Countries in the world of development of agricultural information (世界各国农业信息化发展) World Agricultural Information technology generally go through three stages: the first stage is 50-60 during the 20th century, radio, telephone communications and science and computer information stage; the second phase is 70-80 during the 20th century, computer data processing and knowledge processing stage; the third stage of the 20th century since the 90's agricultural database development, network and multimedia technologies and agricultural production, such as automatic control of the new stage of development. At present, the area of information technology in agriculture in the world's leading countries in the United States, Germany and Japan. The United States is the leader in information technology, agriculture, Japan, Germany, followed by France and other developed countries; India and other developing countries, although the late start, but developed rapidly; Vietnam also recognizes the importance of agriculture and information technology, is stepping up its to catch up. United States of America Since 1844, Morse (SFBMorse) invented the first telegram, the subsequent image transfer technology with the invention, the . audio and video broadcasts of the radio has been the rapid development and popularization of rural areas has been greatly promoted the United States the process of agricultural information; AppleMacintosh series in 1984 launched the commercialization of computer operation and the promotion of practical use to stimulate the building of the . agricultural database, computer network, such as construction. In 1985, the United States published the world's 428 agricultural computerized cataloging database. These databases is one of the most important agricultural information resources. One of the most famous, most widely used is: The United States National Agricultural Library and co-developed by the . Department of Agriculture A-GRICOLA, its storage magazine articles, government publications, technical reports and so on. The United States also has a national crop germplasm resources information management system across the country to provide services to the breeding farm; the 20th century, the United States since the 70s of the computer application scope gradually to the farm. By 1985, the United States has 8% of farmers use the computer processing of agricultural production, including some large farms have been computerized. Today, computer applications, to the United States, farm management and production control, research and production of high-quality, efficient and cost-effective. Japan MAFF information in rural areas of the building from the mid-50th century farm broadcasting (cable run) to start the infrastructure. By the late 20th century, 60, Japan "GreenUtopia the concept of" response to the news media at that time the trend of information technology for rural development has played a great role in promoting. By the late 80's, for a variety of rapidly growing popularity of information technology, network development, information-based policy in rural areas continue to expand in rural areas, the degree of information technology into the rapid development stage. The end of 1998, in the prefectures in Japan with the establishment of agricultural information-related institutions such as the network center 67, an average of for each County Agricultural Information Center. 