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Stand In Front Of Me - Kelly RowlandHeSaidHe said stand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIll Be the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meMy lifes become a fantasyI wake up your myManGive me the world and here you goJust by grabbing my handWatch you worry puzzles meAnd I love when you sayStand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meI was asked somethingLong agoI couldn't answerAnd it bothered me a littleHowDoYou keep your manAnd I found the best answerIts simpleYou just do it do itMean itProve itThats how you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manLadies do it do itMean itProve itOh you gotta have a planGotta take a chanceThatll keep your manThatll keep him sayingStand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIll Be the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meSo Ill get downOn bend a kneeAnd grab you by theHandYour like oh no babeYou can't do thatIm like oh oh ooh yes I canOr we can just go back to cuddlingOr you could just sayStand in front of meStand in front of meFront of meI was asked somethingLong agoI couldn't answerAnd it bothered me a littleHowDoYou keep your manAnd I found the best answerIts simpleDo it do itMean itProve itThats how you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manLadies do it do itMean itProve itOh you gotta have a planGotta take a chanceThatll keep your manThatll keep him sayingOHStand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIllBe the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meMmNow I loveWhen my man talk to me like that

Train的marry me cara dillon的bonny bonny,cara dillon的歌都超棒的!强烈推荐~ tomas wells的valder fields更是我高考后那个夏天的最爱~以及leona lewis的yesterday超棒以及她的bleeding love 卡百利乐队的never grow old以及dying in the sun glen hansard 的if you want me kjartan salvesen的then silence 这些都是高中时的记忆了,大学后就没怎么看过疯狂英语了,一直很喜欢杂志里的仙乐飘飘版块 最近我弟弟也问起,所以集了些~ 如果想要搜索更多,向你推荐这个网址,昨天刚刚发现的,你会有大收获的~到时有好听的也记得分享哦~

我08下半年的和09全年的疯狂英语阅读版都有 ,找了哈没有你说的when you look me in the eyes。你不知道那个西班牙乐队歌里面一点么?我基本上都听过,但是没有记唱的人。你出来可能能帮你想到。


我觉得很好也许有人不会忘记在学校书店里奋力抢购《疯狂英语》的那一幕,也许有人还记得倾听Crazy English时那一双双专注的眼睛。在十年多时间里,凭着对英语的一份执着和独特的感受力,《疯狂英语》深深吸引了无数读者…… 为什么许多人学了十几年的英语,还是耳不能听、口不能说?考试得高分,实际运用能力却很低,这算不算是学好了英语?本着对传统英语教学的一种叛逆精神,《疯狂英语》——中国第一份有声杂志应运而生。 96年创刊,国内首创的英语学习有声读物。以精选电影原声、挚情演讲、异域风情、动人美文、畅销书和欧美流行曲等多种形式将适合模仿学习的英语素材献给广大英语爱好者。由于英语发音纯正地道,素材取自生活,弥补了教材的不足,更激发了学生们的兴趣。让原来枯燥无味的英语学习变得生动有趣,真正实现听说读写全方位提高。 (每篇文章均附:中英对照译文、发音标示、学习方法、生词注释、西方文化精点。) 栏目简介: ●诗情无限 琅琅上口的传世之作、充满哲理的人生诗篇,配以旋律优美的古典音乐;精辟独到的感悟尽显英语辞藻的精华。 ●电影沙龙 每期挑选一部或多部电影的经典难忘对白,以最动人的主题线索向你展现新老电影的精彩片断。CE精挑的片段,一句简单的对白或一段美妙的插曲,都能让你感受到有声世界的无限精彩! ●口才集训营 怀一个梦想,踏前人的足迹创一片新天地。字字铿锵的激昂演讲,让你热血沸腾、久久回味之余,还能助你成为自我表达的能手,练就一口标准的发音,展现自信的魅力。 生动地道的“看电视学英文”挑选时下热门电视连续剧,带你走进国外多彩的生活,学习最新最贴心的生活口语。 ●智慧人生 各界名人的励志故事,感人动情的美文,睿智精妙的短文;深刻隽永的思想,让你从另一个角度看待人生。 ●异域采风 介绍各国风土人情、胜地美景、典故传说等,让你耳朵去旅行,领略异域别样风光。 ●黄金书屋 每期节选最新畅销书或经典文坛著作,加以简介点评,优美的文笔、巧妙的结构,浓缩灵魂建筑师笔下文字的力量。 ●情趣物语 幽默的话题,轻松有趣、别具一格的英语表述,让你在平凡枯燥的学习生活中忍俊不禁。原来换个表达法,生活会变得这么有趣! ●闪烁星辰 走近当红明星艺人,聆听他们真实的声音、不为人知的故事,真挚访谈亲口细述过往人生悲喜历程。 ●新闻聚光灯 头条新闻,资讯社会,关注热点,放眼世界,短小精悍的多国新闻令你紧贴社会的脉搏,快速英语让你感受的全球性语言的蓬勃生气。 ●岁月留声 不经典不推荐!一首老歌,一颗巨星,一个故事!悠扬的旋律划出岁月的痕迹,烙下经典的印记,带你回首一段段不可磨灭的星情往事。 ●玫瑰咖啡屋 精选适合英语学习的欧美上榜流行歌曲,节奏欢快的乐曲尽显时下年轻人的心声,让你一听难忘、放声跟唱。 创刊十年铸辉煌 给你听觉的盛宴,值得收藏的声音!参考资料:









