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这篇也许行吧:High-strength low-density oil field oil well cement mainly low, low permeability, easy loss cementing strata appear in the issue of lost circulation. In the low-voltage, low-permeability, easy loss stratigraphic drilling, cementing, logging and other underground work, the working fluid leakage under the pressure into the formation of the phenomenon of lost circulation. The use of high-strength low-density cement cementing oil wells can be effectively solved by cementing in the high pressure column of cement slurry, water slurry infiltration of oil, of oil pollution. At home and abroad for high-strength low-density study of oil well cement slurry system more and more concentrated in the admixture of materials and reduce the overall performance on the research, the main strength of the cement produced study material is rarely found in the literature. In this paper, Hailaer Daqing region of low pressure, low permeability, easy loss of formation, to carry out high-strength low-density study of oil well cement and cement matrix evaluate performance. Daqing Oilfield Cementing papers in accordance with the needs of the existing home and abroad in the study of high-strength low-density oil well cement slurry system, based on an increase of research on the cement matrix, high-strength low-density properties of oil well cement aging research, so that the cement mixture from the oilfield site Cementing to mix cement manufacturer by professional production possible. Research papers in the temperature of 45 ℃ conditions, low pressure, low permeability, easy loss cementing formation of high-strength low-density required for the preparation of oil well cement program, the use of closest packing theory, the nucleation theory techniques to study the cement matrix, reduce the material, the cement admixture of the three aspects of high-strength low-density properties of oil well cement, indoor study of the system. The results show that the study of cement matrix and reduce the materials and additives to optimize the preparation of high-strength low-density cement to meet the Daqing oil region Hailaer cementing requirements. The cement slurry prepared with a high early strength, suitable for thickening time, rheological properties and flow of good, good stability of cement slurry characteristics of the settlement to meet the needs of formation cementing. The cement blocks in the Daqing oil field cementing Hailaer more than 230 mouth, cementing quality. Key words: oil well cement base cement compressive strength of low-temperature rheological properties of low-density 。

196 评论


High-strength low-density oil field oil well cement mainly low, low permeability, easy loss cementing strata appear in the issue of lost circulation. In the low-voltage, low-permeability, easy loss stratigraphic drilling, cementing, logging and other underground work, the working fluid leakage under the pressure into the formation of the phenomenon of lost circulation. The use of high-strength low-density cement cementing oil wells can be effectively solved by cementing in the high pressure column of cement slurry, water slurry infiltration of oil, of oil pollution. At home and abroad for high-strength low-density study of oil well cement slurry system more and more concentrated in the admixture of materials and reduce the overall performance on the research, the main strength of the cement produced study material is rarely found in the literature. In this paper, Hailaer Daqing region of low pressure, low permeability, easy loss of formation, to carry out high-strength low-density study of oil well cement and cement matrix evaluate performance. Daqing Oilfield Cementing papers in accordance with the needs of the existing home and abroad in the study of high-strength low-density oil well cement slurry system, based on an increase of research on the cement matrix, high-strength low-density properties of oil well cement aging research, so that the cement mixture from the oilfield site Cementing to mix cement manufacturer by professional production possible. Research papers in the temperature of 45 ℃ conditions, low pressure, low permeability, easy loss cementing formation of high-strength low-density required for the preparation of oil well cement program, the use of closest packing theory, the nucleation theory techniques to study the cement matrix, reduce the material, the cement admixture of the three aspects of high-strength low-density properties of oil well cement, indoor study of the system. The results show that the study of cement matrix and reduce the materials and additives to optimize the preparation of high-strength low-density cement to meet the Daqing oil region Hailaer cementing requirements. The cement slurry prepared with a high early strength, suitable for thickening time, rheological properties and flow of good, good stability of cement slurry characteristics of the settlement to meet the needs of formation cementing. The cement blocks in the Daqing oil field cementing Hailaer more than 230 mouth, cementing quality.

