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这个是我的论文开题报告,已经会议通过了的论文(设计)题目 Translation of Public Signs From Pragmatic Perspective从语用角度看公示语翻译课题目的、意义及相关研究动态:目的:随着我国经济的发展和对外开放步伐的加快,国际间的友好往来及经济合作日益增多,对外联系和国际交流日益频繁。公示语是国际化都市、旅游目的地的语言环境和人文环境的重要组成部分。因此,汉语公示语的英译日趋重要。但现在在我国各大城市的公示语翻译中存在着参差不齐的错误,意义:现在在我国部分城市的公示语中,由于没有正确把握语用等效的原则,出现了信息偏差、信息错误和信息交际障碍,即语用失误,包含语用语言方面的失误和社交语用方面的失误。本文拟从语用角度分析在我国部分公示语的翻译问题,通过探讨公示语的语言特点和语用功能,提出公示语的翻译原则和方法。研究动态:吕和方指出了公示语的四种应用功能特征:指示性、提示性、限制性、强制性,分析了公示语的“动态”和“静态”信息,并对公示语独特的语言风格进行了阐述。王银泉、万正方、金龙等剖析了我国城市公共场所公示语英译中存在的失误现象,提出具体的可行性改进意见,探讨了公示语翻译的方法和规律。于秋、黄小明认为由于语言和文化的不同,汉语公示语在英译时经常出现语用失效问题,这些问题主要表现在语用语言失误和社交语用失误两方面。2003年8月,北京第二外国语学院开通了“汉英公示语研究在线”(http://www•;e-signs•info•com), 2004年9月负责主编了《汉英公示语词典》,系统总结了目前的公示语翻译,并成立了“汉英公示语研究课题组”。课题的主要内容(观点)、创新之处:主要内容:本文从语用的角度来讨论公示语的翻译,分析了公示语的分类及其特点,并引用大量例证说明我国现在在公示语翻译方面所存在的问题。提出在公示语的翻译中,应根据关联理论,充分考虑语境,运用语用等效的原则来进行翻译。创新之处:我国现有的研究公示语翻译的论文有很多,但本文提出公示语的翻译应该重视语境的作用,增加关联度,扩大认知环境,以达到语用等效目的。研究方法、设计方案或论文撰写提纲:研究方法:采用演绎法和文献资料法相结合的方法,运用事例型论据与理论型论据,提出在公示语的翻译中应遵循语用等效的原则。论文撰写提纲:引言一、公示语概述(一)公示语的定义及特点(二)公示语的分类(三)公示语的实用功能二、从语用等效角度看公示语汉英翻译中存在的问题(一)中式英语对语用语言等效的影响(二)文化因素对社交语用等效的影响三、关联理论与语用等效翻译(一)源语与语境之间的关联(二)相关的公示语言不同地位(三)如何达到语用等效四、语用等效在公示语翻译中的应用(一)逆向选择措辞或表达方式(二)熟知目标公示语习语表达(三)精简目标语中长句翻译(四)确定公示语所处语境(五)充分考虑目标公示语的文化因素结语完成期限和预期进度:1、选题:2008年10月15日以前2、下达任务书:2008年10月31日以前3、开题:2008年11月30日以前4、中期检查:下期开学以后,3月31日前5、答辩与成绩评定:2009年5月20日主要参考资料:Eugene A Nida. Language, Culture and Translating [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1993Eugene A. Nida & Charles R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation [M].Halliday, M. A. K. An Introduction to Functional Grammar [M]. London: Edward Arnold, 1994Leo Hickey. The Pragmatics of Translation何自然.语用学与英语学习[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.李怀奎,李怀宏.景观标识名称汉译英的语用等效研究[J].上海科技翻译,2004.刘建刚,闫建华.论告示的语用等效翻译[J].上海翻译,2005.王银泉.汉英公示语翻译及其译学理据[J]. 北京第二外国语学院学报(外语版),2007魏海波,刘全福.公示语英译中的语用关联分析[J]. 绍兴文理学院学报,2007杨丽波.国内公示语汉英翻译研究现状[J]. 怀化学院学报,2007指导教师意见:我可以帮你写,再联系

316 评论


"The article from the current certificate of language translation some typical mistakes, the notification in the han and easy to translate the process of such as spelling and grammar, chinese, english is stylistically appealing and semantically vague ; cultural misunderstandings. such problems related to translate theory to solve the problem of countermeasures to improve and enhance public announcements of the translation quality. "The key words" within the language translation error ; ; countermeasures "notification" means the language of signs, shop signs, publicity, alert and travel brochures, it is widely used in various aspects of our lives. as china's economic development, china and the world to communicate constantly increasing, public chinese-english bilingual identity and language is also, the prompt,But mistakes and irregular phenomenon is emerging, which are morally repugnant. don't correct and incorrect interpretation is not only affect the foreign friends are chinese food, clothing and live in a row and is also the spirit of the city and the overall image, and affect our international image. in recent years many languages and translated to the experts appealed to the language translation within the research into the translation of the relevant departments. increase understanding and strengthen the momentum carry out reforms. in this,I rely on some examples, to comment on the language translation within a few issues. Four, this Within the translation is a large and small projects, involving many factors, to be solved, the social needs and concerns. the author survey are just the tip of the iceberg. the translation is a 厚积薄发 process, ask for 外宣 the continued efforts to improve their language training, cultural qualities, as much understanding of the english-speaking culture and way of translation. at the same time should be reviewed every word, Careful treatment of every word and never will, at different cultures. moreover, many things have evolved, it is important to the translation principle. this would be required to pay more attention to other translators we had a chance to go abroad, you will have seen and heard the record, there is a need for it. as a "it" to avoid a lot of unnecessary. i believe that every translation by the joint effort, Began to clear from every word of "junk" language, you can create a clean and comfortable environment. language

336 评论


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