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首页 > 学术期刊 > c语言推箱子游戏的毕业论文

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//空:0  墙:1  箱子:3   巢:4   箱子与巢重合:5[MAPCOUNT]map_count=8[MAP1]w=8h=8nest_count=4l1=0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0l2=0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0l3=1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0l4=1 3 2 0 2 1 1 1l5=1 1 1 4 2 0 3 1l6=0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1l7=0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0l8=0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0[MAP2]w=9h=9nest_count=3l1=1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0l2=1 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0l3=1 0 2 2 1 0 1 1 1l4=1 0 2 0 1 0 1 3 1l5=1 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 1l6=0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 1l7=0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1l8=0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1l9=0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0[MAP3]w=10h=7nest_count=4l1=0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0l2=0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1l3=1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1l4=1 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 1l5=1 0 3 3 1 0 2 0 1 1l6=1 1 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 0l7=0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0[MAP4]w=6h=8nest_count=5l1=0 1 1 1 1 0l2=1 1 0 0 1 0l3=1 4 2 0 1 0l4=1 1 2 0 1 1l5=1 1 0 2 0 1l6=1 3 2 0 0 1l7=1 3 3 5 3 1l8=1 1 1 1 1 1//以上为地图数据文件,保存为文件//空:0  墙:1  箱子:3   巢:4   箱子与巢重合:5#include <>#include <>#include <>#include <>#include <>typedef struct{ int x; int y;} PT;int** s;PT man;PT* nest=NULL;PT prev;int nest_count=0;int map_count=0;int gate=1;int w,h;char work_dir[100]={'\0'};char data_file[100]={'\0'};void GetDataFromFile();void GetIntFromLineString(char* ch, int len, int i);void Draw();bool is_Success();int main(){ printf("Loading..."); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci;  = FALSE;  = sizeof(cci); HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleCursorInfo(handle, &cci); _getcwd(work_dir,100); strcpy(data_file,work_dir); strcat(data_file,"\\"); if(access(data_file,0)) { printf("Don't find map data file !"); getch(); exit(0); } while(1) { GetDataFromFile(); int sel=0; Draw(); while(1) { fflush(stdin); sel=getch(); if(sel==224) { sel=getch(); prev=man; if(sel==77)  //right { if(s[][]==2) { if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=2; s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } else if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } else if(sel==80)  //down { if(s[][]==2) { if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=2; s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } else if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } else if(sel==72)  //up { if(s[][]==2) { if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=2; s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } else if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } else if(sel==75)  //left { if(s[][]==2) { if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=2; s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } else if(s[][]==0 || s[][]==3) { s[][]=4; s[][]=0; } else { continue; } } int i; for(i=0;imap_count) { printf("\n\nmap is end!"); fflush(stdin); getch(); exit(0); } break; } } else if(sel=='q' || sel=='Q') { exit(0); } else if(sel=='r' || sel=='R') { break; } } } return 0;}void GetDataFromFile(){ int i; if(s!=NULL) { if(h!=0) { for(i=0;i0) { line[len++]=' '; line[len]='\0'; } GetIntFromLineString(line,strlen(line),i); } len=0; for(i=0;iend) { target[i]='\0'; break; } }}void GetIntFromLineString(char* ch, int len, int i){ int j=0; char c[5]={'\0'}; int b=0,e=0; while(e