168 评论


High-strength low-density oil field oil well cement mainly low, low permeability, easy loss cementing strata appear in the issue of lost circulation. In the low-voltage, low-permeability, easy loss stratigraphic drilling, cementing, logging and other underground work, the working fluid leakage under the pressure into the formation of the phenomenon of lost circulation. The use of high-strength low-density cement cementing oil wells can be effectively solved by cementing in the high pressure column of cement slurry, water slurry infiltration of oil, of oil pollution. At home and abroad for high-strength low-density study of oil well cement slurry system more and more concentrated in the admixture of materials and reduce the overall performance on the research, the main strength of the cement produced study material is rarely found in the literature. In this paper, Hailaer Daqing region of low pressure, low permeability, easy loss of formation, to carry out high-strength low-density study of oil well cement and cement matrix evaluate performance. Daqing Oilfield Cementing papers in accordance with the needs of the existing home and abroad in the study of high-strength low-density oil well cement slurry system, based on an increase of research on the cement matrix, high-strength low-density properties of oil well cement aging research, so that the cement mixture from the oilfield site Cementing to mix cement manufacturer by professional production possible. Research papers in the temperature of 45 ℃ conditions, low pressure, low permeability, easy loss cementing formation of high-strength low-density required for the preparation of oil well cement program, the use of closest packing theory, the nucleation theory techniques to study the cement matrix, reduce the material, the cement admixture of the three aspects of high-strength low-density properties of oil well cement, indoor study of the system. The results show that the study of cement matrix and reduce the materials and additives to optimize the preparation of high-strength low-density cement to meet the Daqing oil region Hailaer cementing requirements. The cement slurry prepared with a high early strength, suitable for thickening time, rheological properties and flow of good, good stability of cement slurry characteristics of the settlement to meet the needs of formation cementing. The cement blocks in the Daqing oil field cementing Hailaer more than 230 mouth, cementing quality. Key words: oil well cement base cement compressive strength of low-temperature rheological properties of low-density

