密布了,我们连忙跑进教室,一会儿,一道银光划破天空,雷公吹了一声口哨,雨姑娘就洒出了最好最多的珍珠。 放了学,大家都“各奔前程”,我呢,一个人傻愣愣地在校外路边站着,盼望着雨能停下来,因为根据我家的路程之远和我奔跑之慢,足以让我洗上一个大澡。忽然,一把雨伞把我头上的天空挡住了,我一回头,原来,我的好朋友赵玛丽在我的后面,她甜甜地笑着,说:“来,一起回家吧。”我太高兴了,和她说说笑笑走进了雨中,把刚才的烦恼也抛掉了。 不一会儿,我们就要到分叉口了,看来,我只能拼一下了。我正打算冲进雨中,她突然说:“给,这把伞你撑去吧。”我说:“这怎么行呢?那样你不是要淋湿了吗?”她却笑笑:“没关系,我家近,用不了跑几步就到了,你家远,你还是赶紧回家吧,不然,你爸爸妈妈要着急了。”我感动得不知说什么好,不过我听到我还是说了声“谢谢”。 一路上,我的心沉甸甸的,装满了友谊。 友谊值得珍惜 友谊,是一把刀,将我心中的石块敲碎; 友谊,是一盏灯,照亮我心中的黑暗; 友谊,是一个巨大无比的箱子,收获快乐,也分享快乐。 茫茫人海中,找到一个朋友?难!找到一个知心朋友?难上加难!但这一切相遇,仿佛是老天安排的,让你无意中得到一份珍贵的友谊,就看你愿不愿意珍惜…… 也许,友谊就是这样,来得意想不到,当然,我也不例外。 时间仿佛倒转,回到那得到第一份真正友谊的那一天。 “铃铃铃……”随着下课铃响起,同学们像笼子里放飞的鸟儿,“飞”到教室外的活动场地。不久后,笑声一阵阵岁风飘进我的耳朵里。好奇的我走出教室,坐在旁边的树底下,观望着只有两三人组成的游戏,我多么想和他们一起蹦,一起跳,但胆小的我一星期后也没有这样做。当我鼓起勇气,加入他们的游戏时,他们还不犹豫地接受了我。在游戏里,张钊和何浪成了我最好的朋友,也是我得到第一份友谊,而这份友谊就在有趣的游戏里渐渐清晰…… 当然,友谊不止一份。四年级时,全班大调座位,一个叫王坤的男生调在我的旁边。当时却没有想到他的名字会进入我“好朋友”的列表中。因为座位的缘故,我们的感情一天天增加,直升到我知心朋友的地位。 就这样,日复一日,年复一年,我们四个成了不可割分的知心朋友,也让我受到来自朋友的快乐——特别是那个雨天。 哪个雨天,是一个让人措手不及的雨天。 雨,不断地下,随时变化着,有时大,有时小。苏昕和我,面对这场突如其来的雨,一筹莫展。天渐渐边黑了,雨还没有停的意思,正当我和王坤决定冲回家时,一把伞遮住我的头顶之外,我惊奇地回头一看,原来是何明斌。他好像知道我在想什么,还没等我开口,就接问道:“你也是走东边的吧?那就一起走吧!”我开心地笑了笑,温暖像一把火,霎时间占据了我冰冷的心。不知什么时候,何明斌出现在我和王坤中间,边打开伞边说:“一起走吧,我随便送何明斌到菜市。” 就这样,我们四个说说笑笑,一路打破了校园此刻的寂静。 那一刻,有远保留在我的心灵深处,因为那一刻,让我明白了什么才是真正的友谊——在朋友时伸出援助之手,在你需要帮助时,朋友也会让你重新振作,但不管怎么样,在最后时刻,也不要抛弃朋友,抛弃友谊。 小学生活随着时间的流逝而即将告别。与朋友在一起的时间只剩下短短级个月里,毕业之后,也许老天让我们的缘分继续,但也许不会。我认为,珍惜现在的时光,珍惜现在的友谊,在朋友间留下深刻的回忆,才能让友谊得到真正的友谊吧! 友谊,是使我快乐的天使; 友谊,是比樱桃更甜的幸福; 友谊,是让生命之舟变得无比精彩的重要零件! 难道,友谊不值得珍惜?


