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引言 在城市居民日常生活中%防盗门上的门铃用得比较频繁%但这种门铃不具有对讲功能%并且可视性也不好%这给市民的日常生活带来了诸多的不便&例如当有人按门铃时%房主一般走到门口%通过防盗门上所谓的’猫眼(来辨认来访者是谁%这不仅费劲%而且当来访者是你不愿接见的人时%由于走动到门口发出的脚步声已告知来访者你在家%有时碍于情面%你不得不接见来访者& 本文介绍的基于单片机 !"AB%&JDF 的单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机便很好的解决了这些问题& 该可视对讲门铃室内分机和与其配套使用的防盗门上的室外机特别适合于别墅式住宅防盗门安装使用%也适合于普通市民入户防盗门安装使用& ( 单户可视对讲门铃室内分机工作原理 图 F 所示为该单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机的工作原理框图& 它以单片机 !"AB%&JDF 作为系统控制核心%配以呼叫检测模块)摘挂机检测模块)视频显示及控制模块)开锁和音频信号输入K出控制模块)音频信号输入放大模块)音频信号输出前置放大模块以及按键组成* 当来访者按门铃开关传来呼叫主人的门铃信号时%!"#B%C(’F 的 LFM 脚通过呼叫检测模块检测到门铃呼叫信号% 其 LFN 脚输出开启视频显示控制信号到视频显示及控制模块+ 其 LFO 脚输出允许通话控制信号到音频控制模块%同时进行 PJ, 定时* 若主人不在家或通过辨认 %Q" 显示器中显示的来访者决定不接见% 则 PJ, 后 !"AB%CJDF 通过 LFN和 LFO 脚分别输出关闭视频显示信号和禁止通话信号+ 若主人决定接见来访者% 则摘机* !"AB%CJDF 通过 LFD 脚检测到已摘机%则终止 PJ, 定时* 主人的话音音频信号经过前置放大模块放大后%经 %R 的 N 脚 !ST 线传到门口室外机供来访者听话%而来访者的话音音频输入信号经放大模块从 !ST 线取出放大后送耳机发声%完成通话动作*主人通过通话询问并从显示屏中观察来访者的表情%进一步判明来访者的身份和意图%判明后主人按下开锁键 ’URVT%W(%!"AB%&JD) 经 L)O 脚输出的开锁信号经由 !ST 线传到门口室外机% 控制防盗门的电控锁的电磁铁动作%门被打开*客人进门后%防盗门依靠闭门器的作用再次关上*主人挂机%!"AB%&JD) 通过 L)D 脚检测到已挂机% 则由 L)X 和L)O 脚分别输出关闭视频显示信号和禁止通话信号% 恢复收铃状态* 另外%主人还可通过按主动监视键’YTQRS"TQ(%来开启显示屏显示来访者或查看门外的情况* & 单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机硬件设计及实现 该单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内分机硬件电路原理图略可向作者索取* &I) 呼叫及摘挂机检测模块设计及实现 呼叫检测模块由图中的 ZD,Q)O)Q)M)%))[M 及 !"AB%CJD)的 L)M 脚及其上的上拉电阻 Q)A 构成& 当来访者按下门铃开关%由 %R 的 M 脚的 \] 线传来的门铃呼叫信号一路经扬声器发出门铃呼叫声% 另一路经过 ZD 反向截止%Q)O 与 %) 组成的充放电电路%由 Q)M 驱动三极管 [M 导通%使 !"AB%CJD) 的 L)M 脚由高电平变为低电平%完成呼叫检测& 图中的压键开关)!"AB%CJD) 的 L)D 脚及其上的上拉电阻QO 构成摘挂机检测模块%当主人摘机后压键开关转换状态%L)D脚的电平由高变低%完成摘机检测& 反之%完成挂机检测& CIC 视频显示及控制模块设计及实现 设计的视频显示及控制模块图^略_%主要由 [‘)[X)[D)[O)继电器 \Q])视频显示屏及 !"#B%&JDF 的 LFX 脚及其上的上拉电阻 QF& 构成&视频显示屏选用具有显像作用%工作电压为 F&a的国产金阳牌 X 寸黑白扁平显像管& 设计时为了同时对显示屏的 F&a 直流工作电源和 %R 的 D 脚 aSZ 输入的视频信号进行控制% 选用 \]Q 型双刀双掷电磁式继电器并利用其常开触点%QX对继电器线圈起限流保护作用%Z‘ 对继电器线圈起续流保护作用& 待机时%LFX 脚输出高电平%[O 导通%[X 和 [D 截止& 当!"#B%&JDF 检测到呼叫信号或主人按下主动监视键时%LFX 脚输出低电平%[O 截止%[X)[D 导通& [X 导通使大功率三极管!BXJ 导通%由 %R 的 F 脚 ab送来的 F#a 直流电源%经 !BXJ 的集电极输出%提供继电器线圈工作电压和 F&a 集成稳压器的输入电源%并经 %R 的 O 脚 aZ% 给室外机的视频摄像镜头提供受控的输入电源# !" 导通$继电器吸合给视频显示屏提供工作电压及视频信号以显示视频图像# #$% 开锁和音频信号输入&出控制模块设计及实现 图中的压键开关%’#%’%%!(%!#%)*+,-#."( 的 /(0 脚及其上的上拉电阻 ’( 构成了开锁和音频信号输入&出控制模块# 待机时$即使摘机使压键开关转换状态$但 /(0 脚输出低电平$!(截止$!# 基极得电导通$ 使 )12 对地短路而禁止通话# 当)*+,-#."( 检测到门铃呼叫信号时$/(0 脚输出高电平使 !( 导通$!# 因基极对地短路而截止$允许通话# 但若主人未摘机$则压键开关不转换状态$来访者仍不能与主人进行通话#这很好地解决了同类产品或其它未使用单片机控制的单户可视对讲门铃任何状态下$摘机即可通话$以及来访者呼叫后$即可从室外机的扬声器听到室内发出的声音等缺陷# #$3 音频信号放大处理模块设计及实现 声电转换器件选择灵敏度高$频率响应好的驻极体传声器$但经传声器转换形成的音频电压信号比较微弱$ 不适宜直接传输$为此需要设计音频输出信号前置放大处理模块#为了降低成本$ 音频输出信号前置放大采用三极管进行两极放大# 如图所示$分压电阻 ’(,%’#.