Giving is Receiving—Personal Growth in volunteer Work奉献即有收获—“21世纪联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军演讲Morning, ladies and gentlemen.早上好,女士们先生们。Last summer, I volunteered to work as an English teacher in a primary school for children of migrant workers.去年夏天,我自愿在一所外地农民工子弟小学当起了一名英语教师。To be accurate, I didn’t volunteer. I was dragged in.( literally)确切的说,我并不是自告奋勇去参加的。我其实是被拽着参加的。(从字面上说)When my friend first hit upon the idea of this project, I was all against it:"What? To spend my vacation standing in the heat,当我的朋友首次提出参加这个计划时我是完全反对的:“什么?让我整个暑假冒着酷暑, Yelling at a bunch of nine-year-olds who couldn’t even speak proper Mandarin Chinese? And besides, there`s no pay for my toil. No, I am definitely not going.”对着一帮9岁大的小孩大声嚷嚷,他们甚者连普通话都说不标准。 而且我的辛苦工作是无偿服务。不,我绝对不会去的。”But my friend twisted my arms to have me join them.但是在朋友的坚持下,我还是去了。Unexpectedly, the first lesson I taught turned out a lesson for me.出乎意料的是,我的第一节课却变成了我的一课。The moment I stepped into the shabby classroom, I was touched dy the loud, respectful voices in unison: “Good morning, teacher!"当我踏进那间破旧的教室,我被一阵充满敬意,整齐的喊声深深打动了。“老师,早上好!”Instead of fooling around, the chilend were thirsty for knowledge and efficient in absorbing everying I was able to give them.这些孩子没有四处打闹,对知识如饥似渴的他们有效地吸收我交给他们的知识。This made me despise myself for I hadn’t even prepared for the class.让我鄙视自己,因为我事前根本没有备课。During the break, I leaned over the squeaky desk, chatting with a sweaty boy in the front row:"Without air-conditioning, it`s really hot here. Are you tired?"课间休息时,我靠在一张吱吱作响的桌子旁,与前排一位满头大汗的男孩子聊天:“这里没有空调,实在太热了,你感到热吗?”"Not at all," said he, shaking his head."It`s fine here. My Dad builds asphalt roads. That is really tiring and hot."“一点都不,”他摇摇头说,“这里很好。我爸爸在修沥青公路。那里才是真的又热又累人。”As summer advanced, my enthusiasm as a teacher grew.随着夏天的推移,我作为一名老师的热情在上涨。I prepared my lesson carefully and even used some methods my teachers used.我认真的备课,甚至采用了一些我老师曾经用过的教学方法。I organized many group activities to give the kids fun. Strangely enough, the heat was also becoming less and less unbearable.我组织了许多小组活动让孩子们玩得很开心。奇怪的是,这酷暑热浪也逐渐让人能忍受了。Soon, my one-month volunteer work came to an end.不久,我为期一个月的志愿活动接近尾声 。When I was leaving my last class, I turned back and saw smiling faces and waving hands.当我结束作何一节课时,我转身,看到那张张笑脸和学的挥动的手。Never before had I ever had such a feeling of sadness, which was, nevertheless, mixed with a sense of enrichment, fulfillment and happiness.我从未感到过如此伤心,但是这种感觉却夹杂着充实,满足和幸福。I was paid for my work, amply paid, not in terms of money, but something more valuable.我的工作得到了回报,而且获益很大。这种报偿不是用金钱来衡量的,而是其他一些更加珍贵的东西。My English was improved. I was able to teach it, although not very professional. I learned about the grassroots-level society.我的英语水平得到了提高。虽然不是很专业,但我可以胜任这份教学工作了。我了解到了基层社会。Inside myself a heart is growing, a heart that not only beats for myself, but cares for others as well.我的内心激情澎湃,这不单单是对自己的鞭策,也是在关心着其他人。The volunteer work gave me a precious little chance to say thanks to people like the little boy’s father,这次志愿工作给我一次难得的机会向诸如那位小男孩的父亲一样的人们表达谢意。Who construct highways san under grounds, build up modern skyscrapers, and make our cities more and more beautiful.他们修建高速公路和地铁、建设现代化摩天大楼,让我们的城市越来越漂亮。To help the children with their English was all I could do, at present, to show my gratitude to these unsung heroes.而要表达我对这些无名英雄的感激之情,我目前力所能及的事情只是给他们的小孩教英语。The world may not have been fair to them,这个世界对他们可能不太公平,So privileged and blessed people like me are obliged to do whatever we can to help make their life better.所以我们这些幸运和幸福的人有义务尽我们所能,让他们生活的更好一些。 What I ever [whatever] I do for them, however,然而,我所做的事情微不足道I know it cannot be compared with what they have done to improve the quality of life in our cities.我知道,比起他们为提高无名的城市生活质量所做的贡献。Ladies and gentlemen, now realize that volunteering shouldn’t be a one-time personal experience.女士们先生们,现在我意识到志愿活动不应该是一次个人经历。It should be a lifetime activity of everybody.这应该成为每一个人的一种终生行为。Many of us are now offering assistance to the needy and to each other, and our efforts have indeed made a difference.现在我们中的很多人都在为彼此和那些需要帮助的人提供援助。我们这些努力确实是能改变现状。Whether we are helping children with their schooling, or caring for the elderly in nursing homes, and helping out in 2008 Beijing Olympics,不管我们是在教育方面帮助孩子还是在敬老院照顾老人们,或者参加2008年北京奥运会的志愿活动,We well not only contribute to the harmony of the world but elevate ourselves as well.这些都不只是为社会的和谐贡献自己的力量,同时也是在提升袭击的道德修养。 Emerson once said,:“It’s one of the most beautiful compensations of this life 爱默生曾经说过:“此生最美好的一种报偿就是,that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” He was right. 任何对别人的真诚帮助必然也是对自己的帮助。”他是对的。I hear that my university is going to organize anther voluntary teaching program this summer.我听说学校今年夏天将组织另一次义务教学活动。This time I won’t be dragged in. I will volunteer.这一次 我不会再被拽着参加了。我会自告奋勇。 Thank you.谢谢。