348 评论


#include<>#include<>typedef struct ele{ int vno; /*物品号*/ struct ele *link; /*另一物品的指针*/ }ELE; typedef struct hnode{ int remainder;/*箱子尚剩空间*/ ELE *head; /*箱内物品链首元指针*/ struct hnode *next;/*箱子链的后继箱子指针*/ }HNODE; main() { int n,i,box_count,box_volume,*a; HNODE *box_h,*box_t,*j; ELE *p,*q; printf("输入箱子容积 "); scanf("%d",&box_volume); printf("输入物品种数 "); scanf("%d",&n); a=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);/*存储物品体积信息的数组*/ printf( "请按体积大小顺序输入各物品的体积: "); for(i=0;ivno=i; for(j=box_h;j!=NULL;j=j->next) if(j->remainder>=a[i ]) break; /*找到还可以装物品i的箱子*/ if(j==NULL) { /*已用箱子都不能装物品i*/ j=(HNODE *)malloc(sizeof(HNODE)); /*使用一只新的箱子*/ j->remainder=box_volume-a[i ]; j->head=NULL; if(box_h==NULL) box_h=box_t=j; /* box-t有什么用处,能解释一下吗?*/ else box_t=box_t->next=j; /*此外box-t又有什么用(在程序中),请说详一细*/ j->next=NULL; box_count++; } else j->remainder=a[i ]; /*将物品i放入箱子j*/ for(q=j->head;q!=NULL&&q->link!=NULL;q=q->link);/*从这里起是放入物品号*/ if(q==NULL) { p->link=j->head; j->head=p; } else { p->link=NULL; q->link=p; } }/*for i*/ }