%’#( 和滤波电容 -(. 为传声器提供直流工作电压$传声器产生的音频信号经 -(( 耦合$-(# 滤波输入到!+ 的基极$ 经 !+ 放大后$ 由集电极输出直接耦合到 !, 的基极$再经 !, 放大由集电极输出#’%. 起到两个作用$一是给 )12电路供电$ 二是将 !, 集电极输出的音频信号混合到音频输入输出线 )12$并送到室外机&防盗门端’$经再次放大$供来访者听话# 图中的 ’#"%’#0%’#4%’#+ 及 ’#, 为 !+%!, 的直流工作限流电阻# 来访者传声器产生的并经前置放大的音频输入信号$ 由于传输衰减需要再次放大$为此需设计输入音频信号放大模块#设计时$ 可选用通用集成运算放大器来设计$ 但所需外围器件较多$ 并且音频放大效果不够理想$ 为此选用具有所需外围器件少$工作电压为 35!(#5$低变形和低功耗等特点的专用音频集成功率放大器 67%+0$ 并且采用放大倍数为 #. 倍的典型接法#如图所示$-+ 从 )12 线取出的输入音频信号经 -, 和 ’## 滤波后$由 67%+0 的 % 脚输入$经过 #. 倍放大后由 " 脚输出$再经-4 和 ’#3 滤波$由 -0 耦合到频率特性好$谐波失真小的平膜动圈式耳机发声$完成通话动作# 另外$还设计了两个独立式按键$用于开锁和主动监视$设计的独立式按键如图所示# ! 单户防盗门可视对讲门铃室内机软件设计及实现 单片机软件主要完成门铃呼叫信号检测%摘挂机检测%按键检测及相应控制信号的输出$完成来访者呼叫后及主动监视 %.8定时等功能# 用 7-9:"( 语言编写的具体软件实现程序如下( 2’; ....< 7)1=> 725 9/?@".< -6’ /($0 A输出关闭音频控制信号 -6’ #%< A清呼叫标志位 ;B> B=C /($"?7DEF A摘机呼叫无效 BC /($4?7DEF A 无呼叫信号则转检查是否按下主动监视键 9E*C #%< A置呼叫标志 6B7/ *17%.8 A转 %.8 定时 7DEF> BC /($%?;B A未按主动监视键则跳转挂机检查 *17%.8> -6’ /($3 A允许电源输出和开启视频显示 725 04 725 0+ B=C #% -)66 GE6F"H8 A调 "H8 定时子程序 GB=I 0+ 9E*C /($0 A允许通话 -6’ #%< A清呼叫标志 J=62-D> BC /($#?;B( A若未按开锁键则跳转检查挂机 -6’ /($0 A若按下开锁键则输出开电控锁信号 -)66 GE6F"H8 9E*C /($0 A恢复通话 ;B(> B=C /($"?J=62-D A若未挂机?继续检查是否按开锁键 -6’ /($0 A若挂机?则禁止通话 9E*C /($3 A关视频显示及视频&音频通话电源 6B7/ ;B GE6F"H8> 725 0" 725 00

Since the introduction of computer-chip technology in society, in every field in a wide range of light control systems, the microcontroller is replaced by the gear regulating the delay time of old growth rate in future in the heart of this to the MCU has several benefits: small size, light weight, a single power supply; features, low power consumption and low; and the data transfer, one finds in SCM internal, run fast, uding, high reliability, so single-chip is widely used in measurement and control system, data acquisition, instrumental, Mechatronics product, smart interface, computer communications, as well as single-chip multilevel system, article is primarily deals with a subject name is single-chip-chip, flowing water and light control, which enables we learned how to use the SCM control our lives in the application of the design of this subject at a later time, introduced me to many aspects of the topic describes in detail by the MCS-89C51 manifold programming the control circuit, it completed the single-chip flowing water and light control features, and gives specific hardware circuits and the appropriate kind of control circuit reliability, flexibility, use the wide-ranging especially suitable for medium-sized cities of traffic lights, neon lights, , it on other similar system has certain significance.