Last summer, I volunteered to work as an English teacher in a primary school for children of migrant workers.去年夏天,我自愿在一所外地农民工子弟小学当起了一名英语教师。 To be accurate, I didn’t volunteer. I was dragged in.( literally)确切的说,我并不是自告奋勇去参加的。我其实是被拽着参加的。(从字面上说) When my friend first hit upon the idea of this project, I was all against it:"What? To spend my vacation standing in the heat,当我的朋友首次提出参加这个计划时, 我是完全反对的:“什么?让我整个暑假冒着酷暑, Yelling at a bunch of nine-year-olds who couldn’t even speak proper Mandarin Chinese? And besides, there`s no pay for my toil. No, I am definitely not going.”对着一帮9岁大的小孩大声嚷嚷,他们甚者连普通话都说不标准。 而且我的辛苦工作是无偿服务。不,我绝对不会去的。”But my friend twisted my arms to have me join them.但是在朋友的坚持下,我还是去了。 Unexpectedly, the feist lesson I taught turned out a lesson for me.出乎意料的是,我的第一节课却变成了我的一课。 The moment I stepped into the shabby classroom, I was touched dy the loud, respectful voices in unison: “Good morning, teacher!"当我踏进那间破旧的教室,我被一阵充满敬意,整齐的喊声深深打动了。“老师,早上好!”Instead of fooling around, the chilend were thirsty for knowledge and efficient in absorbing everying I was able to give them.这些孩子没有四处打闹,对知识如饥似渴的他们有效地吸收我交给他们的知识。 This made me despise myself for I hadn’t even prepared for the class.让我鄙视自己,因为我事前根本没有备课。 During the break, I leaned over the squeaky desk, chatting with a sweaty boy in the front row:"Without air-conditioning, it`s really hot here. Are you tired?"课间休息时,我靠在一张吱吱作响的桌子旁,与前排一位满头大汗的男孩子聊天:“这里没有空调,实在太热了,你感到热吗?”"Not at all," said he, shaking his head."It`s fine here. My Dad builds asphalt roads. That is really tiring and hot."“一点都不,”他摇摇头说,“这里很好。我爸爸在修沥青公路。那里才是真的又热又累人。”

