学术论文是对我们的知识相能力进行一次全面的考核。那怎么靠发表学术论文挣钱呢?下面我给大家分享一些关于这方面的资料,大家快来跟我一起欣赏吧。 靠发表学术论文挣钱 第一种盈利方式:中介网站通过自己的各种渠道和手段组织到数量较多的稿子,这样他们即可有资本来同杂志社谈判——请杂志社给他们一个低于正常版面收费标准的“代理价”或者“组稿价”,这样中介网站即有了利润空间。 第二种盈利方式:有些杂志社并不设置双重收费标准,对普通作者和中介网站一视同仁,中介网站则需要收取略高于杂志社收费标准的费用来赚取利润了。 第三种盈利方式:有些需要发表论文的同志可能因为没时间、没精力、没能力来独立完成论文,就可能会委托一些论文中介网站来帮忙找些枪手来写稿子,那就产生了一个代写费用了,这也是论文中介网站一个重要的利润点。 还有一些其他的模式,比如作者的稿子难以在一些高要求的期刊上发表,论文中介网站如果有能力可以帮助作者找专家或者编辑润色润色,使文章能发表出来,收取一个“润笔费”。 当然以上说得都是一些遵规守纪的论文中介网站的盈利模式,而那些纯粹招摇撞的家伙手段可能就黑暗多了。 存在必有存在的道理,毕竟很多作者对期刊并不是非常了解,需要懂行的人来指点,需要有人架起作者和期刊之间的桥梁,但是由于中介行业的入行门槛过低,导致行业素质良莠不齐,产生了不少伤害作者切身利益的情况,以致现在行业口碑越来越差,虽然我本人不是中介中人,但是毕竟跟各论文中介网站接触甚密,真心希望各位做论文中介网站的朋友能够自觉维护行业形象,让这个行业能够健康发展,不要让作者提起中介二字就哀怨愤懑,失去了作者,此行业将失去生存之源,发展之基,那将是行业的最大悲哀。 关于教师的学术论文 小议教师机智 摘 要: 教师机智是教师才能结构的要素之一,是众多教师的不懈追求。本文提出教师机智以深厚的师爱为前提,以高水平的智力与丰富的教育、教学实践经验的完善结合为基础,以高度发展的自我控制能力和情感的稳定性为保证。 关键词: 教师机智 师爱 博识 自控 运用教师机智,以助实现有效教学,这是众多教师的不懈追求。 何谓“教师机智”?教育心理学认为:“是在教师的正确教育思想指导下,对解决关键问题选择与运用恰当的影响学生的方式与方法,并善于预见教育措施所产生的后果。”[1]教师机智属于教师的聪明智慧范畴,或者说属于创造性智力范畴,是教师教育、教学水平的高度发挥。它往往是在异乎寻常的情景下,或者是在旧情境向新情境的突然转换或遇到意想不到的问题之际,教师或是能灵活应变,逆向对转;或是能因势利导,巧妙处理。教师机智以深厚的师爱作为前提,以高水平的智力与丰富的教育、教学实践经验的完善结合作为基础,以良好的心理素质作为保证。 一、师爱是教师机智的前提 师爱,既是教育者高尚品德的自我表现,又是教育、教学过程中一种十分重要的教育手段和力量,还是形成教师机智的制约因素。心理学告诉我们,任何心理活动和实践活动,都要受既成的心理状态的影响。态度是“将产生某种反应的心理上的准备状态”,它一经形成并且受一定强度时,就会产生这样的作用:从人们的周围环境中及其过去的知识经验中,选择出那些为相应的行为实现所必需的事物、经验和知识,使行为得以实现,满足个体的需要。所以对学生深厚的爱,期望学生成长的态度,会积极影响教师机智的产生与运用。 教育、教学实践告诉我们,一个教师,无论他的知识多么渊博,经验多么丰富,思虑多么周密,都难免在教育、教学活动中碰到偶发事件。对偶发事件的不同的处理方式又往往对学生的成长产生积极或消极的影响,尤其是学生思想品德培养过程中的偶发事件,常常集中暴露学生在思想品德上的比较隐蔽的弱点,因而凡有浓厚师爱的教育者,是很重视运用机智处理好这些事件的。何为此说?因为我们说的师爱,绝不等同于母爱中某些偏私的溺爱,也不是单纯的情感作用,而是通过理性培养出来的一种普遍的高度责任感。这种爱发端于对“教师角色”的认同,发端于对共产主义的信念,发端于对中国未来的高度责任感。这种爱,常常会使教师在一些偶发事件中不假思索地产生一些有利于学生成长的行为。有过这样一个例子:有位小学语文老师在教《游园不值》这首诗时,突然一位迟到的学生“砰”的一声推门而入,径自入座。教师未露声色,而是就诗取材,巧妙地向学生提问:诗人去拜访朋友,却是“小扣柴扉久不开”,为什么不变“小扣”为“猛扣”呢?经讨论,有学生说:因为诗人有教养、懂礼貌。然后老师走到那位迟到的学生身边,弯腰轻声问他:“你说大家说得对吗?你赞成‘小扣’还是‘猛扣’?”这位同学脸红了,同学们笑了起来,在笑声中大家都受到教育与感化。[2]对学生冷漠的教师,会有如此“教育机智”? 教育实践表明,一些不良心理效应,比如“定势效应”、“光环效应”、“成见效应”等,会妨碍教师机智的形成和运用,而富于爱的教育者常能自觉地克服这些不良心理效应。一般而言,偶发事件的产生,大多与后进生或存在这样那样课堂问题行为的学生有直接联系。如果教师缺乏正确的学生观,缺乏对未来事业的高度责任感,在“定势效应”、“光环效应”、“成见效应”的笼罩下,必然会对这些偶发事件采取简单粗暴的解决方式。相反,一个能把爱的种子撒向每个学生的优秀教师,是绝不会简单粗暴、潦草从事的,常会下意识地采取有利于学生身心成长的教育机智。如班级中出现失窃现象时,教师通常会怒发冲冠,恶言斥责先入为主划定的“嫌疑者”,甚至当众搜翻,一旦查实,更是大动干戈。这种“惯例”,虽收一时骇猴之效,却无培养学生完整人格之功。而富有师爱的教师,有长远眼光,能从有利于学生健康成长着眼,精心创设能相机试探的情境,巧妙架设让行为者消除罪恶感的梯子,以增强塑造完整人格的勇气,其影响往往是深远的。 二、博识是教师机智的基础 “博识”指的是广博的知识和丰富的教育、教学实践经验。教师机智究其性质和作用而言,它是充分根据学生的知识和技能的状况、智力发展的水平和当前的具体的情境而采取的有针对性且十分个别化的有效行为,所以对教师具有的知识和经验有较高的要求。 应变性是教师机智的一个重要特征,它体现积极影响学生的能力,故要求教师能善于迅速而敏锐地察觉情境的变化,并随机应变地作出教育策略与方法上的调整,这需要知识和经验。我们常常对全国特级教师钱梦龙的教学机智赞叹不已。有一次,他在武汉给近千名教师上示范课,课前气氛显得紧张严肃。当他面带微笑走向讲台,其开场果然别具一格。他亲切地对学生说:“我打个谜语给你们猜一猜,好不好?”经过瞬时的惊愕,学生很乐意地回答:“好!”“‘虽然发了财,夜夜想成才’——打一人名,你们认识的。”片刻后,一位女生举手站起,信心十足地猜答:“钱梦龙!”顿时,全场欢声雀跃,紧张气氛顿消,轻松愉快的课堂氛围一下子营造出来,这样高超的应变机智,显然是博识的外化。 直觉性是教师机智的又一个重要特征,它表现于教师在教育、教学实践中,能对突发性刺激迅速作出反应,迅速意识到存在的问题及其正确的解决途径和方法。由于教师机智大多显示在突发、偶发情境中,因此它所借助的心理机制不是严密的、繁琐的逻辑思维,其特点是靠对情境的直感,利用一个闪念,抓住突出特征,大胆推测,迅速判断,果断结论。当然,这种直觉思维不是瞎猜,也不是含糊其辞,而是一种同艰苦的思维活动、长期的知识积累有密切联系的思维形式,是长期形成的“悟性”。在教育、教学实践中,不少偶发事件从其表象呈现的是荒.唐、可笑,甚至有点可恨,但有经验的教师却往往能看出学生的“智慧火花”,从而因势利导。直觉性在外语教学机智中表现更为突出,如有些介词、副词的使用,没有过多的理论根据可讲,直觉的语感起着很重要的作用,教师在课堂上回答者方面问题时,往往靠的就是机智中的直觉。 巧妙性是教师机智的另一个重要特征。在教育教学实践中,教师常会遇到一些棘手的突发问题,或者是因学生调皮搞恶作剧而生出的一些难题和怪题。那些有经验的教师就会或绕开棘手的地方,或避开难答之点,而作出无懈可击的机智回答。如有一个学生故意从词典里挑出一个冷僻字问教师怎么读、怎么解。老师看透了他的心思,便微笑着机巧地问他:“从什么地方看来的?”那个学生自然不便直说,窘得很。老师又微微一笑,示意学生坐下。该生以后再也不搞类似的小聪明了。