本科学生毕业论文(设计)开题报告题目 Analysis of the Major Character of The Catcher in the Rye 姓 名 赵惠黎 专 业 英语 学 号 20070401070 学 院 外国语学院 指导教师 潘学权 本课题研究现状及可行性分析 研究现状: 《麦田守望者》一经出版,文学评论家便用传统到后现代主义的各种理论对小说从各方面进行评论和解读。如德国学者汉斯·彭纳特从精神分析的角度着力剖析了霍尔顿的孤独,而施咸荣先生1982年也在《美国当代文学简史》中提出《麦田守望者》被认为是最早的“垮掉的一代”的代表作。大量研究表明《麦田守望者》对主人公形象的塑造不仅从艺术上受到了肯定,而且从社会学的角度也得到了认可,它可以帮助青少年增加对生活的认识,也使成年人对青少年增加了解,消除代沟。可行性分析: 对于此课题前人已经有较为成熟的研究,相关中英文资料充足。本人已仔细翻阅了原著, 反复咀嚼其内涵,并通过网络资源获取了相关资料,了解了作品的背景知识。基于对原著以及相关书籍材料的阅读和文献的查阅,加之指导教师的帮助,此课题研究是可行的。本课题研究的关键问题及解决问题的思路本课题研究的关键问题 1、分析霍尔顿的性格、成长背景、成长体验和其他人物对主人公成长的影响。 2、对霍尔顿选择与主流社会的和解进行分析,细致的研究探讨霍尔顿抗拒成长的过 程及其心理变化。 2.解决问题的思路 本课题拟通过霍尔顿叛逆性生存状态的展示,对战后美国文学中霍尔顿这一独特的人物类型和性格及其背后所蕴含的社会文化内涵进行尽可能深入细致地挖掘与剖析。并把霍尔顿的世界作为一种亚文化现象来分析,从而透视青春期的危机,解读青少年一代的心声,并从中获得启发。论文纲要 一、简介,介绍国内外对这部小说研究的发展状况,并简要介绍本文所述的观点。 二、主体部分,分析霍尔顿的成长历程和心理变化,由三个部分组成: 1、分析青少年成长道路所遇到的问题及障碍,分析成长的一般模式。 2、分析霍尔顿的性格、成长背景、成长体验和其他人物对主人公成长的影响。 3、对霍尔顿选择与主流社会的和解进行分析,细致的探讨霍尔顿抗拒成长的过 程及其心理变化。 三、结论,在前两部分的分析与解释的基础上总结出文章的观点。主要参考文献 Blos, Peter. On Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation [M], New York: The Free . Simpson, J. A. & E. S. C. Weiner. The Oxford English Dictionary [Z], Oxford: Clarendon Press,1989. 芮渝萍,美国成长小说研究[M],北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004 张介明,反抗与回归:解读《麦田守望者》[J],名作欣赏,第三期,2002 潘丽,战后美国青少年的心理历程----浅析《麦田守望者》主人公性格特征[J]. 国际关系学院学报,1996,(2)。五、指导教师意见指导教师(签名): 2010年11月20日六、教研室审核意见 同 意 开 题 教研室主任(签名): 2010年11月25日 注:开题报告应在教师指导下由学生独立撰写,在毕业论文(设计)开始二周内完成,交指导教师审阅,接受学校和学院抽查。