In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of single chip is accepted broadly in real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer. Although it’s often act as the core component of single chip system, it is not enough only with the knowledge of single chip. Engineers also need to think about the structure of the hardware to perfect the most higher education institutions have built single chip laboratory, equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But the circuitry of the experiment box is fixed and the experiment steps are hard to be changed. It is not fit the trend of rapid development speed of single chip technology. It is also unsuited to develop students’ abilities and creativities. With the introduction of the Proteus software simulation technology, it can be solved at a certain extent. We could design more experiment steps and help students completing their self-study with the simulation experimental platform. It is a positive technology for system construction. Based on the information above, the author design a temperature alarm system with functions of automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment. This system is created based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, using the PIC single chip of MICOCHIP ltd as the main control chip, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating electric stove wire and alarm equipment. The control system of main chip and main program was written in C design has the advantages of reducing cost and increase practicability. It is could be adopted by most higher education institutions.

近年来随着工业的发展,人们对过程控制的精密度和可靠性提出了更多更高的要求,因而液位控制也向着功能齐全,控制灵活,操作简单,控制精度准确的方向发展。液位调节器是生产中应用很广液位测量和控制的设备,所以测量的精确性和控制的准确性是本设备的关键。在研究国内现有传统的液位调节器的基础上,设计的了采用AT89C51单片机为核心,A/D转换器采用ADC0809、D/A转换器采用DAC0832、键盘显示芯片采用74LS165、74LS164。外部数据存储器采用PCF8583;硬件电路包括:温度检测电路、A/D转换电路、D/A转换电路、键盘显示电路、V/I转换电路、电源电路,由这些构成一个单片机液位调节系统。软件包括PID控制算法、液位控制。本系统把单片机应用于液位测量控制中,既提高了产品的功能和质量,又降低了成本。本系统还具有结构先进合理、功能完善、满足控制精度的要求、抗干扰能力强、较高的灵活性和可靠性、通用性好、价格低,使用方便等特点。Withindustrialdevelopmentinrecentyears,processcontrolforprecisionandreliabilityofmorehigherrequirements,andalsotowardtheliquidlevelcontrolfunctions,controlofaflexible,simpleoperation,. AvailableinthetraditionalliquidlevelregulatoronthebasisofthedesignusingAT89C51single-chipmicrocomputerasthecore,A/DconverterusingADC0809,D/AconvertersusedDAC0832,keyboarddisplaychip74LS165,;hardwarecircuitincluding:temperaturedetectioncircuit,A/Dconversioncircuit,D/Aconvertercircuit,akeyboarddisplaycircuit,V/Iconversioncircuit,powercircuit,. Thesystemappliestothesingle-chipcontrolofliquidlevelmeasurement,notonlytoenhancetheproduct'sfeaturesandquality,.