这位老师很奇妙地化“被动”为“主动”。 三、自控是教师机智的关键 高度发展的自我控制能力和情感的稳定性是教师机智形成和发展的关键。没有良好的心理素质作保证,要形成教师机智,无疑是天方夜谭。 教师机智是处理偶发事件中反映出来的高超的教育、教学艺术。偶发事件往往具有突发性、聚众性、破坏性等特点。一些不成熟的教师往往因之而怒火中烧,对当事学生倾盆大雨般地严加训斥,造成师生关系紧张,甚至产生严重后果。而具有高度自控能力的教师,往往处变不惊,遇事不慌,能在尊重学生个性的前提下,有很强的忍耐力和坚持性,在最不愉快的冲突情境中,也能镇静沉着,举止稳重。据有关资料介绍,新中国成立前上海有位大学教授叫姚明辉,学识高但长相打扮颇有几分滑稽,很容易引发人的联想。一天上课,他刚走进教室,就见黑板上不知谁用漫画笔法画了一只人面猫头鹰,细看活脱脱像他的脸。但他并无因之失态,面无愠色,竟拿起一支粉笔给漫画作注:“此乃姚明辉教授之尊容也。”学生笑了,姚先生也笑了。而那个恶作剧者发自内心地对老师产生了一种高山仰止的尊敬。如此高度的自控,如此应变的机智,怎不令人拍案叫绝。 当然,高度发展的自控能力绝非一日之功,也是长期教育实践磨砺的结果,是建立在对学生内心世界深刻了解的基础上的。只有了解了学生,才能站在学生的角度,体验他们的情绪,分享他们的快乐和苦恼,欣赏他们的兴趣与爱好,透过学生的情绪引起自己和他们的共同感受。有一位刚走上工作岗位的英语老师,一次上课时发现一个被视为后进生的学生在旁若无人地玩蚕,顿时火上心头,一把抓过蚕盒同蚕一起扔出了窗外,结果是教室里多了个空位子。三年后,该老师正起劲地上课时,又发现了一个学生正专心致志地端详着抽屉中的几只白白嫩嫩的春蚕,她的心为之一颤,特别是当她看到该生那惊恐的大眼睛时,她没有重蹈覆辙,而是抑制住不平静的心情,温和地发问:“知道‘养蚕’用英语怎么说吗?”该生摇头。“那么桑树呢?桑叶呢?蚕丝呢?……”她把这些单词一一写在黑板上,继而又左联右引,开阔学生眼界,使学生听得津津有味。最后她又点在要处,说养蚕是一种有益的活动,但因之耽误学习可不好。事后,那玩蚕的学生把几只正吐丝的春蚕送给老师,表达自己由衷的敬意。 综上分析可见,教师机智是教师的教育、教学艺术才能的典型表现,是教师才能结构的要素之一,研究这个问题,有实际的指导意义。 参考文献: [1]赵鸣九.大学心理学[M].北京:人民教育出版社,. [2]柏恕冰,丁振芳.教师口才学[M].北京:中国书籍出版社,. 看了“靠发表学术论文挣钱”的人还看: 1. 对发表学术论文心得 2. 励志的赚钱句子 3. 本科生如何发表学术论文 4. 发表学术论文的心得 5. 大学生怎样发表学术论文
帮别人写论文赚钱违法。代写论文是违法的。教育部2016年出台的《高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法》,明确了将买卖论文、由他人代写或者为他人代写论文等学术不端行为作为一种违法违规行为予以处理。从我们当前的法律规定处罚层级来看,对于代写、买卖论文的行为只能由行政规章来处理,刑法是没有办法介入的。代写论文不违反法律关于著作权的规定,但是在学术论文层面,应违反相关的管理制度。因为受托人接受委托创作完成作品,是委托作品的作者。基于保护作者、鼓励创作的立法目的,在无约定的情况下,著作权应当被赋予受托人。当然,受托人在享有著作权的同时也受到一定的限制,譬如,受托人应当按照约定将委托作品提供给委托人使用,委托人有权在约定的范围内使用。如果没有约定使用范围,委托人可以在委托创作的特定目的范围内免费使用。此外,受托人行使著作权也应当遵循诚实信用、权利不得滥用等原则,不得妨碍委托人的正当使用。所以不建议各位帮别人代写论文喔!别人帮忙写的论被查出来会怎样?1、 一般如果是自己找人帮自己写的论文,在答辩或者是学校审核的时候被查出来了,那么自己是会受到很严重的处罚的。一般这样的论文是不会被允许通过的,也无法顺利毕业,有的学校可能会要求学生重新写一篇论文查重,重新提交才可以。但是有的学校要求比较严格的话,那么很有可能会被取消自己的学位证,那么自己大学四年可能就白上了。2、 所以自己还是不要图轻松,让别人代写了,这样如果被查出来了,处罚是非常严重的,自己写出来的东西那才是自己的,别人写出来的东西不仅不是自己的,而且自己很有可能会受到处罚,这样的行为是非常不可取的。法律依据《中华人民共和国著作权法》 第十七条 视听作品中的电影作品、电视剧作品的著作权由制作者享有,但编剧、导演、摄影、作词、作曲等作者享有署名权,并有权按照与制作者签订的合同获得报酬。前款规定以外的视听作品的著作权归属由当事人约定;没有约定或者约定不明确的,由制作者享有,但作者享有署名权和获得报酬的权利。视听作品中的剧本、音乐等可以单独使用的作品的作者有权单独行使其著作权。《高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法》第二十七条 经调查,确认被举报人在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当认定为构成学术不端行为:(一)剽窃、抄袭、侵占他人学术成果;(二)篡改他人研究成果;(三)伪造科研数据、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;(四)未参加研究或创作而在研究成果、学术论文上署名,未经他人许可而不当使用他人署名,虚构合作者共同署名,或者多人共同完成研究而在成果中未注明他人工作、贡献;(五)在申报课题、成果、奖励和职务评审评定、申请学位等过程中提供虚假学术信息;(六)买卖论文、由他人代写或者为他人代写论文;(七)其他根据高等学校或者有关学术组织、相关科研管理机构制定的规则,属于学术不端的行为。
你好,翻译为:“[Abstract] Objective: To compare ziprasidone and haloperidol in the treatment of schizophrenia in acute phase of the efficacy and side effects. Methods: Injection ziprasidone and haloperidol injection, the patients were randomly divided into 75 cases of ziprasidone group (n = 38) and with the haloperidol group (n = 37), for a period of five days of treatment . Respectively before and after treatment using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Clinical overall scale of India (CGI) and adverse reactions Scale (TESS) assessed the efficacy and adverse drug reactions. Pre-treatment determination of baseline ECG with QTc interval after treatment compared to baseline for more than 60ms for QTc interval prolongation ①, the treatment of cardiac rhythm during the medical examination found abnormal electrocardiogram monitoring in time. Results: Ziprasidone and haloperidol groups before and after