90 Japan in the early 20th century established the National Agricultural Technology Information Service online networks, that is, Telegraph and Telephone Company's real-time management system (DRESS), its large-scale electronic computer can be the collection, processing, storage and delivery from all over the country's agricultural technical information. DRESS County are located in each sub-centers, can quickly obtain information and exchange of information at any time. Germany In the mid-20th century, 50 to 70 of Germany's agricultural radio, telephone, television and other communication technologies, and universal in rural areas. 70 In the mid-20th century to the mid-80's, a German computer data processing, data storage, such as the establishment of agricultural information technology from the initial stage to mature stage. The mid-80s, the German government commissioned the study in Germany has established a full model of the agricultural economy of the region, later additions and amendments continue to be a very mature to deal with the agricultural information system to provide services for the decision-making. 80 In the mid-20th century to the early 90s, in this period, Germany in agricultural research and development of database technology has made a lot of work to the building. Since the mid-90s, the emergence of Internet dissemination of agricultural information to make a fundamental change occurred in the past, large and inefficient data storage facilities, high-performance computer systems have been replaced. At present, Germany through a variety of network connectivity, can find information on a variety of professional research, science and technology, management information and economic information. France Before 1997, the French information technology also is lagging behind. Since 1997, the French government will be the development of the Information Society a priority before, the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin was launched on "Information Society Project Action (PAGSI)". Through unremitting efforts, France has been in information technology has made gratifying achievements. France with the family computer in 1997 and 2000 almost doubled. At the end of 2000, the family personal computer equipped with the rate of between 26% -33%, and the growth rate achieved during the period is basically the European average, which also contributed to France's development of agricultural information. India India in the 20th century, the beginning of the 60's the use of agricultural research in the computer. 