友谊,其实很简单。 —题记 活在这个世上,为的是友谊。至少我是这么认为的。生活就是一张没有染色的画。染色的笔就是多彩的友谊;泥土开始只是一片黑,点缀的是那绿色的友谊。 当我们伤心的时候,朋友能给我们肩膀。让我们正在独自流泪的时候,朋友能让我们心情愉快。这不是蒙娜丽莎那神秘的微笑,只是友谊,很简单而又难以琢磨的友谊。友谊拥有神奇的力量,都使我们为之震撼。 “人生于世上有几个知己,多少友谊能长存,愿友谊常在你我心里……”是啊,世界那么大,却很难找到可以谈心的朋友。真想像王勃那样写下“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”的千古名句。可是每当我仰望天空,那么多的星星,怎么找…… 朋友并不是找出来的。而是不经意“碰”出来的。当你帮别人捡一根笔,或许就认识了,然后就成了朋友。真的,友谊就是这么简单。 俗话说,人生得一知己足矣,千金易得,朋友难求。朋友是人的精神生活中一个重要的组成部分,没有友谊的人,就像生活在寂寞的荒野;缺乏朋友的人,就会感到人间的孤独。人们需要友谊,是因为真诚的友谊可以使人奋发,使人欣慰,使人快乐,使人向前…… 人生的财富是无穷无尽的,但真正的财富是什么呢?是金钱?是权势?不是,是友谊。不知哪个哲人说过:“财富不是真正的朋友,朋友才是永久的财富。”朋友,当你知道朋友的价值时,就别太在意朋友之间的琐事,你应该知道:友谊不在一时,而在平时;不凭年龄,而凭心灵。朋友,别太在意,让我们携手望着美丽的朝阳,共同奋斗吧! 只有用心去交友的人才能获得真正的友谊。视友谊为交易者,既不可能产生真正的友谊,更是经不起时间考验的,它害人又害己。 -尾记 友情,喝的是功夫茶,品的是茶道!朋友像香茗,让人沉淀,使人坚强;朋友是生-命中永久的财富,真诚不可亵渎。适量的茶碰到适合自己的水,茶水又碰到适合自己的人,这茶、水、人因缘而得以相逢,才使喝茶的时候给人的一种感悟就是这样一种一直以为自己可以不带走一片云彩,还是在绝望时,发现自己手中仍旧紧紧抓着云彩的尾巴。 开放在水中的莲,总是尽力让水中的倒影看起来更加的完美,只是孤独的感受让再怎样完美都还是有遗憾。神情的憔悴总会在隐约中透露,仿佛是种魔力。 孤独,虽然每个人都是独自的个人生没有缺憾朋友当然不是玻璃做的,但是有许多人总是把朋友当做玻璃,小心翼翼,恐怕把朋友碰坏了。 所以有时候,明明对朋友很不满,却也不敢表达出来。害怕一旦表达了不满,就会发生冲突;一旦发生冲突,就会伤害感情;一旦伤害感情,就会失去这个朋友,为了一件小事失去一个朋友,一只名叫威伯的小猪和一只名叫夏洛的蜘蛛成为朋友.小猪未来的命运是成为圣诞节时的盘中大餐,这个悲凉的结果让威伯心惊胆寒.它也曾尝试过逃跑,但它毕竟只是一只猪.看似渺小的夏洛却说:"让我来帮你."于是夏洛用它的网在猪棚中织出"好猪","查克曼的好猪"等字样,那些总是想看到你,也总是愿意接到你打来的电话,可以跟你无拘无束地叙述自己的故事,却从来没有想过把自己的生命跟你联系在一起。为你的忧愁而担心,为你的满足而喜悦,为你想要的一本书经常去逛书店,为你突然患上感冒而焦急,却从未考虑让自己介入到你的命运转折当中。友谊可以促进竞争。当朋友间存在竞争时,应互帮互助,共同进步,这才是真正友谊地体现。 若两个人因竞争而反目成仇,互相利用,互相陷害,那么他们二人绝对不是朋友,存在的也不是真正的友谊。 如果因竞争而失去了友谊,那么他所失去的远比得到的多。 朋友间友谊的见证友情是很微妙的一种东西,我曾经听说过这么一句话朋友是拿来出卖的我觉着说这句话的人一定是受到了朋友所带来的很大的打击、伤害。 我应该说是相信友谊,至少在此时此刻我是很相信友谊的。朋友就像是你生命中的一盏灯,在你最需要温暖的时候给你送来温暖··· 友谊,是人生最珍贵的感情之一。古今中外不知多少名人用多少优美的诗句来歌颂与赞美过它。曾经有一位伟人说过:“得不到友情的人将是终身可怜的孤独者;没有友情的社会,只是一片繁华的沙漠。”朋友就是友谊的代言人。他们不曾嫌弃任何人与放弃任何人。而用他们那宽大的心去容纳与接受别人,使别人能在他们的身上感受到友谊的温暖、关怀。 在顺境中,朋友结识了我们;在逆境中,我们了解了朋友。这是名人柯林斯对朋友做出的评价。这使我想起不久以前,我在淄博晚报上看到的一份报道。有一对朋友,他们一起去爬山。刚好下雨路滑,有一个人不小心滑了一跤, 恰巧身边是万丈深渊, 在这千钧一发的时候,他的朋友立即扑上去拉住他的手。就这样,他们在“鬼门关”前持续了两小时左右。在这段时间里,那身陷险境的人,几度叫他的朋友放手,免得一起摔下去,双双送命。但他的朋友却说:“再坚持一会儿,就会有人来救我们的。”终于,碰巧三个山工看到,把他们救了起来。但那朋友的手已经变成畸形了, 可是他还是笑着对他的朋友说:“我早说过会有人救我们的。”这时,那人早已热泪盈眶,抱着他的朋友哭起来。这件事,若发生在没有友谊的人身上,可能会视而不见,或逃之夭夭。柯林斯说得没错,我们在逆境中认识了朋友,认识了他们的伟大。友谊是用心感受,用心传递的,只有亲身体验过,才会知道友谊的珍贵。 其实,我对“友谊”这两个字很有体验。今年的模拟长征,这可能是我们大多数同学的第一次远足,也是我们人生中的一大考验。在这次活动中,大多数同学能够走下来,靠的并不一定是自己的能力、毅力和坚强,靠的应该是同学、朋友之间的互相鼓励、互相支持。每个同学都得到了其他同学的鼓励,正是这些微不足道的鼓励与支持,我们才会顽强的走下来。行程中,当一个同学有点坚持不住时,周围的同学也会伸出援助之手,帮他背包,尽管他们也是很累很累,这样看来,这只手不仅是援助之手,更是友谊之手。同学们这样做也许只会得到对方的一丝微笑或一个眼神,但他们也很高兴,因为他们知道朋友之间是不需要回报的。中午吃饭时,当一个人馒头或咸菜不够时,同学们也会伸出友谊之手,把馒头或咸菜递到他的手中,也许只会得到一声真心的“谢谢”,他们也是很满足的,因为他们知道友情无价。可以看出,同学之间的友情是多么的深厚纯洁。 友谊是瞬间开放的花,而时间会使它结果。 友谊是一把雨伞下的两个身影,是一张课桌上的两对明眸。 友谊是理想土壤中的两朵小花,是宏伟乐章中的两个音符。 友谊是永不落山的太阳。让朋友走近你的心田、滋润你的灵魂。 请伸出你的友谊之手,让我们手牵手、肩并肩,真心体验友谊、真心感受友谊,珍惜友谊,让友谊之花处处盛开。我坚信我们的明天会更加美好灿烂! 友谊值得珍惜 友谊,是一把刀,将我心中的石块敲碎; 友谊,是一盏灯,照亮我心中的黑暗; 友谊,是一个巨大无比的箱子,收获快乐,也分享快乐。 茫茫人海中,找到一个朋友?难!找到一个知心朋友?难上加难!但这一切相遇,仿佛是老天安排的,让你无意中得到一份珍贵的友谊,就看你愿不愿意珍惜…… 也许,友谊就是这样,来得意想不到,当然,我也不例外。 时间仿佛倒转,回到那得到第一份真正友谊的那一天。 “铃铃铃……”随着下课铃响起,同学们像笼子里放飞的鸟儿,“飞”到教室外的活动场地。不久后,笑声一阵阵岁风飘进我的耳朵里。好奇的我走出教室,坐在旁边的树底下,观望着只有两三人组成的游戏,我多么想和他们一起蹦,一起跳,但胆小的我一星期后也没有这样做。当我鼓起勇气,加入他们的游戏时,他们还不犹豫地接受了我。在游戏里,张钊和何浪成了我最好的朋友,也是我得到第一份友谊,而这份友谊就在有趣的游戏里渐渐清晰…… 当然,友谊不止一份。四年级时,全班大调座位,一个叫王坤的男生调在我的旁边。当时却没有想到他的名字会进入我“好朋友”的列表中。因为座位的缘故,我们的感情一天天增加,直升到我知心朋友的地位。 就这样,日复一日,年复一年,我们四个成了不可割分的知心朋友,也让我受到来自朋友的快乐——特别是那个雨天。 哪个雨天,是一个让人措手不及的雨天。 雨,不断地下,随时变化着,有时大,有时小。苏昕和我,面对这场突如其来的雨,一筹莫展。天渐渐边黑了,雨还没有停的意思,正当我和王坤决定冲回家时,一把伞遮住我的头顶之外,我惊奇地回头一看,原来是何明斌。他好像知道我在想什么,还没等我开口,就接问道:“你也是走东边的吧?那就一起走吧!”我开心地笑了笑,温暖像一把火,霎时间占据了我冰冷的心。不知什么时候,何明斌出现在我和王坤中间,边打开伞边说:“一起走吧,我随便送何明斌到菜市。” 就这样,我们四个说说笑笑,一路打破了校园此刻的寂静。 那一刻,有远保留在我的心灵深处,因为那一刻,让我明白了什么才是真正的友谊——在朋友时伸出援助之手,在你需要帮助时,朋友也会让你重新振作,但不管怎么样,在最后时刻,也不要抛弃朋友,抛弃友谊。 小学生活随着时间的流逝而即将告别。与朋友在一起的时间只剩下短短级个月里,毕业之后,也许老天让我们的缘分继续,但也许不会。我认为,珍惜现在的时光,珍惜现在的友谊,在朋友间留下深刻的回忆,才能让友谊得到真正的友谊吧! 友谊,是使我快乐的天使; 友谊,是比樱桃更甜的幸福; 友谊,是让生命之舟变得无比精彩的重要零件! 难道,友谊不值得珍惜? 友谊 有的事情开始,有的事情结束,唯有友谊不变。这句话让我想起了我的挚友,正是友谊让我们形影不离。经历过多少坎坷,越过多少山沟,我和他共同经历了小学六年,六年不算长,但是我总有想不完的回忆。然而这一别一年之久,我依然与他保持联系。回忆往事,让我觉得他有勇气,太仗义。 他是一位酷爱功夫的人,一下课便是练功夫。我收到他的影响也开始学这个了。我还知道他练功夫不只是为了强身健体,他说,他要保卫祖国。在骄阳下,他脸上散发出灿烂的光,他像一株向日葵,为是么他能从早到晚向着太阳,因为他的执着,不懈努力的结果吧!然而他现在已经成功了,成绩名列前茅,体育优秀的三好学生。再细想,我和他交谈时不知是语言交流,更是精神上的享受。这也是他的勇敢,仗义。 话说,能在危难时刻挺身而出的朋友才是真正的朋友。他就是这样,在我遭遇欺辱时,他挺身而出,为我与那些坏家伙搏斗,我帮助他,在我们的配合下,那群坏家伙不敢再来了,那时是多么自豪,多么喜悦。在班里有一个学生总与他过不去,经常和他吵架,我帮助他脱离危险,解脱他心中的不满,我多次安慰和鼓舞他,看到他的胜利,我感到手有余香。那一位学生,见闹不过,冷嘲热讽我们,我们产生了些小小误会,但是有一,让我么知道朋友之间需要宽容,理解,悦纳。我们,无时无刻在友谊的光辉下。 听说他爸爸买了新房,他用搬家了,我想这正是太遗憾了,也许我和他再也不能见变了,本来我和他住的很近,我常来找他玩,但是现在这一搬,我们有怎样才能见面。现在,房子已经装修好了,可以入住了。他给我打来电话——他不搬了,他爸爸同意他住这。这可真是太好了,他为了我而没搬家,实在是令我感动。我相信友谊能让我们永远在一起。 有一次,在回家的路上,我骑着自行车经过他所在的小区,我看见他正在阳台上,我停住了,平了名的喊叫着,他听到了,也就激动的喊我的名字,我万分激动:“太好了,我终于见到你了。”他说:“我昨天还梦到今天会看见你,果然看见了,真是上天帮了我们的忙。是啊!我自回家的途上想,你是多门勇敢,多么仗义,我和你之间的友谊无限美好,我和你之间有说不完的话,我无时无刻不在牵挂。友谊让我们形影不离。