treatment the total score and PANSS positive symptoms scale factor at a considerable reduction rate; CGI score to achieve a turn for the better and were more than 25 cases (), 26 cases of (); TESS evaluation of side effects occurred in 10 cases () 12 cases (). By T test no significant difference (P> ). Major group of ziprasidone alcohol side effects of insomnia, the main side effects of haloperidol group extrapyramidal reaction, but the ziprasidone group, 3 cases () of QTc interval prolongation, 2 cases () of cardiac rhythm disorders; haloperidol impact on the ECG for ventricular arrhythmia, was found significantly prolonged QTc interval. Conclusion: Ziprasidone injection with injection of haloperidol treatment of schizophrenia in acute phase of the effect of a considerable, but the group ziprasidone QTc interval on the heart and whether the impact of abnormal heart rate caused by a high degree of attention required.[Key words] haloperidol Ziprasidone in acute phase of schizophrenia”。
血糖升高对出血性脑卒中(hemorrhagic apoplexy)的发生发展有极其重要的影响,不但作为重要危险因素参与HA的起始,导致疾病发病率增高,而且对HA发生后病理过程有促进作用,使血肿体积扩大,加重水肿,加重功能损害,影响预后。Hyperglycemia has a very important impact on the occurrence and development of hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhagic apoplexy). It not only acts as an important risk factor in the initiation of HA, but also increases the incidence of disease, and promotes the pathological process of HA, enlarges the volume of hematoma, aggravates edema, aggravates functional damage, and affects prognosis.高血糖参与HA的发生机制是多方面的,包括:脂代谢异常、颈动脉重塑、内皮功能障碍、血小板功能异常、高凝状态、胰岛素抵抗。而高血糖扩大梗死面积,促进HA发展主要与致酸中毒、缺血损伤区域细胞凋亡等机制有关。Hyperglycemia is involved in the pathogenesis of HA in many aspects, including: abnormal lipid metabolism, Carotid Remodeling, endothelial dysfunction, platelet dysfunction, hypercoagulability, insulin resistance. However, hyperglycemia can enlarge the infarct area and promote the development of HA, which is mainly related to the mechanism of acidosis and apoptosis in ischemic injury area.血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和环氧合酶(COX-2)与脑血管病的关系,已引起人们的重视。血管内皮生长因子的突出作用是诱导体内血管形成,提高血管通透性;近年来发现它也有刺激神经元、胶质细胞、轴突的生长和成活的作用。环氧合酶(cyclooxygenase,COX),是催化花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid,AA)合成前列腺素(prostgalandin,PG)以及血栓素(thromboxan,TX)的限速酶。其中COX-1为结构型,存在于大多数组织中,催化生成维持正常结构的PG;COX-2为诱导型,在生理状态下,COX-2在大多数组织中以极低拷贝数表达。但IL-1、TNF等许多炎症刺激因子均可诱导COX-2表达。但目前有关血管内皮生长因子和环氧合酶的研究多集中在与脑缺血的关系上,而关于脑出血后脑水肿的动态变化与VEGF、COX-2表达的相关性研究却不多。The relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and cerebrovascular diseases has attracted people's attention. In recent years, it has been found that vascular endothelial growth factor can stimulate the growth and survival of neurons, glial cells and axons. Cyclooxygenase (COX) is a rate limiting enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of prostaglandin (PG) and thromboxane (TX) from arachidonic acid (AA). COX-1 is a structural type, which exists in most tissues and catalyzes the generation of PG maintaining normal structure; COX-2 is an inducible type, which is expressed in a very low copy number in most tissues under physiological conditions. But many inflammatory factors such as IL-1 and TNF can induce COX-2 expression. However, at present, the researches on VEGF and COX-2 are mostly focused on the relationship with cerebral ischemia, but few on the relationship between the dynamic changes of brain edema and the expression of VEGF and COX-2 after cerebral hemorrhage.