20th century since the 90's, the Indian government decided to implement the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) project, with information technology for national agricultural research systems, funds from the National Agricultural Research Project Fund. The establishment of agricultural research information system is the main purpose of: agriculture and agricultural research managers to quickly and easily access to information; use of national agricultural research systems to collect the infrastructure, processing, storage, retrieval and use of information; at the national agricultural research system the full realization of the sharing of information resources; improve research project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation capacity. South Korea 20th century 80's, South Korea to speed up the process of economic globalization, with the intensification level of agricultural modernization and the improvement of crop yield is also significantly improved, to some extent alleviated the negative effects of reduced arable land. South Korea in the process of modernization of agriculture, agricultural information up on the agenda. Of agricultural information at this stage is characterized mainly in the construction of infrastructure to work. South Korea launched in 1994 "plan to revitalize agricultural and fishery and agricultural policy reform program" to strengthen the science and technology including information technology, investment in agriculture. In the process of the revitalization of agriculture, agricultural information technology come into play. This stage of the characteristics of agricultural information is to strengthen the Government's role in the process of informatization. South Korea agricultural information as a late start of the country, of agricultural information to take the "catch up" mode. "Catch up" the State may use the successful experience of developed countries, vis-à-vis the process of industrialization in advance for access to the information age, and in turn the use of information technology to promote and transform the traditional agriculture, and even the formation of "industrialization" and "information-based "The new model combining. This stage the main features of information technology is more focused on the effectiveness of the application of information technology. Vietnam Vietnam's agricultural information of a late start, a wave of information technology in the world under the impetus of the 20th century, late 90's to establish the Internet in 2000, e-ASEAN agreement formally joined. At present, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the realization of e-management process, the Government has learned from the experience of many countries, plans to carry out four steps: the first step in the establishment of websites, to provide basic information for farmers; the second step to establish and expand the agricultural and rural the development of trade information systems; the third step the establishment of agriculture and rural development for the software industry, to replace imported software and the progressive realization of export their own software; fourth step is to adapt to the needs of technology development, strengthening of agricultural information technology experts training.
