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首页 > 学术期刊 > 二维动画短片毕业论文

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原画表达在动画影片设计中的重要性摘要: 通过创作毕业设计《绝杀》二维动画短片,展开对写实风格影片中,人物动作设计与镜头运用表达的分析研究。从而较深入的以专业创作角度剖析动画片设计中动作设计表达在镜头连接运用中的技术问题。通过分析动画影片中原画动作表演要素对剧情环境与要求的表达、镜头语言特征、镜头语言运用与设计表演呼应关系等内容,在阐述各自技术性作用的同时,引出两者表现手法中的冲突和联系,并在此前提下针对动画影片设计中易产生的误区进行分析,提出自己对该课题的观点,阐明削弱和提升“动”与“镜”设计手法的互动效应和对影片表达的影响作用,同时论证二者综合运用的矛盾和统一性,剖析原画设计在镜头表达中的意义和重要性.

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143 评论


原动画后期制作研究摘要:随着电脑技术的快速发展 其硬件和软件随着时间的推移在快速更新,Pc处理能力在迅速增长 硬盘的容量在不断增大。现在一台高配置的Pc机已经可以满足相当一部分动画制作的计算及处理上的需要.已经具备了利用较为廉价的电脑来完成学生的动画作品后期制作的条件。近几年来,计划开设和已开设动画专业的院校的数量在逐年增长。本文就原动画后期制作方面作一些探讨。关键词:动画,后期制作原动画学生短片的制作分成三个阶段:前期创作、中期创作及后期创作 前期和中期创作的任务主要有剧本的完成、根据剧本将人物和场景设计出来、分镜,并把每一卡的原画画好,从而完成了纸面上的工作。但这只是停留在纸上,是静止的.还不会动。作为动画专业的学生,需要把他所想的和他所画的以动画片的形式展现出来 这就要用到电脑作为制作工具来完成最后一个阶段的工作。用电脑来完成后期制作.尽管电脑只是一个工具 但实际上会涉及很多环节,要扫描、上色,对图片进行一些处理 制作律表并渲染、收集合适的音频素材和录制声音 然后到非线性编辑软件编辑合成并生成视频文件。再由此视频文件压缩成MPEG-1和DVD兼容的MPEG-2文件 接下来才可以刻录成VCD和DVD光盘,作为毕业作品用于播放、展示和交流。整个后期制作过程中,会涉及到好几个软件,同时还会碰到很多概念和技术问题 譬如压缩、场、AIpha通道、VCD和DVD的标准等问题,很多学生对电脑的基础知识不够扎实 对后期所用到的软件学得比较肤浅 这样在后期这个过程中不可避免地会出现很多问题 各个环节都会碰到问题。鉴于这几年所碰到的问题 选择一种在学校环境下简便易行的后期制作方案就十分有必要这有助于学生更好地创作。计算机动画的关键技术体现在计算机动画制作软件及硬件上。计算机硬件在条件允许的情况下,尽量配置得高一点,硬盘尤其要大一点。计算机动画制作软件目前很多不同的计算机动画软件.有不同的动画效果,虽然制作的复杂程度不同 但动画的基本原理是一致的。考虑到价格和易用性等因素,我们选用了日本生产的一种计算机二维动画软件——Retas。后期制作的第一个环节是把已经画好的每一卡画稿在Retas的TraceMan模块中将动画铅笔稿序列和背景通过扫描仪输入电脑并将轮廓线修整到最适合上色的状态。TraceMan模块中一次可以同时辨认7种颜色的色线,以便在序列上色过程中对轮廓线进行保护,由此把纸上的画稿转换成TGA格式的数字图像。接着在PaintMan模块中 为描线后的铅笔动画稿上色.线条和颜色可以保存在不同的层里。上完色后 有些图片可以到Photoshop中进行进一步处理,然后在CoreRetas模块中制作每一卡的律表 其中可包含多达1OO层的二维动画.能够自由全面地模拟镜头工作。