在认识到高血糖对脑出血损伤危害性同时,控制血糖水平治疗即成为脑血管病治疗手段之一,特别是采用胰岛素降低血糖水平纳入急性脑卒中治疗指南。已有研究发现胰岛素对急性期脑出血周围脑组织的缺血性损伤有保护作用。可能机制为:现已发现脑中存在胰岛素受体,胰岛素可与胰岛素受体结合,降低脑细胞对糖的摄取,从而降低脑细胞内糖的储存,减少乳酸产生的底物,从根本上纠正细胞酸中毒;同时胰岛素还可以降低外周血糖浓度,增加出血周围水肿带的有效血供,造成相对低血糖高灌流状态,从而对脑损害产生改善作用。In recognition of the harm of hyperglycemia to cerebral hemorrhage, the control of blood glucose level has become one of the treatment methods of cerebrovascular disease, especially the use of insulin to reduce blood glucose level has been included in the treatment guidelines of acute stroke. It has been found that insulin has a protective effect on the ischemic injury of brain tissue around acute cerebral hemorrhage. The possible mechanisms are as follows: it has been found that there is insulin receptor in the brain, insulin can combine with insulin receptor, reduce the uptake of sugar by brain cells, thus reduce the storage of sugar in brain cells, reduce the substrate produced by lactic acid, fundamentally correct cell acidosis; at the same time, insulin can also reduce the concentration of peripheral blood sugar, increase the effective blood supply of edema zone around hemorrhage, resulting in relatively low blood supply Hyperperfusion of blood glucose can improve brain damage.为了解这两种细胞因子与糖尿病合并脑出血损伤的关系,本研究在糖尿病模型的基础上,拟通过自体血注入法建立稳定的大鼠脑出血的动物模型,在此基础上动态观察脑出血后行为学和脑含水量的变化趋势,分析VEGF和COX-2在出血后脑组织中的分布特点和表达变化,进而探讨VEGF和COX-2在脑出血后脑组织损伤中的作用和意义,对比糖尿病大鼠和正常血糖大鼠脑水肿体积的差别,初步观察此二因子在糖尿病大鼠和正常血糖大鼠脑出血表达的差异,以期为脑出血的治疗提供新的方法和思路。In order to understand the relationship between these two cytokines and the injury of cerebral hemorrhage in diabetes mellitus, this study is to establish a stable animal model of cerebral hemorrhage by autogenous blood injection on the basis of diabetes model. On this basis, dynamic observation of the change trend of behavior and brain water content after cerebral hemorrhage is made, and the distribution characteristics and expression changes of VEGF and COX-2 in brain tissue after hemorrhage are analyzed, Furthermore, to explore the role and significance of VEGF and COX-2 in brain tissue injury after cerebral hemorrhage, to compare the difference of brain edema volume between diabetic rats and normal glucose rats, and to preliminarily observe the difference of expression of VEGF and COX-2 in cerebral hemorrhage between diabetic rats and normal glucose rats, in order to provide new methods and ideas for the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage.材料与方法Materials and methods1. 实验动物和分组1. Experimental animals and groups健康成年雄性Wistar大鼠,共96只,体重250~280克,由郑州大学实验动物中心提供。按照随机化的原则将实验动物分为4组,即假手术组、正常血糖组、高血糖组和胰岛素干预组。每组均设4个时间点:6h、24h、72h、7d。每个时间点设6只大鼠。96 healthy adult male Wistar rats weighing 250-280 g were provided by the experimental animal center of Zhengzhou University. According to the principle of randomization, the experimental animals were divided into four groups: sham operation group, normal blood glucose group, hyperglycemia group and insulin intervention group. Each group had four time points: 6h, 24h, 72h, 7d. Six rats were set at each time . 高血糖大鼠模型制作及胰岛素干预方法2. Establishment of hyperglycemia rat model and insulin intervention参照STZ诱导法制备高血糖大鼠模型。以STZ 60mg/kg,对高血糖及胰岛素干预组大鼠单次腹腔注射。大鼠正常血糖值为4一6mmol/L,注射后一周检测血糖≥为成功模型备选用。高血糖模型成功后,予干预组大鼠普通胰岛素,腹壁皮下注射,3次/d,4U/次,连用3天,测血糖值达正常范围。