307 评论


/* 一个C语言编写的推箱子游戏源代码 */ /* 本游戏是字符模式的,请不要在中文dos下运行。本游戏在TURBO C下调试通过 */#include <>#include <>#include <>#include <>#include <>#include <>/* 定义二维数组ghouse来记录屏幕上各点的状态,其中:0表示什么都没有,'b'表示箱子,'w'表示墙壁,'m'表示目的地,'i'表示箱子在目的地。 */char ghouse[20][20];/* 以下函数为直接写屏函数,很酷的函数哦!是我朋友告诉我的。 */char far *screen=(char far* )0xb8000000;void putchxy(int y,int x,char ch,char fc,char bc){ screen[(x*160)+(y<<1)+0]=ch; screen[(x*160)+(y<<1)+1]=(bc*16)+fc;}/* 定义判断是否胜利的数据结构 */typedef struct winer { int x,y; struct winer *p;}winer;/* 箱子位置的数据结构 */typedef struct boxs { int x,y; struct boxs *next;}boxs;/* 在特定的坐标上画墙壁并用数组记录状态的函数 */void printwall(int x,int y){ putchxy(y-1,x-1,219,GREEN,BLACK); ghouse[x][y]='w';}/* 在特定的坐标上画箱子并用数组记录状态的函数 */void printbox(int x,int y){ putchxy(y-1,x-1,10,WHITE,BLACK); ghouse[x][y]='b';}/* 在特定的坐标上画目的地并用数组记录状态的函数 */void printwhither1(int x,int y,winer **win,winer **pw){ winer *qw; putchxy(y-1,x-1,'*',YELLOW,BLACK); ghouse[x][y]='m'; if(*win==NULL) { *win=*pw=qw=(winer* )malloc(sizeof(winer)); (*pw)->x=x;(*pw)->y=y;(*pw)->p=NULL; } else { qw=(winer* )malloc(sizeof(winer)); qw->x=x;qw->y=y;(*pw)->p=qw;(*pw)=qw;qw->p=NULL; }}/* 在特定的坐标上画目的地并用数组记录状态的函数 */void printwhither(int x,int y){ putchxy(y-1,x-1,'*',YELLOW,BLACK); ghouse[x][y]='m';}/* 在特定的坐标上画人的函数 */void printman(int x,int y){ gotoxy(y,x); _AL=02;_CX=01;_AH=0xa; geninterrupt(0x10);}/* 在特定的坐标上画箱子在目的地上并用数组记录状态的函数 */void printboxin(int x,int y){ putchxy(y-1,x-1,10,YELLOW,BLACK); ghouse[x][y]='i';}/* 初始化函数,初始化数组和屏幕 */void init(){ int i,j; for(i=0;i<20;i++) for(j=0;j<20;j++) ghouse[i][j]=0; _AL=3; _AH=0; geninterrupt(0x10); gotoxy(40,4); printf("Welcome to come box world!"); gotoxy(40,6); printf("Press up,down,left,right to play."); gotoxy(40,8); printf("Press Esc to quit it."); gotoxy(40,10); printf("Press space to reset the game."); gotoxy(40,12); printf("Producer : wangdehao."); gotoxy(40,14); printf("Mar. 30th 2003.");}/* 第一关的图象初始化 */winer *inithouse1(){ int x,y; winer *win=NULL,*pw; for(x=1,y=5;y<=9;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(y=5,x=2;x<=5;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(y=9,x=2;x<=5;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(y=1,x=3;x<=8;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=3,y=3;x<=5;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=5,y=8;x<=9;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=7,y=4;x<=9;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=9,y=5;y<=7;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=8,y=2;y<=3;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); printwall(5+4,4+10); printwall(5+4,7+10); printwall(3+4,2+10); printbox(3+4,6+10); printbox(3+4,7+10); printbox(4+4,7+10); printwhither1(4+4,2+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(5+4,2+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(6+4,2+10,&win,&pw); printman(2+4,8+10);return win;}/* 第三关的图象初始化 */winer *inithouse3(){int x,y; winer *win=NULL,*pw; for(x=1,y=2;y<=8;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=2,y=2;x<=4;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=4,y=1;y<=3;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=5,y=1;x<=8;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=8,y=2;y<=5;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=5,y=5;x<=7;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=7,y=6;y<=9;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=3,y=9;x<=6;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=3,y=6;y<=8;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); printwall(2+4,8+10); printwall(5+4,7+10); printbox(6+4,3+10); printbox(4+4,4+10); printbox(5+4,6+10); printwhither1(2+4,5+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(2+4,6+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(2+4,7+10,&win,&pw); printman(2+4,4+10);return win;}/* 第二关的图象初始化 */winer *inithouse2(){int x,y; winer *win=NULL,*pw; for(x=1,y=4;y<=7;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=2,y=2;y<=4;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=2,y=7;x<=4;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=4,y=1;x<=8;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=8,y=2;y<=8;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=4,y=8;x<=8;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=4,y=6;x<=5;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=3,y=2;x<=4;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=4,y=4;x<=5;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); printwall(6+4,3+10); printbox(3+4,5+10); printbox(6+4,6+10); printbox(7+4,3+10); printwhither1(5+4,7+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(6+4,7+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(7+4,7+10,&win,&pw); printman(2+4,6+10);return win;}/* 第四关的图象初始化 */winer *inithouse4(){ int x,y; winer *win=NULL,*pw; for(x=1,y=1;y<=6;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=2,y=7;y<=8;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=2,y=1;x<=7;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=7,y=2;y<=4;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=6,y=4;y<=9;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=3,y=9;x<=5;x++) printwall(x+4,y+10); for(x=3,y=3;y<=4;y++) printwall(x+4,y+10); printwall(3+4,8+10); printbox(3+4,5+10); printbox(4+4,4+10); printbox(4+4,6+10); printbox(5+4,5+10); printbox(5+4,3+10); printwhither1(3+4,7+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(4+4,7+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(5+4,7+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(4+4,8+10,&win,&pw); printwhither1(5+4,8+10,&win,&pw); printman(2+4,2+10);return win;}/* 移动在空地上的箱子到空地上 */movebox(int x,int y,char a){ switch(a) { case 'u':ghouse[x-1][y]=0;printf(" "); printbox(x-2,y);printman(x-1,y); ghouse[x-2][y]='b';break; case 'd':ghouse[x+1][y]=0;printf(" "); printbox(x+2,y);printman(x+1,y); ghouse[x+2][y]='b';break; case 'l':ghouse[x][y-1]=0;printf(" "); printbox(x,y-2);printman(x,y-1); ghouse[x][y-2]='b';break; case 'r':ghouse[x][y+1]=0;printf(" "); printbox(x,y+2);printman(x,y+1); ghouse[x][y+2]='b';break; default: break; }}/* 移动在目的地上的箱子到空地上 */moveinbox(int x,int y,char a){ switch(a) { case 'u':ghouse[x-1][y]='m';printf(" "); printbox(x-2,y);printman(x-1,y); ghouse[x-2][y]='b';break; case 'd':ghouse[x+1][y]='m';printf(" "); printbox(x+2,y);printman(x+1,y); ghouse[x+2][y]='b';break; case 'l':ghouse[x][y-1]='m';printf(" "); printbox(x,y-2);printman(x,y-1); ghouse[x][y-2]='b';break; case 'r':ghouse[x][y+1]='m';printf(" "); printbox(x,y+2);printman(x,y+1); ghouse[x][y+2]='b';break; default: break; }}/* 移动在空地上的箱子到目的地上 */moveboxin(int x,int y,char a){ switch(a) { case 'u':ghouse[x-1][y]=0;printf(" "); printboxin(x-2,y);printman(x-1,y); ghouse[x-2][y]='i';break; case 'd':ghouse[x+1][y]=0;printf(" "); printboxin(x+2,y);printman(x+1,y); ghouse[x+2][y]='i';break; case 'l':ghouse[x][y-1]=0;printf(" "); printboxin(x,y-2);printman(x,y-1); ghouse[x][y-2]='i';break; case 'r':ghouse[x][y+1]=0;printf(" "); printboxin(x,y+2);printman(x,y+1); ghouse[x][y+2]='i';break; default: break; }}/* 移动在目的地上的箱子到目的地 */moveinboxin(int x,int y,char a){ switch(a) { case 'u':ghouse[x-1][y]='m';printf(" "); printboxin(x-2,y);printman(x-1,y); ghouse[x-2][y]='i';break; case 'd':ghouse[x+1][y]='m';printf(" "); printboxin(x+2,y);printman(x+1,y); ghouse[x+2][y]='i';break; case 'l':ghouse[x][y-1]='m';printf(" "); printboxin(x,y-2);printman(x,y-1); ghouse[x][y-2]='i';break; case 'r':ghouse[x][y+1]='m';printf(" "); printboxin(x,y+2);printman(x,y+1); ghouse[x][y+2]='i';break; default: break; }}/* 判断特定的坐标上的状态 */int judge(int x,int y){ int i; switch(ghouse[x][y]) { case 0: i=1;break; case 'w': i=0;break; case 'b': i=2;break; case 'i': i=4;break; case 'm': i=3;break; default: break; }return i;}/* 处理按下键盘后,人物移动的主函数 */move(int x,int y,char a){ switch(a) { case 'u':if(!judge(x-1,y)) {gotoxy(y,x);break;} else if(judge(x-1,y)==1||judge(x-1,y)==3) {if(judge(x,y)==3) { printwhither(x,y);printman(x-1,y);break;} else {printf(" ");printman(x-1,y);break;} } else if(judge(x-1,y)==2) { if(judge(x-2,y)==1) {movebox(x,y,'u'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y,x-1); } else if(judge(x-2,y)==3) { moveboxin(x,y,'u'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y,x-1); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } else if(judge(x-1,y)==4) { if(judge(x-2,y)==1) {moveinbox(x,y,'u'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y);gotoxy(y,x-1); } else