支持律表的嵌套。实现复杂的律表合成:可分别控制连续关键帧和不连续关键帧:通过Plugin插件可对每层和每帧进行特殊效果控制 可满足高清晰度电影和电视的要求,制作完成的动画可事先预览,满意后经渲染输出成一视频文件。为了尽可能保证视频质量,我们选用无压缩的AVI或MOV格式.但同时也使得每一个镜头的视频文件所占用的硬盘空间极为庞大。当每一个镜头都渲染完成后 再到Premiere软件中串起来添上字幕和音频,最后经渲染形成一个视频文件。在Premiere6 5中可以直接渲染成MPEG-1和MPEG-2格式的视频文件 但生成的视频图像的质量不太令人满意。如果生成有压缩的或DV格式的AVI文件,其视频质量也不太好 尤其是一些镜头变化比较快的地方容易出现马赛克现象,颜色过渡比较丰富的地方会出现色块,缺乏颜色的平滑过渡。如果用这个AVI文件去经编码转成MPEG一1和MPEG一2格式的视频文件,视频质量会更差。由于劣质的视频图像质量会严重影响播放效果 对正确评价毕业创作带来负面影响。为了在非专业设备的情况下尽可能得到高的视频图像质量 渲染时生成无压缩的AVI或MOV格式的视频文件作为母版是上上之选。但在以前,我们在这一个环节上出现问题,却一时不知其中缘由。由于一个五分钟左右或者更长的动画短片,其前期和中期创作的任务就非常繁重,光是画稿就要上千张.而毕业创作的整个时间也就4个月左右,到了后期制作往往所剩时间已不多,然而后期制作的环节很多 而且都是必须做的.工作量很大,加上对各个软件的使用和理解上还有偏差.这样一来,加班加点便是家常便饭。如果对片子想要精雕细琢,就需要付出更加艰辛的劳动。同时.由于对毕业创作的进程把握上不是很有经验.到了毕业设计交稿的日子.有些学生还没有把整个片子最后渲染出来:时间线上已编辑好的.却无法把整个片子按无压缩的方式生成AVI或MOV格式的视频文件 由于时间紧迫,没有太多的时间来分析问题.解决问题。事后经查阅资料,发现这个问题实践上不是由Premiere软件引起的.而是出在wi ndow s操作系统上。当时我们采用的操作系统为Windows 2000专业版,但硬盘的每个逻辑盘采用了FAT32格式.这种格式下。单个文件其大小最多只能达到4GB.而1 8分钟DV格式的AVI文件其大小达到4GB:一分钟720 x 576无压缩AVI格式的视频文件的大小为1 75GB,二分钟多一点的不压缩视频文件就达到4GB,已达到FAT32格式文件的上限,就停止渲染,而毕业作品的片长都在三分钟以上.所以就没办法用无压缩的AVI格式渲染整个片子。由于单个文件4GB对于绝大多数用户来说是不可想象的也就不会出现这样的情况 所以很少会有书籍或资料提到这个实际上由操作系统和文件分配表引起的问题。硬盘逻辑分区只要采用NTFS格式,文件大小就不会有限制 这时受限的是其他因素,例如视频文件所在硬盘逻辑盘所剩空间的大小。对于有非线性编辑板卡的机器,一般采用Windows NT操作系统.其文件格式已采用NTFS 就不会出现单个文件最多4GB的问题。找到问题的症结后,考虑到有些学生的片子可能会比较长,对二年前购买的机器进行升级,扩充内存,加装硬盘,并把所有机器的每个逻辑分区都用NTFS格式,其中有一个分区的容量达到60GB或更大,用来存放不压缩的视频文件。由于有着清晰的后期制作思路,创作得以顺利进行,这次最长的一部片子时间长达1 2分48秒,渲染出的视频文件大小达22 4GB。

239 评论


Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow. 回答者:匿名 2009-6-18 15:33Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow.

88 评论


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