备注:为便于区别,我们将1996年至2015年间出的疯狂英语系列杂志统称为旧版,将2016年起全新改版后的疯狂英语系列杂志统称为新版。 疯狂英语(教师版)刊名:疯狂英语(教师版)Crazy English(Teachers)主办:江西教育出版社周期:季刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-393历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(教师版)曾用刊名:英语辅导(疯狂英语教师版)创刊时间:2004核心期刊:中文核心期刊(2004)备注:2016年1月起,更名教学版,发行周期改为月刊。疯狂英语(中学版)刊名:疯狂英语(中学版)Crazy English(Teens)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-384(单刊);46-385(磁带版);46-386(光盘版);46-387(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(中学版)曾用刊名:英语辅导(疯狂英语中学版);英语辅导创刊时间:2003年10月期刊荣誉: 社科双效期刊备注:2016年1月起,分为初中版和高中版。疯狂英语(阅读版)刊名:疯狂英语(阅读版)Crazy English(Reader)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-381(单刊);46-382(光盘版);46-383(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(阅读版)曾用刊名:英语辅导(疯狂英语阅读版)创刊时间:2001年1月疯狂英语(原声版)刊名:疯狂英语(原声版)Crazy English(Echo)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-388(磁带版);46-389(光盘版);46-390(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(原声版)曾用刊名:疯狂英语创刊时间:1996疯狂英语(口语版)刊名:疯狂英语(口语版)Crazy English(Speaker)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-391(光盘版);46-392(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(口语版)创刊时间:2007 疯狂英语(小学版)刊名:疯狂英语(小学版)Crazy English(Kids)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-390(光盘版)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(小学版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(初中版)刊名:疯狂英语(初中版)Crazy English(Teens)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-391(光盘版)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(初中版)曾用刊名:疯狂英语(中学版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(高中版)刊名:疯狂英语(高中版)Crazy English(Youth)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-392(光盘版)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(高中版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(教学版)刊名:疯狂英语(教学版)Crazy English(Teachers)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-393历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(教学版)曾用刊名:疯狂英语(教师版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(理论版)刊名:疯狂英语(理论版)Crazy English(Pro)主办:江西教育出版社周期:季刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-389历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(理论版)创刊时间:2016



《疯狂英语口语版》——国内第一本中英双语口语杂志 简介:月刊,每期发行量逾20万。创刊于2006年9月,杂志融权威性与趣味性于一体,结合国内外口语教学方式,参考各口语考试等级要求,以轻松活泼的形式,生动有趣的双语录音方式,提供各种实用、地道的英语表达,是英语爱好者学习口语的最佳伙伴。《疯狂英语阅读版》——国内零售量最大的专业类英语读物 简介:月刊,每期发行量逾30万。创刊于2001年,是国内第一本由外国人主编的英语读物,一经发行,好评如潮,并增加了网上MP3下载内容,成为国内第一本可以下载语音的杂志。目前已成为国内零售量最大的英语读物。