1. About SCM It can be said across the twentieth century, the three "electric" era, that is, electrical era, the electronic age, and has now entered the computer age. However, such a computer, usually refers to the personal computer, referred to as PC. It consists of the host, keyboard, monitor etc.. Another type of computer, most people do not know how. This computer is to smart to give a variety of mechanical microcontroller (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, this computer system only used the smallest one IC, you can perform simple operations and control. Because of its small size, usually hidden in a charged mechanical "stomach" Lane. It is the entire device, like the human brain plays a role, it goes wrong, the whole device was paralyzed. Now, this MCU has a very wide field of use, such as smart meters, real-time industrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, home appliances and so on. Once the microcontroller were using a variety of products, you can serve to upgrade the effectiveness of the product, often in the product name is preceded by the adjective - "smart", such as washing machines and so intelligent. At present, some technical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers to engage in out of certain products, not the circuit is too complex, that is, functions are too simple and easy to be copied. The reason may be stuck in the product without the use of a microcontroller or other programmable logic device. SCM basic component is a central processing unit (CPU in the computing device and controller), read-only memory (usually expressed as a ROM), read-write memory (also known as Random Access Memory MRAM is usually expressed as a RAM) , input / output port (also divided into parallel port and serial port, expressed as I / O port), and so composed. In fact there is also a clock circuit microcontroller, so that during operation and control of the microcontroller, can rhythmic manner. In addition, there are so-called "break system", the system is a "janitor" role, when the microcontroller control object parameters that need to be intervention to reach a particular state, can after this "janitor" communicated to the CPU, so that CPU priorities of the external events to take appropriate counter-measures. 单片机的简介可以说,二十世纪跨越了三个“电”的时代,即电气时代、电子时代和现已进入的电脑时代。不过,这种电脑,通常是指个人计算机,简称PC机。它由主机、键盘、显示器等组成。还有一类计算机,大多数人却不怎么熟悉。这种计算机就是把智能赋予各种机械的单片机(亦称微控制器)。顾名思义,这种计算机的最小系统只用了一片集成电路,即可进行简单运算和控制。因为它体积小,通常都藏在被控机械的“肚子”里。它在整个装置中,起着有如人类头脑的作用,它出了毛病,整个装置就瘫痪了。现在,这种单片机的使用领域已十分广泛,如智能仪表、实时工控、通讯设备、导航系统、家用电器等。各种产品一旦用上了单片机,就能起到使产品升级换代的功效,常在产品名称前冠以形容词——“智能型”,如智能型洗衣机等。现在有些工厂的技术人员或其它业余电子开发者搞出来的某些产品,不是电路太复杂,就是功能太简单且极易被仿制。究其原因,可能就卡在产品未使用单片机或其它可编程逻辑器件上。单片机的基本组成是由中央处理器(即CPU中的运算器和控制器)、只读存贮器(通常表示为ROM)、读写存贮器(又称随机存贮器通常表示为RAM)、输入/输出口(又分为并行口和串行口,表示为I/O口)等等组成。实际上单片机里面还有一个时钟电路,使单片机在进行运算和控制时,都能有节奏地进行。另外,还有所谓的“中断系统”,这个系统有“传达室”的作用,当单片机控制对象的参数到达某个需要加以干预的状态时,就可经此“传达室”通报给CPU,使CPU根据外部事态的轻重缓急来采取适当的应付措施。