The hyperglycemia rat model was established by STZ induction. STZ (60 mg / kg) was used for single intraperitoneal injection in the hyperglycemia and insulin intervention group. The normal blood glucose value of rats was 4-6mmol / L, and the blood glucose ≥ was detected one week after injection as the successful model. After the success of hyperglycemia model, rats in the intervention group were given insulin, subcutaneous injection of abdominal wall, 3 times a day, 4U a time, for 3 days, and the blood glucose value reached the normal range.(论文翻译由学术堂提供)
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Increased Blood Sugar on hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhagic apoplexy) the occurrence and development are very important influence, not only as an important risk factor involved in the beginning of HA, resulting in increased incidence of disease, but also to HA after the occurrence of pathological process has a catalytic role to enable hematoma volume expansion, increased edema, increased impairment, affect the blood sugar involved in the mechanism of HA, are manifold, including: lipid metabolic abnormalities, carotid artery remodeling, endothelial dysfunction, platelet dysfunction, hypercoagulability, insulin resistance. Expansion of infarct size and high blood sugar and promoting the development of HA mainly caused by acid poisoning, ischemic injury in areas of apoptosis and other endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and cerebral vascular disease, has attracted people's attention. Vascular endothelial growth factor induced by the prominent role of angiogenesis in vivo and improve vascular permeability; discovered in recent years it also has to stimulate the neurons, glial cells, axonal growth and survival role. COX (cyclooxygenase, COX), is catalyzed arachidonic acid (arachidonic acid, AA) synthesis of prostaglandins (prostgalandin, PG) and thromboxane (thromboxan, TX) of the rate-limiting enzyme. One COX-1 for structural type, exist in most organizations, the catalyst is generated to maintain the normal structure of the PG; COX-2 is induced in physiological conditions, COX-2 in most tissues at very low copy number expression. However, IL-1, TNF and many other inflammation-stimulating factor can induce COX-2 expression. However, current vascular endothelial growth factor and cyclooxygenase Most studies focused on the relationship between cerebral ischemia and brain edema after intracerebral hemorrhage on the dynamic changes of VEGF, COX-2 expression in correlation among recognition of hyperglycemia on cerebral hemorrhage injury in danger at the same time, control, treatment of blood glucose levels become a means of treating cerebrovascular disease, in particular, is used to reduce blood sugar levels of insulin into the acute stroke treatment guidelines. Has been found that insulin on acute cerebral hemorrhage around the brain tissue has a protective effect of ischemic injury. Possible mechanisms are: the brain has been found that the existence of insulin receptors, insulin and insulin receptor binding may reduce the brain cells of glucose uptake, thereby reducing the storage of sugar within the brain cells, reduce lactic acid produced by the substrate, fundamentally correct cellular acidosis; the same time, can also lower blood sugar, insulin concentration, increased