备注:为便于区别,我们将1996年至2015年间出的疯狂英语系列杂志统称为旧版,将2016年起全新改版后的疯狂英语系列杂志统称为新版。 疯狂英语(教师版)刊名:疯狂英语(教师版)Crazy English(Teachers)主办:江西教育出版社周期:季刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-393历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(教师版)曾用刊名:英语辅导(疯狂英语教师版)创刊时间:2004核心期刊:中文核心期刊(2004)备注:2016年1月起,更名教学版,发行周期改为月刊。疯狂英语(中学版)刊名:疯狂英语(中学版)Crazy English(Teens)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-384(单刊);46-385(磁带版);46-386(光盘版);46-387(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(中学版)曾用刊名:英语辅导(疯狂英语中学版);英语辅导创刊时间:2003年10月期刊荣誉: 社科双效期刊备注:2016年1月起,分为初中版和高中版。疯狂英语(阅读版)刊名:疯狂英语(阅读版)Crazy English(Reader)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-381(单刊);46-382(光盘版);46-383(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(阅读版)曾用刊名:英语辅导(疯狂英语阅读版)创刊时间:2001年1月疯狂英语(原声版)刊名:疯狂英语(原声版)Crazy English(Echo)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-388(磁带版);46-389(光盘版);46-390(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(原声版)曾用刊名:疯狂英语创刊时间:1996疯狂英语(口语版)刊名:疯狂英语(口语版)Crazy English(Speaker)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-391(光盘版);46-392(合订本)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(口语版)创刊时间:2007 疯狂英语(小学版)刊名:疯狂英语(小学版)Crazy English(Kids)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-390(光盘版)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(小学版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(初中版)刊名:疯狂英语(初中版)Crazy English(Teens)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-391(光盘版)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(初中版)曾用刊名:疯狂英语(中学版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(高中版)刊名:疯狂英语(高中版)Crazy English(Youth)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;英文;开本:16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-392(光盘版)历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(高中版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(教学版)刊名:疯狂英语(教学版)Crazy English(Teachers)主办:江西教育出版社周期:月刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-393历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(教学版)曾用刊名:疯狂英语(教师版)创刊时间:2016 疯狂英语(理论版)刊名:疯狂英语(理论版)Crazy English(Pro)主办:江西教育出版社周期:季刊出版地:江西省南昌市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1006-2831CN:36-1292/H邮发代号:46-389历史沿革:现用刊名:疯狂英语(理论版)创刊时间:2016


hope I didnt offend you.


还有一个短语no offense: 无意冒犯。不知道大家有没有这样一种感觉,越是别人说这句,你就觉得是一种冒犯,虽然对方说了不是故意而为之,但还是有种很不舒服的感觉,呵呵~~正如一部电影里所说:Why do people always say "no offense" when they do offend you? 为什么人们冒犯你的时候总是说“无意冒犯”?

2. It wont take much time.



take up: 拿起,开始,从事。

例:She took up the narrative where John had left off. 她接着讲约翰未讲完的故事。

take on: 承担,呈现,接受。

例:He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities. 他不愿承担重任。

take in: 吸收,理解,欺。

例:I was taken in by the salesman-the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable. 推销员我——那辆车结果既不经济又不牢靠。

take off: 起飞,取消,脱下。

例:The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences. 因观众太少而取消演出。

3. Its been a long time.


更普遍的说法是Long time no see. 不过一开始这个说法是不正确的,后来才被大家逐渐接受的。

4. Its nothing.


“小菜一碟”大家都会吧?!a piece of cake.

5. Its incredible.



6. Its hard to say.



hot enough to melt hell. I hope it will be cooler soon.


stifling! I can hardly breathe.


cant bare the heat; I am leaking!


am sweating like a pig, and Im not doing anything.


stay at home; you could fry eggs on the sidewalk.


dont want to go out; its raining fire!


too hot to think. I need to find someplace to cool off.


is a thermometer breaker! Lets go swimming.


hot with a capital "H". Turn up the air conditioner!


not just hot, Its Africa hot! This wather is terrible.





This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible.


This is Gary Mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 1234-1234.


This is a recording. 录音带中的固定说法。



Please speak a little more slowly.

Would you slow down, please?


I cant hear you very well.

Are you free tomorrow? (明天有空吗?)

I cant hear you very well. (我听不清楚。)

I can barely hear you. (我一点儿都听不见。)

Im having trouble hearing you. (我听不太清楚。)


We have a bad connection.