1. About SCM It can be said across the twentieth century, the three "electric" era, that is, electrical era, the electronic age, and has now entered the computer age. However, such a computer, usually refers to the personal computer, referred to as PC. It consists of the host, keyboard, monitor etc.. Another type of computer, most people do not know how. This computer is to smart to give a variety of mechanical microcontroller (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, this computer system only used the smallest one IC, you can perform simple operations and control. Because of its small size, usually hidden in a charged mechanical "stomach" Lane. It is the entire device, like the human brain plays a role, it goes wrong, the whole device was paralyzed. Now, this MCU has a very wide field of use, such as smart meters, real-time industrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, home appliances and so on. Once the microcontroller were using a variety of products, you can serve to upgrade the effectiveness of the product, often in the product name is preceded by the adjective - "smart", such as washing machines and so intelligent. At present, some technical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers to engage in out of certain products, not the circuit is too complex, that is, functions are too simple and easy to be copied. The reason may be stuck in the product without the use of a microcontroller or other programmable logic device. SCM basic component is a central processing unit (CPU in the computing device and controller), read-only memory (usually expressed as a ROM), read-write memory (also known as Random Access Memory MRAM is usually expressed as a RAM) , input / output port (also divided into parallel port and serial port, expressed as I / O port), and so composed. In fact there is also a clock circuit microcontroller, so that during operation and control of the microcontroller, can rhythmic manner. In addition, there are so-called "break system", the system is a "janitor" role, when the microcontroller control object parameters that need to be intervention to reach a particular state, can after this "janitor" communicated to the CPU, so that CPU priorities of the external events to take appropriate counter-measures. 单片机的简介可以说,二十世纪跨越了三个“电”的时代,即电气时代、电子时代和现已进入的电脑时代。不过,这种电脑,通常是指个人计算机,简称PC机。它由主机、键盘、显示器等组成。还有一类计算机,大多数人却不怎么熟悉。这种计算机就是把智能赋予各种机械的单片机(亦称微控制器)。顾名思义,这种计算机的最小系统只用了一片集成电路,即可进行简单运算和控制。因为它体积小,通常都藏在被控机械的“肚子”里。它在整个装置中,起着有如人类头脑的作用,它出了毛病,整个装置就瘫痪了。现在,这种单片机的使用领域已十分广泛,如智能仪表、实时工控、通讯设备、导航系统、家用电器等。各种产品一旦用上了单片机,就能起到使产品升级换代的功效,常在产品名称前冠以形容词——“智能型”,如智能型洗衣机等。现在有些工厂的技术人员或其它业余电子开发者搞出来的某些产品,不是电路太复杂,就是功能太简单且极易被仿制。究其原因,可能就卡在产品未使用单片机或其它可编程逻辑器件上。单片机的基本组成是由中央处理器(即CPU中的运算器和控制器)、只读存贮器(通常表示为ROM)、读写存贮器(又称随机存贮器通常表示为RAM)、输入/输出口(又分为并行口和串行口,表示为I/O口)等等组成。实际上单片机里面还有一个时钟电路,使单片机在进行运算和控制时,都能有节奏地进行。另外,还有所谓的“中断系统”,这个系统有“传达室”的作用,当单片机控制对象的参数到达某个需要加以干预的状态时,就可经此“传达室”通报给CPU,使CPU根据外部事态的轻重缓急来采取适当的应付措施。