最简单的方法,把这两个题目放在百度里面搜索,第一个的搜索结果是没有基本沾边的,都是以整个动物的习语来处发写的,狗的习语只占不多一部分,第二个搜索结果一堆一堆的,所以哪个资料多,多少一下就知道了。所以,从资料多少方面选第2个,容易写和拼凑。但是如果你想创新,弄优秀论文,那么第一个是必选的。 合适采纳啊。

学术堂整理了十五个英语文学方向的论文选题供大家进行参考:1、解读《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的心理世界Psychological study of Holiden’s image in the Catcher in the Rye2、浅析《卡斯特桥市长》男主人公的悲剧命运An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Hero in the Mayor of Caster bridge3、浅析《红字》中的象征主义An Analysis of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter4、从女性主义角度解读《贵妇画像》A Feminist Approach to The Portrait of A Lady5、浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中摇椅的象征意义An Analysis of the Symbol of Rocking Chair in Sister Carrie -the Up and Down of Life6、浅析《飘》中斯佳丽的挣扎与命运An Analysis of Starlet’s Struggle and Fate7、浅析海明威文学中的女性主义Analysis on the Feminism in Hemingway’s Literature8、浅析《无名的裘德》中裘德的悲剧生涯The Analysis of Jude’s Tragic Life in “Jude the Obscure”9、试探《简爱》中的哥特式女性主义The exploration on the Gothic Feminism in “Jane Eyre”10、浅析《呼啸山庄》中窗的意象An Analysis of the image of window in “Wuthering Heights”11、狄更斯风格在小说《大卫·科波菲尔》中的体现及其小说艺术特色The writing style in “David Copperfiled” and the Beauty and relive of Dinchons’s writing12、人物圣地亚哥与作者海明威的异同之我见The Relationship Between the Character Santiago and Author Hemingway13、哥特式特色在《呼啸山庄》中的体现Gothic Features in Wuthering Hights14、浅析《贵妇画像》中伊莎贝莎的悲剧成因An Exploration of the Causes of Isabel’s Tragedy in The Portrait of a Lady15《紫色》中白人女性与黑人女性社会地位的放映The refection of social status of white women and black women in “The Color Purple”