317 评论



105 评论


现在人们降低噪音方法越来越多了,其中使用隔音墙是一种非常常见的方法,很多材料都可以用作隔音墙墙体,比如说红砖墙和红砖墙都是很常用的材料,但是它们之间性能有什么不同呢?相信很多用户自己也不是很清楚,希望通过本文的介绍,能增加大家对不同隔音墙墙体材料隔音效果的了解。首先给大家说一下怎样来检测隔音效果:隔音效果的检查方法是在一房间内正常的放送音乐,在门口一米处测量声音的衰减程度,例如房间内的声压级是90dB,房间外面一米处测量的声压级是60dB则表示隔音30dB。房间的门的处理同样是装修设计比较困难的问题,录音棚的门的处理是专业的,隔音效果很好,可是成本很高,通常一个隔音门的价格少则4~5千元,多则上万元。目前比较实用的是采用成型一体门,大门边加密封条的办法,配合闭门器隔音效果还不错。首选是隔音墙板,这种材料属于专业的隔音材料,两边是金属板材中间是具有隔音作用的发泡塑料,这种墙板厚度越大隔音效果就越好。有些地方由于承受重量的问题,不能采用砖墙或者其他砌墙的办法,只能采用轻钢龙骨石膏板的办法。其次,经济实用的是2/4红砖墙,两边水泥墙面。这种隔断墙一定要砌到顶部,需要走通风管道或者其他走线时再打孔穿过,应该注意管路的密封问题,否则同样可以引起串音现象。我们的建议是再在石膏板的外面附加一层硬度比较高的水泥板,这种水泥板外观和石膏板相同(尺寸也差不多),但是硬度远远高于石膏板,是很好的隔音材料,应该注意的是施工工艺问题,特别是缝隙的部分一定要密封。长时间的被噪音干扰轻者会影响附近居民的睡眠质量,严重的可能会导致患者的生活质量下降,甚至影响患者的身体健康,而隔音墙能够为被噪音干扰的用户提供一个安静的环境。相关阅读推荐:国家规定在家庭中的八个部位必须使用安全隔音屏障蓝音隔音公司隔音屏障在性能方面突出的表现为每个受噪音干扰的家庭安装最合适的隔音门海绵优点:海绵是一种性能非常好的吸音材料,不然也就不会在录音棚内被大量使用了。表面做了吸音槽处理的海绵吸音效果更佳!这种海棉俗称波浪棉。不足:海绵的减震和隔音性能较差。吸水能力强、容易吸附灰尘,阴雨天或洗车后车重大大增加,容易引起对车身的锈腐!此外,未经过特别处理的海绵防火性差,一般不阻燃。改性海绵其实就是海绵,汽车隔音降噪网两年前为解决海绵的吸水问题,特意对海绵进行处理,在海绵一面热附着一层黑色塑膜,吸水问题得到解决,但是吸音能力就差多了,此外海绵本身减震能力也弱,所以弃用。目前市面上仍有人在刷上不干胶后,挂以国外品牌,竟卖到每平米近百元的价格,隔音材料用不干胶的做法并不科学。沥青板建筑上原先使用的沥青板具有较好的防水、减震、隔音效果。只是不能阻燃,自重较大且有污染。两年前天堂鸟先生推荐不少车友使用。后来发现山东生产一种改性沥青板,阻燃且环保,出厂时一面还可以附着一层铝箔,较美观。尽管施工时需要对材料加热处理,效果还是不错。优点:便宜。不足:自重大,吸音效果差。欧蓝德的地板下加的就是沥青板,车身的 A 、 B 、 C 柱填充了乙烯泡沫材料用于吸音降噪。橡胶板橡胶板因原材料组成成分不同,所表现出的物理性质也相差较大。比如表面光洁度、硬度、耐火性能、可塑性均有极大的差异。但总的来说普通橡胶减震能力弱于沥青板,隔音能力较强。 缺点就是自重大,吸音效果差,施工难度大。纤维毯、工业毛毡现在很多汽车生产厂家在生产线上使用的就是这种材料,你的爱车里多半也可以见到它的身影。只不过这种材料用在车底板和顶棚还可以,不适合其他部位使用。优点:成本低廉。缺点:减震效果一般,虽有一定吸音、隔音能力,但是不防水、不防火也不防腐。华普、夏利等车的前底板和顶棚等处可以见到,广本的后备厢内饰板及前车底板部位也有使用。麻绒价格便宜,原料来源丰富。防火、防潮性能差。在中华车的部分部位有使用。硅酸铝棉白色或淡黄色,柔软似棉花,耐火、吸水能力较差,不耐脏。对高频噪音吸收能力较强,隔音效果较差。对人体有危害,不环保。石油纤维棉白色,柔软似棉花,遇火既融,吸水能力较差,不耐脏。对高频噪音吸收能力较强,隔音效果较差。玻璃纤维棉吸声性能好,吸水,保温隔热,不自燃,防腐防潮。外观类似硅酸铝棉,但是很不环保,工业领域也已经逐步淘汰,但个别施工店面却依然在使用,有些引擎盖防护垫是用它做的。松散纤维易污染环境;内有气孔,相互连接,水汽能够非常容易的浸入,个别产品外加防护层,如有破损,即可导致污染,对健康造成威胁。老款切诺基副驾驶地垫下有少量使用。工业橡塑板黑色、柔软、防水、有一定耐火性。多用于建筑行业的保温设备或空调行业。优点:隔音、减震能力较强,价格便宜。不足:无吸音能力。有异味。目前被少数车友和部分汽车隔音店面使用,也有带自粘胶(背胶)的产品,价格稍高,可少量适用于底板部位,其余部位容易发粘或脱落,要慎用。发泡硅胶板优点:柔软、不易燃烧、防水、自重适中,环保。隔音效果和减震效果佳,使用寿命长。不足:吸音性能一般。成本太高:仅原材料就已经 90 多元每公斤 ,因此性价比不高。吸音涂料灰黑色液体,喷涂使用。吸音、隔音效果一般,倒是多层涂刷后减震能力还可以。发泡胶学名聚氨酯,白色偏黄、有些具有防火能力,不吸水,具有防火能力的价格较高。常用于建筑和保温行业。减震、隔音能力还可以,吸音效果一般。在车辆上使用后会给日后维修带来不便,不少隔音降噪网的网友在处理 A 、 B 、 C 柱时使用。铝箔复合材料市面常见,无品牌居多。以铝箔与海绵或多纤维材料复合而成,另一侧粘有不干胶。多用于引擎盖的隔音和防护。优点:质量轻、对声波的反射性能好。不足:复合层一般吸水;防火性能差;铝箔层向发动机和相邻线路反射大量热能,不利于发动机散热,易加速线路老化;不干胶在高温下容易发黏并脱落。隔声毡主要由铁粉、聚氯乙稀或沥青等材料制成,防潮、防蛀设计,有阻燃产品,常用于自来水管道包裹,墙体粘贴等建筑领域。隔音性能较好,无吸音能力。聚氨脂泡沫塑料 是构成发泡胶的主要成分。固化的聚氨脂泡沫材料能起到较好的隔音、吸音性能,防腐、防水,较好的聚氨脂材料有阻燃设计。但是吸声性能不稳定。车辆的座椅多用该材料制成。中华车后排座位下有大量聚氨脂隔音吸音材料,广本的车门内饰板也有少许采用。波峰海绵海绵或橡塑制品,多数在高温下释放有毒物质,做过改性后的产品有一定阻燃性。不防水且容易吸尘,水浸或受潮后更易藏污纳垢。有较好的吸音性能,海绵材质几乎无任何隔音性能,厚度一般在3CM甚至更厚,不适于对汽车噪音的抑制,常与隔声毡等材料搭配形成特殊声结构在影院、录音棚和KTV等场所做墙面吸音材料使用。平静隔音吸音棉以工业橡塑为主要载体,添加多种规格的隔音颗粒,氮气发泡成型,灰黑色外观。最具特色的是针对汽车噪音的异型吸音槽设计。防火、防水、柔软、恢复性强,底面刷胶粘贴起到止震作用;正面被微型吸音孔和异型吸音槽覆盖,对不同频率及波长的噪音高效过滤。集成了止震、隔音、吸音功能,满足车用降噪材料轻量化、环保等所有要求,性价比高。

194 评论


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