盼望着、盼望着,炎热的酷暑终于过去了,秋天的脚步近了。 一切都是秋高气爽的样子,天高了,云淡了。果子熟起来了,蛐蛐儿的叫声响起来了,天气凉爽起来了。 小草并没有完全从大地中消失,仍绿绿的。园子里,田野里。瞧去,一片一片 满是的。孩子们跑着,跳着,翻几个跟斗捡几个落下的果子互相投掷着,比赛着谁投得更远、更准。风凉丝丝的,草绿绿的。 桂树、枫树、常青树,带着苍郁和深沉的格调和各具特色的气质,展示着风采,金子般的黄,玛瑙般的红,翡翠般的绿,宛如画家精心绘制的画卷。鸟儿为迁移忙碌着,蚂蚁正在收集冬天的口粮。雏菊、一串红、矮牵牛,一眼望去遍是的:橘黄的,紫红的,争奇斗艳,铺在花坛里,像地毯,还迎着秋风微笑呢! “落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花!”不错的,它将变作春泥滋养着大地,毫不眷恋枝头的繁华。秋雨落在红叶和黄叶以及掺着绿与黄的彩叶上。豪华的枫叶,精致的常青叶,普通的梧桐叶……它们在秋雨的洗礼下变得更加艳丽。 树上的果子渐渐成熟了,田里果农也更忙了。城里乡下,工人学生,儿童老人,一个个都出来欣赏美景了,放松放松心情,观赏观赏秋色,采集采集标本,各做各的一份事去了。“一份耕耘,一份收获”,辛勤努力,换来了收获,充满了喜悦。 秋天像色彩之神,使植物的色彩渐渐变浓。 秋天像丰收之神,为人们带来了累累的硕果。 秋天像欢乐之神,为人们带来了丰收的喜悦。春的脚步(仿写朱自清的《春》) 严冬笼罩的世界里,我们盼望着春的到来。 春来了。不经意间发现,小路旁桑树的芽孢挺起了小肚子,久违的燕子也开始了飞翔,山上梯田里的麦子绿得更深了。一切都象睡醒了似的,欣欣然张开了眼。象鼻山朗润起来了,郪江、龙溪水涨起来了,天空的脸也红起来了。 晚上,我似乎听见了谁的脚步,匆匆的从窗前走过,带着希望,带着坚定,带着一种料峭的寒意。 白天,寻春。小草悄悄从土里探出头来,伸出身子,朝四处望了一望。小草很害羞,低下头,晶莹的露水闪着光,是他调皮的眼睛。冬天还没有完全过去,风中的小草摇动着身子,瑟瑟的颤动着;几天过后,嫩嫩的、嫩黄、浅绿、绿绿的、像玉石爬满了沟渠、路旁、溪水边、房前屋后。于是春大胆地向我们笑了。绿色挂上枝头,绿色撒上我们走过的脚印;绿色的瀑布好像在流,好像在笑,从山上拖下来,披下来。再过十几天,小草就铺天盖地的向我们走来:漫山遍野,绿色在流。从高高的望川山上拖垂下来的绿色,静静的晒着阳光。郪江两岸,一大片一大片的绿,是吐着草香的地毯。学校后山一排排树木是绿色的长剑,指向天空。真可谓:春风又绿妻江岸。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。 我们家后面的桃树,粉红色的花瓣不停地绽放,一大片一大片的。花朵们你挤着我,我挤着你,吵吵闹闹的象赶场似的。春天用粉红的桃花滋润天空,点点滴滴贴满天空。谁家院子里杏花、梨花也开满了,桃花似火,杏花似霞,梨花似雪,让人目不暇接,流连忘返。天上的云是淡淡的,花的香味是清清的,引来蜜蜂和蝴蝶,在花丛中追逐、翩翩起舞。微风吹来,粉红色的桃花飘落,纷纷扬扬,四处飞散。蝴蝶和花儿,谁也分不清是谁:飞动的蝴蝶是飘落的桃花、梨花,飘落的桃花、梨花是翻飞的蝴蝶儿。野花遍地,星星点点,像散落在草丛中的桃花、杏花、梨花。 春风惹人醉。智南和尚说:吹面不寒杨柳风。我说:风吹花落春欲醉。微风吹来,小树摇着头,小草弯了腰,溪水不停的笑。风送来了泥土的气息,草的美味,花的清香。柔柔的阳光和风用手抚摸着你,抱着你,亲着你。你于是高兴了,叫来鸟儿为你歌唱。翠鸟音脆,在清风、绿树、流水间荡漾。有燕子穿过林子,在天空盘旋。夕阳西下,青山之上,有牧童短笛横吹。于是炊烟袅袅,夜色降临,休闲的人们放出轻快的音乐,和着花香、在微微湿润的空气里酝酿。 春雨在你不经意间飞洒。那细如迷雾的雨,悄悄的浮在天地间,在细叶上象涂了一层牛奶,象蒙了一层面纱。经雨浸润的叶片,绿得逼人的眼;微风中,花叶忽隐忽现;缥缈中,人似乎在天庭闲庭信步。尔后,雨就大了起来,象牛毛,密密的斜织着;雨像绣花针,远山和郪江是天女在用她那秀美的手绣制精美的风景画。仰望天空,看不见雨的源头。只有白亮的雨滴撒落,在叶面汇聚成小水滴。小水滴静静地从叶子上滑落,叶子就微微颤动。江面雨脚,象是浅浅的笑声,数也数不清。这时候,夜色低垂,远山上贴上一点两点灯光,象一朵两朵金黄的菊花;如果坐车穿过妻江大桥,那菊花就成了飞舞的金色蝴蝶。站在富乐寺望江亭,象山的大桥,龙溪的水,妻江两岸的绿野,沉浸在快乐安详中。衣单卓约的少女,象移动的花朵,象一行行诗句;撑着伞慢慢走路的行人,晚归的披蓑戴笠的农民,和归巢欢飞的小鸟,构成春天最美的节奏。细细疏疏的雨,细细疏疏的房屋,悠悠的江水,连绵起伏的群山,在雨里静默着。 春来了。白天的山头,就会升上几片风筝,象一只只大的蝴蝶;又像一只只鱼在白云里游,又像一只只叶子停在没有枝干的树上。平地里,草坪上,老老少少,一会儿就会站满了人。少的追逐,老的活动筋骨,晒着阳光。学生春游,生炊烟,著饭菜,笑声弥漫了山谷。 春来了,她的脚步是那样轻那样柔。象刚落地的娃娃,像花枝招展小姑娘,像健壮的青年,从草地上走过,从水面滑过,在白云上住过,在花朵上歇过,和小鸟儿攀谈过。晚上,我和春在梦中追逐,因为她明天还要匆匆赶路。

This system design take at89S51 chip as core controlling element, auxiliary by necessity peripheral circuit, designed one to have retakes courses with replays the function to retake courses machine, it by 5V direct-current power supply power supply. This system adds on one in the ordinary playback's foundation to retake courses the key to carry on the control. The control function including presses down retakes courses the key control circuit to store in the monolithic integrated circuit through a/D transformation chip gathering voice signal, presses retakes courses the key to carry on retakes courses the playback, presses again puts the key to start the normal playback. A \ the D sampling circuit uses ADC0809 to realize, D \ a switching circuit uses DAC0832 to realize, and the postpositioned power amplifier actuates the speaker work. The present paper mainly introduced retakes courses machine the software and hardware part's design, as well as the question which and the solution in the design, the debugging process meets.