期刊论文]家庭农场经营代际传递有利于提高农场绩效吗?——基于种植业家庭农场实证分析期刊:《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 | 2021 年第 001 期摘要:家庭农场这种重要的新型农业经营组织形式在保障国家粮食安全、推动农产品商业化进程中起着至关重要的作用,其经营的代际传递关系到我国未来"谁来种地"等问题.家庭农场经营代际传递及其匹配模式对农场绩效的影响表明:父代与子代经营代际传递对家庭农场绩效存在显著的负效应,其中,母亲与子代经营代际传递相较于父亲与子代经营代际传递,导致农场绩效下降的程度更大;父代与男性子代经营代际传递会显著地降低家庭农场绩效,但父代与女性子代之间并未发现这种规律.从代际传递匹配模式来看,相对于开放型匹配,契合型和主动型匹配的家庭农场绩效更低,而强迫型匹配的家庭农场绩效并无显著差异.关键词:经营代际传递;匹配模式;绩效差异;家庭农场链接:.[期刊论文]建立农场收支日记账完善家庭农场经营体制——松江区实行家庭农场日记账管理的探索与实践期刊:《上海农村经济》 | 2019 年第 008 期链接:.[期刊论文]家庭农场:我国农业现代化建设的路径选择——基于家庭农场与传统小农户、雇工农场的比较期刊:《南方农村》 | 2013 年第 004 期摘要:本文通过梳理家庭农场等相关概念,认为家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,具有家庭经营、适度规模、集约化生产、商品化经营、农业收入为主等五个基本特征;并通过比较家庭农场、传统小农户和雇工农场三种经营主体,发现家庭农场既把现代农业要素融入到了传统意义上的农户家庭经营中,又避免了雇工农场大规模流转土地带来的解放劳动力过多、企业运行风险累及农民、农作精细化程度不够等问题,是农业从传统农业走向现代农业的路径选择.关键词:家庭农场;适度规模;农业现代化链接:.[期刊论文]家庭农场是从传统农业走向现代农业的最佳路径选择——基于家庭农场与传统小农户、雇工制农场的比较期刊:《桂海论丛》 | 2013 年第 004 期摘要:家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,具有家庭经营、适度规模、集约化生产、商品化经营、农业收入为主等五个基本特征.与传统小农户和雇工农场相比较,家庭农场既把现代农业要素融入到了传统意义上的农户家庭经营中,又避免了雇工农场大规模流转土地带来的解放劳动力过多、企业运行风险累及农民、农作精细化程度不够等问题,是农业从传统农业走向现代农业的路径选择.关键词:家庭农场;传统小农户;雇工制农场;适度规模;经营主体;现代农业链接:.[期刊论文]家庭农场亏损不等同于农场企业亏损──对《家庭农场直接费用挂帐应作正确的会计处理》一文的商榷期刊:《中国农业会计》 | 1995 年第 004 期摘要:家庭农场亏损不等同于农场企业亏损──对《家庭农场直接费用挂帐应作正确的会计处理》一文的商榷刘民贵《中国农业会计》1994年第11期刊登师祥参等三位同志撰写的《家庭农场直接费用挂帐应作正确的会计处理》一文(以下简称“师文”),对农庭农场直接费用挂帐的会...关键词:家庭农场;会计处理方法;直接费用;企业亏损;家庭农场经营;新疆兵团;农三师;企业利润总额;农业企业;会计制度链接:.[学位论文]家庭农场运行及雇工研究——以庐江县4个家庭农场为例目录封面声明摘要英文摘要目录 第一章 绪论 一、研究的缘起 二、相关概念界定 三、相关研究理论 一、国外相关研究 二、国内相关研究 三、简要述评 一、研究对象选择 二、研究方法选择 三、研究目的及意义 第二章 新型农业经营主体:家庭农场 第一节 现代农业经营形式:传统小农抑或家庭农场 一、传统小农及其困境 二、家庭农场兴起的社会情境 第二节 家庭农场与现代农业生产经营 一、家庭农场是现代农业发展的重要主体 二、家庭农场在现代农业经营中的作用 第三章 家庭农场运行:基于个案 第一节 乐桥镇的家庭农场 一、四个家庭农场 二、家庭农场运行成效 第二节 家庭农场运行困境 一、土地困境 二、资金困境 三、社会化服务困境 四、雇工困境 第四章 家庭农场运行中的雇工问题 第一节 家庭农场的雇工使用 一、农业生产与雇工 二、家庭农场雇工与地主雇工的不同 三、家庭农场雇工与企业雇工的不同 第二节 家庭农场中的雇工问题 一、雇工少 二、雇工贵 三、雇工不稳定 第五章 促进家庭农场良性运行 一、根据农场规模,确定家庭农场雇工 二、培育新型职业农民,提高家庭农场雇工质量 三、促进家庭农场现代化发展,应对“无工可雇”风险 四、提供农业社会化服务,消除家庭农场发展障碍 第六章 结语 第一节 总结 第二节 本研究不足 参考文献 致谢著录项学科:社会学授予学位:硕士年度:2018正文语种:中文语种中图分类:农场链接:.[学位论文]农业社会化服务对家庭农场经营效率的影响研究——以浙江省三县市粮食类家庭农场为例目录封面声明摘要英文摘要目录 1 引言 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 1.1.1 研究背景 1.1.2 研究意义 1.2 研究目标与内容 1.2.1 研究目标 1.2.2 研究内容 1.3 研究路线及研究方法 1.3.1 技术路线 1.3.2 研究方法 1.4 数据来源 1.5 创新与不足 1.5.1 创新之处 1.5.2 不足之处 2 国内外研究动态 2.1 家庭农场相关研究 2.1.1 家庭农场的基本概念与内涵研究 2.1.2 家庭农场的规模与经营效率的实证研究 2.2 农业社会化服务研究 2.2.1 农业社会化服务的基本内涵 2.2.2 农业社会化服务供给主体及内容研究 2.2.3 农业社会化服务对家庭农场经营效率的影响机制研究 2.3 相关理论 2.4 综合评述 3 浙江省家庭农场及农业社会化服务的发展现状 3.1 浙江省家庭农场的发展概况 3.2 样本家庭农场的基本情况 3.2.1 家庭农场劳动力情况 3.2.2 家庭农场土地经营状况 3.2.3 家庭农场资金及信贷情况 3.3 样本家庭农场的农业社会化服务情况 3.3.1 农业社会化服务的接受与需求情况 3.3.2 家庭农场的农产品销售情况 3.3.3 家庭农场的农业技术获取情况 3.3.4 家庭农场与涉农组织的关系 3.3.5 家庭农场主对相关政策的评价情况 4 浙江省粮食类家庭农场经营效率的研究 4.1 DEA模型介绍 4.2 家庭农场经营效率的评价指标 4.3 家庭农场经投入产出指标描述性统计 4.4 基于DEA模型浙江省粮食类家庭农场经营效率的实证分析 4.5 本章小结 5 农业社会化服务对家庭农场经营效率的影响分析 5.1 模型构建 5.2 变量选择与分析 5.3 农业社会化服务与家庭农场经营效率的描述统计分析 5.4 影响因素分析 5.5 本章小结 6 研究结论与政策建议 6.1 研究结论 6.2 政策建议 6.2.1 推进家庭农场主的职业化发展 6.2.2 加快农业科技推广体系建设 6.2.3 强化两个市场建设 6.2.4 进一步强化政策支撑功效 6.3 研究展望 参考文献 个人情况介绍 致谢著录项学科:农林经济管理授予学位:硕士年度:2017正文语种:中文语种链接:.