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毕业设计中式婚宴开题报告摘 要本文介绍了本次毕业设计的标题即中式婚宴的开题报告,首先介绍了毕业设计的研究背景、研究目的和内容,然后介绍了中式婚宴的文化渊源、发展现状、主要趋势以及它在社会上的影响。最后,本文介绍了本次毕业设计将要探究的内容,即从文化角度、主题角度、礼品角度等方面研究中式婚宴的礼仪规则和有关的活动,以及礼仪要求的实施情况。关键词:中国婚宴;文化渊源;礼仪规则1 IntroductionChinese wedding banquet is one of the important events of human society, it is not only the traditional customs of Chinese nation, but also the etiquette culture of human society. With the accelerated pace of social progress and the continuous development of cultural exchanges, Chinese wedding banquet has become the symbol of Chinese nation and the bridge of cultural exchanges of human purpose of this graduation project is to study the etiquette rules and related activities of Chinese banquet from cultural, theme, gift and other aspects, so as to analyze how to better implement the etiquette requirements in the process of Chinese Background of the topicChinese wedding banquet is the important part of Chinese traditional culture, and it is a kind of etiquette activity reflecting China's unique culture. Chinese nation has a long history and splendid culture, and the etiquette culture of Chinese wedding banquet is the crystallization of Chinese nation's long-term cultural accumulation. Chinese wedding banquet is a traditional etiquette activity, which is closely related to the Chinese nation's traditional culture, and it has important historical value, artistic value and cultural Research objectivesThe purpose of this study is to study the etiquette rules and related activities of Chinese wedding banquet from cultural, theme, gift and other aspects, so as to analyze how to better implement the etiquette requirements in the process of Chinese wedding Research content1. To study the cultural origin of Chinese wedding banquet and understand the development process of Chinese wedding . To analyze the main trends of Chinese wedding banquet and its influence on . To study the etiquette rules and related activities of Chinese wedding banquet from cultural, theme, gift and other . To analyze how to better implement the etiquette requirements in the process of Chinese wedding ConclusionChinese wedding banquet is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, and it has important historical value, artistic value and cultural value. This graduation project is to study the etiquette rules and related activities of Chinese wedding banquet from cultural, theme, gift and other aspects, so as to analyze how to better implement the etiquette requirements in the process of Chinese wedding banquet.

334 评论


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