本系统设计以AT89S51芯片为核心控制元件,辅以必要的外围电路,设计了一个具备复读与重放功能的复读机,它由5V直流电源供电。本系统在普通放音器的基础上加上一个复读键来进行控制。控制功能包括按下复读键控制电路通过A/D转换芯片采集语音信号存入单片机中,按复读键进行复读放音,再按放音键开始正常放音。A\D采样电路采用ADC0809来实现,D\A转换电路采用DAC0832来实现,并后置功率放大器来驱动扬声器工作。本论文主要介绍了复读机的软、硬件部分的设计,以及在设计、调试过程中遇到的问题及解决方案

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of single chip is accepted broadly in real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer. Although it’s often act as the core component of single chip system, it is not enough only with the knowledge of single chip. Engineers also need to think about the structure of the hardware to perfect the most higher education institutions have built single chip laboratory, equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But the circuitry of the experiment box is fixed and the experiment steps are hard to be changed. It is not fit the trend of rapid development speed of single chip technology. It is also unsuited to develop students’ abilities and creativities. With the introduction of the Proteus software simulation technology, it can be solved at a certain extent. We could design more experiment steps and help students completing their self-study with the simulation experimental platform. It is a positive technology for system construction. Based on the information above, the author design a temperature alarm system with functions of automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment. This system is created based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, using the PIC single chip of MICOCHIP ltd as the main control chip, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating electric stove wire and alarm equipment. The control system of main chip and main program was written in C design has the advantages of reducing cost and increase practicability. It is could be adopted by most higher education institutions.



单片机类毕业设计 ·基于单片机的变频恒压供水控制系统的设计·基于单片机的恒压供水系统的设计·基于AT89S51单片机的数字温度计设计·基于单片机的温室大棚测控系统研究·基于单片机的温度测量系统设计·基于单片机温湿度控制系统·基于单片机的自动化点焊控制系统·红外声控报警系统的设计·红外防盗报警器的设计·基于AT89S51单片机的出租车计价器·煤气报警器的设计·单片机交通灯控制系统设计--带仿真的




用STC的单片机,里面有EEPROM,把设定的密码写到里面。正常运行时 输入密码和EEPROM里面的密码比较 正确了就可以进入

单片机类毕业设计 ·基于单片机的变频恒压供水控制系统的设计·基于单片机的恒压供水系统的设计·基于AT89S51单片机的数字温度计设计·基于单片机的温室大棚测控系统研究·基于单片机的温度测量系统设计·基于单片机温湿度控制系统·基于单片机的自动化点焊控制系统·红外声控报警系统的设计·红外防盗报警器的设计·基于AT89S51单片机的出租车计价器·煤气报警器的设计·单片机交通灯控制系统设计--带仿真的


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  • 关于单片机设计的毕业论文
  • 关于单片机的毕业设计论文
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