[学位论文]园林型家庭农场规划设计研究——以江苏省泗洪县德尚亦农家庭农场为例目录封面声明摘要英文摘要目录 1 引言 1.1 研究背景 1.1.1 规划研究区背景 1.1.2 全国的家庭农场发展状况 1.1.3 方海公司租地建设家庭农场情况 1.1.4 园林型家庭农场发展背景 1.2 研究目的及意义 1.3 研究内容及方法 1.3.1 研究内容 1.3.2 研究方法 1.3.3 技术路线 1.4 国内外园林型家庭农场的发展概况 1.4.1 国外休闲观光农业的发展及现状 1.4.2 国内园林型家庭农场的发展概况 1.5 园林型家庭农场规划设计基础研究 1.5.1 园林型家庭农场规划设计相关概念 1.5.2 园林型家庭农场规划原则 1.5.3 园林型家庭农场特征分析 1.5.4 园林型家庭农场功能分析 2 国内外园林型家庭农场案例分析 2.1 美国米尔克里克农场 2.1.1 整体介绍 2.1.1 园林视角下的景观特色性分析——景观自然又不乏设计细节 2.2 北京摩登家庭农场 2.2.1 整体介绍 2.2.2 园林视角下的景观特色性分析——为游人提供全面的休闲娱乐平台 2.3 北京意大利农场 2.3.1 整体介绍 2.3.2 园林视角下的景观特色性分析——农场主题性突出 2.4 成都妈妈农庄 2.4.1 整体介绍 2.4.2 园林视角下的景观特色性分析——建设“招牌景观” 2.5 台湾清境农场 2.5.1 整体介绍 2.5.2 园林视角下的景观特色性分析——利用优势地理环境 3 园林型家庭农场规划设计研究 3.1 园林型家庭农场与传统园林要素的区别与联系 3.2 园林型家庭农场的规划要素设计 3.2.1 植物配置与生产旅游观光相结合研究 3.2.2 自然要素与生产景观应用研究 3.2.3 人工要素与园林结合研究 3.2.4 其它要素设计研究 3.3 园林型家庭农场的功能分区研究 4 规划实例研究——德尚亦农家庭农场规划设计 4.1 项目背景介绍 4.1.1 项目概况 4.1.2 基地资源 4.1.3 项目特色及优势 4.1.4 农场现状 4.2 设计目标与功能定位 4.3 景观规划设计分析 4.3.1 总体定位 4.3.2 农场布局 4.4 功能分区 4.4.1 景观化林果种植采摘区 4.4.2 园林化农田种植养殖区 4.4.3 核心体验区 4.4.4 多功能接待管理区 4.4.5 水产养殖区 4.4.6 农产品加工区 4.4.7 生态防护区 4.5 道路设计 4.6 水体设计 4.7 主要景观设计 4.7.1 生态长廊 4.7.2 文化广场 4.7.3 风景林带 4.8 植物种植设计 4.8.1 林果种植采摘区及麦田稻田植物种植 4.8.2 其他分区植物种植设计 4.9 服务设施设计 4.9.1 停车场 4.9.2 其他服务设施设计 5 投资效益分析 5.1 粮食种植投资效益分析 5.2 果树种植投资效益分析 6 总结 参考文献 作者简历 致谢著录项学科:风景园林授予学位:硕士年度:2016正文语种:中文语种中图分类:园林设计链接:.[学位论文]石家庄地区家庭农场融资调研报告——以30个家庭农场为例目录封面声明摘要英文摘要目录 1 绪论 1.1 调研背景 1.2 调研意义和目的 1.3 文献回顾 1.3.1 国外研究 1.3.2 国内研究 1.3.3 综合评述 1.4 调研方案 1.4.1 调研方式、调研对象与人员 1.4.2 调研时间与地点 1.4.3 调研主要内容 1.5 调研报告的写作思路与研究方法 1.5.1 写作思路 1.5.2 研究方法 2 石家庄地区家庭农场融资的调查与分析 2.1 石家庄地区家庭农场融资调查的基本情况 2.1.1 融资需求情况 2.1.2 融资需求环节和时长 2.1.3 资本构成与融资渠道 2.1.4 商业信用融资和金融信用融资状况 2.1.5 获得财政补贴状况 2.2 石家庄地区家庭农场融资问题的调查分析 2.2.1 融资渠道窄 2.2.2 金融产品供给与融资需求的严重不匹配 2.2.3 民间借贷成本高 2.2.4 传统信用融资方式制约 2.2.5 补贴支持问题 2.2.6 保险支持问题 3 石家庄地区家庭农场融资制约因素分析 3.1 政策层面 3.1.1 相关家庭农场信贷政策 3.1.2 相关财政补贴政策 3.1.3 相关农业保险政策 3.2 经营层面 3.2.1 经营风险大 3.2.2 经营利润低 3.3 融资层面 3.3.1 融资主体金融知识匮乏 3.3.2 融资主体保险意识匮乏 3.3.3 融资缺乏抵(质)押资产 4 发达国家家庭农场融资实践经验 4.1 荷兰家庭农场融资经验 4.1.1 荷兰合作社对家庭农场的农业产业链商业信用融资 4.1.2 荷兰合作银行对家庭农场的农业产业链金融信用融资 4.2 美国家庭农场融资经验 4.2.1 政府补贴支持家庭农场发展 4.2.2 完善的信贷体系促进家庭农场发展 5 石家庄地区家庭农场融资的对策建议 5.1 完善家庭农场政策保障 5.1.1 强化家庭农场信贷支持政策 5.1.2 完善家庭农场补贴政策 5.1.3 推进家庭农场农业保险政策 5.2 培育家庭农场及推进信用评级 5.2.1 加大对家庭农场主的全方位知识培训 5.2.2 积极推进家庭农场信用评级体系建设 5.3 积极探索家庭农场信用融资 5.3.1 发展多样化专业农业合作社 5.3.2 拓展家庭农场商业信用融资渠道 5.3.3 创新家庭农场信用融资产品 5.3.4 完善抵(质)押方式及担保 参考文献 附录 后记 攻读学位期间取得的科研成果清单著录项学科:金融学授予学位:硕士年度:2016正文语种:中文语种中图分类:农场;信贷链接:.[学位论文]社会政策支持视角下的家庭农场发展研究——以郎溪家庭农场为例目录第一个书签之前著录项学科:社会学授予学位:硕士年度:2015正文语种:中文语种链接:
关于家庭农场的外文文献有哪些答: 中英文外文翻译文献家庭农场摘 要家庭农场是一个农场拥有和经营的家庭像其他家族企业和房地产的所有权,往往会给下一代的传承。这是许多人类历史的主要是农业经济的基本单元,并继续在发展中国家。家庭农场的替代品,包括那些由农业,俗称“工厂化农场,或通过集体农业。关键词 家庭农场/现代农业/发展/策略
按GB/T7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》采用顺序编码制著录,依照其在文中出现的先后顺序用阿拉伯数字加方括号标出。尽量避免引用摘要作为参考文献。确需引用个人通信时,可将通信者姓名和通信时间写在括号内插入正文相应处。不得引用未公开发表的文章作为参考文献。参考文献中的作者,第1~3名全部列出,3名以上只列出前3名,后加“,等”或者其他与之相应的文字(如:西文加“,et al”;日文加“,他”)。外文期刊名称用缩写,以《Index Medicus》中的格式为准;中文期刊用全名。参考文献为期刊者均须著录起止页。电子文献要标注文献类型与文献载体标志并置于方括号内,如:数据库[DB];计算机程序[CP];电子公告[EB];联机网络[OL]。参考文献必须由作者核对无误,按文内引用先后顺序排列于文后。举例:[1] 彭卫生,王英年,肖成志.新编结核病学.北京:中医药出版社,1994:85-93.[2] 石瑞如,张建源,刘新,等.链霉素耐药结核分枝杆菌临床分离株gidB基因突变研究.中国防痨杂志,2008,30(3):197-199.[3] Datta M,Radhamani MP,Selvaraj R,et assessment of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients after chemotherapy under the district tuberculosis Lung Dis,1993,74(3):180-186.
有关农村经济发展的论文 农村经济发展是我们国家的一个基础问题,我国农村人口数量多,农村、农民、农业问题一直是我们国家政府高度重视的问题。以下是我整理的有关农村经
农学论文的写作格式、流程与写作技巧 广义来说,凡属论述科学技术内容的作品,都称作科学著述,如原始论著(论文)、简报、综合报告、进展报告、文献综述、述评、专著、汇