<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛 (一) Comments on the Details of novel “The Catcher In The Rye” The majority of the novel takes place in New York City during war of America. The journey begins just a week before Holden's Christmas break. A young man, Holden Caulfield, is in a mental institution where he is recovering from a recent mental breakdown. The entire novel is a flashback of the events that had led up to his emotional destruction. The flashback begins with Holden leaving the boarding school he had been attending because of lackluster grades. Holden had been sent to boarding school by his parents. The protagonist and narrator of the novel, Holden Caulfield, finds himself upset with the society in which he lives. Throughout the novel he goes on a journey to find himself. Holden is immature although he makes attempts to act as if he is mature. Holden can not accept those who value materialistic items and labels them "phonies." In all, Holden is hypocritical and it is perhaps this trait that causes him to self-destruct. At first, we should pay a little attention to the other people in this story. Holden's smart kid sister, Phoebe Caulfield, is the only person that Holden can relate to. Holden visits her while in Manhattan, and while with her he decides that he would like to save children like her from becoming phonies. She also later convinces Holden to return home. . Caulfield is Holden's brother who used to be a serious writer, but is now in Hollywood where he is writing for television programs. Holden views his brother as being a phony since he had "sold out" and given up his principles in return for money. Holden's younger brother named Allie Caulfield. Holden saw him as a symbol of innocence. Allie died of Leukemia. Jane Gallagher was Holden's great love and almost girlfriend. Holden did not view her as a phony, perhaps because he knew her when she was younger. He was very upset that she was to go out with Stradlater. He believed Stradlater would make her a phony too. Holden's history teacher at Pency Prep school called Mr. Spencer. Holden visited him just before he left for Manhattan. Holden meets two nuns at the train station where they are collecting money. Holden decides that they are only the only adults that have not become phony and therefore can retain their innocence. Mr. Antolini was Holden's teacher at Elkton Hills. Holden visited him while in Manhattan and stayed at his apartment. (There he made sexual advances on Holden.) The novel opens with the narrator, Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old boy from New York City, telling the story of three days in his life. The whole narrative is a coming to terms with the past, since Holden tells it from a psychiatric institution. It is the adult world that has driven him insane. He just cannot relate to anyone except for his kid sister Phoebe. Everything and all other people seem "phony" to him. Holden is unable to accept life. Since Holden is becoming an adult himself, he is unhappy with what he will represent. He flunks out of three boarding schools in a row, the latest of them Pencey Prep, which is also where the first part of the story takes place.<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛(二 One Saturday night, after an unpleasant experience with his history teacher "Old Spencer," his roommate Stradlater and the boy next door, Robert Ackley, Holden decides to leave Pencey four days early for Christmas break. He knows that he cannot return to his parents because they are not aware that he has been expelled again. Holden spends the next three days wandering aimlessly around New York City. He stays at a cheap hotel for one night, goes to two night clubs, dances with older women, often talks and thinks about sex, even has a prostitute come up to his room. The next day, he talks with some nuns about literature and has a date with his former girlfriend Sally Woodruff. They go to the theater and also go ice-skating. When he asks her to run away with him, she gets mad and they part. He is "depressed," at this time Holden thinks and even talks to his deceased brother Allie. To Holden, Allie represented innocence. With nobody else around, Holden turns to the only person he can relate to, his sister Phoebe. He sneaks into his parent's apartment at night to talk to his sister. He tells her about his dream to be a "catcher in the rye," and that he wants to run away. He then leaves to meet his former teacher, Mr. Antolini. They have a good talk, but Holden leaves in a hurry when he thinks his host makes a sexual advance on him. He spends the night in a train station, then runs around town. Finally, he meets his sister, who tells him she wants to run away with him and that she will never go back to school. Holden sees himself in her, finally changes his mind and decides to go back to his parents. We are able to conclude that Holden then is sent to a mental hospital for treatment. The first major conflict encountered in The Catcher in the Rye is Holden . Holden has a hard time dealing with everyday life, and feels that everyone around him is a "phony". This is one of the reasons for his mental breakdown. His own mind working against himself caused him to have internal problems and turn against himself. His internal conflict also led to his seclusion from the outside world. He became introverted and could no longer cope with life. Another conflict we come across is Holden vs. society. Everyone is a "phony" to him and he never realizes the good in anyone. This is due to Holden's strong opposition to material wealth, which is a dominating characteristic of the society which he could not accept. He can't communicate with anyone and feels that the only person he can even relate to is his sister Phoebe. Holden cannot function as a normal part of society because of his hatred towards all "phonies", which he believes everyone to be. Holden did not want children to grow up because he felt that adults are corrupt. This is seen when Holden tries to erase naughty words from the walls of the elementary school, that his sister Phoebe attended. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. This leads to Holden's dream to being the catcher in the rye, which relates to a poem where the catcher prevents small children from falling off a cliff.<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛(三) Holden throughout the whole novel, differs from society which results in his rebellious nature. Holden does not have any friends and cannot keep relationships. This is because he finds and exaggerates any negative aspect of all the people he knows or meets. This can be seen when Holden cannot keep his relationship with his girlfriend Sally. Holden also rebels because he feels that all adults are phonies. Holden believes that these phonies are people who try to be something that they are not. Usually the mark of a phony is the desire for material goods. This is because people usually want these possessions in order to impress others and become something they are not. This is why Holden can only connect with his younger sister Phoebe. On the other hand his older brother . is a prime example of a phony. This is because . was a writer, who became a playwright in order to gain more public recognition. Holden's instability has derived from various events and personality traits. Early in his life his brother Allie died. This had many negative effects on Holden. He also disliked his parents. He believes they are phonies and that they neglected him. This is because they send him to many different private schools and do not supply him with the love and affection he needs. Holden has either been expelled from or has run away from these schools. This is seen in Pencey where he cannot stand his roommate, Stradlater. His incapability of living in society has led to his admission into a mental institution. It is from this point that Holden narrates the story. The book begins as Holden is recovering from his nervous breakdown. He tries to save all children from growing up and losing their innocence, and when he realized that he can not, he goes insane and can't deal with it. Death is a major issue in this novel because of the death of his brother Allie. It is the death of his brother which fuels his desire to save children from growing up and becoming corrupt. Holden uses his brother as a model for innocence. Holden has a very hard time dealing with people that are not known to him. He feels that most people are phonies and finds it hard to open himself up to others. He is very insecure as well as being very immature. His immaturity is shown when he invites the prostitute, Sunny, up to his hotel room for sex. When she arrives he cannot go through with it. Holden also rarely had a girlfriend for an extended period of time because of his fear of commitment. Holden disliked his parents because they sent him away to a private school. He thinks that they feel he is useless and give up on him and send him away. He also wouldn't face his parents until the very end of the novel. Holden calls other's phonies but in actuality, Holden is the biggest phony in the novel. He despises those who value material things but he himself prides his possessions. We first note Salinger's vividness of description. The reader could care less about the street names or other various paraphernalia, but is given them any way. These more or less serve to promote the reality of Holden's thought while showing his attentiveness to detail.