bleeding surrounding edema and effective blood supply, resulting in relatively low perfusion state of high blood sugar, thereby improving effect of brain damage was the order to understand these two cytokines and diabetes mellitus the relationship between cerebral hemorrhage injury, this study of diabetes on the basis of the model to be adopted by autologous blood injection method to establish a stable animal model of cerebral hemorrhage in this dynamic observation of cerebral hemorrhage on the basis of After the behavioral and brain water content trends, analysis VEGF and COX-2 in the hemorrhagic brain tissue distribution and expression changes, and then explore the VEGF and COX-2 in brain tissue damage in cerebral hemorrhage the role and significance, compared to diabetes rats and normal blood sugar difference between the volume of brain edema in rats with an initial observation of the two factors in diabetic rats and normal blood sugar difference between the expression of rat brain hemorrhage, with a view to the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage provide new ways and and methods1. Experimental animals and groupingHealthy adult male Wistar rats, a total of 96, weighing 250 to 280 grams from the Experimental Animal Center of Zhengzhou University. In accordance with the principles of randomized experimental animals were divided into four groups, namely sham operation group, normal blood glucose group, high glucose group and the insulin intervention group. Prizes will be awarded 4 points each time: 6h, 24h, 72h, 7d. At each time points are located at 6 . High blood sugar and insulin production in rat model of intervention methodsPrepared by the light of STZ-induced hyperglycemia in rats. With STZ 60mg/kg, high blood sugar and insulin in the intervention group rats a single intraperitoneal injection. Value for four rats with normal blood sugar a 6mmol / L, a week after injection, blood glucose ≥ / L for a successful model for alternative use. Model of high blood sugar after the success of the intervention group I rats were normal insulin, abdominal subcutaneous injection, 3 times / d, 4U / times qd for 3 days, the measured blood sugar value of the normal range.
NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth tooth meets the clinical experience treatmentAbstract: objective to investigate NaQing sexual front teeth tooth overburden match not deep treatment of factors, correction method and the matters needing attention. Methods selection NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth and 18 cases, are not case tooth correction. Results treatment completion time 15 to 21 months, average months. Correction by first teeth together, facial side cover normal appearance was coordination. Conclusion anterior tooth NaQing sex should be repeated in deep choosing good indications fits the tooth under treatment.
