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首页 > 学术期刊 > 国外换乘研究论文结论

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结论有总结和小结之分。内容包括主要的结果、结论、数据,目的在于阐明本文的成果和理论。而总结的内容和篇幅较小结为多,多用于综述或讨论类文稿之后,起着概括主题的作用。从内容上说需将全文已论述的问题再扼要概括一遍,是最终的总体的概括,也可写建议、对策、设想,或提出研究中发现的尚待解决的问题内容:本文主要内容的简括说明,重点显示创新成果及其理论意义与实用价值(小结)。或:扼要点明本研究工作与其他文献报道的异同之处, 突出本研究的领先性。 又或:就讨论的结论,提出解决问题的办法或建议。 简述本研究存在的缺欠,需进一步研究的问题,下一步打算。换句话说,结论应是整篇论文的结局,而不是某一局部问题或某一分支问题的结论,也不是正文中各段的小结的简单重复。结论应当体现作者更深层的认识,且是从全篇论文的全部材料出发,经过推理、判断、归纳等逻辑分析过程而得到的新的学术总观念、总见解结论应该准确、完整、明确、精练。该部分的写作内容一般应包括以下几个方面:①本文研 2究结果说明了什么问题;②对前人有关的看法作了哪些修正、补充、发展、证实或否定。③本文研究的不足之处或遗留未予解决的问题,以及对解决这些问题的可能的关键点和方向。英国智酷为你解答

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据学术堂了解,英国论文结论是论文中篇幅很小的一个部分,在论文中通常起到两个作用:首先总结和归纳文章的主要研究内容,这也是所谓的“回顾”,第二个则是给最后结论或是评价判断。最后的结论中可能还包括提出对研究的建设性意见和对对未来的研究发展方向探讨。在学位论文和研究论文中,结论往往更复杂,还包括部分研究结果的意义和对未来工作的建议。以下我们罗列出了涉及描写结论的常用句型:1、Restatement of aimsThis study set out to …This paper has argued that …This essay has discussed the reasons for …In this investigation, the aim was to assess …The aim of the present research was to examine …The purpose of the current study was to determine …The main goal of the current study was to determine …This project was undertaken to design … and evaluate …The present study was designed to determine the effect of …The second aim of this study was to investigate the effects of …2、Summarising research findingsThis study has identified …This study has shown that …The research has also shown that …The second major finding was that …These experiments confirmed that …X made no significant difference to …This study has found that generally …The investigation of X has shown that …The results of this investigation show that …X, Y and Z emerged as reliable predictors of …Multiple regression analysis revealed that the …The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that …The relevance of X is clearly supported by the current of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that …3、Suggesting implications for the field of knowledgeIn general, therefore, it seems that …The results of this study indicate that …These findings suggest that in general …The findings of this study suggest that …Taken together, these results suggest that …An implication of this is the possibility that …The evidence from this study suggests that …Overall, this study strengthens the idea that …The current data highlight the importance of …The findings of this research provide insights for …The results of this research support the idea that …These data suggest that X can be achieved through …The theoretical implications of these findings are principal theoretical implication of this study is that …This study has raised important questions about the nature of …The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study …Taken together, these findings suggest a role for X in promoting findings of this investigation complement those of earlier findings have significant implications for the understanding of how …Although this study focuses on X, the findings may well have a bearing on …4、Significance of the findings or contribution of the studyThis research extends our knowledge of …This research will serve as a base for future studies and …This research provides a framework for the exploration of …This research has several practical applications. Firstly, it points to …These findings enhance our understanding of …The findings of this thesis could be used to help …The current findings add to a growing body of literature on …Taken together, these findings suggest a role for X in promoting findings of this investigation complement those of earlier key strength of the present study was the …The present study makes several noteworthy contributions to …The present study should prove to be particularly valuable to …The present study provides additional evidence with respect to …The present study confirms previous findings and contributes additional evidence that suggests …The key strengths of this study are its long duration and …The empirical findings in this study provide a new understanding of …The study has gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of …The study has confirmed the findings of Smith et al. (2001) which found that …The findings from this study make several contributions to the current literature. First,…This is the first study to investigate the effect of …This is the first time that X has been used to explore …This study has demonstrated, for the first time, that …This is the first study reporting an advantage in those who …This is the largest study so far documenting a delayed onset of …The contribution of this study has been to confirm …This work contributes to existing knowledge X by providing …The analysis of X undertaken here, has extended our knowledge of …The methods used for this X may be applied to other Xs elsewhere in the X that we have identified therefore assists in our understanding of the role of …5、Significance of the findings with a qualificationNotwithstanding these limitations, the study suggests that …Whilst this study did not confirm X, it did partially substantiate …Despite its exploratory nature, this study offers some insight into …Notwithstanding the relatively limited sample, this work offers valuable insights into …Although the current study is based on a small sample of participants, the findings suggest …6、Limitations of the current studyA limitation of this study is that …Being limited to X, this study lacks …The small sample size did not allow …The major limitation of this study is the …This study was limited by the absence of …X makes these findings less generalisable to …Thirdly, the study did not evaluate the use of …It is unfortunate that the study did not include …The scope of this study was limited in terms of …The study is limited by the lack of information on …The most important limitation lies in the fact that …The main weakness of this study was the paucity of …Since the study was limited to X, it was not possible to ..An additional uncontrolled factor is the possibility that …It was not possible to assess X; therefore, it is unknown if …An issue that was not addressed in this study was whether…The generalisability of these results is subject to certain limitations. For instance, …One source of weakness in this study which could have affected the measurements of X was …7、Recommendations for further research workMore research using controlled trials is needed to …What is now needed is a cross-national study involving …More broadly, research is also needed to determine …More research is required to determine the efficacy of …More research is needed to better understand when implementation ends and …This research has thrown up many questions in need of further would be interesting to assess the effects of …It would be interesting to compare experiences of individuals within the same … .It is recommended that further research be undertaken in the following areas:It is suggested that the association of these factors is investigated in future further study could assess the long-term effects of …Further work needs to be done to establish whether …Further studies need to be carried out in order to validate …Further experimental investigations are needed to estimate …Further studies regarding the role of X would be worthwhile/ investigation and experimentation into X is strongly recommended.

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