<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛 (一) Comments on the Details of novel “The Catcher In The Rye” The majority of the novel takes place in New York City during war of America. The journey begins just a week before Holden's Christmas break. A young man, Holden Caulfield, is in a mental institution where he is recovering from a recent mental breakdown. The entire novel is a flashback of the events that had led up to his emotional destruction. The flashback begins with Holden leaving the boarding school he had been attending because of lackluster grades. Holden had been sent to boarding school by his parents. The protagonist and narrator of the novel, Holden Caulfield, finds himself upset with the society in which he lives. Throughout the novel he goes on a journey to find himself. Holden is immature although he makes attempts to act as if he is mature. Holden can not accept those who value materialistic items and labels them "phonies." In all, Holden is hypocritical and it is perhaps this trait that causes him to self-destruct. At first, we should pay a little attention to the other people in this story. Holden's smart kid sister, Phoebe Caulfield, is the only person that Holden can relate to. Holden visits her while in Manhattan, and while with her he decides that he would like to save children like her from becoming phonies. She also later convinces Holden to return home. . Caulfield is Holden's brother who used to be a serious writer, but is now in Hollywood where he is writing for television programs. Holden views his brother as being a phony since he had "sold out" and given up his principles in return for money. Holden's younger brother named Allie Caulfield. Holden saw him as a symbol of innocence. Allie died of Leukemia. Jane Gallagher was Holden's great love and almost girlfriend. Holden did not view her as a phony, perhaps because he knew her when she was younger. He was very upset that she was to go out with Stradlater. He believed Stradlater would make her a phony too. Holden's history teacher at Pency Prep school called Mr. Spencer. Holden visited him just before he left for Manhattan. Holden meets two nuns at the train station where they are collecting money. Holden decides that they are only the only adults that have not become phony and therefore can retain their innocence. Mr. Antolini was Holden's teacher at Elkton Hills. Holden visited him while in Manhattan and stayed at his apartment. (There he made sexual advances on Holden.) The novel opens with the narrator, Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old boy from New York City, telling the story of three days in his life. The whole narrative is a coming to terms with the past, since Holden tells it from a psychiatric institution. It is the adult world that has driven him insane. He just cannot relate to anyone except for his kid sister Phoebe. Everything and all other people seem "phony" to him. Holden is unable to accept life. Since Holden is becoming an adult himself, he is unhappy with what he will represent. He flunks out of three boarding schools in a row, the latest of them Pencey Prep, which is also where the first part of the story takes place.<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛(二 One Saturday night, after an unpleasant experience with his history teacher "Old Spencer," his roommate Stradlater and the boy next door, Robert Ackley, Holden decides to leave Pencey four days early for Christmas break. He knows that he cannot return to his parents because they are not aware that he has been expelled again. Holden spends the next three days wandering aimlessly around New York City. He stays at a cheap hotel for one night, goes to two night clubs, dances with older women, often talks and thinks about sex, even has a prostitute come up to his room. The next day, he talks with some nuns about literature and has a date with his former girlfriend Sally Woodruff. They go to the theater and also go ice-skating. When he asks her to run away with him, she gets mad and they part. He is "depressed," at this time Holden thinks and even talks to his deceased brother Allie. To Holden, Allie represented innocence. With nobody else around, Holden turns to the only person he can relate to, his sister Phoebe. He sneaks into his parent's apartment at night to talk to his sister. He tells her about his dream to be a "catcher in the rye," and that he wants to run away. He then leaves to meet his former teacher, Mr. Antolini. They have a good talk, but Holden leaves in a hurry when he thinks his host makes a sexual advance on him. He spends the night in a train station, then runs around town. Finally, he meets his sister, who tells him she wants to run away with him and that she will never go back to school. Holden sees himself in her, finally changes his mind and decides to go back to his parents. We are able to conclude that Holden then is sent to a mental hospital for treatment. The first major conflict encountered in The Catcher in the Rye is Holden . Holden has a hard time dealing with everyday life, and feels that everyone around him is a "phony". This is one of the reasons for his mental breakdown. His own mind working against himself caused him to have internal problems and turn against himself. His internal conflict also led to his seclusion from the outside world. He became introverted and could no longer cope with life. Another conflict we come across is Holden vs. society. Everyone is a "phony" to him and he never realizes the good in anyone. This is due to Holden's strong opposition to material wealth, which is a dominating characteristic of the society which he could not accept. He can't communicate with anyone and feels that the only person he can even relate to is his sister Phoebe. Holden cannot function as a normal part of society because of his hatred towards all "phonies", which he believes everyone to be. Holden did not want children to grow up because he felt that adults are corrupt. This is seen when Holden tries to erase naughty words from the walls of the elementary school, that his sister Phoebe attended. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. This leads to Holden's dream to being the catcher in the rye, which relates to a poem where the catcher prevents small children from falling off a cliff.<麦田守望者>的细节评论(英文) 全文摘录自美国文学著作论坛(三) Holden throughout the whole novel, differs from society which results in his rebellious nature. Holden does not have any friends and cannot keep relationships. This is because he finds and exaggerates any negative aspect of all the people he knows or meets. This can be seen when Holden cannot keep his relationship with his girlfriend Sally. Holden also rebels because he feels that all adults are phonies. Holden believes that these phonies are people who try to be something that they are not. Usually the mark of a phony is the desire for material goods. This is because people usually want these possessions in order to impress others and become something they are not. This is why Holden can only connect with his younger sister Phoebe. On the other hand his older brother . is a prime example of a phony. This is because . was a writer, who became a playwright in order to gain more public recognition. Holden's instability has derived from various events and personality traits. Early in his life his brother Allie died. This had many negative effects on Holden. He also disliked his parents. He believes they are phonies and that they neglected him. This is because they send him to many different private schools and do not supply him with the love and affection he needs. Holden has either been expelled from or has run away from these schools. This is seen in Pencey where he cannot stand his roommate, Stradlater. His incapability of living in society has led to his admission into a mental institution. It is from this point that Holden narrates the story. The book begins as Holden is recovering from his nervous breakdown. He tries to save all children from growing up and losing their innocence, and when he realized that he can not, he goes insane and can't deal with it. Death is a major issue in this novel because of the death of his brother Allie. It is the death of his brother which fuels his desire to save children from growing up and becoming corrupt. Holden uses his brother as a model for innocence. Holden has a very hard time dealing with people that are not known to him. He feels that most people are phonies and finds it hard to open himself up to others. He is very insecure as well as being very immature. His immaturity is shown when he invites the prostitute, Sunny, up to his hotel room for sex. When she arrives he cannot go through with it. Holden also rarely had a girlfriend for an extended period of time because of his fear of commitment. Holden disliked his parents because they sent him away to a private school. He thinks that they feel he is useless and give up on him and send him away. He also wouldn't face his parents until the very end of the novel. Holden calls other's phonies but in actuality, Holden is the biggest phony in the novel. He despises those who value material things but he himself prides his possessions. We first note Salinger's vividness of description. The reader could care less about the street names or other various paraphernalia, but is given them any way. These more or less serve to promote the reality of Holden's thought while showing his attentiveness to detail.