Objective: Through the study of animal experiments to observe the United Yishen soup benazepril 5 / 6 nephrectomized rats renal function improved efficacy and reduced TGF-β1 expression in renal tissue and other advantages, and to explore the soup Yishen possible to improve the renal function of mechanism of action. Methods: 1. Select SPF class healthy adult male SD rats with 50 only as the research object, adaptive feeding one weeks later, 10 randomly selected as the sham-operated group (A group), and the remaining 40 with 5 / 6 nephrectomy CRF-made law model. 2. After the success of model selection criteria in line with the study group 32 rats were divided into B: model group, 8; C groups: benazepril group 8; D group: the Chinese Medicines Board 8; E Group : Yishen Decoction United benazepril group referred to as traditional Chinese and western medicine group of eight, together with the A Group of 5 Group. 3. Successful modeling start after delivery, the groups were given corresponding drugs decoction. 4. The end of the experiment 24 hours after the detection of urinary protein and blood BUN, Scr, RBC, Hb, and renal histology observation and renal tissue TGF-β1 expression assay. Results: 1. The general situation: during the experiment, sham-operated rats demonstrated alertness, quick reaction, dense fur, clean and shiny, growth, consumption and the activities had no significant abnormalities, weight gain; model group was significant malnutrition, make them apathetic, slow activity, loss of appetite, fluffy fur, haggard Matte, died in the course of treatment at 2, probably because of renal failure due consideration; benazepril rats than sham-operated group spirit apathetic, slow activity, fur, fluffy; medicine the performance of rats with similar benazepril group; WM rats with sham-operated rats without much difference in general performance, but dry dark fur. 2. Of blood BUN, Scr impact: benazepril group, traditional Chinese medicine group, in the WM group significantly decreased BUN, Scr level, compared with the model group has significant difference (P <), but still high in sham-operated group; traditional Chinese and western medicine group and the Chinese medicine group, benazepril group has significant difference (P <); Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group was no significant difference (P> ). 3. Hematology impact: Chinese medicine group and the TCM-WM group was significantly increased blood RBC, Hb, compared with the model group has statistically significant difference (P <), but the difference between the two groups was not significant (P> ); benazepril group compared with the model group was no significant difference (P> ). 5. Pathologic changes, acceptance of renal rat subtotal excision were visible matrix hyperplasia, glomerular sclerosis, but the model group compared to the treatment group significantly lesser degree of glomerular sclerosis, one of traditional Chinese and western medicine to renal small ball for the lightest sclerosis; Immunohistochemistry results showed that the treatment group in renal tissue expression of TGF-β1 were significantly lower than model group (P <), and traditional Chinese and western medicine group can reduce the TGF-B1 in renal tissue Expression, and traditional Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group has statistically significant difference (P <). Conclusion: Yishen soup through Yiqi Jianpi, huoxuehuayu, dampness Xiexin Turbidimetry, CRF can reduce blood BUN, Scr, improve anemia and reduce proteinuria, can be reduced effectively with 5 / 6 nephrectomy-induced CRF rat kidney tissue expression of TGF-β1, thereby reducing the accumulation of ECM, slowing the development of renal fibrosis, and delay the progress of CRF. Fully Yishen soup has a good anti-renal fibrosis, but also after the United benazepril better efficacy.