This is a really bad line.


Could you speak up, please?

Please speak a little louder.

Would you speak up a little, please?


The lines are crossed. line 是指telephone line“电话线”,cross "交叉”、“干扰”。

The lines must be crossed. (肯定是串线了。)


Im sorry to have kept you waiting.

Im sorry to have kept you waiting. (对不起,让您久等了。)

Thats okay. (没关系。)

Im sorry for the delay. (对不起,我来晚了。)

Sorry to have kept you waiting. (抱歉,让您久等了。)


Thank you for waiting.


You gave me the wrong number.

The number you gave me was wrong.


You really look sharp in that new outfit.


You look very smart in your new suit.


How handsome he looks in his fine clothes.


You look cool in this new jacket.


You look fresh, and cool and civilized.


He is parlous handsome.


I mean hes very nice.


He was a real sport.


He is a handsome and honest boy.


His deportment is beautiful.




Whats the matter?


Can you describe the symptoms?


Have you got a fever?


Do you have the feeling of nausea?


Does it hut here?


Has this been a problem before?


How long have you had this problem?


Have you ever had this kind of abominal pain before?


Id like to run some tests.


The results shuold be back in a week.


Youve got acute appenicits, probably perforated.


Have you ever had any problems with your liver?


Youve got indigestion.


Its not contagious.


Im going to write you a prescription.


Are you allergic to any medications?


You need to relax.


Youre getting better.


Youre well now.


Youd better hurry up.


Hurry up, were wasting time.


We must bustle up a bit.


Be quick! The train leaves in 5 minutes!


Come on, shake a leg, were late already.


Lets hurry and catch up with the group ahead.


Come along or well be late.


Look alive! Youll miss the bus.



文章摘要: 以提问的方式重复别人的最后一句话,这种技巧可以称之为“鹦鹉学舌”。因为每个人都喜欢就自己感兴趣的方面展开话题,如果你重复他们已经说的话,就等于为他们的个人爱好“煽风点火”。

1. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 重复重复再重复



You: What did you get up to on the weekend。


Him: Went to the ball game on Saturday.


You: You went to the game on Saturday?


Him: Yeh, I did, took my son along for his first game. But it was good to see my team win!


You: So it was good to see the team win?


Him: Yeh, they have been strugglinga lot lately, and had lots of injuries。



2. Become a word spy 注意他人的用词




You: So been busy today?


Him: Yes. (one word answer)


You: Hows the weather today? Pretty wet, isnt it?


Him: Yes, but the farmers will stop complaining. (again in the rude voice)



You: You know some farmers, dont you?


Him: Yes, I actually grew up on a farm. (his tone of voice graduallystarting to change)


You: So did I. Where was you farm?




3. Eavesdrop偷听




I couldnt help but overhearyou were going to head to Paris later in the summer, I am actually a big fan of the city and have been there several times myself.



Overkill 夸张的想法


LH:Larry, 听我的没错吧。逛艺术博物馆比看电影强多了!

L: Well I agree. But the art museum would be even better if it served popcorn too!


L: Hot dogs and beer? I dont know, Lihua. I think that might be overkill.


Overkill 夸张的想法

L: When you think that an idea goes too far, you can say that it is overkill.


L: Thats right! Here is another example. Elliots boss thought about firing him for being an hour late to work, but then decided that would be overkill.


L: Lihua, I really enjoy the art gallery, but coming here every single day would definitely be overkill.


L: Lihua, its fine to enjoy art as a hobby, but I think getting a PhD in art history would really be overkill.


L: I sure do! That was one of my favorites.


L; I dont know ... I was satisfied seeing just a few. I think bringing the entire collection here!would be overkill.


L: Lihua, its nice that youre encouraging me to see the Teracotta Warriors, but buying me a plane ticket to China is definitely overkill!

1、Advanced samples must arrive in London before the end of August; otherwise the goods are useless. 前寄样品必须在8月底以前到达伦敦,否则所订货物都将无效。

2、Can you let me have the name and quantities? 你可以告诉我货名和数量吗?

3、Could you run that by me again? 你能再说一遍吗?

4、Don’t bother me! 别烦我!

5、Don’t hog the bathroom! 别占着卫生间了!

6、Give me five more minutes please。 再给我五分钟时间好吗?