if(judge(x-2,y)==3) { moveinboxin(x,y,'u'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y);gotoxy(y,x-1); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } case 'd':if(!judge(x+1,y)) {gotoxy(y,x);break;} else if(judge(x+1,y)==1||judge(x+1,y)==3) {if(judge(x,y)==3) { printwhither(x,y);printman(x+1,y);break;} else {printf(" ");printman(x+1,y);break;} } else if(judge(x+1,y)==2) { if(judge(x+2,y)==1) {movebox(x,y,'d'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y);gotoxy(y,x+1); } else if(judge(x+2,y)==3) {moveboxin(x,y,'d'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y);gotoxy(y,x+1); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } else if(judge(x+1,y)==4) { if(judge(x+2,y)==1) {moveinbox(x,y,'d'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y);gotoxy(y,x+1); } else if(judge(x+2,y)==3) {moveinboxin(x,y,'d'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y);gotoxy(y,x+1); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } case 'l':if(!judge(x,y-1)) {gotoxy(y,x);break;} else if(judge(x,y-1)==1||judge(x,y-1)==3) {if(judge(x,y)==3) { printwhither(x,y);printman(x,y-1);break;} else {printf(" ");printman(x,y-1);break;} } else if(judge(x,y-1)==2) { if(judge(x,y-2)==1) {movebox(x,y,'l'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y-1,x); } else if(judge(x,y-2)==3) {moveboxin(x,y,'l'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y-1,x); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } else if(judge(x,y-1)==4) { if(judge(x,y-2)==1) {moveinbox(x,y,'l'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y-1,x); } else if(judge(x,y-2)==3) {moveinboxin(x,y,'l'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y-1,x); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } case 'r':if(!judge(x,y+1)) {gotoxy(y,x);break;} else if(judge(x,y+1)==1||judge(x,y+1)==3) {if(judge(x,y)==3) {printwhither(x,y);printman(x,y+1);break;} else {printf(" ");printman(x,y+1);break;} } else if(judge(x,y+1)==2) { if(judge(x,y+2)==1) {movebox(x,y,'r'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y+1,x); } else if(judge(x,y+2)==3) {moveboxin(x,y,'r'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y+1,x); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } else if(judge(x,y+1)==4) { if(judge(x,y+2)==1) {moveinbox(x,y,'r'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y+1,x); } else if(judge(x,y+2)==3) {moveinboxin(x,y,'r'); if(judge(x,y)==3) printwhither(x,y); gotoxy(y+1,x); } else gotoxy(y,x); break; } default: break; }}/* 按下空格键后,回到本关开头的函数 */void reset(int i){ switch(i) { case 0: init(); inithouse1();break; case 1: init(); inithouse2();break; case 2: init(); inithouse3();break; case 3: init(); inithouse4();break; default:break; }}/* 主函数main */void main(){ int key,x,y,s,i=0; winer *win,*pw; _AL=3;_AH=0; geninterrupt(0x10); init(); win=inithouse1(); do{ _AH=3; geninterrupt(0x10); x=_DH+1;y=_DL+1; while(bioskey(1)==0); key=bioskey(0); switch(key) { case 0x4800:move(x,y,'u');break; /* 按下向上键后 */ case 0x5000:move(x,y,'d');break; /* 按下向下键后 */ case 0x4b00:move(x,y,'l');break; /* 按下向左键后 */ case 0x4d00:move(x,y,'r');break; /* 按下向右键后 */ case 0x3920:reset(i);break; /* 按下空格键后 */ default:break; } s=0; pw=win; while(pw) { if(ghouse[pw->x][pw->y]=='m') s++; pw=pw->p; } if(s==0) { free(win); gotoxy(25,2); printf("congratulate! you did a good job!"); getch(); i++; switch(i) { case 1: init(); win=inithouse2();break; case 2: init(); win=inithouse3();break; case 3: init(); win=inithouse4();break; case 4: gotoxy(15,21); printf("My dear Friend, How smart you are! Welcome to play again!"); key=0x011b;getch();break; default: break; } } }while(key!=0x011b);_AL=3;_AH=0;geninterrupt(0x10);}

83 评论


  • 语言游戏的研究论文


    lucherking18 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • c语言毕业论文查重


    小桥人家1982 3人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • c语言毕业论文范文


    倒数第一丑 6人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • c语言设计毕业论文


    黄金哇塞赛 5人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • c语言毕业论文答辩

    答辩一般都会根据你的设计论文和展板内容问。最通常的就是询问你的设计想法是什么。然后让你讲解你做的设计的设计风格和手段用的是哪种?设计特点体现在哪里。 最关键的是

    陈达文文 4人参与回答 2023-12-05