《麦田里的守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye)为美国作家杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格于1951年发表的长篇小说。该书以主人公霍尔顿·考尔菲德(Holden Caulfield)第一人称口吻讲述自己被学校开除后在纽约城游荡将近两昼夜,企图逃出虚伪的成人世界去寻求纯洁与真理的经历与感受。

杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日-1916年11月22日),原名为约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦(John Griffith London),美国著名的现实主义作家,生于旧金山。在一个既无固定职业又无固定居所的家庭中长大。24岁开始写作,去世时年仅40岁。16年中他共写成长篇小说19部,短篇小说150多篇,还写了3个剧本以及相当多的随笔和论文。最著名的有《马丁·伊登》、《野性的呼唤》、《白牙》、《热爱生命》、《海狼》、《铁蹄》等小说。他是世界文学史上最早的商业作家之一,因此被誉为商业作家的先锋。


1900年出版了第一个小说集《狼子》(The Son of the Wolf),立即誉满全国。到1916年已出版了51部著作,是很高产的作家。

他的小说中最有名的有三个小说:《狼子》《热爱生命》(Love of Life ,1907)《丢脸》(Lost Face ,1910); 长篇小说《燃烧的戴莱特》(Burning Daylight,1910)和《蹩脚·贝路》(The Abysmal Brute, 1913));此外有他别具一格的狗的小说《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild, 1903)和《白牙》(White Fang,1906) 。

海洋小说包括了小说集《南海的故事》(South Sea Tales,1911))和长篇小说《海狼》(The Sea Wolf,1904),还有一个狗故事《群岛猎犬杰瑞》(Jerry of the Islands,1917) 。

描写城市的作品有著名的长篇幻想小说《铁蹄》(The Iron Heel,1908))、报告文学《深渊里的人们》(The People of the Abyss,1903) 、小说《拳赛》、幻想小说《亚当以前》(Before Adam,1907) 、《马丁·伊登》(Martin Eden, 1909)及《约翰·巴利科恩》(John Barleycorn,1913) 等篇什。

论文有论文集《阶级战争》(The War of the Classes,1905)、《人类去向》(The Human Drift,1917)和《革命》(Revolution, and other Essays,1910) 等。