7、How did you sleep? 你睡的怎么样?

8、How do you do?/ Good morning!您好!(初次见面时使用)/早上好!

9、I need more information. 我需要更多的信自。

10、I shall be free this afternoon. 我今天下午有空。

11、I shall be here at half past six. 我六点半在这儿。

12、I’ll be so glad if you can come. 如果您能来我将很高兴。

13、I’ll be very pleased to see you. 我将非常高兴见到您。

14、I’m not quite sure if I’m free. 我不肯定是否有空。

15、I’m ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that the goods are confined to Finland. 我准备向你们订货,但是唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给芬兰的公司。

16、Ihope this meeting is productive. 我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。

17、I’ll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed……我要领您到床边去.请跟我来.这是您的床位.

18、I’m not myself 我烦透了。

19、Monday would be better for me. 星期一会好一点。

20、Not in the long run. 从长远来说并不是这样。这句话很实用,也可显示你的“高瞻远瞩”。

look very energetic today.


are going to do drifting this afternoon.


place is funded by local government.


can smell the fresh air.


need to handle the hovercraft during the journey.


are very important for changing directions.


should avoid huge rocks and fast current.


you feel the excitement and fear?


we embark on our drifting expedition.


is a man-made river.


tight or you will be jolted around.


need to keep pollution away from this forest.



Stand In Front Of Me - Kelly RowlandHeSaidHe said stand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIll Be the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meMy lifes become a fantasyI wake up your myManGive me the world and here you goJust by grabbing my handWatch you worry puzzles meAnd I love when you sayStand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meI was asked somethingLong agoI couldn't answerAnd it bothered me a littleHowDoYou keep your manAnd I found the best answerIts simpleYou just do it do itMean itProve itThats how you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manLadies do it do itMean itProve itOh you gotta have a planGotta take a chanceThatll keep your manThatll keep him sayingStand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIll Be the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meSo Ill get downOn bend a kneeAnd grab you by theHandYour like oh no babeYou can't do thatIm like oh oh ooh yes I canOr we can just go back to cuddlingOr you could just sayStand in front of meStand in front of meFront of meI was asked somethingLong agoI couldn't answerAnd it bothered me a littleHowDoYou keep your manAnd I found the best answerIts simpleDo it do itMean itProve itThats how you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manLadies do it do itMean itProve itOh you gotta have a planGotta take a chanceThatll keep your manThatll keep him sayingOHStand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIllBe the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meMmNow I loveWhen my man talk to me like that

天籁之声-世界上最动听的歌专辑曲目:CD101 Feel - Michelle Tumes 02 Bonnie Winds - Bohinta 03 China Roses - Enya 04 Beyond The Invisible - Enigma 05 Scarborough Fair - Sarah Brightman 06 Vebi Domine - Bara Basikova 07 Ns2000 - Dif Ang郭英男 08 Tri Martolod - Alan Stivell 09 Father,Hear The Prayer We Offer - Rerflections On Hymns 10 Ferry Me Across The Water - Kim Robertson 11 Espiritu - Thomas Otten 12 Freedom - Deep Forest 13 Gwerz Ar Vezhinerien - Denez Prigent 14 Prayer - Secret Garden 15 Ta Muid - Dreams CD2:01 Nocturne - Secret Garden 02 Earthsong - Global Spirit (Karunesh) 03 Morphing Thru Time - Enigma 04 She Moved Through The Fair - Jam Nation 05 Naturaleza Muerta - Sarah Brightman 06 Chant Of The Magic Flute - Rashni Punjaabi 07 Gortoz A Ran - Denez Prigent 08 Letting The Cables Sleep (The Remix) - Bush 09 Falling - Julee Cruise 10 The Bonny Swans - Loreena mckennitt 11 Only Time - Enya 12 A Modern Mantra - Govinda是这个吗?如果要听英文歌的话,建议听音乐天堂杂志出版的系列欧美歌曲专辑,其中一些特辑会比较适合你的口味。

Creepin' up on you darren hayes

我08下半年的和09全年的疯狂英语阅读版都有 ,找了哈没有你说的when you look me in the eyes。你不知道那个西班牙乐队歌里面一点么?我基本上都听过,但是没有记唱的人。你出来可能能帮你想到。

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