Objective: Through the study of animal experiments to observe the United Yishen soup benazepril 5 / 6 nephrectomized rats renal function improved efficacy and reduced TGF-β1 expression in renal tissue and other advantages, and to explore the soup Yishen possible to improve the renal function of mechanism of action. Methods: 1. Select SPF class healthy adult male SD rats with 50 only as the research object, adaptive feeding one weeks later, 10 randomly selected as the sham-operated group (A group), and the remaining 40 with 5 / 6 nephrectomy CRF-made law model. 2. After the success of model selection criteria in line with the study group 32 rats were divided into B: model group, 8; C groups: benazepril group 8; D group: the Chinese Medicines Board 8; E Group : Yishen Decoction United benazepril group referred to as traditional Chinese and western medicine group of eight, together with the A Group of 5 Group. 3. Successful modeling start after delivery, the groups were given corresponding drugs decoction. 4. The end of the experiment 24 hours after the detection of urinary protein and blood BUN, Scr, RBC, Hb, and renal histology observation and renal tissue TGF-β1 expression assay. Results: 1. The general situation: during the experiment, sham-operated rats demonstrated alertness, quick reaction, dense fur, clean and shiny, growth, consumption and the activities had no significant abnormalities, weight gain; model group was significant malnutrition, make them apathetic, slow activity, loss of appetite, fluffy fur, haggard Matte, died in the course of treatment at 2, probably because of renal failure due consideration; benazepril rats than sham-operated group spirit apathetic, slow activity, fur, fluffy; medicine the performance of rats with similar benazepril group; WM rats with sham-operated rats without much difference in general performance, but dry dark fur. 2. Of blood BUN, Scr impact: benazepril group, traditional Chinese medicine group, in the WM group significantly decreased BUN, Scr level, compared with the model group has significant difference (P <), but still high in sham-operated group; traditional Chinese and western medicine group and the Chinese medicine group, benazepril group has significant difference (P <); Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group was no significant difference (P> ). 3. Hematology impact: Chinese medicine group and the TCM-WM group was significantly increased blood RBC, Hb, compared with the model group has statistically significant difference (P <), but the difference between the two groups was not significant (P> ); benazepril group compared with the model group was no significant difference (P> ). 5. Pathologic changes, acceptance of renal rat subtotal excision were visible matrix hyperplasia, glomerular sclerosis, but the model group compared to the treatment group significantly lesser degree of glomerular sclerosis, one of traditional Chinese and western medicine to renal small ball for the lightest sclerosis; Immunohistochemistry results showed that the treatment group in renal tissue expression of TGF-β1 were significantly lower than model group (P <), and traditional Chinese and western medicine group can reduce the TGF-B1 in renal tissue Expression, and traditional Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group has statistically significant difference (P <). Conclusion: Yishen soup through Yiqi Jianpi, huoxuehuayu, dampness Xiexin Turbidimetry, CRF can reduce blood BUN, Scr, improve anemia and reduce proteinuria, can be reduced effectively with 5 / 6 nephrectomy-induced CRF rat kidney tissue expression of TGF-β1, thereby reducing the accumulation of ECM, slowing the development of renal fibrosis, and delay the progress of CRF. Fully Yishen soup has a good anti-renal fibrosis, but also after the United benazepril better efficacy.