1《麦田守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye) 作者是捷罗姆·大卫·塞林格(J. D. Sallinger)1919年出生于美国纽约市,早年参过军,这部小说是他目前出版的唯一的一部长篇小说,出版于1951年。《麦》一发表就引起了巨大的争议,同时也使作者举国闻名,因为一些评论家谴责这部小说为非严肃文学,该书曾经被某些社团列为禁书,随后还成为文学〈第一修正案〉的权利、审查、猥亵等问题的辩论中心。这本小说虽然争议很大,仍然受到大批读者的喜爱,它是美国最受欢迎的畅销书之一。这部小说带有作者年轻时一段自传的性质,小说讲述了一个16岁少年,霍尔顿·考尔菲德(Holden Caulfield),在暑假前际因为5门功课有四门不及格被学校开除后,在极度压抑、颓废、矛盾中度过的几天经历。早熟但幼稚的霍尔顿发现现实世界的丑恶跟他理想的童年世界的“纯真”形成巨大的反差、在看到了成人世界的种种丑恶、虚伪后沉湎于理想、纯真的童年世界里不能自拔,一直幻想能做个“纯真”保护神,最后精神几乎崩溃,被送进一家精神病医院疗养。在医院疗养康复中他以第一人称叙述了自己的故事。《麦》客观又深刻地指出了青少年在成长过成中所面临的种种问题,如酗酒、功课压力、精神压抑、性行为等。捷罗姆·大卫·塞林格还写过《年轻的人们》。后来人们流行把鸭嘴帽反戴,正是由于模仿小说里面的主人公 。 田守望者(1) 作者:塞林格(JD Salinger) 出处: 发布时间:2005-06-28 作名名称:麦田守望者(The Catcher In The Rye)》 《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格唯一的一部长篇,虽然只有十几万字,它却在美国社会上和文学界产生过巨大影响。1951年,这部小说一问世,立即引起轰动。主人公的经历和思想在青少年中引起强烈共鸣,受到读者,特别是大中学生的热烈欢迎。他们纷纷模仿主人公霍尔顿的装束打扮,讲“霍尔顿式”的语言,因为这部小说道出了他们的心声,反映了他们的理想、苦闷和愿望。家长们和文学界也对这本书展开厂争论。有认为它能使青少年增加对生活的认识,对丑恶的现实提高警惕,促使他们去选择一条自爱的道路;成年人通过这本书也可增进对青少年的理解。可是也有人认为这是一本坏书,主人公读书不用功,还抽烟、酗酒,搞女人,满口粗活,张口就“他妈的”,因此应该禁止。经过30多年来时间的考验,证明它不愧为美国当代文学中的“现代经典小说”之一。现在大多数中学和高等学校已把它列为必读的课外读物,正如有的评论家说的那样,它“几乎大大地影响了好几代美国青年”。 本书以主人公霍尔顿自叙的语气讲述自己被学校开除后在纽约城游荡将近两昼夜的经历和心灵感受。它不仅生动细致地描绘了一个不安现状的中产阶级子弟的苦闷仿徨、孤独愤世的精神世界,一个青春期少年矛盾百出的心理特征,也批判了成人社会的虚伪和做作。霍尔顿是个性洛复杂而又矛盾的青少年的典型。他有一颗纯洁善良、追求美好生活和崇高理想的童心。他对那些热衷于谈女人和酒的人十分反感,对校长的虚伪势利非常厌恶,看到墙上的下流字眼便愤愤擦去,遇到修女为受难者募捐就慷慨解囊。他对妹妹菲芯真诚爱护,百般照顾。为了保护孩子,不让他们掉下悬崖,他还渴望终生做一个“麦田里的守望者”,发出“救救孩子”般的呼声。可是,愤世嫉俗思想引起的消极反抗,还有那敏感、好奇、焦躁、不安,想发泄、易冲动的青春期心理,又使得他不肯读书,不求上进,追求刺激,玩世不恭;他抽烟、酗酒、打架、调情,甚至找妓女玩。他觉得老师、父母要他读书上进,无非是要他“出人头地……以便将来可以买辆混帐凯迪拉克”。他认为成人社会里没有一个人可信,全是“假仁假义的伪君子”,连他敬佩的唯一的一位老师,后来也发现可能是个同性恋者,而且还用“一个不成熟男子的标志是他愿意为某种事业英勇地死去,一个成熟男子的标志是他愿意为某种事业卑贱地活着”那一套来教导他。他看不惯现实社会中的那种世态人情,他渴望的是朴实和真诚,但遇到的全是虚伪和欺,而他又无力改变这种现状,只好苦闷、彷徨、放纵,最后甚至想逃离这个现实世界,到穷乡僻壤去装成一个又聋又哑的人。二次大战后,美国在社会异化、政治高压和保守文化三股力量的高压下,形成了“沉寂的十年”,而首先起来反抗的是“垮掉的一代”,本书主人公霍尔顿实际上也是个“垮掉分子”,是最早出现的“反英雄”,只是他还没有放纵和混乱到他们那样的程度罢了。 《麦田里的守望者》之所以能产生如此重大的影响,很重要的一点还由于作者创造了一种新颖的艺术风格。全书通过第一人称,以一个青少年的口吻叙述了自己的所思所想、所见所闻和行为举止,也以一个青少年的眼光批判了成人世界的虚伪面目和欺行径。作者以细腻深刻的笔法剖析了主人公的复杂心理,不仅抓住了他的理想与现实冲突这一心理加以分析,而且也紧紧抓住了青少年青春期的心理特点来表现主人公的善良纯真和荒诞放纵。小说中既用了“生活流”,也用了“意识流”,两者得到了巧妙的结合。在语言的运用上,本书也独创一格。全书用青少年的口吻平铺直叙,不避琐碎,不讳隐私,使用了大量的口语和俚语,生动活泼,平易近人,达到了如闻其声、如见其人的效果,增加了作品的感染力,使读者更能激起共鸣和思索,激起联想和反响。

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