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1、经济学人(The Economist) 聚焦于政治、经济为主,杂志中所有文章都不署名, 风格独立,色彩鲜明,开设了china专栏,文风比较严肃,有点像国内的财新。

2、巴伦周刊(Barron's) 默多克旗下的,会有很多关于新兴行业和股市的文章,经常会写一些彪悍的文章,比如怼亚马逊、特斯拉,也会常揭露一些公司的老底。


4、福布斯(Forbes) 这个杂志版本很多,女性版、生活版之类

5、华尔街日报(The Wall Street Journal)风格比较严谨,看新闻就找这个。

6、哈佛商业评论 ( Harvard Business Review)

250 评论


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273 评论


the real estate market situation of A city Market changes, the operators a matter of opinion. To enable readers to understand the multidimensional property, the introduction of words Sinorama special column "market consultation" on one issue related to the property market hot topic of discussion at the dialogue exchanges, current start first "diagnosis" -- a Society general manager of the Beijing Military aviation Recently, the market is favorable to Beijing, the successful Olympic bid, the CBD programme introduced, to determine the schedule and so on, is more exciting. But in the excitement at the same time, many people feel that some property sales as smoothly as expected, then, the market situation is a slide? market so bad as we imagine the Beijing Central Plains company marketing director, Central Yin : some developers have recently said : "The nine silver 10," two months off sales Why? My own analysis, this is not surprising. This year's real estate sales and in a clear different in previous years, 6, 7, August sell well, September, October sell well. This year 6, 7, did not think that sell well in August, September and October did not feel particularly good sell, why? I think first, because this will be more numerous, triage "gold 9 silver 10" sales, and is now a project unlike earlier days is concentrated in April and May and September and October, but the rate has dropped, there is no "gold 9 silver 10." In a sense, this is the adjustment of real estate in Beijing, some policies have been promulgated regulating the market, customer psychology, the market environment has changed, but the Beijing real estate market situation, or very good, according to Shanghai First, the experience with the secondary housing market opening, to Yishoufang market is a promotion; Second, a large number of experienced developers go to the capital of Beijing real estate market are confident that the Beijing real estate market situation or good. Previously, developers asked us : you will find a concept for what sold the house to go on? Now, developers have started : to design our products into what is required to meet customer needs? Currently, the Beijing real estate market than before maturity. project is a good mix of wealth is booming home sales overall trend is super With China's imminent accession to the WTO and Beijing's successful Olympic bid, and other favorable factors, the largest real estate trends from Beijing, Beijing real estate market is not declining, but are still in the stage, but now the market is not as before, "the project is red", but good as possible, the weak weaker, there are relatively strong polarization. Why is there such a situation? I think the key lies in the developers themselves are not really the people seldom buy, a careful analysis of client needs. Most people are now getting ordinary people, the bulk of consumption is the lowest, unlike buying clothes so casually. In the face of such obstacles, developers can bring their own houses positioning, how to find ways to meet their demands is very important. If the developer can not meet the housing needs of people, it is not surprising marketable. payment network companies planning manager Lei more pretty woman : unanimous sell good project last year was dangerous, this is medieval. Last dangerous sold 18 million, the main selling point is made Soho concept, and this year St. sold more than 20 million, one size, the surrounding environment better, a more important cause is a good location, integrated Xingjiebi good. In addition, they basically sell to the prospective Xianfang stage. In two typical examples and Beijing Most projects sales situation, the Beijing real estate market and no clear market sales decline, but the sale of good and bad selling changes in the structure of the project : Last year, the concept of good houses to sell good, and this year, houses sold product itself good good. sell things in their own key good or bad is to look at property sales trend, or to see ourselves? Rates in Pakistan does not mean that the slide into the company's general manager of the project marketable District routes : poor has only recently been sold out house, and I was feeling the house is not sold. Poor performance of other sales turnover is less, developers have a psychological gap, think of what the means are not effective marketing, previously not much effort on a project for profit, and now 18 are used as a Wushu not enough. from a macroeconomic viewpoint, the market situation is good decision to two factors : First, the whole country's economic situation is generally optimistic, but not everyone is optimistic, each item is optimistic; Second is the supply-demand relationship is a regional balance. In addition to supply size, but also the maturity developers, developers attitude. I think that we now feel bad selling is a good thing, which enables developers to more carefully study customers make better house. This polarization of the market situation has proved that the case competition era, houses sell good or bad, the key item on the product itself. If each item can achieve high quality and can meet the needs of different customers, the market situation would get better. Changes in demand for products also changed market trends and the specific situation is not static property, then the sales situation grasp how good or bad? I also changed the environment changed sold 2,008 general Hujianfu : Currently, the Beijing real estate market has three characteristics : the increasing number of projects; Buying more mature people; Buying access is also increasing. In this new market situation, there are still some items luck with the old design, the old way of real, marketable is not surprising. environment changed, the project must follow the change to meet market demands. Project changes include product design, marketing strategy, services available. improve quality Ken Park manager Chendeqing : currently in Beijing for at least more than 800 projects last year and the year before were not digest into the plate this year, and by more than 300 sites, and many developers have hands, that is to say, Many potential supply. In this situation, if we do not improve the quality of individual projects, it would be difficult to establish. Stones from other mountains can be made into jade article NoLIta gold sales manager Hebei red Hin : before developers before, is how to amend the Internal Strength and improve the competitiveness of products house, and not blindly complain. Open to all sales channels, we can draw on other industries sales methods, such as like Unilever had, but also enhance its services, strengthen communication, to individuals who want to think for a sales clerk who friends. Beijing 170,000 sales by customer center manager Zhanghaimin : I think that the house did not sell or sold, the key to your house do. Many customers complained to me, not I do not buy, but I have never bought Housing, the project so much, what is good and what is not good, not good distinguish. We conducted a survey and the general consumer spending power in the house from 400,000 to 600,000 yuan between; Another, more attention to consumer brands; Third, the more mature clients, and a client of a contract I have discussed for two days. In this situation, developers must think of ways in our product details, target customers by strengthening product differences.

144 评论


The Role of Marketing Marketing is the way in which an organisation matches its own human, financial and physical resources with the wants of its customers. Seeing as many organisations continue in business over relatively long periods of time, it is necessary for them to plan the human, financial and physical resources they have to offer their customers. On the whole individuals think that marketing is simply about the advertising and personal selling of goods and services. Advertising and selling, on the other hand are just two of the many marketing activities. In most cases, marketing performances are all those connected with identifying the particular wants and needs of a objective market of customers, and then going about satisfying those customers better than the competitors. This involves doing market research on customers, investigating their needs, and then making tactical decisions about product design, pricing, promotion and distribution.

184 评论


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